A/N PLEASE READ: Ok so when I wrote this chapter it was really long. Like ridiculously long. So I'm going to publish a bit of it each day. I'll be adding more and more until Halloween. That's when I'll add the last part. So tomorrow, go back to this chapter to read the next part. Also, this takes place between chapter 2 and 3. So Percy is about 9 in this. That's all. May the force be with you!!
Percy's POV:
"Why is life so hard?" I grumble as I fall face-first into my bed. I just started going to MIT this September, and it's been really hard. Not the work, the work is pretty easy.
It's the people.
The teachers treat me like I'm stupid; and my classmates always make me trip, or bump into me on purpose or call me a "baby" or do something to annoy me. Thankfully since Halloween is on a Saturday this year, I got to go home for the weekend; and Smelly Gabe went out of town with some of his gambling buddies or whatever. So it's a perfect weekend to relax.
So the second I got home I fall face-first into my bed, exhausted. I stay like this for a few minutes until my mom's voice snaps me out of my thoughts.
"Hey Bubble Guppie," she whispers, gently shaking my shoulder, "Do you want to build a snowman? Ride a bike around the hall? I feel like some company is overdue, I started talking to the pictures on the wall."
"I just want to be alone," I mumble, not looking at her. She stays silent for a moment before speaking again.
"Do you want to go see Tony?" she whispers. I turn my head to face her and see that she's got a small smile on her face.
"Can I really go see Mechy?" I ask.
"Yep!" she answers. I immediately perk up. I jump out of bed and just as I'm about to run out the door, my mom speaks again.
"But we have to wait until tomorrow," she says.
"Why can't we go now?" I whine.
"Because it's nighttime. Now get into your PJ's, we're watching a movie," she says.
"How dare you trick me like that?" I dramatically say while placing a hand in my chest, "How dare you raise my hopes only to utterly crush them?"
She rolls her eyes and says, "Cut the act. Now get into your PJ's or it's an early bedtime for you."
"Fine. But can we watch 'The Nightmare Before Christmas'?'" I ask.
I quickly change into my Nemo pajamas and go to the living room. I find my mom there, also in her pajamas, on the couch flipping through Netflix. I walk over to her and flop down on the couch.
"You said you wanted to watch 'The Nightmare Before Christmas' right?" she asks me, trying to find the movie.
"Why of course! It's our tradition to watch that one every year!" I dramatically exclaim.
"Alright, relax Bubble Guppie," she says.
"Don't call me 'Bubble Guppie'," I mumble.
"Ok Bubble Guppie," she says with a smirk.
I give her a small glare and stick my tongue at her. She does the same, and I try to keep a straight face. But I fail. I burst out laughing and she triumphantly smirks. After a while she finds the movie and presses play.
"T'was a long time ago, longer now than it seems"
"Wanna cookie?" my mom whispers, offering me a plate with blue cookies.
"In a place that perhaps you've seen in your dreams"
"Yes please," I say as I take half of the delicious treats.
"For the story that you are about to be told"
I wrap the blanket around me tighter and scoot closer to my mom.
"Took place in the holiday worlds of old"
She wraps her arms around me and rests her head on mine.
"Now you've probably wondered where holidays come from"
I start to munch on a cookie, turning all my attention on the movie.
"If you haven't, I'd say it's time you've begun"
Part 2!!
*~The next day~*
"Mechy!" I shout as I run into Tony's arms.
"How's it going Minicanic?" he replies, hugging me back.
"Meh, it could be better, could be worse," I tell him.
"Oh really? Then I have a plan that will make your day better," he says, pulling apart from the hug and putting an arm around me.
"Really? What is it?" I ask as we start to walk into the Avengers Tower. I wave my mom goodbye as we enter the lobby.
"Oh you'll see," he replies with a smirk as the elevator doors close.
"Hello Percy, how are you today?" JARVIS asks.
"Been better," I reply, looking up at the ceiling.
"I'm sorry to hear that Percy," he says, "And Sir, Captain Rogers has requested your presence in the living room."
"Alrighty then, but take us to my lab first," Tony requests.
JARVIS doesn't reply but a few seconds later the elevator doors ding open and I walk into the lab. Tony stays behind and tells JARVIS to take him to the living room. I walk further into the lab and take in my surroundings. Man, this place will never get boring. I love all the gizmos and machines in this place. As I walk around I notice something on Tony's desk.
