Lightly edited
We finally pulled up to the museum. Oslo steps out the coach first, then Donatello. He turns back and lifts a hand to aide my descent from the carriage.
"Careful empress," he warns me.
There were three measly steps that hovered near the side of the coach; it couldn't have been higher than a tiny stack of books but I made it my mission to stumble and fall, allowing Donatello to leap into my protection.
"Whoa." He cursed beneath a husky voice. He caught me just in time, holding my waist tight so I wouldn't fall. I frowned before looking up, resting a gentle palm against his chest.
"Careful empress. I would hate it if you injured yourself under my supervision" he lectured.
"I'm a clumsy little thing, aren't I sir Donatello?" I cursed, holding the center of his jacket.
"No. Not at all empress." He smiled humorously, "Those steps are always so tricky."
I rested my head against his chest, relishing in his sent I had so painfully forgotten before separating. "Thank you" I look up to face him.
"Of course Empress" He nodded, helping me stand straight before leading me into the crowds.
The people of Spain waved and smiled as they saw me pass them. No one would have known I was royal but I had my crown on display; plus word had gotten around.
I knew it was a gamble coming to Spain. If word had already spread here, then it would have likely spread to Genovia. I just hoped by the time word got to Genovia, I would be on my way back. Leo couldn't punish Donatello if I was out of Spain but the time he found out.
I only wanted Donatello to be safe...
Donatello guided me into the museum, making his way amongst the crowd of people. It was a grand and elegant building with sculptures and paintings at each corner. Oslo lingered at some works of art, giving Donatello and I ample space to explore.
We discussed the inner workings of the artistic community and its core influences.
We laughed and smiled.
We joked about silly things we both thought was funny.
I enjoyed it and I knew he did too.
It seemed as if, nothing had happened...as if we picked up exactly where we left off.
And not that I was missing her company, but a couple of minutes had passed since I had last seen his fiancé. It was better for me though because it meant more alone time with Donatello.
Donatello and I walked along the path leading to another exhibition, creating a healthy distance between the crowds behind us.
"I like this one." I pointed, walking up to a delicately painted photo in a golden frame.
"Bellamentov, my favorite artist ." He said it almost immediately. "He makes you feel as if you are a small apex on earth meant to repurpose your life" He admired, looking at each corner with regard.
"Come." He pushes an arm against the tail of my back, guiding me through a couple of more crowds.
He takes me to another room filled with portraits and artworks of art. There were so many different types of art and paintings. Every single one was magnificent.
But it was not the little paintings that caught my attention but the grand one hung in the middle of the room.
"It looks like me?" I whispered in awestruck wonder.
"It is you empress. I painted it... well a while ago." He mutters trying to conceal our timeline of events. "The museum commissioned it for quite a hefty amount. They favor the empress of Genovia."
"They know of me?" I bit my lip excitedly. I didn't think anyone knew of me beyond Genovia.
"They knew nothing, until I told them." Donatello shrugs, lifting a palm to his jaw. "I told them the story of a brave woman who came from a small village in Cedonia. A woman forced into a life unknown. A virgin chosen by God to save the future of Genovia"
"You make me sound like the blessed Virgin Mary sir Donatello" I giggled, looking at him from the corner of my eye. He was such a pretty thing to look at but his eyes still lingered on the picture. He realized the ideas of his words and smiled, looking at me before chuckling.
"Maybe I was a bit overzealous selling the painting?" He tilted his head, thinking back to the reality of the situation.
"Not at all. You have a way about hyping the most mundane things Donatello"
"But that is where you are mistaken empress" he says turning his head to face mine, "You are far from mundane."
If there was a closet to f**k him now, I would do it.
How selfish my heart was to kiss him, to push my lips against his. He would destroy me with his words by the end of this trip.
I don't know how long I could take it.
"Now the fateful question every artist fears. Thoughts?" He asks, looking toward my figure.
I smile politely and lift a gloved have to my face, pretending to think.
