Maegal watched as Viserion and Reagal fought for food, they had grown so much in only some months. She had sailed to Pentos, she couldn't have waisted any more time in Sunspear. Her uncle would understand for sure. She disobeyed his orders....but she was a queen, why should she take any orders by anyone else? Now riding on a horse they were heading to Astapor, they had to take the Unsuilled. But she had nothing to pay the masters with....then she figured it out and smirked.
She had sailed with twenty thousand men from Sunspear to Pentos and around two thousand ships. Maybe more, she wasn't really sure yet. But they needed more ships....she needed more ships, she needed a navy as well. She was sure that the Greyjoys would never back her and she knew not to trust a Greyjoy.
Looking at the high walls of Astapor she wasn't intimidated at all, she had walked around the walls of Winterfell....Winterfell. Oh how she had missed this place. But she didn't belong there anymore, the fairytale she was once in with Jon was was lost the moment they all left Winterfell. She had missed Jon so much, but she had to fulfill her purpose now. For her people, for a better world. She took a deep breath and got ready to meet the masters. She had learnt some old Valyrian just to understand, but wouldn't speak them. As they walked inside and met with the master she just stood there waiting
"The queen? I know no queen in the North....oh she lost it? Haha, that's why I don't know her. How will she pay for the Unsullied? With her tits?" He asked and laughed
"He asks how will you pay for the Unsuilled" Herastus said and looked at her before she nodded
"Tell him I can give him a dragon" she said and looked at him
"Maegal Targaryen is willing to pay with a dragon" Herastus spoke in old Valyrian
"A dragon?....make them two" the master said and laughed
"He says that he wants two dragons" he translated
"He has his shall we go to take my Unsuilled?" She asked and raised an eyebrow
They all nodded as they walked to where the army was, she looked at them. A true army of skilled warriors, she smirked. An army she would lead to greatness, if all would go she gave the two chains to the master and got the whip. She looked at it and then at the Unsullied.
"Unsullied, from now and on you are free men. You can leave or serve me with your free will. I will lead you, not boss you around. Lead you, we will fight together and we will build a better world." She said and smiled a little then glanced at her dragons
"A dragon is not a slave, master" she said and glared at him "Dracarys" and with that the man got burnt and so did his guards. Then killed two men who tried to attack her and got on her horse
"We are heading to Meereen now, I am done from here. They can do as they please from now and on" she said and looked around her many slaves, she remembered Ned's words
'When you can save someone do it, when you can help someone do it. But only kill someone when you have to' she looked down. She had to help those people, they needed her now. So she help the whip and then dropped it on the ground
"Any slave who wishes to follow me....can of course. I shall treat you with respect, with me you will be free people. With rights and together we will end any injustice in this world" she said "but only if you choose to follow me now" she finished
And as she saw some approaching her she grinned, more and more came. Only a few didn't come, she didn't want to command them or pressure them. They made their choice. She ordered one of Herastus men to count them. They were around one thousand
Heading to Meereen she was lost in thought when some screams were heard. She frowned as she saw a Dothraki horde approaching. Suddenly her eyes widened
"Stand back!" She yelled and grabbed her sword, ready for a fight
But the Dothraki didn't attack, their Khal got to the front and eyed the army and Maegal that stood in the front. She understood then....he wanted a fight. He wanted to fight the leader as one of her advisers informed her. She looked at her sword, she would make it. She hoped at least. No. She had to make it.
"Let me fight" Jorah said "you are more important, my queen" but she shook her head
"No, he wants to fight me. How am I going to inspire my people to fight for me if I can't fight for them? What leader am I if I am not willing to die for the greater good?" She asked and then rode towards the Khal
"Maegal Targaryen, Mother of Dragons, the unburnt" Herastus shouted and the Khal smirked but Maegal kept a straight face
As the compact started she got off the horse and swung her sword. She avoided some hits but she was cut on her upper chest. She gasps and looked at the blood. She felt hopeless that battle, with the Lannisters. Not during it, before it. When Robb had told her that he had a reason to come back to their camp....he had Talissa and she had nothing. She was so ready to die back then, she didn't care. She wouldn't have been much missed. But she had to stay alive at all costs, what would be the meaning of suffering so much if she were going to die?
No, she had to live. To live to the fullest. To fight and fight until the air would be drained from her lungs. For her people. For her pride. For the world. She had to punish her enemies and she had to reward some friends. She couldn't die, not now. Not yet.
So she swung her sword angrily and cut his leg. She took a deep breath and took many steps back before she started running and before he could do anything she stuck the sword between his arm and chest. The great khal fell to the ground and Maegal took some deep breaths. Turning to the horde
"Is there anyone else?" She shouted and looked at them but none said a word. Instead they bowed to her. With a smirk on her face she glanced at Herastus but then noticed that she was bleeding
Getting on her horse felt tiring but certainly is better to be tired with thirty thousand Dothraki in your army than tired while being defeated. Which she wasn't.
