My fault
Cadenzas POV
I was at the cinema today with my Freind Ellis he had recently suffered a major break up and he was one of my best friends back in high school so I wanted to make sure he was okay
When we sat down in our seats I noticed a blonde hottie and he's friend walk in *i slap myself* CADENZA YOU ARE MARRIED! He was so cute tho nvm I love Garroth way to much to ever think of cheating.. Ellis was telling me about the break up and he began to cry I felt bad for the fella and kissed him. We are good friends so we can. That's when I heard a shout I tspan around and it was Vylad, maybe that hottie was one of Vylads frien---- it was Garroth.
We made eye contact and he ran then it came to me and I shouted after him.
I drove home and I could hear him indoors throwing stuff into something. He locked himself in.... I smashed on the door shouting
"GARROTH PLEASE" I screamed ... It hurt that he was mad and I started crying
"ITS NOT WHAT YOU THINK, PLEASE JUSST LET ME EXPLAIN, OPEN THE DOOR...please.." I screamed again it was no use I couldn't get to him. Wait I'm a Ro'meave ,for now , I can kick down the door I get ready to kick this door down and my phone rings UGH THE RINGER IS SO LOUD and I end the call and run up to the door I kick it and in smashes ugh! I walk in to and empty room and a broken window a blade and blood...I ran to the window in time to see Garroth hit the floor "NO!" I scream louder than ever and I run downstairs cradling him in my arms... This is my fault
A/N this one took so long to write I hope you like it here's a sneak peak of the next chapter: it's kima spoilers so read at your own risk.
Here it is:
I hold his bloody head in my hands and I lift his arm um from underneath him he had blood coming from the inside of his arm.... That's when I knew what the blade was for
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