"I feel like I've been hit by a horse" Donatello curses, walking into my room. Lizabeth and I exchanged knowing glances before I continue writing in my journal.
"Oh? I feel as if I have been hit too" I lied nonchalantly. He walked over and pulled me from my chair, kissing my cheek before sitting down and pulling me back into his lap. He pushed his head against the back of the chair, holding his temple in pain.
"The aftermath of the alcohol I assume?" I suggest.
"Mmhmm" he mumbles, letting out a heavy sigh. I could tell he was going through it...
"Tomato Juice and lemon. It helps the hangovers " I announce, nodding my head at Lizabeth. She nodded and left to alert the guards to make the concoction.
"So? " I whisper, turning a page in my notebook before turning to face him.
"So?" He repeats after me, waiting for my words.
"About last night... "
"I don't remember much of it" he groans. I nodded, smiling at the statement before continuing to write in my journal. We continue on in comfortable silence until a servant comes in with the tomato juice concoction. I stand up excitedly and hover it over Donatello's nose.
"Smells disgusting" he teased, holding his hand over his forehead.
"Drink it! It will help" I begged.
He opens one eye before taking it and drinking it. "Huzzah" he teased before pushing the glass onto the side table. He sighs again before staring up at me. "You must not get affected easily?"
"Must not?" I shrugged kissing his forehead. I felt bad for skipping out on my consumption but the plan wouldn't have been successful if both of us were drunk. I lead him to stand, pulling him over to my bed and forcing him under the covers. "Here, take off your shoes. I'm going to take care of you." I untie his laces, throwing his shoes to the floor.
"You don't have to Calla. I will be fine" he chuckled lazily before groaning in pain. He had lifted his head too high.
"I don't have to, I want to" I smile, kissing his forehead to soothe his pain. To be honest, I felt bad that I was the cause of his intoxication. I knew I was responsible for his sickness. My conscience would be to heavy.
"Donatello.. what is the worst thing I could do to you?" I asked. I refused to say what I had done out loud. He smiles, holding his head with pain before looking into my eyes.
"The worst thing?" He repeated after me.
"Yes...the absolute worst thing that would make you upset at me?"
"Nothing" he smiles taking his hand and pushing it through my curls.
"Even if I killed you?" I suggested.
"I know you would not kill me out of selfish disdain or ill intent. If you killed me, I would not hate you for I know the reason would be good" he shrugs. My heart shattered in two as I hear his intellectual words. How pure his heart was...I did not deserve him.
"Calla? Are you sick?." He frowns, gently running a palm against my forehead to feel for warmth.
"No.. no" I smile politely, trying to hold back my tears. I knew what I had done was wrong and although the guilt was eating me up... I had no other choice.
I needed the father of my child to be Donatello. Imagine having a child by Leo? There was only so much intellect I could pass onto them...with my brains and Leo's...lack thereof, he would be vulnerable. How could I expect him to take over and rule Genovia? I did what I had to do, for the betterment of Genovia.
A knock sounds at my door and I jump from my distant thoughts. Before I could signal the guards to let the person in, Leo pushes his way through.
"Calla! LOOK! I just killed the most hideous raccoon and had to show you! It has two tails and buck tee—" his words halted as he looked at the scene.
His eyes focused on Donatello in my bed before he frowned. "Ohhh... I was not aware you had company" he pouts. The blood of the raccoon dropped on my floor as he stood there in silence.
"Leo can't whatever you're gonna show me wait? Donatello isn't feeling too good. Right now?" I mumbled annoyed at his presence.
"Ohhh ..alright" he mumbled. I heard the jealously in his voice and went over to kiss his cheek. "But thank you for showing me...your raccoon?" I lied.
He nodded, walking to depart. "Leo, Let me see the hideous beast."
He turns around and smiles, running over to display it in the air. He holds it up with pride and I observe it.
It truly was hideous.
It reminded me of Leo's hideous soul.
"It is hideous, thank you" I giggled. He tried to push it into my hands to keep but I refused. "No, you keep it."
"Suit yourself" he shrugged. He nodded looking behind him at Donatello before turning to me. Although his hands were filthy, he pulled me into his arms, kissing my lips with a most desperate ferocity. I only stood rigid, rolling my eyes to the ceiling until he finished.
