Episode 1
This is the mostly rewriting first chapter, enjoy.
Out in a forest, there was a storm happening. an egg-shaped capsule was rolling along the ground, rolling down a hill before stopping in a ditch. It seemed to be able to split two pieces (top and bottom) along a zig-zag line in the center. The top area of the capsule has a small dark spot and four smaller spots on the bottom.
A snake slithered up to the egg thinking it could eat it. But as soon as the snake got close, a bright blue glowed from the zig-zag line, coming from inside the egg. Making the snake back away out of instinctive fear. A fear that was felt throughout the entire area.
It was a brisk and slightly damp morning in Sanjo City, Japan, young kids and teens were leaving their homes for school. Some walked with friends, while others ran to race against each other for fun.
[Watch out today as last night's downpour left behind some large puddles, roughly four inches of rain water in fact. Although, today you should bring pair of sunglasses, as we're in for a hot day which will help those pesky puddles.] The radio's weather girl.
"Takato! I know you're up already!" A boy outside announced, two boys in soccer uniforms were ringing a doorbell at a house's front door. "Come on! Rejoin the team, even just as a provisional member!"
Just then a young boy opened the door. He had pale skin, spiky raven black hair with a blue highlight in the front, and big round purple eyes. He wears a dark blue jacket with blue lines along the front, back, and trim of the jacket over a white t-shirt, blue slacks, and black and white sneakers.
"Takato!" The soccer boy excitedly said.
"You guys are hypocrites. First you talk behind my back because I played better than you. And now you want me to come back?" Takato replied with a stern look. "I'm done with sports anyway, sports are stupid."
The other boy with the first one seemed really annoyed by Takato's statement. "You're just a first-year kid! What makes you think you can talk to us like that-" The second boy was cut off by his friend.
"It's fine! He can talk down to us or whatever he wants!" The first boy then looked back with a smile. "Just, please, let's play soccer together again-"
Takato suddenly cut the first boy off by kicking the soccer ball in the first boy's arm. The ball bounced off a power line pole and landed in a trash bin. The two boys were stunned by the accuracy of Takato's kick. Takato looked back into his home and announced, "Grandpa! I'm going to school!"
An eccentric voice called back, "Do you have your permission slip for the field trip?"
"Yeah! Later!" Takato said as he ran past the two soccer boys to head to school.
"That dude isn't right in the head..." One of the boys muttered.
Then the eccentric voice shouted at the two, "Get Off My Lawn And Go To School, Ya Brats!!!" The two boys were startled and quickly bolted to school.
"Hey!" The second boy called out to his teammate as they ran. "Why do we need this Takato guy anyway?"
The first boy looked back to his friend and replied, "That's right, you weren't on the team when he was."
With Takato, the first boy narrated as Takato ran, "Back when he played with us, Takato was the Ace on the team. He was unstoppable."
"Was he really that good?"
Takato watched as a man tossed his soda can on the ground, when a trash can was two feet behind him. This infuriated Takato, so he kicked the can into the man's head.
"No one could even touch him. He could get past any player and shoot past any goalie.'' The first boy narrated.
The man furiously turned around to look at who hit him, only for Takato to sneak past behind the man's back as he turned with a smug grin. The can, having ricocheted off the man's head, landed right in the trash can the man ignored. The man was confused as he failed to notice Takato as he continued on his way to school. Smiling like he won the jackpot.
"He was called the King, because of how skilled and talented he was. He trained harder than anyone and had talent that couldn't be matched." The boy narrated.
A voice spoke from Takato's phone as he listened to a podcast while he. [This is Bernie Hayes of Titan Truth! Here's to all my loyal listeners! Thank you for joining us again, and to the new listeners, let me break things down for what you'll be listening to.]
'I still can't believe there's other people who still believe the Kaiju actually exist!' Takato thought as he walked to his classroom.
[Here, we discuss the truth about Kaiju, or Titans as we call them in America. These monstrous creatures reigned over our planet for thousands of year before vanishing into thin air. People these days think they're all just fictional creatures used for marketing.] Bernie explained. [But here at Titan Truth, we believe in the truth. These marvelous creatures are real and are out there. It's stated in those films that the Titans could disappear from our view many times through one place.]
'[Hollow Earth]' Takato thought as he walked around a couple of soccer players trying to talk to him. [Moving on to today's topic, Dinosaurs Were Titan Prey. Part Two.] Takato entered the school to hear a high pitched scream.