There's an entire pile of candy, and the holo-screen on his desk is set on Netflix. I smile. So that's his plan. He wants to binge-watch movies all day while eating candy. Not a bad way to spend Halloween if I do say so myself. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a little robot that keeps malfunctioning. I take it in my hands and inspect it. I start to work on it for a while, waiting for Tony to come back.
Tony's POV:
I step out of the elevator and into the living room. I scan my surroundings until my eyes land on Steve. He's on the couch sketching something. His eyebrows are all scrunched up and he's hunched over his sketchbook; the way he does when he's "in the zone."
I notice that Steve hasn't noticed my arrival yet. I mean seriously? The elevator door literally dinged. So, how did he not hear me? Man, he must be really concentrating on that sketch of his.
But then an idea comes to mind. It's Halloween, right? So, is there a better day to scare your work friend than on Halloween? I silently sneak up behind Steve and...
"BOO!" I shout, scaring the living daylights out of the old man.
"AAAAHHHHH!" he screams, dropping his pencil and sketchbook. I start laughing until tears come out of my eyes while Steve just glares at me. I can basically see the steam coming out of his ears.
"What was that for?!?!" he shouts.
"Relax old man. I was just messing with you," I say before something catches my eye.
The floor in front of Steve is littered with his sketchbook, pencils, and erasers. His sketchbook is open, but facedown on the floor so I can't see what he was drawing; and then another idea comes to mind. I smirk evilly, and Steve starts to get nervous. He's about to open his mouth to ask a question but then I leap over the couch and dive for the sketchbook. I tuck and roll while grabbing the book. Once the book is in my grasp I stand up and hold it in the air triumphantly. How I did that without breaking my back, I will never know.
"Let's see what you got here Capsicle," I say with a smirk while dramatically opening the book.
"Gimme back my stuff!" Steve shouts as he tries to take the book away from me.
He reaches for the book but I leap out of the way. He tries again, but I jump onto the couch, and it goes like this for a few minutes. He may be stronger and faster but I'm smaller and more agile. I jump on the table, the couch, and anything that can help me stay away from Steve. But this time, I wasn't so lucky.
I'm on the couch and Steve pounces again. I try to jump off the couch but Steve grabs my ankle and I slam onto the ground; causing the sketchbook to slip out of my hands and fall to the ground. Steve lets go of my ankle as many little papers filled with sketches fall out of the book, but I couldn't care less about them. My attention is on the sketch that is on the actual sketchbook.
It's a sketch of the entire team. Clint, Natasha, Bruce, Thor, Sam, me, himself and even Loki. And we're all just sitting on the couch talking to each other and laughing. It looks like a real family. Like we don't have a care in the world. Like we don't have to save the world every other day (or trying to conquer it in Loki's case.) Like we're just regular people.
And it's so detailed. It almost looks like a picture, but in black and white. Like we're frozen in time. Like if that moment could last forever.
Then I look around the room at the little paper that fell out of the sketchbook. They're also filled with sketches of the team. In some of them we're just doing mundane things like eating breakfast or reading a book. But in some of them we're being the awesome superheroes we are and kicking some butt.
Some of them have sketches from 1930-40s New York but most of them are of us. The Avengers.
I turn around and face Steve, who hasn't said a word since the contents of his sketchbook had been revealed. His face is a deep crimson red. He looks like when a little kid gets caught red-handed with his hand in the cookie jar.
"Did you draw all of these?" I say, gesturing to all the scattered sketches.
"Y-yeah," he answers, not meeting my eyes.
"Why?" I ask.
"Um b-because I- I," he stutters, but I interrupt him.
"Is this what you wanted to talk about?" I question, remembering that JARVIS said that Steve wanted to talk to me. But now it's Steve's turn to be confused.
"Talk to you? What do you mean?" he asks. Now we're both confused.
"What do you mean, 'what do you mean'? JARVIS said that you wanted to talk to me," I say.
"I never told JARVIS that I wanted to talk to you," he says, looking confused. There is a moment of silence between us. It's not awkward, but it's not really comfortable either. It's just silence.
"Then what do you think hap-" Steve says after those few silent minutes, before being so rudely interrupted by Clint.
"Hey, guys! I just wa-" Clint says before stopping mid-sentence.