"I dont like it" I lied, pushing my lips into a pout.
"You don't?" His question came out as more of a statement. As if he was okay with my impression.
"I love it" I smirked, gently running a finger against the frame, "Everything is painted well.
My eyes glisten.
The dark hue of my skin is not muted.
My hair is perfectly coiled.
Everything is perfect but...oh.. what's this?" I bend forward, squinting to the part where my lips were painted.
"It seems as if my lips are a bit to..."
"Too...?" He urges me to finish. I knew he had purposely perfected them that night.
It would agitate him.
"European?" I say bluntly.
"Really" he smirks pushing a finger to his throat to scratch it "are they?"
There was no way he could not know I was the old Call. Then again, Donatello was not quite skilled in reading the room. I thought back to the time with him and Sarai.
"It just seems as they do not match my features...
I mean it is not your fault. You would have had better luck kissing me or looking at them closely and I doubt you did that when you painted this"
I could see his body shaking. He was itching to let the truth out but I knew he would never do it.
"Oh... Never mind!
I do not wish to insult an artists work. Shall we continue?" We walk again, taking in some more out. He l pointed to different sculptures and vases that he had loved or hated.
"Laura? Isabel? She seems like..an active fiancé. Two first names?"
"She likes the name Laura sometimes. Isabel on others. It depends on the day"
"I see. You know, my mother always said never trust a person with two first names"
He chuckled before stopping at another photo.
"How long have you known her?" I only asked to clear my conscience. I did not want to break up a relationship that had history but then again, I did not care. I was selfish and would win Donatello's heart at any cost.
"We were bethrothed since teens. My father and her father were good friends. It was a funny thing they joked about after each visit."
"Ohh?" I hummed. I turned my attention to another sculpture in the distance, rolling my eyes as he continues. I did not care for this girl!
"We started seeing each other a few years ago. We were inseparable for 2 years but I was summoned to Emperor Leonardo's palace in Genovia for what I thought was a commission for art."
"And it wasn't?" I make sure he clarified, turning my head to him again.
"No...not at all" he smirked. I knew he would never say what we shared.
"My fiancé begged me not to go, but when an emperor from a foreign land asks you to paint his wife, you do it."
I giggled, relishing in his charm. He had always knew how to make me smile.
"When my ...time was done I came back to Spain. I wanted to forget about Genovia."
"Why? Was I that bad a subject to paint?" I frowned.
He stared at me, his scanning eyes over my features. "No empress... you were the most amazing subject. There was ...a memory...I once cherished was suddenly lost."
"Hmm I see."
"I came back to Spain a richer man but in a sense, poorer than when I first left. I knew I needed to move on.
My past couldn't be changed, but my future could. Isabel and I reconnected. 2 months later, I proposed. " he finally finished his tale.
"So fast? You must have been sure?" I tried to hide my rage.
"Not at all. I just wanted to forget..."
"Forget? Why forget the past when we can relish in it Donatello" There was no way he couldn't have known! I was screaming for him to say something.
He only nodded and lead me to another room where sculptures of every color stood high.
"I like this one especially." He whispered behind me. His hand fell to his side, accidentally brushing his hand against mine. He lingers it for a moment but pulls it away.
"This is a popular exhibition?" I asked him.
"Very popular"
"Modern contemporary seems to be gaining traction in the north. Picazzo seems to shine here" I favored Picazzo's works. He was always taking apart the abstract.
"Do not let him know you favor his work. You will swell his head"
"You know picazzo !" I gasped.
"He is my neighbor sadly. He lives some acres away but always finds himself in my house" He sighs, looking at another sculpture.
I giggle looking up to a beautiful statue of a healthy man. "The great picazzo is your neighbor! I cannot believe it Donatello"
"It is not a selling point I wish to make known empress but you will meet him in due time. He will love you"
I blushed and nodded my head. We continue further into the gallery. Donatello pointed out another wing that was his. Every piece of work was amazing then we got to the erotic room.