"Well, I am going back hunting. If you would like to join me." He says beneath a whisper temptation lacing his voice.
"Oh Leo, you know I hate those barbaric games. Shoot an animal in remembrance of me." I begged kissing his jaw before turning him away.
That kiss was enough to make him feel worthy and he left.
Leo had sent news, announcing a last-minute dinner. It was an intimate dinner of course.
He only permitted me to attend, making sure no other "persons" were invited. I knew that was code word for Donatello.
I think of my day and all that Leo had done. More and more he tried to separate Donatello and I.
Must he take everything I loved?
I let him have my letters.
I let him steal my happiness.
I let him take me from my family.
Donatello was the one thing left I refused to let go of.
I couldn't loose him...even if that meant giving Leo all of me.
I storm to Leo's room and see his servants crouched beside him, dressing him in his finest robes for dinner.
"Leave" I commanded under my breath. They scurry out leaving Leo and I alone.
"Calla, dinner is not for another hour"
"I have heard of your plans Leo" I interjected. I was not one to keep up our nonexistent formalities.
"Plans? I have many plans Calla." He turns around to face the mirror, pulling and tugging on his newly sewn clothes.
"Your plan to send Donatello away?"
He titled his head but looked at me through the reflection of the mirror.
"Oh yes..that plan"
"Why? You are the one who sent him here? Am I not supposed to fall in love with the man who showed me nothing but kindness?" I pleaded, begging him to attest to his sanity.
"I have shown you kindness Calla!" He yelled turning to face me.
"You have not!" I refuted. He pulled his crown on, looking at the mirror once more. "The only reason you plan to send him away is because of your jealousy! You are jealous of him...me... us. You have no reason to be? You still fuck me every night" I remind him.
"Maybe that is not enough Calla!" he shouted, making his way to face me. "I see the way you look at him. How your head turns with glee when he is in the room. How you smile" he whispers against my lips, "....that beautiful smile." he curses, pushing his thumb against its ridges.
Before I could allow him to kiss me, I lifted my hand and slapped his cheek, so hard, it left a bright red mark.
"How dare you wallow in your sick stench of self-pity! My heart was open to you Leo. It was wide open and you shut it!!! You stabbed my heart and cut it from its rope but Donatello has patched it.
He has kissed every bruise you inflicted.
He has caressed every curve and ridge that you violently gripped." I seethed, glaring at his features with fury.
How dare he beg for my love after all he's done?
Leo still held his cheek as I silenced.
"Calla...I AM SORRY!" He blurted silencing the room.
It was the first time I had heard the words from his lips.
"I see the error in my ways. I shouldn't have done all that I did. If I can go back in time and start again I would." he pleaded, walking over to meet my eyes. I cross my arms instead, looking to the ground.
His apologies were too late. I would accept them for the damage has been done.
"Calla....please..." he whispers, falling to my feet. And it was then that I knew what I had to do. Leo would never leave Donatello alone unless I gave him all of me.
I bend down to meet his eyes, gently running a palm against his cheek. He weakened at my touch, pushing his lips to kiss my fingers. I was not sure how much power I had over him but my gentle embrace proved much. "I will fuck you right now Leo."
His eyes lit up with excitement; his features glowing like a newly born babe suckling on his mother's tender nipples.
"I'll fuck you good and I'll do it as if we were in love. I will kiss your sweaty chest and rest my head upon your stomach. I will fuck you so well that I will give you an heir" I vow, pushing a thumb against his neck. He lifts his eyes and stares into my own, intrigued by the statement.
"But if I do this, you will not lay a finger on Donatello. You will not touch him, talk to him, or even look at him. He is free to leave Genovia on his terms and he is free to return. You will not force him to leave. Got it?"
He is silent for the first time since I have known him.
"Do you understand me?" I cursed, making him hasten his decision.
"Yes...Calla..." he mutters.
"Huzzah." I whispered, a smug smirk forming on my lips. I violently push him to the bed, ripping his shirt off before I begin. It would be the best lay I had given him since our time in Genovia.