He looks around the living and sees the mess Steve and I made. There are papers scattered all over the floor. Steve and I are on the floor; and it basically looks like a tornado went through here.
"Um, am I interrupting something?" Clint awkward asks.
"No," Steve and I quickly respond.
"Okaaaay, I just wanted to know if we were going to have an SSBB meeting today," Clint asks.
"Um, I don't think so," Steve answers.
"Wait, I agree with the readers, " Natasha says, appearing out of nowhere, "What's the SSBB?"
"Nothing!" Steve and Clint quickly reply.
"Tell me!" she shouts.
"Never!" Clint dramatically shouts, "I would rather die than betray the SSBB!"
"Steve," she says in a threatening manner.
"My lips are sealed!" Steve replies.
"Well if you guys won't tell me I guess I'll have to ask Tony," Natasha says. "Wait," she says looking around, "Where is Tony?"
Everyone in the room starts to look for me but it's already too late. I'm already in the elevator on my way to Percy. I rest my head on the elevator wall and try to process what happened. I just found out that Steve has made multiple sketches of me.
But why?
Why did he sketch me?
Did JARVIS know?
Is that why he lied and told me to come down here?
I'm still in the same position when the elevator doors open. I don't notice that they did until Percy's voice snaps me out of my thoughts.
"Mechy! Mechy! Tony!!!!" he shouts, shaking my shoulder.
"Wh- what? What's going on Minicanic?" I say, coming out of my trance.
"You didn't hear me when I called your name," he replies, concerned, "Did something happen with Cap?" I stay silent for a moment before answering.
"Yeah, I guess you could say that."
"He didn't hurt you did he?" he asks.
"What? No! Cap would never hurt me," I say, "Now, ready to watch some movies?"
"Yeah!" he shouts, forgetting our conversation.
He makes his way over to the couch and kicks his shoes off. I settle down beside him and take off my shoes as well. I start searching through Netflix, trying to pick a movie to watch.
"Any recommendations?" I ask after a while of fruitless searching.
Percy's POV:
"Ummmm," I say, not really knowing what to answer.
I want to pick a movie. I really do. But something's bothering me. Tony came out of that elevator looking like he does when a machine of his isn't working. I know that something happened up there with Cap, but I won't pressure him. I've noticed that after the attack on New York he acts differently when it comes to Steve.
What I do know is that he needs a distraction. He needs to take his mind of whatever ever happened with Cap; and a simple binge watching session won't help that much. I try to think of a good way to distract him. Then, a brilliant idea comes to mind.
I smile and say, "You know how it's Halloween right?"
Tony raises an eyebrow and says, "...Yes"
"Do you know what this means?"
"That it's a good time to watch Halloween movies...?"
"Well yes, but actually no. It means that it's a good time to prank people!" I say excitedly.
He smirks and says, "Are you saying that you want to prank my teammates?"
"Yes! Are you in?" I ask.
He smiles mischievously and says, "It would be my genuine pleasure."
Part 3
*~A many, many minutes later~*
"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Tony asks, a hint of fear on his voice.
"Absolutely," I reply with a smirk.
Hi, I'm Percy Jackson. Reporting live from the vents of the Avengers Tower. Tony Stark, commonly known as Ironman, and I are currently in the vents above Natasha Romanoff's, the Black Widow's, room. Our mission is to elaborately prank ALL the Avengers (Minus Tony Stark.) Right now Tony and I have just replaced Romanoff's shampoo with green hair dye, and have placed a note that says:
Gotcha! Happy Halloween!
-Love, Birdbrain :D
That's only phase one. Now, we wait in the vents. We see Romanoff enter the bathroom to take a shower. We hear the water turn on, so far so good. Then we hear a gasp. Then we hear what we've been waiting for.
Tony and I muffle our laughs, not wanting to reveal our position. But we can't enjoy this moment for long. We quickly make our way to Clint Barton's, Hawkeye's, room. We find him calmly cleaning his arrows. But that's all going to change. We wait only a few short minutes when we hear someone knock, well more like almost-pounds-the-door-right-off-its-hinges. Phase two is a go.
"Who is it?" Barton asks.
"WHO DO YOU THINK IT IS?" Romanoff asks.
"Nat?" Barton asks.
"Um I'm not going to open the door if you're like that," Barton replies, "Calm down."
