1 month later
Leonardo and I have been getting along rather swimmingly and the kingdom of Genovia has been?
To say the least.
Leonardo has been adamant on his campaign to win my affections. There was no yelling or screaming on his part. Gone were his mid afternoon drinking matches and drunken tomfoolery.
And Vanessa?
Well, Leonardo has been seeing her less. Their meetings stopped altogether within the 4th day of my amnesia "episode" It was better for Levy for she had been meeting with her own husband and loving him.
Leonardo warned the men of his court and their wives to be nice to me as the news of my most recent concussion had spread throughout the kingdom. I supposed thé people felt pity on me but I wish they didn't. I was pleased with this new sham and the role I was playing.
The women and I met in the tea room every other day, snacking on tea biscuits while gossiping about scandalous affairs plaguing the palace. I did not care of course, but I had to pretend for the sake of Leo.
The women seemed to favor this new Calla? I did not know why, but if it helped me get into their good graces so be it.
It has been funny pushing Leonardo's buttons. At first, I started with small things like moving breakfast to lunch and dinner to breakfast; little things like that. My next mission was letting our new fox sleep in our bed, right between my body and Leo's head. Coincidently, he had only pooped on his side.
I knew Leo was furious. At me or Ossy? (Awe-Zee) I did not care to know. Either way, he knew he dare not show it, only cursing beneath a vexed breath.
Oh yea!
That was another change to the dynamics of our relationship. I was housed in Leo's room now. I insisted for another room, stressing to him that "distance made the heart grow fonder"
he was adamant we stay closer.
He told me of my amnesia and claimed he was trying his best to help me remember my past. I knew that was a lie. He was doing the complete opposite of that.
That is why I had been annoying him, purposely pushing him to the limit. I wanted to see just how much it took until he snapped.
Plus, it was fun.
"Good morning " Leonardo entered into the dinning room, pulling a napkin in anticipation for his meal. The servant opened the silver cover but his face scrunched with disdain. I continued reading my book, smiling behind the pages as I inspected his face.
I heard a few whispers of curses before he slammed the cover back on. "Calla?" His voice was as gentle as a forest spring.
"Yes, husband?" I smiled.
"Calla... dear Calla... what the FUCK is this?"
"It's breakfast Leonardo. Well actually.. it's dinner since breakfast is now dinner."
No no Calla! I mean... where is the lamb? The pig? The bacon? The meat?"
"Oh... no more of that." I smiled, pulling the book up to resume my reading. He was furious.
"Why? Well because it's not good for the heart. I was reading a book by Merlo and he said—"
"NO!" he slammed his fist against the table, making the water in the glasses rumble. Was he finally about to snap?
"Calla please..." he sighs, pulling his head into the surface of his palms. "I don't ask for a lot.
I rule my kingdom and...I let you be.
I let you read and play with your stupid fox.
Al I ask is for three things and THREE things only.
1) A good hunt.
2) Meat and
3) some good delicious pu*sy."
I smirked but shook my head, pulling my book down so I could face him.
"Did the old Calla allow it?"
"She relished in my philosophy." He defended.
"Well.... I'm the new Calla and I say no." I stood and went to his side, lifting the sliver cover of the platter to reveal the stale greens and dry herbs. "Leo look! It's healthier and more filling" I lifted up a flaccid leaf and hold it up to his face.
He says my name like some mantra? Maybe he was trying to calm himself by counting to ten but used my name instead?
"Calla" he says my name one final time.
I smiled politely and bent beside him, calmly looking up to face him. "Yes? I am here husband" I smirked, leaning my cheek against my arm that was rested beside his plate.
He looked into my eyes, taking a deep look at my features before snatching the fork and shoving the greens into his mouth.
"Delicious" he cursed, pushing his head back in annoyance.
Oslo said it had been the best month in the court. He was one of the two people who knew of my sham. Him and Lizabeth of course.
"All he talks about is you so we can actually get work done. We just passed two treaty's to lessen government presence in neighboring cities"
"Wonderful? All because of a little amnesia?"
"I think it's more of the emperor believing he has a second chance? He feels as if this is God's doing. A new change to his life. A better Genovia is at the cusp Calla." Oslo rejoices, staring into the distance, "Maybe your concussion was for the best"
I smiled at Oslo as we walked on. A better Genovia did seem likely? I was optimistic for the future, dreaming of a future of renaissance and revolutionary ideas. Before, I was adamant that Genovia would have Leo far away from its progression, but it seemed as if... Leo was strengthening the kingdom.
