One day, one day before the wedding. One day before her life would change once and for all, the last day Lord Stark would be in Winterfell. Marie had asked many questions about her family, about her parents, about who she was. But the same answer was coming her way every time 'you are just a girl who happened to be found in our doorstep, nothing more' and it hurt....it did. To hear that she was nothing more except a simple girl, that she was none. None that mattered anyway.....and things with Robb weren't the best, they had a talk and said some harsh words to each other. So they decided to not talk to each other until the wedding day, right now she was trying her wedding dress and it was truly beautiful. A gift from the queen, she looked herself in the mirror and sighed. She would get married in some hours....well the next day. Her two loyal maids fixed her posture a little
"You are so beautiful....any man in the crowd will envy Robb Stark for marrying you" said the one and brushed her hair, the woman was around 26. Ten years older from Maria, the other was much more older, around 35. But they were kind and loyal to her, serving her the last days really well. The three of them had developed a friendship like relationship based on trust and on the fact that the older one Amanda knew more about Maria than the girl thought. She was treating her like her daughter
"But Robb will never desire me the way they will....he will never love me....and I will never love him either" Maria said and looked at Amanda as the woman wrapped her arms around her and comforted her "it will be okey....you like be his lady and you will both learn to love each other. Value each other" she said and looked down at the young girl, she stroked her hair and looked into her eyes
"My lady....I need to tell you something, but it needs to stay between the three of us. It's a secret I swore to take to my grave but I can't keep it a secret anymore" Amanda started as Maria pulled away from her hug confused, she sighed and continued her story "thirteen years ago....I was 22, a young woman. I was in a relationship with someone so I was sneaking out at night to go and meet him, I saw Benjen Stark a young man then riding in the middle of the night with a little girl. Not older than three getting inside the castle....the next day Lord Stark declared that some strange brought you in their doorstep with no information. But Benjen never comes unless it's his brother's names day or if something really important happens....your parents didn't abandon you in this doorstep Maria, you were brought from the Wall my lady....none knows I know this, if they did I don't know where I would be now. Please you need to keep quiet about it" she said, she was scared that they would call her a liar or a traitor. Send her exiled or even death....
Maria was shocked to hear that, she remembered only one thing. A horse riding into the deep winter and then lady Stark....nothing else. Maria nodded, Amanda had no reason to lie to her. She also seemed scared, scared to speak what she had seen that night. Jannin gasped and looked at Maria with wide eyes "my lady....my parents told me stories and gossips about how a little girl was found out of the wall. But they said they were all gossips could it be...?" She whispered slowly and Maria looked at them both, her mind starting wondering and making different scenarios "I don't know....not yet. But we will find out" she reassured them and smiled a little but lowered her gaze, but even though she came from beyond the Wall....she was still none
"We will, my lady. I promise you" said Amanda and then lifted her chin "head up girl, you were born with a fire inside you. And this world is determined to stamp it out. You will see it when you stand up for yourself and they will tell you 'it's not ladylike to raise your voice'. You will hear it when you wear something that hugs your body and feel uncomfortable because men will call you names you are still too young to understand. You will know it when a man tries to use his strength to have his way with you the first time. You will need to use your teeth, fists and legs to get him off..." she said with a disguised face but then her face softened and smiled "but you must never let them take those flames from your soul, instead you must burn brighter than ever. Because you are a daughter of the Sun. And you belong only to yourself, not to this world....not to anyone but yourself" she said looking into her eyes "be proud for it" was the last words that made Marienna smile widely "I am....I will always be"
Robb didn't want to go with that wedding, he didn't love Maria. He didn't like her either, or that was what he had convinced himself. He sighed and ran a hand threw his hair. He looked at the girl beside him, she was his age and with dark skin and long dark brown hair. He stroked her hair and smiled a little, Talissa....that was her name. She was beautiful, she was a simple maxi though. She wasn't as beautiful as his future wife but he liked her. Don't mistake him, he wasn't in love with her but he did like her a lot. He pecked her lips and looked at her "you can stay you know, none will come here today" he said and put a robe around his naked body
"I don't think it's wise to do so Robby....what if Maria comes in?" She asked worriedly, she felt bad for sleeping with someone who was betrothed to another but she liked him and she dared to say she was even in love. He liked her back and she wished he didn't have to get married
"She won't, we fought two days ago....and you know I don't give a fuck about her opinion" he said and looked at her smirking a little. That was a half lie, he did care but he was lying to himself, denying it all the time. He didn't want to get married to her, he could see himself with Talissa in the future though. Maybe married, maybe not. He then laid beside her "please...stay, at least tonight" he said softly and wrapped an arm around her, he kissed her forehead and then pecked her lips as they both fell asleep.
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