"Come Empress" Ms. Montonia whispered, leading me out the kitchen. She and I walked in silence until we came to the door of my room. She opened it and helped me to the spacious bathroom.
"Oh! I have something for you" she clapped, running to a closet before dragging a chest full of clothing to the middle of the room. "This is a chest filled to the brim with clothing to wear if ever needed something more casual." She explained. I bent beside her, lifting each item in awe.
"Thank you" I smiled warmly, taking her hands into mine. My gratitude was not for her tour, or helping me stand when I was at my weakest; it was for her patience and understanding. She was not a troublesome mother who hailed their son unflawed. She was bashful yet assertive, accepting me with open arms. She did not even know me.
"Call me if you need anything. My house is not too far away from here" she said, patting my palms with care before leaving. Picazzo lingered in the shadows of the doorframe.
"Goodnight Sir" I said, shooing him away. I bolted the latch of the chest before standing to ready for the night. Picazzo walked into the room, taking in the new additions I had added to the space.
"How long can you keep this up?" He says, picking up a small chest filled with my curlers. My chest did not even drop at the revelation of his words.
Of course another person knew! Either people in Genovia were really dense or I was not too convincing as an actress.
"Am I that obvious?" I frowned, snatching a small dress from his reach. I was mad that eveyone caught the clue except Donatello. I would need him to work on that before we started our future together.
"I know the look of love. It has greeted me many times before" he bragged devishly. "Plus, the deathly glares you gave his fiancé were not warm"
I ignored him, pulling a night gown from my chest and laying it on the bed.
"Imagine when he finds out you've been lying to him?" He sounded rather disappointed in me. Perhaps I was not behaving as the empress Donatello had hyped me up to be.
"I haven't! I have just been...bending the truth... a little" I cursed. I hoped Donatello wasn't too upset with me.
"He will loathe you empress"
"He will not! Donatello is a smart man and he understands the circumstances of my reality. You have heard of Leonardo? My husband is a loon. Donatello knows I will do what it takes to survive. He knew it then and he knows it now" I pushed past him, eager to start my bath. I needed to unwind from this stressful day. I hesitated, staring into the distance before turning around to face the man.
"Please don't tell him..."
"It is not my place empress." He smirked, leaning against the patterned wall. "But You must tell him soon."
Today. Tomorrow or the next, it doesn't change the fact that I will be the catalyst in ruining a relationship"
"And is your heart unsettled for that reason?" His eyes lifted up to mine. He knew the question was a tough one; a question he and I both knew the answer to. "You will not loose sleep to be honest. You don't like her"
I am silent for it was true.
"You are fearful he will rebuff you. Is that he?" He chimes. Why was he reading me to filth like this?
"Good night Picazzo" I dismissed him prematurely. I had enough of his overbearing presence.
He sighs and turns to leave, but stops.
"Donatello is well taught in the arts and sciences, painting and philosophy, but he gained in wit, he lacks in women and relationships.
Dumb is what I would call it"
"So I've seen. Is there a point to this sir?" I sighed impatiently, trying my hardest to tolerate his words.
"If you cannot see how in love Donatello is with you, then you are just as dumb as he empress"
I should have slapped him for speaking to me like this, but his words still rang true.
"Goodnight Empress" He decided that I had enough of his chiding and left me alone in the silence of the room.
I had just changed into my night dress before a a knock came at the door.
"Come in" I say, sitting down to brush my hair in the reflection of the looking glass.
A figure came through the door.
It was Donatello. I smiled brushing the tight ringlets in my hair before turning around to face him.
"Sir Donatello" I stood. I tried to push my hair back to look more presentable but I only made it worse. He tried to hide his smile but gave up after a while. He had always loved my tight curls.
"Empress I just came to say...good night. I hope you are well"
"Yes Donatello, I am" I nodded, "thank you."
Our eyes locked. I wanted to tell him.
Maybe now was the moment?
We both spoke at the same time before chuckling.
"You go first" I coaxed him to speak.
"Nothing... I just— Are you sure you are...okay? I just...wanted to make sure" he sounded worried about my well-being. It made me blush.
I am Donatello. Thank you for ... checking up in me" I kept the conversation short. I couldn't bring myself to do it. Soon... not yet but soon. Maybe tomorrow.
He nodded and looked into my eyes before backing away.
Author Note
Sorry for the short chapter! Been super busy with studying and school!
Next chapter she tells Donatello sorry for the spoiler. That's enough dragging out lol. Let's get it done!!
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