Chapter Two: The Trial of Ares
When Jake woke up, he sat up in his bunk bed and was greeted by an unusual sight. Bryan was brushing his hair, but when it seemed like it was perfect, shiny and silky, Bryan frowned in the mirror and mussed it up again.
"Why so unhappy with your locks?" Jake asked him.
Bryan jumped and turned around. "Geez, Jakey~Poo. At least warn me when you're awake so I can greet you."
"First, don't call me Jakey~Poo. It's Jake. Second, answer the question. Third, what do you mean by "greet" me?"
"Well, in the case of my hair, I need to muss it up to get that perfect tousle. Have to get that hotness, you know?"
"Well, I'm not a son of Aphrodite, so no."
"Oh, I forgot. Anyways, by greeting you, I mean..." He got a devilish grin on his face.
"Never mind, I don't want to know."
Jake swung his legs out of his bed, got out, grabbed his trident and walked to the door. But, when he reached for the door handle, Bryan lunged forward, grabbed the back of his breastplate and pulled him back. Jake toppled back, but Bryan caught him around the waist and Jake accidentally grabbed his neck.
Jake's face flushed. "Uhhhh, uhhh, umm..."
Bryan grinned. "Do you want to have our conversation like this or do you want me to let you up? Cause I honestly don't care."
"I-I-I-I-I'd like it if you'd let me up."
Bryan pouted. "Dang it. I was hoping we could continue like this. Oh well."
He pulled Jake up but he didn't let go. His left hand snaked downward and started messing with...the downstairs area.
Jake felt a rush of excitement and horror at the same time. He instinctively kicked Bryan away from him and he went flying onto his bed. Jake grabbed his trident and bolted out the door.
Jake had no idea what to do. It was only their first day as cabinmates and already Bryan was messing with him on an unbelievable level. He didn't know how he felt towards Bryan. Bryan was a total creep, but Jake was so confused. Thankfully, the Trial of Ares was in a few days. Just had to get through 72 hours of Bryan messing with him and, once lunch was over on Thursday, he could maybe, just maybe, teach Bryan a lesson.
By some miracle of Zeus, Jake managed to get through the entire three days without running into Bryan. He had told Mitch and the son of Apollo, Xylo, about what happened and they promised to look after him. Everywhere Jake went, he could see either Mitch or Xylo nearby, ready to get Bryan off him in case he came preying. And, soon enough, the Trial of Ares came.
Everyone was required to go hand-to-hand, one-on-one until only two people were left. When that happened, they would go full-on trying to win and whoever came out on top was the winner.
Everyone climbed the ranks, fighting with magic, swords, spears, bows, anything. Soon, the final round came. Who was it? Guess.
If you guessed Bryan and Jake, you'd be right.
Why was the universe doing this to Jake? He hated Bryan now and the universe kept making them do things together. Bryan seemed to be enjoying it. Of course he was, the little creep.
Jake grabbed his celestial bronze cutlass and slung his maple bow over his shoulder. He was ready to teach Bryan a little something painful.
They marched into the arena, heads held high. The only difference was the expressions. Bryan had his ever-present confident smirk plastered on his face, while Jake was fueled up and ready to take Bryan down.
"Alright, the first person to get the other on his knees or behind and put him in a situation which he can't escape wins the trial," Kaykrae called down to them. "Almost any weapon is fair game. But I want a clean fight. No kicking, elbows, you know the drill. Are you ready?"
Jake nodded.
Bryan grinned and said, "I'm just sad I'll have to get that fantastic figure dirty. But I'm ready."
Jake hefted his sword. He'd been waiting for this.
Jake sprinted at Bryan and jumped. He swung his sword straight down and would have cut Bryan in half if his reflexes weren't so good. He parried with the flat of his blade and pushed him back.
"C'mon, pretty boy! Too scared?" Jake yelled.
"I'm just getting started."
Bryan took the offensive this time, running around Jake and placing traps all around his feet. He spun his Inferno Wand and summoned in a tornado that howled and raced towards Jake. He dodged and unslung his bow. Unfortunately, Bryan was just a little too fast. He rolled and tripped Jake. As Jake tried to get up, Bryan crossed his double swords on either side of Jake's neck.
"Bryan, son of Aphrodite! You have bested us all! You are the Trial of Ares winner!" Kaykrae announced. "What do you want as your prize?"
"Simple." He said calmly. Grinning, he said, "I only want to taste Jakey's sweet lips."
Stunned silence filled the arena. Before anyone had the chance to react, Jake headbutted Bryan in the stomach and bolted out of the arena.
What in Hades was wrong with Bryan?
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