Chapter 16
The ancient temple having threatened to collapse on them at any moment, the two aliens, the Alpha Breed group and their two prisoners had managed to get out of the underground cave system in time and reach the top of the Cape where the vehicles were still parked. Jonah made sure that Madison did not take advantage of the chaos to escape, holding her firmly by the arm while Nami, half conscious due to the ritual, was held by one of the henchmen. The earth was shaking, cracking and large pieces of the cliffs were breaking off to fall into the ocean, forcing the group to move as far away from the edge as possible, except for two of the terrorists who were not fast enough and fell to their deaths in the collapse of the ground beneath their feet. The underground hammering was becoming more and more violent, the gigantic thing inexorably approaching.
Suddenly, only about fifty meters away, the ground of the Cape rose and burst as if a real mountain emerged from the earth, shaking the ground so hard that everyone lost their balance but managed to recover quickly to move away and avoid the imposing debris of rocks and earth that fell like rain on the area. While running and held by the arm by Jonah, Madison glanced over her shoulder and her eyes widened in shock.
Amidst the gradually dissipating cloud of smoke and dust, a titanic form slowly but surely rose out of the ground with deep grunts and straightened up to show an impressive size of 100 meters in height. A stocky humanoid body, light brown fur covering the contours of the head, shoulders and upper body, but also the wrists, pelvis, knees and a short feline tail. The rest of the body not wearing fur was adorned with scaly skin the color of red brick. Its monstrous face was a mixture of lion, monkey and dog, sporting a flattened nose, flaming red eyes similar to rubies, a mouth both canine and feline filled with sharp teeth, a bony outgrowth just above the eyes reminiscent of a crown, with in its center a sort of translucent gem integrated, as if part of the organism. On the sides of the head were large, triangular, drooping ears, like those of a dog. His hands and feet each had three fingers armed with claws.
Awakened against his will from his ancestral sleep, the titan emitted a bestial roar, reminiscent of a mixture of lion and ferocious dog, which made the eardrums and bones of all who heard it tremble. As if responding to the titan's anger, the weather deteriorated, the sky becoming dark and threatening as an icy rain began to fall on the region.
Aboard the USS Argo approaching the Japanese coast, Mark, Ilene, Foster and the rest of the crew were speechless at the sight of this unknown creature.
_"By all the titans..." Ilene Andrews breathed, fascinated.
On land, Madison, like the others, had trouble containing her amazement at this spectacle. Nami also managed to stay conscious to see with her own eyes the immense creature that had just emerged. It was indeed him... the ancestral protector of Japan. The sovereign of Okinawa. King Caesar.
But suddenly, another roar just as powerful and very recognizable answered her in the nascent storm, like a challenge. Madison felt her spine shiver at this sound that she knew only too well.
_"Godzilla..." she sighed.
Sek'Mor, for his part, did not hold back his unhealthy satisfaction.
_"Right on time." he said darkly.
Tearing the surface of the ocean with his dorsal spikes and raising immense waves in his wake, Godzilla approached the Cape faster and faster, revealing his head whose eyes shone with an unnatural anger. King Caesar, feeling all the hostility of the king of monsters towards him, answered him with another roar, as if ready to take up his challenge. Although they had been allies in the past, he was first and foremost the protector of Okinawa, no matter the threat. However, King Caesar could sense that the anger that possessed Godzilla was not normal.
Fifty meters... forty meters... thirty meters... Godzilla was swimming faster and faster, his body emerging more and more as the depth decreased. King Caesar didn't wait any longer, his guardian instinct taking over and ran towards the edge, shaking and breaking the ground under his feet. Thanks to this momentum and despite his colossal size, he made a prodigious leap forward, all claws out and ready to strike. But Godzilla too, thanks to an impulse due to his speed, jumped out of the water with the same fighting rage, spear tackling King Caesar like a rugby player and the two titans hitting the side of the cliff which burst in a tremor of extreme violence.
_"GODZILLA, NO!" Madison screamed in despair, but her hands still tied behind her back and held by Jonah, she could only contemplate the disaster.
Nami couldn't hold back a tear from flowing in the face of this unleashing of violence, knowing that she was partly responsible for it although she had no choice. His mind control device still active on his wrist, Sek'Mor spread his arms triumphantly, his servant Za'ar at his side.
_"Yes! YES! Thus begins the fall of the ancestral kings and the beginning of a new order!" he proclaimed loudly.
But suddenly, the celebration was short-lived when one of the Alpha Breed terrorists guarding the vehicles collapsed after a well-placed shot to the back of the head, inevitably attracting everyone's attention. Men and women, equipped with black military uniforms and very well armed, had just emerged from behind the hills and without warning opened heavy fire on the terrorists.
_"Monarch's soldiers! Fire at will!" ordered one of the Alpha Breeds as he jumped into cover behind a vehicle. A gunfight broke out, forcing Alan Jonah to come and hide behind a large rock with Madison and Nami.
_"How did they...? Raah, not now!" he growled in frustration.
