It had been two days since the big fight and both Robb and Marie avoided each other at all costs, if the one would be on the stables the other would leave immediately. If the one would be sword practicing the other would be in the castle. Even when the one would go for a ride the other would be as further from the woods as possible, they knew it was childish. They knew it wrong that they didn't just talked things out but....what were they even supposed to say? The list of all the wrongs they have done to each other was long, too long to be mentioned in a conversation. Almost as long as the winter.that moment Robb was with Jon and Theon getting shaved and a haircut, Robb had just finished before they both teased Jon
"Shave him good, there is no girl he likes better than his own hair" Robb teased smirking before he laughed a little at his joke along with Theon, Jon instead groaned and glared at them. Robb remembered how he and Marie cuddled some nights ago and he looked down, there was a girl he liked better, he thought. Was he jealous? Of course not, he didn't like Marie. Not at all, she was arrogant and stubborn and better at fighting with a Spear than he was and....and funny, he had caught himself many times laughing with her jokes but quickly covering it up. And charming....oh the way she talked with passion about freedom and equality and everything she stood for. He sighed, he was screwed
"Hey and Maria are close, do you know if she has anything with anyone? You know, relationship or so" Robb asked with a shrug and tried to play cool "I mean...I don't care but I wonder if anyone would take her, you know she is not the type of girl many dream of" he said and looked at Theon then they laughed together
"No she doesn't, but she is the type of girl who wouldn't ditch a man for someone who would be Better in bed or have more money, she is honest and a good friend. Intelligent, charming, funny and one of the few girls I could ever see myself hanging out until the end of my life.....and you would understand what I mean if you hadn't ditched her for your 'girlfriends'" Jon said bitterly, he didn't mean to sound rude or mean but he couldn't help it. Robb had no right to talk about his best friend like that and he was there to defend her
"Actually I know what I am and what I am not and it's not your business what I do with my life, Robb. Especially my personal life, I stopped caring about yours a lifetime ago" Marie said coldly from the door, she had come there to get Jon to help her clean some colors from her bed as she had been painting again, before Catelyn would notice them. She had heard about the small conversation and she really didn't understand why Robb cared for what she was doing in her bed
"Ugh.....I don't care I just....I was wondering if anyone would ever date an ugly face like you and I bet you did stop when you realized you weren't in it" he said in a harsh tone and glared at her, he was pushing it too far and he knew it but....but there was something that made him do it, didn't know why did he it though. There was no reason after all
Mare looked down....was she really an ugly face? Was she really crossed it if Robb's options because she wasn't good enough, did he hate her because she was herself? She sighed
"I really don't want to fight with you now, I could....but I won't" she said simply and looked at Jon "when you get the chance come in my room, need your help" she said and started walking away
"Found him! You and Jon, sneaky Snow" he said and winked to his half brother with a laugh even though it was really breaking his heart. She had said it herself, her personal life shouldn't have been bothering him. And Jon never talked about any other girl except his best friend so.....the pieces fitted
"We are just friends!" Both of them called and rolled their eyes, why people couldn't just understand that men and women could be friends too and not always ending up sleeping together? Jon rolled his eye and he would swear that his brother was jealous, was he crushing on the girl? He didn't know. But he then smirked "but I know someone who would like to be her man though" he said smirking as Marie left the place
"Who?" Robb asked immediately wanting to know who he was and if he could ever compete him, but why did he care so damn much?! Ugh it was frustrating, he shouldn't care for her, not at all. And he didn't he convinced himself, no more stupid feelings for her
"Not you business, man" he said and shrugged before he chuckled as they left when he was done. When he got to Maria's room he found her inside curled up with tears rolling down her face. He gasped, she almost never cried except her birthday night.
He rushed to her after he closed the door and wrapped his arms around her "hey, hey. What happened?" He asked her softly
"I-I.....I heard that your parents plan on getting me married...." she sobbed and clung on him hugging him with all her power
"to whom? Why?" Jon asked shocked, marry her without her will....? That was everything she was standing against, she never wanted to do that. Her dream always was to be free, to travel around, fall in love and be happy but that was....that would be her destruction, she would never be happy in a forced marriage
" Robb! Because-because they say that now that your father will probably leave to King's Landing and Robb will become the Lord, he needs a Lady by his side....and that I have to marry him because I am good at fighting and they trust me....and I owe them for saving my life anyway" she said and let out a sob before she looked at Jon
"I don't want to Jon....especially not to him" she cried out and buried her head on his chest while he stroked her hair with a sigh
"Marienna I....I don't know what to say, I bet Robb doesn't know that either though. He will never go with this marriage, Mar....not because it's you but because he doesn't want to be forc-" Jon started saying but was cut off by her
"He hates me! We will never be happy together, I can't marry someone who he can't stands me.....and I can't stand him either" she groaned and stood up from the bed "I bet he has a girlfriend who he loves and that he will see her while we will be married....and here I will be. The cheated wife, not knowing what love is and being unhappy. And how long do you think I will be able to do that? To pay my debt to the Starks because I just....because I just lived?!" She called our angrily and threw all the books and brushes from her desk as she breathed hard....she tried to calm herself down a little as the surprised look on Jon's face said everything. He didn't want her to get married to Robb either.
"We will find a way out of it....I promise you, I won't leave anyone and especially Robb hurt you" he said and wrapped his arms around her, but he knew that was a false promise because he was nothing but the bastard around.....he couldn't do much. He never could
"That's a lie, Jon. We both know that....but it's okey, because I am sure that something will happen eventually and....and I will find happiness, in the north or not" she said softly and smirked a little, with the first chance she got she knew what she would do....she would run away. But first she needed to find out who she was.....her true family
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