Could he have really changed?
"So Leo said there was a surprise you wanted me to see?"
"Yes! I made the likely decision to suggest a bold change of color to his room."
"And this bold color?" Oslo pauses his steps.
"I thought he would refuse my suggestion to paint his room but surprisingly, he agreed. It only took a few days to convince him but evunatully he sucumbed."
"What color?" Oslo repeated himself again but before I answered him, we heard a scream.
"CALLAAAAAAAA!!!!?" Leonardo's shrill voice rang through the hallways.
"Seems as if he has just seen the color" I clapped excitedly, skipping over to meet him.
Oslo follows close behind me as we enter into our room. I come behind a frozen Leonardo and gasp, dropping my mouth open in shock.
My room is pink Calla!!?" he frowned, wathcing the painters as they packed up their belongings. A fresh coat of bright pink paint brightened the patterned walls of his elegenat room. The painters had exceeded my expectations. Not only had they painted every wall pink, they had also lined each trim and molding with a pink, velvet patterned wallpaper.
"It's not pink Leonardo...it's fusia" I corrected him, tapping his chest affectionally. He turned around to face me, squinting his eyes in disbelief.
"FUSIA!?" he repeated again. Lizabeth hid her smile as she stood at a distance.
"Oslo be honest. You are my best chap." Leonardo begged, grabbing his friend's shoulders desperately. He wanted someone on his side. Oslo pulled off his glasses, cleaning them with his small handkerchief before placing them back above his nose.
He looked around the room in wonder, trying to find the words to utter. "Wow..." he muttered. "It is quite...hmm.... vibrant" he croaks, his forehead dripped hot beads of sweat.
"Lizabeth?" Leo turned around and ran, urgent to address her. That was another thing he had been doing lately. Adressing Liazabeth and the servants and ackowleging their presence. He was still rude but at least that was progress.
"It reminds me of a woman's powder room." she smiles tring to hold in her laugh, "But it suits you emperor" she admitted truthfully.
Good. She still hated him.
He sighed, looking at Ossy as he nawed at his ankle.
"This stupid bastard keeps knawing at my heel." he curses picking it up and pushing him into my hands.
"Language Leonardo"
"Fine... little shit" he teased. I rolled my eyes, his old self shining through. He watches me carefully, looking into my eyes before pulling my jaw and kissing my lips. I forced myself to take them in, pushing a palm against the nape of his neck to express some sort of interest. "Are you happy?" He whispers, gently pulling a curl from my cheek.
"With the color?" I ask him.
"No... with this, and the room and the dinners and the breakfasts."
"Yes Leonardo. I am happy" it was strange but truthfully I was. Of course Donatello wasn't here so not all was perfect but the progress he had made was promising and for that I was happy.
"As long as this makes you happy Calla...then I am happy" he nodded, kissing my forehead. I smile, lifting Ossy to kiss his lips.
"Ossy says thank you" I pouted, wiping the slobber from the corner of Leonardo's lip with a handkerchief I snatched from Oslo's pocket.
"I do not care what he thanks me for" he pinches his ear playfully. I smile and fix Leonardo's crown.
"Well. I am off. I have a meeting with Ystev at the chapel"
"Church again? You must be working to be memorialized as a saint."
"Working? No, I can deem it, for I am emperor" he smirked pridefully. "Come along Oslo!" I wave him goodbye, and whispered a prayer for Oslo before skipping over to Lizabeth. She held up two fingers to the newly painted wall.
"I must be dreaming. Late breakfast. Prayers for my soul. Sweet kisses...tell me this is a dream."
"Fine it is a dream" Lizabeht frowns, pushing me aside to observe the vacant room. "So how will we decorate this place? Yellow couches with green accents? The more hideous the better"
"Aww Lizabeth... I think we teased him enough. Pink walls is enough no?"
"Calla" she scoffs, turning around to face me. "You panted his room pink! That is barely enough! We gotta get him back good!" She says, turning to bend to trace her palm against the ugly trim.
"Look how ugly this will look!" she ran and pulled a held up a yellow curtain against the gaudy walls.
I giggled and nodded in approval. "It is so ugly... it's perfect"
Author Note
Leo is trying
Still trying to figure out a schedule for this! (Will update 1 chapter every Wednesday) but I might do more? We'll see
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