"I'M NOT GOING TO CALM THE *beep* DOWN AFTER WHAT YOU JUST DID!" she yells while trying to open the door.
"What do you mean 'what I just did'?!?! I didn't do anything!" he yells back as he tries to keep his door closed.
"DON'T TRY TO ACT ALL INNOCENT CLINTON! I KNOW IT WAS YOU, YOU EVEN LEFT A NOTE!" she yells, successfully opening the door a full inch.
"NOTE? WHAT NOTE?" he yells, trying to protect his sanctuary.
"NO. I. DON'T!!!"
"YES. YOU. DO!!!" she yells, and with that, she finally manages to open the door; and with that, they trigger the trap.
When Romanoff opens the door, two invisible buckets, one filled with maple syrup, the other with glitter and feathers, fall on them. They freeze, not saying a word, looking as if someone drenched them with cold water. Tony and I try to contain our laughter. Our faces are so red you'd think we're the human personifications of a tomato.
"What. The. F-" Barton says before something catches his eye. It's another note. He picks it up and reads it aloud:
"What's this? What's this?
There is glitter everywhere
What's this?
There are feathers in your hair
What's this?
It's Sam and I'm here to say that you've been pranked! :D"
When Barton finishes dictating the note, he crumples it. He looks furious, you can practically see the steam coming out of his ears.
"I'm going to kill that pigeon," he firmly states.
"I was going to kill you but..." she pauses, "I think I want to kill him now instead." They grin evilly and make their way to our next victim.
Part 4
We all quickly make our way to the gym, which is where Sam Wilson, The Falcon, is currently working out. He's on the treadmill, signing "Can't Stop the Feeling." He's in mid-song when Barton and Romanoff slam the door open. Phase three is on.
"YOU'RE DEAD!" they both yell.
"AHHHHHH- Wait..." Wilson says shutting down the treadmill, "What on earth happened to you guys?"
Now dear readers, may I remind you that Romanoff and Barton are covered with glitter and feathers; and that Romanoff's hair is green and dripping wet. So it was only a surprise for Wilson to see the team's fiercest duo in such a state.
"Don't act all innocent Wilson," Barton growls.
"We know it's your fault," Romanoff adds.
"What's my fault?" Wilson asks, genuinely confused, "That you guys look like you just came out of a freak show?"
Barton and Romanoff pause, seeing that Wilson looks like he's not lying. They can detect when someone is lying, and Wilson isn't. They remember the fact that Romanoff thought that Barton pranked her, but he turned out innocent, and then they both got pranked by "Sam." So who did really prank them?
"Umm, if you guys are just going to stand there then I'm going to get back to my workout," Wilson states as he turns on the treadmill again. But something's wrong.
It starts going faster, and faster, and faster. Wilson tries to slow down the speed and turn it off but he can't. It keeps going faster until Wilson can't keep up anymore. He trips and basically flies off the treadmill. He lands on the floor a few feet away from it.
"What the *beep* just happened?" Wilson asks, trying to get up from the floor.
"Hey look, it's another note," Barton says, ignoring Wilson's question. The duo heads over to the note, leaving Wilson on the floor.
"Another note? What do you mean 'another note'?" Wilson asks while heading over to the duo.
"Well you see I got pranked and got a note that said Clint pranked me," Romanoff explains.
"Then when Nat almost killed me, we both got pranked and got a note that said you pranked us," Barton explains.
"So let me guess. You guys almost killed me, then I just got pranked and the note you found is going to say someone else pranked me," Wilson states.
"Yes, and we're guessing that someone is pranking all of us while using each other's names," Romanoff declares.
"*beep* they're onto us!" Tony swears.
"Abort mission!" I whisper-yell. We both start to crawl away (we're still in the vents) when we hear Romanoff speak.
"What was that?" she asks.
We freeze.
"What was what?" Wilson asks. She looks up at the ceiling, and then she returns her attention to the note.
"Nothing," she says, shrugging it off, "What does the note say?"
"It's my note, I should read it," Wilson says, extending his hand. Barton hands him the note and Wilson begins to read:
"On your left!
It's been 70 years since I pranked someone
I think it's about time I do it again
"Steve, that son of a *beep*," Wilson says.
"How do we know it's really Steve, not someone else," Barton asks, "I mean, the poor guy can't even unlock his phone. How on earth did he program the treadmill like that?"
