The baby cries violently, waking me from my quick slumber. I knew it was longing for some breast milk or something.
"Lizabeth" I say, signaling for her to bring the baby to me. As soon as I lift my dress to feed it, Leo storms in.
"Everyone get the FU*CK out!"
Lizabeth nods and runs out.
"Take the baby too." Leo's voice was sharp.
She pulls it from my breast and runs out. Leo paces the length of the room before pulling a chair from the corner. He lifts it and slams it in front of the edge of the bed where I rested and stares.
"A coupé!
A fuck*inf coupe!!!
Against me? Are you mad Calla?"
"Not mad, just tired" I shrug, pulling a few loose curls from my shoulders and playing with them.
"You tried to murder me?!"
"And I would do it again Leo." I smirk. He hated how unserious I was. It fueled his rage.
"You hate me that much?" He asks, pain stinging his throat. I didn't feel pity on him...why should I. After all he put me through.
"Yes." I mumbled.
From the soulless blue of your eyes to your imperfectly perfect jaw. I hate you Leo.
I loathe you.
I will never stop hating you.
You've taken my life
My joy.
My freedom.
My sense of autonomy.
I despise you. Infinitely I will. It is my vow to you"
His eyes twitch. It looked as if he was about to cry. Was he?
He looks to the floor before taking off his crown. "You have given me an heir to the throne of Genovia and have fulfilled your duty, therefore, I am letting you go."
My throat closes, not with remorse but rage. How dare he!
"What?" I snap, impatient with his air of aloofness.
"I am letting you go. I keep the boy here and you return to the painter or your home or whatever place you deem safe.
I chuckle, staring at him in disbelief. "You are something else Leo, you know that?
I have fufilled my duty and now you're letting me go.
FU*CK you!" Leo was scrambling. He would never do anything willingly.
I pulled the covers off my body and stand to my feet. I stumble a little but gather my strength to walk to the doors.
"The doctor said to rest... calla! Calla!" He hops from the seat and runs after me.
"I don't care." I fumed continuing my trek to the door. He was acting oddly suspicious which led me to believe one thing.
I open the door and see 10 guards standing tall around the door to my room with their spears pointed at me.
"Empress" they bow reverently.
"Ahh just as I suspected." I chuckle, turning to face Leo.
"I won" I shrug, patting Leo on his cheek and turning to face the door.
Joffre comes from the side and bows at my feet, a smile plastered his face.
"I am here to say congratulations on your healthy babe"
"Thank you general." I smile.
I look around the hallway and past the windows. There were a few scattered bodies and blood lining the floor but overall, but the coupe looked successful.
"And the coupe general?"
"Was a roaring success.
One of the swiftest coupes in history"
I try to contain my smile and nod. "Huzzah."
"Oslo is drafting the exchange of powers as we speak."
I nodded and signal him to stand. "Splendid.
Draft a letter to Donatello and tell him I acquire his presence here at once.
I will be out shortly general"
He smiles and takes his leave.
I turn back to Leo with - smugness so lethal, it burned a hole in his heart. "So that's it? You were trying to get rid of me before I could hear the success of my coupe"
"I wasn't" Leo lied pathetically. I sat across from him on the bed and smiled.
"How the tides have turned." I folded my hands against my lap and watch him.
"Calla if you would just listen—"
I had enough of your brainless speeches.
Now it is my turn to speak."
He swallows but listens.
"1) You will abdicate your throne and sign the papers to shift your powers over to me.
2) I will take the throne.
3) And when I have my child with Donatello and the child is 16? They will take the throne from me"
"Calla that is treason! In the highest order! The heir has to come from my royal sperm"
I ignore his vulgarity and stand again. "You will pack your things and leave this palace.
He stood up and fumed. "This is my birthright! You cannot kick me out!" I felt a little pity on him and thought of a mother solution.
"You have an apartment on the west wing, don't you?"
"Calla! Be serious"
"You will reside there. We will have to have monitored visits with our child."
"Your child." He interrupted me before I could finish. "That child is not mine until I get a paternity test."
"Whatever suits you best." I shrug.
"Apartment, Child, Throne" I go over a mental list in my head. "I think I have covered everything?"
"You are heartless Calla." Leo whispers, sulking in the chair before him.
"Well I must thank you for that Leonardo."
"Me?" He scoffs.
"Yes. I came here as a silly, optimistic girl with a seashell in a purse and dreams of a fairytale life. I thought you were my knight in shining armor. The prince that I would live my happily ever after with but... you crushed that the minute we met."
"Calla" Leo stands, trying to hold me but I step away, making sure he could touch me no more.
"My name shall never pass your lips again.
Goodbye Leo" I say, smiling proudly and leaving behind a world dictated by Leonardo.
I was free.
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