Chapter 13: Lies
(Yep, I think I'm evil)
Jake felt like everything was spinning. Was this...demon thing that had just attacked him and knocked Ritchie out, really Bryan? It was so malicious and terrifying and looked so demonic, that Jake didn't want to think it was him, but...deep down, he knew it was true.
Bryan had become a demon.
Jake could almost feel his heart breaking in two.
The thing that had been Bryan once smiled. "What's the matter, Jake? I thought you liked me calling you that."
Jake blinked back tears. "I liked it when Bryan called me that. You're not Bryan."
"Jakey, Jakey. Can't accept it? Well, you have to."
You aren't him!" Jake stubbornly repeated. "He's dead! You're an imposter or something, but you're not Bryan!"
"Jakey, you know I'm Bryan. And as for me being dead, well, thank Lord Kronos for that."
"You-you work for Kronos?!" said Xylo.
"Why, yes, I do. In fact, he's the one that gave me a new life and this fabulous new look!"
Evil Bryan kicked Jake in the stomach, stood up, and brushed off his chiton as if he didn't have a care in the world. Everyone instinctively stepped back out of fear. Even when he wasn't evil, Bryan could be scary.
"Now, let's get right to business. Now, I'm not here to kill you. Not yet, at least. I'm here because I have a deal for you all. And, if I fought Jakey in the process, well, that's a bonus!"
Kaykrae, being the camp's leader, stepped forward. "What's this deal?"
Evil Bryan chuckled. "Kaykrae, I've been watching you all ever since my rebirth, and you've become a decently strong force. But you know it won't matter in the end. Kronos is far too strong. Even now, he's gaining followers. Your numbers are too low. You'll be decimated by his army."
"Get to the point."
"Why even fight in the first place, when you could all live like kings and queens?"
Kaykrae's eyes widened. "Are you saying-"
"Abandon the camp and join our forces? Yes, I am. Our army could use powerful men and women like you all. We'd destroy the treacherous gods and make them our slaves. Then, we'd rule over the world. Of course, there would be conflict, but that's what makes it fun, am I right? And..." Evil Bryan looked at Jake. "Maybe amends could be made."
"Amends? What are you talking about?" asked Jake.
"Well, Jakey, I'm rather bitter over the fact you didn't heal me when I died. But that could be forgiven if you join. We'd be reunited. All the happy memories we made could be brought back."
By now, Jake had to admit he was tempted. Bryan had such a silver tongue that Jake started to wonder about the possibilities. Then, he remembered what exactly Bryan was asking."
"I would've healed you if you hadn't stopped me when you were dying. Your offer's tempting, but I think I'll pass."
Kaykrae stated, "The same goes for Camp Oasis. Now get out before we decide we're not going to be as nice."
Evil Bryan sighed. "Such a shame. I thought you'd be more reasonable, but oh well. I guess - oh, Gary, what are you doing?"
Kaykrae turned her head, expecting to see her pet snail doing something ridiculous, but she fell for it. Bryan swiped at her chest and-
Something inside her chest cracked and she stumbled backward. Mario caught her, but no one could stop Bryan. He was already out of sight.
What Kronos had done to Bryan, it was gonna cause a lot of trouble.
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