Axe-idents happen!
Penny stayed close to Nova as Bendy showed them around the studio, Alice and Boris close behind them. She looked at their demon guide curiously, her eyes displaying childlike awe.
Bendy smirked a little, his knowledge of the whole studio was that of a professional tour guide, knowing this place like the back of his gloved hand.
"And if we take a left here-" Bendy started, when all of a sudden- SMASH!
Nova flinched and Penny let out a squeak, turning 'solid' and clinging to her sister.
Boris yelped in terror, his tail between his legs.
"What the hell was that?!" Bendy exclaimed with a glare, looking around. Alice doing the same.
"I don't know what that was, but it wasn't me" she admitted.
"I-It wasn't me" Penny whimpered.
"Nor me" Nova piped up, rubbing Penny's back comfortingly.
Another startlingly loud SMASH! followed by a splintering of wood echoed through the studio, cardboard cutouts and planks falling to the floor. Bendy glared, ink dripping down his face. "Oh no. Someone's trying to break in...."
"W-What do we do?" Penny asked. Boris gulped, looking concerned. " B-Bendy, please tell me were not going to investigate" he begged his demon friend.
"Nope, you and me are going to investigate. Alice, you get Nova and lil Penny someplace safe. We'll be back" Bendy replied, a slight frown on his face.
The angel nodded, taking the two girls to the music room; once they got there Penny turned invisible, crying silently and hiding in the corner of the room.
Nova sat beside her.
"It's gonna be alright, nothing bad is going to happen as long as I'm around sis" she cooed reassuringly, purring lightly as her tail swayed.
Boris whined like a frightened pup, looking at his demon friend. " Bendy, why me? u know I'm a scaredy wolf!" he whimpered.
"Coz I know you've got strength in ya, Boris. Besides, where would I be without my right-hand wolf?" Bendy replied, scanning the area. Boris looked around reluctantly, a sigh escaping him.
"Hmm...nobody here. Maybe they're by one of the screens" he murmured. "Come on!" he said, walking towards one of the projectors.
Boris looked scared, but went to a screen anyways, murmuring what sounded like,"why couldn't Alice have gone with u?"
"And leave her vulnerable? no way!" Bendy exclaimed with a "Psh!"
"It's alright. If anything happens -which it won't-"
" Bendy and Alice sitting in a tree..." the wolf sang quietly with a minuscule smirk.
"-I'll protect you. And stop singing that."
"But it's true" Boris argued as they walked.
"Whatever" Bendy murmured, seeing a shadow pass by. "Please tell me that's Sammy." He went towards the figure. "Hey! what are you doing in here?!"
"D..doesn't smell like him" Boris said, his nose a-quiver. His Pacman eyes then widened in fear.
"Bendy! get back"
"Why? what's wr- oh god!" he backed off, seeing the man had an axe.
Boris grabs bendy and moves him out the way with a low growl.
"Boris! no!" he said, closing his eyes as the blade was swung down.
From then, everything went into slow motion as the axe collided with Boris' leg, making Boris yelps in pain, another blow to his torso coming soon after.
He howled in pain and crumpled to the floor as if he was merely a paper doll.
"Boris!!" Bendy shrieked.
The man laughed cruelly, his arm poised as if he was preparing to strike again. Bendy scowled, growing taller and more frightening. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM?!" he snarled demonically.
Boris looks at bendy, eyes slowly closing, still letting out strangled whines.
"Boris...please...." Bendy whimpered, an inky hand laid gently on his friend's head.
Luckily, judging by the light movement of the wolf's chest, he was still breathing.
Bendy knelt down by Boris. "It's ok, pal, I'm gonna get you someplace safe, just stay with me..."
"B....bendy" he looks at him, seeing the man raise his axe " m-move outta the way!"
Bendy looked up, catching the man's arm and pushing him back, his assailant grunting as he collided with the floor.
The shadowy man swore under his breath, until there was the sound of an ethereal breeze in the same room. Bendy watched as the man backed up a few paces, throwing the axe at Penny; it phased straight through.
"Y-You're...y-you''re a...a g...g-ghost!" the man exclaimed
"No shit" Boris growled under his breath, hissing in pain.
Penny advanced on the male, looking scarily angry. "YOU LEAVE MY FRIENDS ALONE!" she yelled, pictures on the wall rattling and stray tools floating up. Ink dripped from her eyes and mouth as she let out a loud screech which even made Bendy flinch. Boris' ears twitched at the sheer volume and velocity the screech produced. Alice watched with a glare as the male dropped the axe and ran, Penny hurling it at the door where it stuck in the wood.
"And stay out!!!"
It was only after that point Nova ran into the room with Alice, panting " there you are! I've been looking all over this joint!"
Penny also 'panted', wiping the ink from her eyes as her form went back to normal, floating just a few inches from the ground.
"Come here, you" Nova urged gently, holding her arms out; obediently, Penny floated into the neko's arms and clung to her.
She turned almost solid in Nova's arms, shaking like a leaf, letting Nova calm her by rubbing her back. Boris tries to stand but yelped loudly. "Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!!!" he exclaimed loudly, the wound oozing blood-like ink.
"Easy, I gotcha" Bendy helped Boris up.
"Told u this was a bad idea" Boris grumbled scornfully with a pout, holding his injured leg. The response was a quiet "Yeah, yeah" from his demon friend.
"I-I'm so sorry" Penny whimpered, looking at them. "I didn't wanna scare anyone"
"Shhh, its ok love" Boris smiles at her " if it weren't for you, Bendy and I wouldn't be here. None of us would be here, for that matter."
"Yeah! You did good, kiddo" Bendy added with his trademark grin.
nova smiles at penny as they both embraced. "You did good sis!"
"Thank you" she said softly, the young ghost becoming a blur of mist and hiding in Nova's pocket.
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