Jon was happy, the happiest a man could ever be. He had a beautiful daughter, the woman he loved in his arms and he was king of the seven kingdoms. Not that he really cared that much. He had a family. He kissed Maegal with all his passion, his beautiful queen and wife. Then he took his daughter in his arms
"She is so perfect, just like her mother" he said and played with the baby who yawned and slept in his arms.
They had decided on calling her Lyanna of house Targaryen. She had some brown hair and grey to blue eyes. These one she took from her father, Maegal thought but Jon pretended like the truth wasn't there.
"She is a true angel, Jon" Marie said and grinned happily. The last month had been great for her, she had given birth to her daughter and she had Jon by her side
"So....who is going to keep her when....they come?" She asked and looked at Jon, she didn't want to leave her little baby but someone had to keep her
Jon sighed, of course they could give her to Talissa but Maegal would never trust that woman with her child. So the best candidate was his sister, well cousin, Sansa.
"Sansa can do it" he said and sighed "don't worry, she will be safe Maegal. I won't let anything happen to our child" he said and kissed her forehead lovingly while she nodded.
She looked out of the window at her three dragons, she would fly on Elion, Jon would ride Rheagal while they had agreed on Robb riding Viserion. The dragons liked both of them, after all both of them loved their mother. They were really smart creatures but they weren't used in the North.
As the couple walked to the Great Hall everyone rose from their seats and bowed, they nodded and smiled. Maegal sat next to Robb and Jon. As Jon was busy talking with Edmund Robb turned to Maegal and looked into her eyes.
"I want to see her, please Marie we both know she is my child....please don't keep me away from her" he said and sighed while Maegal raised an eyebrow
"Lyanna has a father and that is Jon, you can see her as her uncle but that's all Robb. I don't care if you are her biological father, my child will be raised as a Targaryen by me and Jon, her father" she said and took a bite from her food
He sighed and looked down "alright I don't deserve it I know, I have done dreadful things I know....I have hurt you more than anybody but please just let me see her, even once" he said and looked at her with pleading eyes
"Alright but one time, only. Follow me" she said with a sigh and stood up, she kissed Jon's cheek and whispered to him "I am going to go check on Lyanna for a minute" she said and left the room as Robb followed after awhile.
They walked to her room in silence, when they got inside she found the baby with a nanny who she dismissed for the moment. She took her daughter in her arms and smiled softly
"That's her, little Lyanna Targaryen" she said proudly and grinned as she handed her to him
The moment he held the baby in his arms he felt like a little child, happiness was radiating from him. His daughter, his beautiful daughter who looked like her mother except the eyes, the eyes were his.
"She has
my eyes" he whispered softly and looked up at Maegal who was just watching him, she wanted to cherish this moment while it lasted
"she does" she whispered and sound broken, she sat on the bed and sighed
"We fucked it up Robb, we really did" she said and glanced at him, he with their daughter still in his arms he sat beside her and shook his head
"No we didn't, I did....I fucked it Marienna, I was stupid. I was jealous of you and Jon since I was a little boy and then I hurt you, I betrayed you and then I trapped you....I held you captive and I didn't back your claim to the throne, I married the woman who brought you so much sadness....there are such sins in my back it would kill me to turn around" he said and sighed "I don't deserve you, I never did. But I loved you and I love you more than anything, I will always will" he said and a broken smile appeared on his face "but Jon is good and loving and he will be the husband I couldn't be to you" he said and glanced at the child "he will raise her with love and that's the only thing I care about now"
"I made dreadful mistakes too Robb, I am no saint. I left you alone after the Tully wedding, I slept with Herastus some days after our marriage. I made mistakes too and I think I have had my share of pain" she said and sighed before she turned and looked into his eyes
"All this pain all because I was an foolish and we were both so proud" he said and looked into her eyes "you are so beautiful even more than our wedding day" he said and put a hand on her cheek
She smiled sadly, oh sweet Robb. He was indeed the love of her life and she was his. They loved each other so much, but it seemed like it didn't matter anymore. For a brief moment she closed her eyes and imagined that they were a happy family, the three of them, but the moment passed and when she opened her eyes again she stared into his
"I wish we could stay forever like that" she whispered
"Sometimes forever is just a second, it's not enough's a moment that shall never be erased" he whispered "may I kiss you? One last time?" He whispered softly and she nodded
And so he kissed her and it was the sweetest kiss of her life, she kissed back and remembered all these times she hadn't cherished his kisses before. She was so stupid for leaving him, they could have been together, they would have been happy, she knew that she could see it, feel it, but she threw it away for the throne. That was the biggest mistake of her life.
The battle had already began and Maegal could think of nothing else than her child, thousands of Wights were almost marching in Winterfell. She was raining fire from above to them and all she cared about was to destroy them. Destroy them before they would get to her daughter. But not the Night King and his White Walkers were almost reaching Bran and she couldn't let that happen. She was the queen of the Seven Kingdoms, protector of the realm and now she was about to protect it for real.
She got off Elion and walked slowly but surely to where Bran was. She took out her sword, Blackfyre and walked towards the Night King, a foolish act many would call it, a desperate one maybe but she was determined to end him. So she took her knife and threw it at him but he managed to catch it finally noticing her. When he did he froze, the little girl....the girl he had found sixteen years ago in flames. The sun of the North. Now she was marching towards him determined to destroy him, no he couldn't let that happen.
He took his blade and fought with her, she was a skilled warrior. One of the best. Yet she didn't see it coming, his blade scratching her leg and then she felt a sharp pain piercing through her. But before she knew it the Night King was destroyed by someone else, by Arya of house Stark. Her little sister.
Arya might had end the long night but what she saw shocked her beyond anything else. She saw Marienna on her knees holding her stomach and blood coming out of her, so she screamed for help. Her calls were answered when her brother, Robb, ran to them. But from experience she knew that Marie had limited time....she was dying.
Robb was shocked by the view, Maegal was on the ground with blood dripping on the snow beneath her. He rushed to her side and held her in his arms, he put some pressure on the wound but it was a deep one, she had around ten minutes to live and that was it. The love of his life was dying and he could do nothing, he felt helpless, more helpless than a child battling his fears. Robb's worst fear had come to life, Marienna was dying.
"No, no, no! You won't die okey? No, please don't die. I love you, our daughter loves you and she is waiting for you and-" he started and kissed her forehead "please just don't die, don't leave alone in those world" he whispered
"Robb, my love...don't cry. Tell me that, is she safe? Our daughter" she whispered weakly
"Yes, she is with Sansa. She is safe, shh don't waste your energy" he whispered softly to her and stroked her hair
"Tell our daughter her mother loved her very much and....tell Jon I love him.... and know that" she said and took a deep breath with whatever power was left in her "I have loved you and I will until the end of times, none will ever love you like are my one true love, I am yours....forever" she whispered and fought to keep her eyes open, Robb cried and kissed her lips one last time
"And I am yours, you are my queen and my only love. Forever" he whispered and kissed her cheek, with that she smiled weakly and closed her eyes
Maegal Targaryen was dead. And with her Robb Stark died. He cried and cried, tears soaked his face to the point he could see no more. He didn't even understand when Jon cane and held the body of his wife in his arms. The two brothers wept for their love, for their queen and for their once wife.
And here it is, but it's not the last one
We still got one more to come
Gosh I feel so weird, don't forget to vote and comment lovelies ❤️ wanna really hear your thoughts on this one!!
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