"Stark could've helped, you know how much he likes to prank us," Wilson says.
"He has no idea," Tony whispers.
"It's Steve. It was Steve," Romanoff states.
"Oh yeah, how do you know?" Wilson asks.
She takes a deep breath and says, "That's Steve's handwriting. Now that I think about it, all our notes are written in Steve's handwriting. Also, all our notes are written in either blue or black ink. Steve only has blue and black pens. Stark and Bruce don't have any since everything they do is digital, and if they do write something down they use pencils. Thor and Loki don't have any since they're barely getting used to our customs. We don't have any because we don't write anything down. The only other person who uses pens is Pepper, and it's highly unlikely that she would pull pranks on us. Another reason is that yes, Steve hasn't pranked anyone in 70 years. And I've read many files and articles about him. Turns out that he didn't always follow the rules. On the contrary, he was quite the troublemaker back then. He even lied on his enlistment forms. Once his best friend Bucky-"
"Wait Bucky?" Barton interrupts, "You mean like Bucky 'I'm-Captain America's-BFF-but-I-died-70-years-ago-then-I-was-kidnapped-and-brainwashed-and-now-I'm-an-master-assassin-called-the-Winter Soldier' Barnes? That Bucky?"
"Yes, that Bucky," she says, "Now as I was saying. Steve was a troublemaker. Back in WW2 Bucky said that going places with Steve was like being with 'a chihuahua with anger issues.' So it's only natural for Steve to want to be a little reckless again and pull some pranks on us."
Tony and I snicker at the chihuahua comment. Who knew that the star-spangled-man-with-a-plan used to break the rules. But dam, Romanoff is good. But so are we. We deliberately wrote all the notes in Steve's handwriting (JARVIS helped us.) But we had no idea that our trick would work so well.
"Wow, that was good." Barton comments.
"Now that's why you're a super spy," Wilson adds.
"Now, let's go kill ourselves a Captain," Romanoff says with an evil smirk.
Part 5
*~le time skip~*
Steve's POV:
It was soooooo embarrassing. I do not even know why I have so many sketches of the team! It just happened! I don't know what's gotten into me! This hasn't happened since the war!
You know what? I need a distraction. Yeah, a distraction. Now, normally I would sketch but...
I think I'm going to take a break from that. I'll paint instead. It's been a while since I've painted. I head over to my room and my little studio. I take out all my paints, and brushes, set up my canvas, and try to think of what to paint. Hmmm, maybe I should just do some abstract art. Just as my brush is about to touch the canvas, I hear some voices scream.
I don't know exactly who those voices belong to but what I do know is that they belong to my teammates. So if my teammates are screaming at me, then I most likely won't see the light of day again. I look around to see if I can hide behind something, but I don't find anything big enough. I look up at the vents. It'll take way too long for me to get up there, so that's a no. But then I hear a creak and I look up again.
I hear footsteps approaching so I bravely duck behind the easel. I hear the door slam open, I slightly jump.
"Get out behind that easel Rogers," I hear Natasha growl.
I slowly peek my head out and I see that Natasha and Clint are covered in feathers and glitter; and Natasha's hair is green and dripping wet. Then there's Sam, he looks unscathed but he looks furious. All of them look furious.
"Out," she barks. I come out behind the easel and stand in front of them.
"Fellas. Ma'm," I say in an effort to be nice in my final moments of life.
"Don't you 'ma'm' me Rogers," Natasha growls.
"Why? You normally don't mind," I say.
"Well she's a bit angry right now," Sam interjects.
"We all are," Clint adds, crossing his feather-covered arms.
"Why? What did I do?" I ask.
"Well, what do you think?" Sam asks.
"I don't know," I answer, "That's why I asked."
"Because of all this!" Natasha exclaims gesturing to their conditions. I pause, trying to make sense of what they mean. Then it clicks.
"Oh! You're saying that I did this to you?" I exclaim.
"YES!" the three of them shout.
"Well, you got the wrong guy!" I shout back, "It wasn't me!"
Natasha and Clint pause. But Sam looks pissed off, he looks like he's going to explode.
"Of course it was you!" Sam yells, "The note was in your handwriting! And it said 'On your left.' That's only something only you and I know!"
"Note?" I ask, "What note?"
Sam reaches into his pocket and takes out three little pieces of paper. He hands them to and I start to read them. I read them over and over, not believing if I was seeing things correctly.