As they rested on the camp she looked at the bandages she had on her chest and groaned, she had to survive it. But she felt so weak sometimes....yet she needed to look strong, so strong. But sometimes all she wanted to do was run to Robb, tell him she still loved him. That she missed him so much, it almost hurt.
"You are thinking of him, aren't you?" A voice spoke and she turned around suddenly to look at Herastus
"How can I not?" She let out with a sigh
"You still love him..." he understood and looked down
"The biggest lie I ever told and wrote was that I stopped loving him. I don't think I will ever stop....and that pains me" she finished while staring at her hands
Herastus glanced at her, he was in love with her. But Maegal would never fall for him, it was classic....she loved another. And that was Robb Stark. She would always love Robb Stark. But now he had to be there for her, he wanted it. Walking over to her, he knelt in front of her and cupped her cheeks
"You need to sleep and rest....tomorrow we have a big fight. May you fall asleep in the arms of a dream so beautiful you will cry when you wake up" he finished and kissed her forehead, resting his against hers
"Then wrap your arms around me and sleep with me...don't let me go" she whispered and laid down on the bed waiting for him
And as they fell asleep she dreamed, she dreamed of Jon and Arya and Ned and Sansa and Bran, she dreamt of Winterfell and wolves. She dreamt of Robb, of her lover...of her doom.
It was raining by the time Robb and Talissa arrived at the Castle of Bear Island along with some guards and soldiers. The remaining Stark soldiers, they were around two thousand. Along with what Lord Manderly had given them they were around three thousands. They were screwed up, for real. House Mormort wouldn't give them a large army and he knew it. But would still fight to death.
"Your grace...we have been waiting for you, come inside please. Lady Mormort wants to see you" a guard said and Robb nodded as he escort Talissa inside
"Thank you" he said and took some dry coats they offered them. He wrapped the large one around him and handed the other to Talissa.
As they walked inside the Great Hall he looked around, he had never been there. He didn't know this place, yet here he was. Asking protection from one of the smallest houses in the seven kingdoms against the traitors. His gaze fell on the lady that was sitting behind the table, she was so young. Younger than Arya was. much he missed his sister. He did a small bow and so did the girl, Lady Mormort.
"M'lady, thank you so much for allowing us to come here and for hosting us in the most needed time. House Stark will never forget this" he said and smiled a little
"We are loyal friends, my lord. We would never betray house Stark. But I can't see the queen, wasn't informed she wouldn't come until now. That I hear that the woman who won the war is gone..." she said and raised an eyebrow "why?"
"I don't think my personal life-" he started
"It's not about your personal life, lord Stark. It's about the North, we all know that Maegal Targaryen or Marienna Stark is one of the greatest warriors of her time. Best in the North. And you lost her, leaving the kingdom unprotected. With no wife, your rule is not as strong as it was. They don't fear you much, so they don't respect you much" she said and shrugged
"I will take Lady Talissa as my future wife, I am still the king with or without a queen" he said sternly
"A foreign woman is not a noble warrior. Yet, who will respect and accept a man who took his lover as his wife and was abandoned by his former one? No noble lord at least" she started raising an eyebrow "you are lucky I am not a lord" she finished and nodded
Robb sighed and watched as some of the guards brought him his sword from the ship and thanked them. With a nod he held it and examined it.
"A Targaryen is not fit to rule the North, my father fought against them. I will too. We won't destroy the North because some are too ambitious. I won't give the North to the Boltons or the Lannisters or the Targaryens. I will fight for my home and I could use some help" he said while looking at her
"House Mormort will give you as much men as we can, seventy four" she said and Robb sighed
"We cannot have more?" He asked softly while Lyanna Mormort shook her head
"Thank you, my lady" he said and exited the room along with one of his advisors and Talissa "arrange me a meeting with Stannis Baratheon as soon as possible, before the Boltons grow used to Winterfell" he said quickly and took Talissa's hand in his
"Come with me" he said and nodded, as they reached their bedroom he kissed her and shut his eyes.
He dreamt of kissing Marienna...Maegal...oh he remembered her lips, they were so soft. And fitted his so much, he missed her more than he would ever imagine. They were only some months apart but he felt like it had been a century. He still loved her so much, too much. He remembered when he was young, what his father had told him. That some girls are full of heartache and poetry and those are the kind of girls who try to save wolves instead of running from them, and Marienna or Maegal was that kind of girl.
She had saved him that night, she had saved him in the battlefield more times than he can count. Marienna wasn't afraid of the wolves, she slept with them without fear for the wolves deep down knew a dragon was among them.
As their lips parted he leaned his forehead against hers and cupped her cheeks, he had to do his duty and this time he had to do it right. To let his feelings aside and look out his people, look out the North. His feelings didn't matter anymore, they only brought destruction and chaos....but chaos
"Chaos is just an angel who fell in love with a demon"
But in this story Robb Stark wasn't the angel, he was the demon
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