"Excuse me! Uh, Miss! I'm sorry but you can not load the flight until your passport has been successfully verified." I sighed and the security guard released my arm- again.
"I know, I know, but it was worth a shot, right?" My smile was only a guise as I was exasperated inside. The giant of a man shook his head and returned to his post, watching e as if unsure if I would voluntarily exit or not. Looking down at my watch I let out an auditory groan. It has been nearly two hours since I missed my flight home this morning. It sees no matter how far up the position ladder I go, no one can help me. My passport has now been declined six times and I have no idea why, or what to do about it.
Bereft of my ability to go home, I resigned to take a break. I patted down my unkempt hair tentatively before glancing around the opulent airport in search of some cheap food to give me a protein boost.
After eating I deployed my feet outside of the head manager's office, and augmenting my fortitude, I rapped firmly against the large mahogany door. A dour voice calls for me to let myself in so I warily enter and try to act as stolid as possible. The dark-haired young man before me with an insidious expression displayed on his pale face began to pair himself a cup of coffee. Hoping he would be pliable to my situation and just let me fly home to America, I reiterated the lower manager's response verbatim. The man looked down and adulterated his coffee with a ridiculous amount of cream before replying to my plea. The silence was making me squirm and I clenched and un-clenched my ambidextrous fists with anxiousness.
Finally he looked me in the eye, I could see an intimation of a gibe in his eyes and prepared myself to be turned down. Before he asked I placed my apparently "invalid" passport on his desk. Peering down, his pupils cloud over in confusion; then he stars to chuckle, amused. As he spoke my eyes widened in disbelief and I gape at him at a loss for words. Those eleven words changed my life forever--"Miss, the country you claim to be from, does not exist."
A/N- Sorry this is soooooo short, maybe one day I will write more but probably not, I wrote this for an English assignment in 10th grade.
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