"Th- this is my handwriting," I stutter.
"We know," they say in unison.
"B-but that's impossible. I was in my room the entire time," I say, "I just came here a few minutes ago."
"I want to believe you, Steve. I really do. But all the evidence leads up to you," Natasha states.
"I swear it wasn't me!" I shout, fearing for my dear life.
"I'm sorry sir, it's time for you to leave," Clint says slowly making his way over to me.
"Search my room!" I shout, making Clint stop.
"Search my room," I say, "If I did prank you, then there should be supplies in my room."
"He's gotta point," Clint says after a moment of silence.
"Let's go search his room then," Sam says. We're all about to leave when a new voice speaks.
"It wasn't him," the voice states. We all look at the door and see Bruce standing there. How did he get there? I mean, there are two super spies in the room, and none of them noticed his entry.
"How do you know it wasn't him? More importantly, how do you know we were getting pranked?" Natasha asks.
Bruce takes a deep breath and says, "Well, I could hear all of you yelling from my lab. I don't think there's a person in the entire Eastern Seaboard who hasn't. So I decided to investigate who was pranking you guys so I could work on my project in peace. When I heard you guys were going to kill Steve, I went to his room and searched it and-"
"Wait, you went into my room?" I interrupt.
"Yes, now as I was saying," he says, "I didn't find any pranking supplies. But what I did find is a trap. It was a prank, and there was also a note there."
"So you're saying that Steve didn't prank us and that someone tried to prank Steve," Sam says.
"Yes," Bruce answers.
"Well, what does the note say?" I ask.
"It said that I pranked you," he states. There is a moment of silence. How?
"You were right Nat!" Clint exclaims, "Someone is pranking us by using each other's names!"
"So this someone assumed that we would go after Steve, but then finding out he's innocent. Then he gets pranked, then the note says you pranked him, and we would go after you. Then we would find you innocent, and we would go after the name on the note," Natasha states.
"I guess," I say, "But how do we know where Bruce's prank is?"
"I'm guessing it's either going to be in my room or my lab. And that my note will lead us to Tony," Bruce guesses.
"I agree. I mean, neither Thor nor Loki is in the tower right now, and Tiny is the only one who isn't involved in this yet. But we should check Bruce's lab anyways, to see if we're wrong," Sam says.
We all nod and make our way to Bruce's lab. We find it empty. Everything is silent except for the sounds of machines beeping. We split up and carefully search the lab. We search for about five minutes, but our search is fruitless. We find nothing.
"Well, what now?" I ask.
"We search his room," Natasha says. Bruce looks a bit uncomfortable at the thought but nods anyway.
"Ok, let me just get my glasses," Bruce says. (A/N: Yes, Bruce sometimes wears glasses in this) We all nod and start to walk towards the exit. We all hear Bruce walk over to his desk and start to rummage through all his papers for his glasses. Then all of a sudden...
We all turn around and see that Bruce now has blueberries splattered all over his face and shirt.
"I found my prank!" Bruce chuckles, although I see his neck start to turn slightly green before it returns to its original color.
"Where's your note?" I ask.
"Um, lemme see," he answers. He wipes some of the blueberries off his face and starts to look for it. He searches for a few seconds and before he finds it. He reads it to himself before doing so out loud.
-You know who I am ;)"
"Stark," Clint growls.
"Of course! How did I not see it before?" Sam says while shaking his head.
"I'm not that surprised actually," Bruce chuckles while wiping some more blueberries off his face.
"Let's go kill a billionaire shall we?" Natasha says with a smirk. We all smile evilly and head out the door.
*~le time skip~*
"ANTHONY EDWARD STARK!" we all yell in unison as we burst into Tony's lab.
"AHHHHHHHH!" he screams, dropping his screwdriver.
"YOU'RE DEAD STARK!" Natasha yells while storming up to him, knife in hand.
"WHAT DID I DO?!?!?!?!?" he yells while hiding behind one of his robots. The robot charges at Natasha with a fire extinguisher but she simply walks around it.
"YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID STARK!" Clint shouts as he somehow appears behind Tony, aiming an arrow at him.
"I DON'T KNOW! THAT'S WHY I *beep* ASKED!" he yells, throwing a wrench at Clint. He dodges it easily and then Sam and I walk to either side of him. He's surrounded.