The arrival of the USS Argo by air only increased his confusion. How had Monarch been able to find them?! Madison, meanwhile, found a spark of hope in her eyes again, and took advantage of Jonah's confusion to deliver a violent kick between his legs, destabilizing him to the point that he lost his balance. Madison acted quickly and managed to take the combat knife from the terrorist's belt despite her tied hands.
_"You... dirty little..." Jonah moaned, his face red with pain and struggling to get back on his feet.
Madison, in haste, nevertheless managed with a skillful maneuver of her hands to cut the rope of her bonds enough to be able to free her hands and without further ado grabbed Nami by the shoulders to take her with her while remaining as much as possible under cover.
_"NO! GET BACK HERE!" Jonah roared as he tried to get up to pursue them but still suffering from the blow received.
_"Don't turn around, run!" Madison said to Nami.
Protecting themselves thanks to the relief of the hills or the parked vehicles, the soldiers of the Alpha Breed and Monarch continued to shoot at each other, several losses already being deplored on both sides. One of the terrorists pulled the pin on a grenade and tried to throw it but was shot before it could, the grenade rolling into the grass before exploding, several of the men being thrown into the air and one of the vehicles going up in smoke. Za'ar had taken cover while his lord Sek'Mor, protected by his full armor barely scratched by the shots coming to hit it, showed no fear.
_"Insects." he growled contemptuously.
From the palm of his hand, the armored alien revealed an integrated mechanism similar to a cannon, firing a powerful salvo of laser-like energy that exploded and threw three Monarch men back despite their cover. Sek'Mor let loose his cruelty, relentlessly bombarding the positions of the Monarch soldiers, forcing them to have to move and retreat. At his side, his servant Za'ar remained in cover, revealing a cowardly side that his master strongly disapproved of.
_"My lord... we should not stay. Let's return to the ship." Za'ar suggested.
_"Flee? Since when do gods flee before vermin?" Sek'Mor growled in a monstrous and superior tone. "Can't you see victory taking shape before your eyes? Stop behaving like a coward and go kill the heiress of the Azumis. She is no longer of any use to me."
_"As you wish... master." Za'ar replied humbly, while Sek'Mor continued his unleashing of firepower against Monarch's forces.
Further away, Madison had hidden with Nami behind a group of rocks. After having untied the Japanese woman's bonds, Madison cast a glance towards the scene of the fight. Jonah had managed to recover from the blow received but had not been able to pursue them, forced to stay under cover with his men and shoot for his survival. But the young woman focused her gaze on the Sek'Mor alien, in particular its control device on its wrist. To save Godzilla, she had to destroy this thing.
_"Stay hidden here." Madison then said to Nami. "I'll come back for you."
_"No..." said the latter, who despite still being tired, showed a great will in her eye. "This is all my fault. I have to put an end to it. Let me help you."
Meanwhile, Godzilla emerged from the debris of the cliff, as did King Caesar, both monsters regaining their senses after this most violent shock in the cliff. Godzilla roared and tried to bite, but King Caesar was faster and avoided it, catching a piece of rock in his hand that he smashed forcefully on Godzilla's face, making him stagger slightly. The protector of Okinawa pursued and grabbed the head of the king of monsters under his arm in a hold, trying to immobilize him and even knock him out by hitting his head several times against the destroyed cliff face. But Godzilla, driven mad by these repeated shocks, freed himself from the hold and violently pushed King Caesar's against the cliff, then bit him ferociously at the shoulder. King Caesar roared in pain, trying to free himself from the jaws of the crazy giant lizard who would not let go.
In this fierce fight, King Caesar delivered several brutal blows to Godzilla's ribs in an attempt to make him let go, but the giant reptile remained impervious to the attacks. Caesar then attacked his eyes, hitting them as hard as he could. Annoyed, Godzilla lifted his opponent off the ground and threw him further away, making him roll on the ground. King Caesar regained his senses after this fall but roaring, he quickly went back to the attack, leaping onto a cliff face to use it as a springboard and jumping a second time to deliver a masterful and agile kick to Godzilla's chest who staggered and hit the cliff with his back. Realizing that this was not enough, King Caesar followed up with a powerful dropkick that this time managed to knock Godzilla to the ground. Seeing his opponent a little dazed, King Caesar tried to take advantage of it and jumped again, but Godzilla regained his senses and in a quick half turn delivered a spectacular tail strike that struck King Caesar in the side and threw him to the ground.
The possessed king of the monsters, getting on all fours like an alligator on the hunt, closed his powerful jaws on Caesar's foot, making him grunt in pain and tried to pull him forcefully towards the ocean to drown him. But the protector of Okinawa would not give in so easily and struck with his other foot, managing to make him let go. King Caesar stepped back, straightening up and taking a fighting stance, roaring ferociously. Godzilla also straightened up, but impassive and his dorsal spines began to glow more and more in a characteristic noise of energy charging. Recognizing this, King Caesar wanted to move but the brief and powerful atomic breath that Godzilla spat out hit him full force, pushing him back against the cliff.
