They say it's the darkest before dawn, so it was spoken of in books long before. Thunderous though still a young Kingdom it sure has the promises of a legendary history. It was one such dark morning when the loud trumpets of help sounded making Felix wake from his sleep. A loud bang resonated through the Kings chambers, Hyunjin got off the couch to open the door.
"Your highness! Levanter's men have started surrounding the west coast line. They prepare for war to save their King." A gorgeous woman bowed at Hyunjin. She seemed to hold a very high rank in the regiment.
Hyunjin's hold on the door knob tightened, his thin line of eyes thinning into slits of pure range. He let out a low growl as he stared at the girl then smirked. He turned to meet those blue eyes staring at him, Felix immediately looked down. He was afraid of that gaze as much he liked it.
"Well well. If BangChan wants war let's give him just that. Let's see if he can take his little lover away from me." Hyunjin started laughing like a Maniac, "Ryujin join Changbin, let's see how far they go. Gather all our men. Everyone." He grabbed her neck as he slammed her on the wall. His nails digging into the sides of her neck.
"Yes your majesty!" She choked as she was let go and she ran off.
Felix got off the bed, his bed clothes bigger than his size, his shirt slid down his freckled shoulders, making silent steps he padded to the window. At the farthest distant he faintly spotted his Kingdoms flag stand up straight. Why? He didn't get it. Unless BangChan liked him or his mother wanted him back. Them back.
"He's not my lover. How can you assume shit like that?!" Felix's deep voice snapped gaining his master's attention. Hyunjin slammed the door shut, flinching the blonde beauty backed away from the King, until his back hit the stoned wall.
"Why would he wage war against the strongest Kingdom ever just to get a prize that I won?" Hyunjin slammed his arm next to Felix's face. The younger's pretty eyes filled with tears at the impact, true he was a man but he was a massive softie with the biggest most warm heart to ever exist.
"He's just worried. He's like a brother to me!!" Felix's lips trembled, BangChan played the figure of an older brother in his life and lily's, the father they never had and the friend they were never allowed to have. Hyunjin's eyes softened instantly when he saw those pink lips quiver, Stubby arms clutching his long golden blonde hair tightly with fear and his frame shaking. "You are fucking Maniac monster!" He cried out meeting Hyunjin's red and blue eyes, that made the King smirk and lick his lips in a seductive way. He leaned forward almost kissing Felix's plump lips, he ran his tongue over his own lips as he ran his long fingers through his long red hair, ruffling it.
"Keep your voice little devil. Or I'll make you loose it." Hyunjin's raspy whisper gave the beauty goosebumps. Felix was falling captive for this man, his scars and his eyes. He wondered how the King looked when he was happy.
"You won't.........You won't hurt me." Felix shuttered staring up at the huge man hovering above him. He could feel his breath fan over his exposed collar bones and his lips. They were too close, dangerously near. The younger absentmindedly lifted a finger up to Hyunjin's scar, deep, ghastly yet attractive.
"Don't......" The soft whisper made Felix to proceed further. Biting his lower lips he lifted himself on his tippy toes, one arm on the King's shoulder the other tracing the scar. He should feel afraid, this man right her was holding him hostage in the name of a prize but why didn't he want to push off the hand that held his waist in place. "I think you need to sleep Felix." Felix blushed, he blushed so hard at the sound of his name roll on the olders tongue. Hyunjin slightly pushed the beauty as he proceeded towards his couch. Curiosity was a very addictive feeling which made the blonde boy ponder on the King's scar. What happened? Who gave him such a scar?
The following day it should have started off chaotically, instead Thunderous remains awfully calm. Guards marched back and forth, as always. Hyunjin was bent over the balcony of his chambers, his eyes scanning the distance. Levanter still stood with a very selective number of people. Perhaps a handful. It was humourous to even think of attacking such a powerful Kingdom.
"Hyunjin......It's a waste to battle against them. They are very small in number." Changbin mumbled standing beside the King.
"Capture them and lock them up in the dungeons." Hyunjin mumbled, he was angry yet chose to listen to his friend. Nodding he stood straight with a deep breath.
"About the spring festival? How are things going on?" He looked down at the buff commander.
"Attractively well. But I feel like Minho is upset about something. He wouldn't speak of it but he looks like he wants to break down crying any minute. I don't get it. He doesn't open up to anyone either. " Changbin sighed, he looked worried as Hyunjin's expressions changed. It became softer.
"He's been through alot. He's been hurt the most than all of us. He'll be fine, I hope he comes out of his trauma." Sighed the King. Changbin bowed as he proceeded to leave. He bowed at Felix on his way.
"Binnie." The King mumbled at the buff looking man.
"What- I'm not getting you anything from the Tavern. Ahhh this idiot." He groaned walking off leaving Felix in confusion. They knew eachother so well? Hyunjin wasn't bad, was he? He wasn't how they spoke of him right? The heartless monster who massacred his enemies without compassion. Right?
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