"What the *beep* is going here?!?!?!?" a very distressed Tony asks.
"You're going to pay that's what," Sam growls.
"Pay? Pay for what? My awesomeness?" he sarcastically asks.
"You seriously don't know?" Clint asks.
"Well what do you think Legolas?" he says while rolling his eyes. We turn to Natasha to see if he really doesn't know. She nods her head, and everyone lowers their weapons.
"Now if you guys will stop acting weird. Then I'll get back to my project now," Tony says while turning around to continue fixing his robot.
But then Sam screams, "Tony wait!" But it's too late. The moment Tony touches his tool an electric shock goes through him.
"Gah!" he shouts while dropping his tool.
"Are you ok?!?!" I frantically ask while rushing over to him.
"Yeah, but what the *beep* was that?" he asks.
"Another prank, another note," Sam simply states.
"What?" Tony asks. I explain the entire situation to him while everyone tries to find the note.
"Huzzah!" Clint exclaims as he holds the note in the air triumphantly. He then begins to read the note out loud.
"We hope you've had fun
We certainly did
It was really fun pranking y'all
Let's see when we'll do it again
Happy Halloween!
-M & M" A/N
There is a moment of silence. We all fell for it. We were all pranked (except for me :D.) Someone knew all this would happen.
We were all about to say actual intelligent things, but Tony then opens his mouth and says, "So the 'M&M' company came and pranked us?"
"No stupid, 'M & M' is obviously the letters of the people's names," Natasha says.
"But the question is: Who?" Clint asks. Then we all start to say random say that could reveal the identities of the prankers.
"Maria Reynolds?"
"Maria Hill?"
"Mace Windu?"
"Molly Weasly?"
"Minerva McGonagall?"
"Moaning Myrtle?"
"Are we just naming Harry Potter characters now?" Tony asks.
"Yeah," Sam mumbles. Then I hear a sound coming from the vents.
"What was that?" I ask.
"What was what?" Tony asks.
"You heard it too!" Natasha exclaims, "I heard it earlier but I thought that I was imagining it."
More noise.
"Who's there?" I call out.
"Take a guess, Capsicle!" Tony's voice says from the vents.
*cue record scratch sound*
Wait, what? Tony? We all turn to look at him and he smirks. Then he starts to fade away until he disappears completely. Then we hear laughing coming from the vents.
"HAHAHAHAHA! *gasp* Did you see the look on their faces! HAHAHAHA!" Tony says from the vents.
"YOU'RE DEAD STARK AND-... uh... OTHER PERSON!" Clint yells while climbing in one of Tony's desks.
"Uh oh," the unknown voice says.
Then we hear Tony and the other person start to crawl away. Clint climbs into the vents and the rest of us start to follow the two on foot. We use the sound of them crawling through the vents to guide us. We lose them for a while and then we find them again. The sound leads us into the garage but we find it empty except for Clint, and then there are Tony's cars.
"Did you see who the other person was?" Natasha asks.
"No," he grumbles, "I could only see Stark's *beep*"
"I guess you didn't have a nice view?" Sam chuckles.
"Excuse me?" we hear Tony's voice say. We all turn to see Tony at the garage entrance. "You had an amazing view! My *beep* is beautiful!" (A/ N: I got i n s p i r e d by a fanfic I read. So the little comment Tony said, is from another story)
"Get back here Stark!" Clint growls.
"Um how about no," he says with a smirk before running out of the garage.
We follow him only to be greeted by the sea of trick-or-treaters outside the Tower. Smart move.
"How are we supposed to find Stark and the other guy in this?" Sam asks.
Part 6
Percy's POV:
A/N: I have no idea how trick-or-treating works in NYC so forgive me if I get something wrong. Also, there are some surprises in store for you guys in this chapter. Hope you enjoy it! Happy Halloween!
"HAHAHAHA!" Tony and I laugh as we run away from the Avengers Tower.
"We did it!" Tony shouts.
"We really did it!" I shout back. We run through the sea of trick-or-treaters laughing at our victory. We just pranked all the Avengers! I mean, we deserve like a Nobel Peace Prize for this or something.
"What now?" Tony asks, sitting down on a bench. We were both breathing heavily but we had grins plastered on our faces.
"I dunno man," I answer, "I never thought we'd actually get this far."