Godzilla, with a deep growl, advanced, ready to finish this combat. His chest smoking and partially burned, King Caesar growled, suffering excruciatingly but refusing to surrender. The king of Okinawa then called upon his own power. Gradually absorbing the residual atomic energy still on his body, King Caesar channeled it into his being, transforming and gradually concentrating it into the jewel of his bone crown which lit up like a crystal. His red eyes glowing, the titan in turn unleashed a powerful beam of yellow and burning energy from his frontal gem which hit Godzilla in the chest and right shoulder, making him back a step or two and leaving him with severe burn marks on his scales. But Godzilla's pain was overpowered by his killing frenzy.
The two titans had the same idea and in a new burst of power, the two rays collided, causing a shock wave that shook the area for dozens of meters around.
From the USS Argo, everyone was watching the merciless clash between the two titans and the flying fortress was suddenly shaken by the shockwave, forcing the crew to hold on where they could. Foster had taken matters into his own hands, running in all directions to give his instructions and making contact with the Monarch forces on the ground who had ambushed the terrorists. The presence of a strange individual in highly sophisticated black armor and capable of firing energy bursts had however been reported on the frequency. From the observation deck of the operations room, Ilene could see the continuous energy beams of Godzilla and King Caesar in constant struggle, each trying to push the other back.
_"Good god... they're going to kill each other." Ilene breathed in horror, knowing full well that neither of these two monsters would surrender.
Mark, meanwhile, had rushed to the hangar, where Monarch soldiers, equipped and armed, were already preparing to board the tri-rotor helicopter in order to descend and lend a hand to their allies on the ground against the Alpha Breed. Being entrusted with a point weapon, he had decided to come with them in order to find his daughter, hoping that it would not be too late.
Madison and Nami could almost believe they were in the middle of a war, and that was not far from the case. Taking cover behind the still smoking carcass of one of the Alpha Breed vehicles, the two young women tried to get as close as possible to Sek'Mor, counting on the general chaos to be able to destroy or steal the mind control device and free Godzilla from his grip. The corpse of a terrorist right next to it made Madison swallow, but the pistol on her belt caught her attention and she took it. Although she had never fired a weapon in her life, any means of defense was good to take, and she also took the combat knife from the corpse, hiding it behind her back and gave the pistol to Nami.
_"But... I... I never..." the Japanese woman stammered.
_"I know, I'm not asking you to use it. Stay hidden and if I don't come back, you point and shoot, ok?" Madison replied.
Nami swallowed, afraid of having to shoot, but nodded shyly in response. Madison felt sorry for leaving her like this, but time was running out and King Caesar's only chance of survival was the destruction of the device. Madison started running, using the smoke emitted by the residue of the grenade explosions to stay as hidden as possible from the remaining terrorists, although they were far too busy fighting against Monarch's troops. However, she no longer had Alan Jonah in sight and that worried her. Who knows what else this deceiver was planning?
At the same moment, the USS Argo's tri-rotor helicopter came in to land, unloading armed reinforcements from its hold to support their comrades in difficulty against the Alpha Breed. Mark Russell immediately ran to take cover behind a rock with two of the soldiers accompanying him, trying to glance nervously around to spot his daughter.
_"MADISON!" he yelled in the hope of hearing her answer him, but the ambient chaos reigned supreme.
The shockwave generated by the collision of the two energy beams of the titans saw its power increase by the minute, the air itself beginning to vibrate. King Caesar, despite all his fighting spirit and strength, began to show signs of weakness, struggling more and more and wavering to the point of kneeling on the ground. Godzilla, still entirely under the influence of Sek'Mor's device, showed no signs of exhaustion, taking the upper hand, step by step and his atomic breath gradually pushing back the beam of King Caesar. But when all hope seemed lost for the protector of Okinawa, a golden glow appeared in the skies, like a divine sign, so blinding and so piercing that it chased away the storm clouds, illuminating Cape Manzamo in its beams of light. Fully regenerated, Mothra emerged like a saving angel, diving at a grandiose speed towards the two other titans. Taken by surprise and half blinded by the intense light emitted by Mothra, Godzilla did not have time to react and a fast net of sticky silk came to cover part of his head and mouth, thus interrupting his atomic breath.
With his eyes and mouth locked in this silk, Godzilla scratched with his claws to free himself. Catching a little breath after this colossal effort, King Caesar took advantage of this diversion created by Mothra to throw himself again on Godzilla, violently pinning him against the cliff to block him as much as possible and prevent him from freeing his jaws. But the king of the monsters did not intend to let this happen and struggled with the rage of the possessed. King Caesar was severely clawed in the ribs, but held on despite the pain.
Meanwhile, like everyone else, Madison had witnessed the unexpected and welcome arrival of the Queen of Monsters. For the young woman, this vision was that of a ghost, having seeing her die à Boston, but also the rebirth of a certain hope.
_"Mothra..." Madison breathed, a smile forming on her lips.
Maybe all was not lost yet. A chance, the slightest, is all that was needed.
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