Finally some internet connection!
Another battle, another spillage of blood. As Marienna was getting ready and preparing her sword she heard some of her men arguing with someone. She frowned and walked out of her tent, she saw seven soldiers arguing with her two most loyal ladies. The ones she had trained herself and they were the best of warriors, good enough to protect their families in the future and skilled enough to fight on the battlefield and help her and Robb win. Of course most of the time they were at the back, fighting with their armors on and few people knew that they were there. She started walking towards the argument angrily when she saw a man slapping on of them and then the other laughing, when another was ready to slap the other woman she caught his hand and glared at him
"Next time you raise your hand to a woman, will be the last time you have hands!" She yelled and pushed him back glaring at all of them "shame on you....I would like having you watching who those women fight. Certainly better than any of you!" She said
"Your grace, we..." the one started saying but he stopped when he noticed her glare on him
"I am disappointed.....that's all I have to say for now, now apologize to the ladies here" she said softly and looked at her Ladies smiling gently
After they all apologized to them, she walked back to her tent and continued preparing. She made sure her Spear was perfect and she hide the knife in her armor. Somewhere she could easily take it and kill....she sighed and took her sword, she cleaned it slowly and smiled at the memories it held. Not the bad ones from the war, no. She would never smile at those. She smiled at the 'battles' she said and Jon had fought, how careless they were. How free and wild, she loved that freedom. She craved it, she and Jon were more than friends, they were more than just two young people who hanged out together. There was a deep bond between them, that would never be broken. And they both knew it, they weren't They were more, always have been.
As everyone got to their horses, Robb Stark said his last goodbye to his mother and kissed her forehead. He was always leaving for the battlefield with the same promise, to come back alive....and as the victor. His gaze then fell to Talissa who was standing on the back smiling a little at him. Oh how he adored her, yet he couldn't help but question himself the same thing over and over....did he love her? Some days ago he could have sworn he did, but he was looking at his wife who was getting on her horse and riding to the front as the leader, she had always been, and he asked himself again....was he in love with her? Was he in love with Marie Stark or did he love Talissa? He sighed, he figured that he was going to war, last thing he needed was stuff like that worrying his mind.
He rode next to Marienna and looked at her "so....are you ready?" He asked and looked at her
"Always" she said in a distant tone, she looked at him and her eyes flashed with love but she soon hide it. She then looked down and then forward in the horizon "be careful" she said and glanced at him
"I will....I promised" he said softly and nodded not looking at her, he couldn't. He felt guilty for everything he had done to her.
Mare was ready to answer him bitterly but then she remembered that they were going to war, they couldn't be mad at each other. So she just nodded, after some times the horses was already heading to the battlefield. The Lannisters had a powerful army but they were better, she knew they would win. They had to after all
As Jaimie and his army attacked he could see the woman in the black horse riding fast and killing men with just a few swings of her sword, she was too good he thought. He rode there and was ready to battle with her until she threw her Spear almost forty meters behind him and killed two men. He gasped in pure adoration and shock, she was leading. With some motions of her hands the men circled them and suddenly he and his 'powerful' army were circled from plain northerns. He groaned and rode fast killing Whoever he could
Until his sword found resistance, her sword. He looked up and was met with one of the most beautiful and dreadful pair of eyes. He smirked a little as they fought, she was too good for him. But then he felt a stab on his hip. The 'King'. Robb Stark had stabbed him.
But his eyes couldn't leave hers, it felt like he was caught in they were holding the secrets of the world and he had to learn them all. He saw fate, he saw sadness and the life that was stolen from her. As he fell from his horse and groaned in pain he could see the only black horse riding away and further into the battle with its rider skillfully swinging the sword
Robb Stark was coming back victor from the battle but he didn't really feel like one anymore, he was winning the battles but he was loosing that war. The only thing that kept the North in the game was his wife....Marienna. She was everything a queen should have, she wasn't flawless though. Yet in the battlefield she was perfect, his horse stopped next to his wife's and he ran and hugged his mother. He saw Talissa in the back and grinned at her, but then he saw Marie throwing down her sword and walking away to a tree. He glanced at his mother and sighed
"Not anyone can handle the battlefield" Catelyn said softly and patted his shoulder, when Theon came he smiled at him and nodded
Yet Robb glanced her way, she was sitting under a tree and looking down. He knew better, she could handle the battlefield....she just didn't have anyone to come back to. If she only knew how he wanted to spin her around and hold her close to him, then he saw her bleeding. He frowned until his men chuckles interrupted his thoughts.... reality hit him
"I sent two thousand men to their graves today...." he breathed and looked at Theon and his mother
"There will be written songs for them and everyone will sing them" Theon said proudly and smiled a little as he chinned up
"But the dead won't hear them" a voice from behind sound, Marienna. She was holding her side "and I don't think the widows and their children will enjoy them" she finished and walking inside to take care of her wounds. And what hurt the most was that she was right and everyone knew it....but they wouldn't admit it out loud.
She refused the help from her nurses, especially from Talissa. Such an irony, she offered to help her tend her wounds while she and Robb were the reason of the deepest one which were in her heart, she wrapped some clean cloth around the wound on her leg while she dipped another in a basket of water. She sighed, she was tried. Tired of fighting, tired of trying and tired of never being good enough. None has ever told her that it was okey....none except Jon. She missed him so much, she wanted to travel till the Wall but Robb would refuse and wouldn't let her. Standing up and walking out of the tent to take some fresh water she saw something that broke her heart even more
Robb was taking a walk with the love of his life, Talissa. She looked so beautiful with the wind blowing and her hair wavering. He wanted to kiss her badly that moment, but of course he didn't as his men were all around. He knew that Marienna was in their tent fixing her wounds, he should have gone and helped her but Talissa had come to welcome him back from the battlefield and he wanted to be with her badly that moment. Even for some moments
"And I asked him 'how can a man be grave if he is afraid?' 'That is the only time a man can be brave' he told me" he was telling her some stories of his father
"He sounds like he was a really kind man, I wish I had met him" she said softly and looked at her lover, she wanted to hold his hand and be able to act like a true couple but the queen was in the middle.....