Entering his classroom, Takato spotted a young girl with platinum blonde hair in a twin-tails style, and blue eyes. She wears a red jacket, a white undershirt, a red skirt, dark purple tights with yellow lining and black footwear. Adorning her head and holding up her twin tails is a head accessory resembling a tube.
"You put a frog inside my desk!?" The girl shouted out in disgust. Takato moved to his desk, the middle desk in the back row, where could see a small green frog inside the girl's desk. "Frogs are one of the three most disgusting things in the world!"
'It's Class-2's pet frog,' Takato thought as he approached the desk. "Aside from you, Moya, what are the other disgusting thing?" Takato retorted. Grabbing the frog and walking to the door where a student spotted him holding the frog.
"There you are Mr. Riblets! Thanks, Takato!" The student thanked me before running back to his classroom.
Takato nodded as he turned to a now fuming Moya, "What?"
"Taaa-kaaa-tooo!" Moya announced as she stormed over to Takato, pinching him by the ear as she pulled on it.
"Yeah, that's my name, now let go!" Takato replied without much reaction, before revealing it was just a fake ear. Moya freaked out before dropping the ear, nearly shrieking.
"Takato and Moya are at it again." Said a boy watching the two argue.
A girl then added, "My money's on Takato!"
Another student replied, "The last time was a fluke, watch."
Moya got into Takato's face and shouted, "You never miss a chance to insult me! Always with the jokes about me? Right!? And if you must know the other things were slime covered animals and most of all you! When was the last time you showered or washed your clothes?"
Takato wanted to reply but quickly lifted his arm to sniff his armpit, another student who was close by got a whiff of Takato's stench before falling backwards knocked out, he ignored that. "Well, if you didn't set yourself up so much, I wouldn't need to knock you down a peg. Also, I'm glad you agree with me that you're disgusting," Takato retorted with a smug grin.
Moya realized she didn't disagree with Takato's statement of her being gross and got red in the face. Moya reeled back a fist and tried punching Takato but he blocked the corner, but not with the top or the side of the box, the 'Corner' of his lunchbox. "OW!!!" Moya shouted as she pulled her hand back from Takato's lunchbox.
The two continued to argue until the teacher arrived, where they immediately stopped and sat down before everyone else even took their seats. "Alright class, as you know, we're going on a field trip to the Monarch Wildlife Reserve. Starting from the back row, please pass up your permission slips please so I'll know who'll be going."
Takato took out his permission slip and handed it to the student in sitting front of him, who handed it forward with his and so on and so forth until the teacher had all the student's permission slips. "Ha! Looks like Keda won't be coming!" Said a boy who Takato recognized as one of the boys who talked behind his back.
The boy named Keda lowered his head as the teacher shushed the laughter from some of the students. Takato dropped his eraser then swiftly kicked it into the soccer boy's ear. "Ow!!!" The boy shouted as he held his ear in pain, which caused some more laughter, this time aimed at him, before the teacher shushed them some more.
"Alright, Children. That's enough, gather your things and line up outside. Keda, you'll have to go to the library until we come back." The teacher explained as she looked over the permission slips.
"Yes, Ma'am!" The children replied back in unison before they began gathering their bags and lunches.
After a fairly uneventful drive on the bus, Takato and the other kids stepped off a bus where they were now at the Monarch Wildlife reserve. A male and female scientist were quick to greet them. "Good morning, children!" The man greeted the students.
"Yes, good morning, we're happy to have you! However..." The woman trailed off, "We have some bad news, the animals have been very agitated recently, so we'll have to cancel any activities with them." The woman explained.
The students all groaned in disappointment, "Aw what?" Takato was the most upset from this as were most of the other students.
"But we are welcoming you all into our research area to look at some exciting indoor exhibits, and you'll get one free thing from our gift shop."
"Yes, if you'll follow us we'll show you some lovely plant life, fascinating history from many Eras ago, and even some of the legendary missing Kaiju from years ago," The man explained, leading the teacher and students inside the main building. Some were excited about the last part while some were disappointed as they wanted to see animals, but out of the whole class, two were the most excited, one being Takato.
As they were looking around, there were lots to see such as rare plant life that most students have never seen before and some pieces of history. Takato swerved and cut between different students to get a closer look. "Awesome, it looks like Mothra!" Takato excitedly announced.
