I waited for Lizabeth to speak as she watched the rising and falling of my chest.
No way...
It was too easy.
Had Leo really been shot?
Had my suffering truly ended?
"How? When?" I asked impatiently.
"Calla" Lizabeth stared at me, twiddling the end of her thumbs. "You know they all went on their journey to hunt at dawn. All was well but a small rabbit came and..Leo, he shot the hare. But then... he was shot.... well he was shot at... by—"
"Come on Lizabeth! Spit it out" I snapped impatiently.
"Oslo shot the emperor!" she blurted, taking a few step backs to allow me my space to react. I watched her carefully, trying to interpret the meaning of her words before taking in a small sliver of air, collapsing to my bed.
"Os-os-oslo??" I stammered, trying to reclaim my breaths. I was surprised Oslo possessed the gusto to do it but I could not assess my feelings. Was I happy at the news? Or dismayed?
"Leo invited him to join the hunt. You know he's been on some stupid campaign to win your affection so he has been more pleasing in character and he figured to invite an old friend. Oslo saw the rabbit at the same time Leo did and—-boom" Lizabeth explained.
I was relieved when Lizabeth finished the tale but hesitant to ask the fateful question.
Was Leo still alive?
"Where was he shot?" I struggled to ask my query. I knew whatever the outcome was, my life would forever be changed.
"He was shot... well...
Oslo shot him in the....
He took the gun and shot him—"
"Where!" I pleaded, grabbing her shoulders to shake her. Why was she so hesitant to reveal the truth?
"In the ASS!"
Silence filled the span of the chilly room. The slight tilt of my head to the side was enough to signal my confusion.
"In the...ass?" I repeated, trying to stifle my smirk.
Has my hearing failed me? Did Lizabeth's words ring true?
Lizabeth pushed two palms over her lips, staring at me as I observed her carefully. My lips curled into a tight-lipped smile, the limitations of my self-control dwindling. Both our eyes follow each other, each of us daring the other to react.
Lizabeth was the first to crack before I exploded into a fit of laughter.
Our chuckles were so brash and uncontrollable. Lizabeth snickered then stopped to regain her breath, then I took the lead until I grew tired. We may have laughed ourselves into a stupor of madness.
Lizabeth collapsed on the bed beside me, gently wiping away her tears; they were unrelenting.
"I suppose I should play the doting wife and check up on him?" I sighed, sitting up to face the door.
"Give him so space. His bum is still bleeding so it is an eyesore" Lizabeth snatched a pillow to rest her head against it.
"Where is Oslo?"
"He is hiding in the western wing at the library. He is wedged at the bottom of a bookshelf in the fetal position. I tried to lure him out with some cheese and bread but alas" Lizabeth smirked, standing up from the bed.
I giggled, dropping my hands to the side. "Serves Leo right. I am glad he was shot" I cursed, remembering his words just before his hunt. He refused me to travel to Spain to see Donatello so I did not feel pity.
"You two are friends no more?" She asks, moving to start turning the sheets. It had been 3 days since I had allowed the servants to come in and clean.
I knew Lizabeth and I did not leave off on the best terms, but I wanted to tell her the good news as well as the bad.
"So...Donatello is still alive" I inform her. Lizabeth nodded, crossing her arms. "That is good news to hear" she sighs, pulling off the cases of the pillow.
You would not believe the lies he tried to say to make me believe he was the one who gifted me the necklace instead of Donatello"
"He is stupid, so I can believe it"
"I asked him to go to Spain to commission another portrait but of course he refused.
A lady should not travel alone!
An Empress without her Emperor?" I imitated him with such disdain.
"What a bunch of lies. He only says this because he is frightened Donatello will trigger your memories. He is scared he may lose this new, curated Calla"
"He should be terrified. One look at Donatello and my heart will melt. I may forget my class and kiss him on the spot" I boasted carelessly. I missed him so much. Lizabeth smirks, turning over the pillows. "Maybe Oslo has aided me in the fight?" I think aloud.
"Huh?" Lizabeth sighs, pausing her chores to face me.
"Leo is upset beyond repair? He is immobile and needs healing but not the type you can get from a medicine or any specialist."
"Oh?.... Oh! I see"Lizabeth nodded, understanding my conflict before resuming her duties.
I walk to the center of the room, taking in the length of the room before heading to the writing desk in the corner.
"I am sorry" I blurted. Lizabeth paused her fluffing and stared at me, slowly lifting her arms to open. I run to her of course, hugging and pulling her fondly. Lizabeth had been with me through it all; from my torment with Leo to my Donatello arc. She was truly the only friend I had. She was my sister. "Do you grow weary of my apologies friend?"
"Never empress. It gives me satisfaction to know that I am right and you are simply always wrong." she teased. I giggled, still resting my head against her shoulder.
"Lizabeth, I have been thinking"
"Your doctor boyfriend"
She turns a visible red but bites her cheek. "He is not a suitor" she protested. I separate from her warmth and take a seat in the chair across from her.
"Well, whatever he is to you, I trust him and I want him to stay close, preferably to live in the palace. I have been thinking and I am still determined to move on with the original plan."
"To kill the Leo?" Lizabeth smiled with ease. I nodded my head to assure her.
"I must speak with General Joffre. He is the last person in our group who knew of the plan. He still thinks I have amnesia"
"Then do it swift Calla. I am impatient. Genovia is impatient" Lizabeth beams. I greeted her words, taking in her exuberant delight before lifting my nails to my eyesight.
"And tell the Dr. to come to the palace one of these days. I will introduce him as my doctor to Leo as to not raise suspicions. His skill might prove useful in the future" I had been thinking of the day when I would start showing. Leo would be suspicious and I needed the doctor to pull the wool over Leo
"I will talk to him" Lizabeth tries to hide her smile, but I could see it from a mile away, "for you of course"
"Thank you".
Despite Lizabeth's warnings, I tried to lure Oslo out of the little shelf he was hidden in but he refused. He knew his impending doom was approaching.
"I know if Leo lays his sights on me again, he will kill me!" he whispered, frantically scanning the room. He looked so silly hiding near the edge of the library. Like a little rat who was caught in a trap.
"Leo? He is a saint now Oslo! He won't lay a hand on you because he knows it was an accident" Oslo scoffed and turned to face me, lifting a knee to his stomach so he could cower more comfortably.
"Calla! You, more than anyone knows that Leo is crazy!"
I hummed in agreement and pouted. He was right. Oslo was not as dense as the others. He was not falling for Leo's new cultivated persona. "Couldn't you have just shot him in the heart!" I blurted! Oslo had one job and he failed at that!
"Calla!" he cursed, taking his glasses off to clean them.
"What! You know you were thinking it! It would have made your suffering easier and my life happier" I cursed.
Oslo pushed his thick-rimmed glasses atop his nose and scooted further into the little nook, turning his back so he could face the wall of the small marble shelf.
"Oslo you cannot stay in here forever"
"Watch me empress" he frowned, gently pushing his head below his palms. He cowered in the same fetal position and covered his head.
I tried to poke him, convincing him to retire his foolish paranoia but he refused. It was hopeless.
He was immobile.
Well; there was no use trying to convince him to be brave. My only hope was going to Leo and coaxing him for Oslo's mercy.
Author Note:
One more chapter before a special ...reunion with a certain someone!
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