"Call off the dinner" I whispered, kissing his lips before unbuttoning his pants. He stood to open the doors and whispered the command to guards standing watch.
And I did what needed to be done, screaming and moaning his name in heat, telling him to go deeper. I even kissed him on the lips a few times. And when we were done, I pushed my head against his chest, trailing soft kisses against it. I tried my hardest to imagine Donatello but even that was a disservice to the man who loved me so much. I hated Leo with every fiber in me. I couldn't impose Donatello's sound face onto his.
I hated every minute of our time together.
Leo's scent has was different than Donatello's.
The way he moved and rocked me was different. Even the way he kissed me was cold and calculated...there was no love behind the emotion, only lust, and domination.
He pulled a gentle hand through my curls, lifting my jaw to face his. We stare at each other silently before he pulls my lips into his. I allow him, letting him kiss me but break, turning my head to face his chest. I hoped pretending to be asleep would stop him.
"I should be going..." I suggest, looking at the small pocket watch that rested on his side table. We had been at it for hours.
"No, stay," he said through a pleading tone. I kiss his chest, tears soon forming my eyes before forcing myself to fall asleep. I hope this would be enough to last for a while...or at least I started showing with Donatello's child.
Leo grabs my waist, gently running a palm beneath my breasts. "Calla..." he whispers, desperate to initiate another round.
My goodness!
Couldn't this fool accept a clue?
I was certainly tired and only wished to rest.
"Good night Leo," I say, pushing his hand away and turning to face the empty side of the covers. He was relentless and all I wished to do was forget this night.
I couldn't help but beam as I saw Calla's resting above my chest. Her gentle breaths were music to my ears. Up and down her stomach went.
It was astounding how beautiful she truly was. Why hadn't I seen it before?
I lift her chin, gently scanning her features to
observe her visage.
How beautiful she was but how damaged I had made her.
It was my fault that she held so much contempt for me.
Her heart skipped for another and no matter how much I fantasized about a reality where Calla's heart would beat for me, I knew it would never come to pass...
A knock came at my door and I cursed, annoyed at whoever decided to disturb our intimate time.
Who could that be?
Vanessa comes in, already naked, ready to mount my manhood. How desperate a woman she was. "
"Leo, I just couldn't wai--" but her words halted once she saw Calla sleeping in my arms. "What is this?" She pouted, stomping her foot across the floor.
"Shhh!" I say trying to let Calla sleep. She rolled her eyes, impatient for my explanation. I bent to kiss Calla's cheek before lifting the covers off and pushing Vanessa into the nearby bathroom.
"Look Vanessa, plans have changed. I'll summon for you..later" I lied. I actually wouldn't though.
"Leo are you serious!" She fumed, pulling my robe away so she could massage my manhood. "Would you really choose that ditzy woman over me?" she whispered, showing me her crafty ability. It felt good, I couldn't lie. It's why I kept fucking her.
"Yes, Vanessa..." I groaned trying to gather my thoughts before pulling her hand away. "This is the first time Calla actually looked at me and kissed me like she didn't hate me."
She chuckled at my boyish admiration before pulling my hand into her breast. She lifted herself atop the counter, opening her legs wide before leading my fingers to her throbbing flower. "Mmm...would you really refuse this Leo?" she whispered, pushing her tongue against my neck.
"Ughhh now your begging. That's so unattractive Vanessa" I groaned, pulling my whole body away from her. Was she always this desperate?
"Leo!" she fumed, pacing over to me.
"Get out Vanessa. I'm done fucking you. Go to Levy or your husband or something."
"But Leo!!!" she fumed, running after me as I opened the bathroom door. I ignore her, eager to return to the bed but as I walk to the outer edge, I see Calla wiggling awake.
"Leo?" she whispers, sitting up to observe the scene.
"I am here Calla... go back to sleep," I whisper kissing her with the most gentle care. I scoot beside her, leading her cheek to my chest. I didn't even pay attention to see when Vanessa left, all I cared for was Calla.
I needed to find a way to whoo her but she was distracted by that stupid painter.
What could I do to get rid of him without touching him?
I gave Calla my word.
Author Note:
Calla really took one for the team! Keep the
good sis in your prayers.
She is suffering!!
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