A few children pointed and giggle they were chased off buy a group of women. Probably their mothers.
Donatello shook his head at them before facing me. "Some people are not a fan of this portion of my work"
"I understand their hesitation" I say. Not too long ago, I was one of those people.
"Picazzo says he will die a happy man if I continue these"
There was another erotic painting I couldn't help but notice. It was turning me on.
"I wonder how long you painted this one for" I say, standing in front of a large canvas. Two naked bodies were intertwined.
"Not too long? I don't measure the time. They are were willing participatmts. I ask them to pretend I'm not in the room and paint . They go at it. Some for hours Some for seconds"
"Hmm interesting." I say, "and you just stand there and watch?"
"In a sense"
I walk over to the one that was hung high. It was him and I. He blushed and cleared his throat unmistakably.
"Wow! These two lovers are unmistakeable. They look like they are in an impassioned embrace" I hadn't even tried to be sly.
He dares himself to meet my eyes before forcing them away. "Who was the inspiration for this Donatello? Who were these two? "
"Just a man.
And a woman I once knew..." he hummed.
"Once Knew?"
He nodded but refused to speak.
"I can tell this is you Sir Donatello"
"Oh?" He asks.
"All the others you cut off the strokes when it came to the neck. But this one you kept them in to signify the curls on your hair.
But the woman? It could be anyone?" I sighed pretending as if it wasn't me.
"You are very observant empress"
I looked back to the painting and smile. I remembered the night as if it was yesterday. It was the night I first gave myself to the man I vowed to love forever.
Never had a night been so perfect; so serene and yet, I was pretending as if it never happened.
"Did you love her?" I ask him, walking over to meet him.
"What?" He chuckled sort of taken back by the question. We were staring at the painting in silence for so long.
"Did you love her?" I asked against his time unmistakably, stepping into his space. I peered up at him. He was quiet, looking to the distance but finally looked into my eyes.
"Truthfully?" He asked, lifting a hand to fall beneath my chin.
"Yes" I nodded biting my lip as he pulled me into his reach.
"I never stopped empress" He confesses, gently pushing a curl away from my face.
That's it!
I could not bear it any longer. I needed to tell him of my rouge.
"Donatello I —- " I grabbed his arm, gently pushing a hand against his chest. He stares into my eyes, grabbing my arms and gripping them, staring as if...he were waiting for me to say something?
Did he know?
Should I tell him know?
"I am—"
"Donaaaaaa!!!!"" Her stuffy voice sounded from behind me. She gathers the bulk of the dress, walking to were we stood before wedging her way between Donatello and I.
"Oh Donatello!! it was absolutely dreadful! The carriage ride was so bumpy.
One of the wheels fell off and had to be replaced!
I barely made it here."
"Barely" I muttered beneath a breath.
She forced herself into his arms. Donatello held her, looking to stare back at me before gently pulling her close. She pretended to cry in his chest, pushing her forehead against his jacket.
"I am sorry you had such a rough journey." He sighed, looking at me before pulling her close. "Excuse us empress" he announced, leading her away so she could compose herself.
That stupid brat! The ride here could not have been that bad. And I saw no tears.,
I knew Donatello still loved me. He had just confessed it.
But maybe I was lying to myself?
Perhaps I was naive to think he would drop everything at the drop of a dime?
I was foolish to think he would accommodate his relationship with a timing most convenient of me.
Is this how he felt seeing me with Leo? Had I finally tasted the medicine I was too fearful to swallow?
Oslo came behind me with a wrinkled pamphlet in hand. He had seen everything. "Empress we must be on our way back home. It is getting dark." He pushed his glasses above his nose, looking at Donatello and his fiancé as the walked the legnth of the museum.
"Yes...of course. Thank you Oslo" I nodded, still focusing on Donatello as he kissed her cheek.
I was sad; angry, because those kisses were supposed to be for me....
Author note:
I mean....
Do we think Donatello would ditch Laura Isabel for Calla if she revealed her truth?
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