"Yeah....he was, loved all his children the same. Along with Jon and even Theon. He accepted Marie in the family too" he said and nodded with a nostalgic smile, he looked into her eyes but he didn't notice the pair of eyes staring at them from only some feet away. Those eyes, the gates to a broken soul.
Marienna felt numb, she didn't feel anything anymore. She turned on her heel and walked back to their tent. She took her Spear and walked out, she got to the practice, she had to be perfect in the field. She didn't care she was wounded, nor that the wounds hurt. Neither that there was blood on her hands dripping down on the ground.
Death. Life. And the thin line in between, a line Marie almost crossed many times. Her veins were on fire, fire. With fire in her veins and the blood on her hands she felt more alive than ever. The adrenaline of the war was gone but there she stood. Marienna Stark, feeling alive with fire and blood in her hands. She was asked once in the battle who she was....if she was death in skin, she had killed that man before he could get his answer. She was death, she was death and life together.
The gods had stabbed her many times but there she stood, she believed in the gods. She just didn't like them. They were all so arrogant and selfish. Once an old man had told her, 'human being in a mob, what is a mob to a queen? What is a queen to a god? And what is a god to a non believer?' And now she understood. She wanted to see the gods bowing to the queen.
"My queen, you are bleeding!" A man called out but she let out just some winces as she continued practicing and ignoring him. The man scared something bad would happen, ran to Robb
Robb was laughing with Talissa that moment, he smiled and stroked her cheek when the soldier came and he acted professional again. He frowned worried at the news of his wife practicing while wounded and bleeding. He ran without a second thought to where she was and saw her, her moves and how quick she was and how well she was hitting the target with her Spear was magnificent but she was bleeding.
"Hey! Marienna! Stop it!" He called and ran to her wrapping his large arms around hers and stopping the Spear but she didn't give up, she tried with all her strength to move it and push him back.
The pain didn't matter anymore, she had to be better. She had to...,she....she didn't even feel the pain anymore. Then she noticed how her hand was covered in blood and she pushed Robb away and just stared at it, she tried to clean the blood but two strong hands stopped her
"What were you thinking you are doing?!" He asked angry and worried about her, he held her hands and palms while he made her look at him
"I was training! I have to be perfect for the next battle....I have to be perfect!" She said and glared at him
"You are hurt! You are hurt Marienna, you can train tomorrow. Or better, when you will be fully healed" he said sternly and didn't back down from this, not caring about her glare
"Why do you care so much all of sudden, Robb?! Go back to your Talissa" she growled and pushed him back glaring while she started walking away, with the blood dripping down the grass from her hand
"I do care...." Robb breathed and sighed, he looked down. But then again that was a quiet fight.....not like the others they had.
As Robb kissed Talissa's neck and hand a hand down her chest and stomach gently he tried to be as gentle and loving as he could. He wanted to make love to her so much, he wanted her to feel loved by him he wanted to show his feelings....the feelings he thought he had, the feelings he wanted to have....the feelings he had promised to her. They weren't as strong as they used to be. But there they both were, kissing and holding each other like the world would end. But Robb imagined he held someone else, he imagined he held Marienna. If only. After some time he pulled away, he sighed. He couldn't do it, no he couldn't.
"I can't do it now...later okey?" He whispered and kissed her forehead before he started getting dressed. He had to find his wife again, he had to.....he needed to, for himself this time.
Meanwhile Mare was siting on their bed while she examined her sword, she looked at it. Anyone can betray anyone, her own heart had betrayed her. She had fallen for Robb, she loved him....she did with all her heart, she did just....just she was to proud to say it, after all he had made it clear he didn't need her. He didn't love her, then she noticed her wound on her other palm. It hurt....but she was used to the pain. She remembered his words earlier, he was concerned about her dying....why? When she saw him entering the tent she was surprised
Robb looked at his wife sitting on the bed, she looked so calm and yet ready for a fight with the way she moved her sword on her hand. He stared into her eyes and for a moment none of them said anything, he was concerned about her. Especially in the battlefield, he walked to the desk and poured himself a cup of wine. He took a sip from it then let it down, he walked to her and sat beside her on the bed. His eyes never leaving hers, he leaned and kissed her forehead
"Why....?" She whispered surprised from the sudden touch, she put her hand on his and left it there while they looked into each other's eyes
"Because I am not as bad as you think I am...." he whispered and looked at her hand, it felt so right. Yet he took his hand away
"I don't think you are bad" Mare started
"So you don't think of me as the big bad wolf? Come on Marie, we both know better" he spoke softly and stood up, he heard her sighed and he noticed her lowering her gaze.
"And you don't want me dead because I am a good soldier" she said and looked at him
"And a good queen, a good wife and a person I can trust my camp with" he added and sipped his wine and Mare understood. He couldn't let her die, he wouldn't. She was the little sun behind the wolf....the girl of the sun and she would change the world
So here we are...chapter 8 is out. Sorry for the late update but I am doing
Some summer classes which finish in two days....they suck. Anyway I will be back soon! Yay! Finally, missed you all.💛
The next chapter is ready though so stay turned.
Love you all and never forget, stay safe and have fun
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Love you ❤️
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