Moya rolled her eyes at Takato's excitement before he ran off to look at another exhibit, where she followed after him. As Moya followed Takato, she noticed someone taking the plate of the exhibit off and switching it with another one. Moya then found Takato looking at another picture on a carved out stone wall of two kaiju both looking like reptiles.
"Look at this one, it looks like Shimo, the second most powerful Kaiju, you can tell because of the spikes on her back. Hmm, like I said, I know every Kaiju--"
"Wrong." Both Moya and Takato turned to see another student next to them, this was a boy with blond hair and hazel eyes, they were clearly of English descent. He wore a red over coat, an orange shirt, and black and white shoes.
"What do you mean wrong? The ice spikes on their back match perfectly!" Takato retorted.
"It is actually Angurius, the plack explaining this says so." The boy said, pointing at the plack that clearly says it is Angurius and Godzilla.
Takato was quick to retort, "Well then someone needs to change it because Anguirus is a turtle like creature similar to an Ankylosaurus, not a bi-pedal with Stegosaurus-like thagomizers,"
"Some kaiju expert, you are. Heheh, looks like Vincent knows more than you again. Vincent 17, Takato 0." Takato saw Moya was writing on a board she somehow carried without anyone noticing.
"Even though I saw you switching out the plates?" The moment those words were spoken, the boy named Vincent was quickly headbutted by an angry Takato.
"Takato 20 to Vincent 17! I won nineteen soccer games against you! And a Headbutt! HA!" Takato cheered as Vincent rolled around on the ground.
"First of all, it is called Football! Get it right! Secondly, That was assault!" Vincent roared as he got up and grabbed Takato by his collar before Takato ended up slipping out of the grab.
Takato dodge followed, grabbed Vincent in a full nelson and replied, "We're in Japan, not the UN, we call it Soccer!"
"That is what Americans call it, they suck at everything! Everything they use is backward or cheap!" Vincent retorted, trying to escape the hold.
"It's still called Soccer in Japan too!" Takato shouted back as he knee'd Vincent in the tailbone.
"Boys..." The teacher spoke causing the two to look up to see the teacher looming over them. "May I have a word."
"We're dead..."
The two were sitting alone on a bench with lumps on their heads, they were forced to sit there while the rest of the students continued the tour.
Moya came out of the building with three sodas in her hands. She handed it to Vincent who quickly used it on the lump he had to calm down the swelling. Takato reached out for the second but Moya pulled it away. "What's the magic word?" It was almost like a taunt.
Takato pulled his hand away and replied, "Bite your own tongue." He made it clear the taunt made him not want the soda anymore. She then tapped the soda on the lump and made him flinch before she handed it to him.
"It was just 'thank you'. Geez, why are you so pushy."
"He doesn't react well to taunts, does he?" Vincent replied.
"No he doesn't. Got a lot of red cards because of his short fuse."
"Geez, fine, thank you." Takato then started to drink the soda. "So, why did you leave? We were kicked out."
"Correction, you were kicked out, Vincent is allowed back in after an hour since you started the fight." Moya put her drink to the side before sitting next to Takato. "I was bored, nothing I haven't seen."
They then saw the doors opening and the teacher stepping outside. "Vincent, it has been an hour, you can come back inside now, Takato, as punishment, you have to be outside for the rest of the trip. Moya agreed to watch you to make sure you don't do anything rash." Vincent got up but thanked Moya for the soda before walking inside.
With both the teacher and Vincent gone, Moya let out a relaxing sigh. "Geez, I did like it but I wanted to bring something up." Moya then pulled out her phone and showed Takato the same podcast he was listening to earlier. "Did you hear the latest blog?"
"Yeah, it is so strange how people forgot that Kaiju are real. I mean Godzilla and King Kong ripped apart Hong Kong and the Pyramids. I guess they just believe in them since there hasn't been a sighting of a Kaiju in years." Takato looked down and disappointed at this fact, he was always a major fan of Kaiju, he could even remember his parents as a small child who taught him about the Kaiju.
"Look at this dear, these readings are-- oh sweety, what are you doing out of bed?" That voice, his mother was something he remembered when he was just starting to walk he somehow got out of his crib and found his way into his parents study where his mother picked up up and showed them their data of Kaiju, hoping it would bore him into falling asleep, it did and it made him see Kaiju as amazing beings that he would dream to see.
A sudden cracking noise could be heard, the boy looked around to see nothing. He then heard many sounds such as a sharp ringing that nearly gave him a headache. "Are you alright?" Moya asked with concern.
Takato thought it was just his head aching but he felt like something was calling him. So he decided to peak his curiosity. "I'm going to the restroom," Takato said with a stretch, before walking off.
Moya didn't think much of it as she threw her soda away, that was when she saw that the restrooms were in the opposite direction of where Takato went, "Takato..." Moya muttered in fuming rage.
Out in the forest, following the path, Takato was following the feeling he was getting. He could see what the workers at this reserve were talking about, the animals seemed too scared to even step out of their caves and burrows. Takato could even see Mountain Lions hiding like scared house cats. Then Takato spotted something, walking closer, he saw it was an egg-shaped capsule on the ground in a ditch.
"Who left this thing out here?" Takato asked himself as he picked up the capsule, every animal then made noises. Takato could see birds flying away and animals fleeing from their homes in the opposite direction. "What's gotten into them?" Takato pondered as he looked back at the capsule.
Wondering what was inside, Takato put his hands on both the top and the bottom of the capsule and raised it over his head, where he tried to crack it over his knee with one swift movement, only for pain to be the outcome. "OW! OW! OW! That hurt! Okay maybe if I just..." Takato then tried to rip it apart. "Pull harder!"
"Takato!" Moya popped up out of nowhere surprising the boy who slipped and fell over hitting the egg on the ground hitting something that made a metallic 'cling' like metal hitting metal. "What are you doing?! This place is off limits!"
"What was that? Did you hear that or something?" Takato looked at the ground before placing his hands on the ground, the grass was fake and pulled it to reveal a trapdoor to what could be a bunker.
"It's probably something the scientists here use to get around, come on! We need to get back to the building!" Moya stated before seeing Takato open the door as it was unlocked. "TAKATO!"
The young boy then climbed down into the bunker before losing his hold on the egg and dropped it before it hit the ground, jumping off the ladder and picking the egg back up.
Takato then realized something, the egg had opened from the impact. Inside was just a lone card, a single card of what looked like the king of the Kaiju, Godzilla. "Whoa, it's like some sort of Kaiju trading card of Godzilla!"
"Wait, really, I want to see!" Moya said as she climbed off the ladder, trying to see the card as Takato hit it from her, as there was barely any light to see. "Come on, I want to see it!"
Takato hid the card from Moya as she tried to see it, "No way it's mine!" Takato then bumped into a wall making Moya laugh, he then felt a light switch and flipped it, revealing a large underground lab. "Cool! It is like a lab from a movie."
"It has... power and loads of dust. No one has been here in a while." Moya then looked around, it was all so eerie. "Maybe we shouldn't touch anything-" Moya stopped herself when Takato pressed a button on the computer, turning it on. "ARE YOUR EARS JUST DECORATION?!?!"
Take turned back and replied, "You say something?" Takato then found what looked like a card reader, a strange device that he picked up, he then saw the computer he turned on showing a man in a lab coat, their face was in shadow.
"Entry number 312, this is Dr. Emkai, with excellent news. My research is now complete with my invention, the 'Kaiju capture device'. Yes I need to think of a better name. But still with it, I managed to capture several of the kaiju into-" The video then started to glitch out.
"Wait, he said something about the Kaiju? He captured them?" Takato was surprised.
"Is this guy crazy?" Moya muttered. "Kaiju were massive creatures bigger than mountains! No one could've captured them! Maybe he was talking about pictures or something." Moya said to herself with a shake of her head. Takato however looked at the Godzilla card and card reader. He then put the card in the slot and slid it down, the card glowed brightly as the very ground began to shake. "Earthquake!" Moya screamed as she sprawled to the ladder, Takato followed soon after.
As he did, the video started back up, "--Into cards, that is right, I have managed to do what seems like--" The monitor fell off the table as the ground shook. When they were back outside, the card suddenly shot a beam of blue light into the sky. Where suddenly, Godzilla, the King of the Monsters, reappeared.
The two stood there, stunned, before Moya let out a scream in terror while Takato shouted out, "AWESOME!!!"
Meanwhile, Moya shouted at the excited boy, "PUT HIM BACK IN THE CARD!!!"
To Be Continued...
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