"Me neither." We stay silent for a few minutes before another brilliant idea comes to mind.
"You know how we need to run from the Avengers right?"
"And it's also Halloween right?"
"How 'bout we go trick-or-treating?" I offer. He smiles in response. We need to escape from the Avengers, and what better way to do that than lose them a crowd of people? And why not make it fun? Let's go trick-or-treating!
*~le time skip~*
I finish changing into my Nemo costume and walk out of the bathroom. I see Tony waiting for me outside in his Tin Man costume, complete with an ax and oil can. We went to Walmart and Tony bought us costumes. Then we quickly changed in the bathroom. How he bought the costumes, I will never know. I was distracted looking at some candy while he probably bribed the manager or something.
"Nice costume Flounder," Tony says with a smirk.
"Not looking to bad yourself Tin Can," I reply.
We walk out of Walmart and join the rest of New York's trick-or-treaters. We go from house to house asking for candy. We do this for a while until something catches my eye. I see two teenagers, and three kids and they're all arguing. The kids look a bit older than me and the two teenagers are probably a couple.
"Auggie you hit your head! We need to go home!" the girl teenager exclaims. She's dressed in a Renaissance-style dress.
"I'm fine Via!" one of the three kids says. He's wearing a Boba Fett costume.
"Yeah he's fine!" the second kid says. He's wearing a Han Solo costume.
"He looks fine to me," the third kid says. She's wearing a Princess Leia costume.
"Help me out here Justin!" the girl teenager, who I assume is 'Via,' says.
"Ummm, sorry Via, but he looks fine," the boy teenager, whose name is 'Justin,' replies. He's in a Renaissance-style outfit, matching with Via.
"Ha! We win Via! It's four against one!" the Boba Fett kid, Auggie, exclaims.
"Let's go trick-or-treating!!!" the Han Solo kid exclaims.
"Um, I don't wanna ruin the moment but, Nemo and the Tin Man are staring at us," the Princess Leia kid says. The group turns to look at Tony and I, who were indeed staring.
"Um, hi?" I shyly say.
"Hi? Who are you? Why are you staring at us?" Via asks.
"Sorry we were staring, it's just that you were having a pretty loud argument; it was impossible not to notice. But anyway, I'm Tony and this is Percy," Tony answers holding out his hand for them to shake.
"Hi, I'm Justin," Justin says while shaking Tony's hand, "This is my girlfriend, Via, her little brother, Auggie, and his friends, Summer and Jack Will." We say 'hi' and shake each other's hands.
"Hey, you look like Tony Stark," Summer tells Tony.
"Yeah, he does," Auggie adds.
Justin chuckles and asks, "Are you really Tony Stark, Mr. Tony?"
"You can't tell anyone," Tony mumbles.
"Oh my god-" Via says.
"It'S rObErT dOwNeY Jr!!!" the three kids exclaim.
"What the hades?" I say.
"Don't ask me," Justin says, "They always do that when Mr. Stark is mentioned."
Summer gasps and says, "Is this your son?"
"Wh-what?" Tony says, "Percy's not my son! He's my godson!"
"Ok, why are you and your godson trick-or-treating around New York?" Via asks.
"We're on the run," I state.
"From who?"
"The Avengers," Tony says.
"We pranked them," Tony and I say. They stay silent for a moment, imagining how scary our situation is.
"Do you wanna go trick-or-treating with us?" Auggie asks.
"Really? I mean, if you guys are ok with it..." Tony says.
"Yeah sure. We don't mind the extra company," Via says.
"YAY!" Auggie, Summer, Jack Will, and I exclaim.
We start walking down the street and approach a house. We all eagerly race up the steps and ring the doorbell. We patiently wait for a few seconds before the door opens.
"TRICK OR TREAT!" we all yell in unison.
"Wow! What a lively bunch we have here!" the woman who opened the door exclaims.
We all hold out our bags for candy, the lady puts a generous amount in each bag before closing the door. We go from house to house, asking for candy until our bags are too heavy. During that time Tony and I found out that Auggie has a facial deformity, but we couldn't care less. He was so shocked when we shrugged it off, he must've thought that we would think he was a freak or something. But nah, he looks fine.
"My bag's too heavy," Jack Will whines after an hour.
"Mine too," Auggie adds.
"Mine three," I join in.
"Mine four," Tony whines.
"I understand why the boys are doing this but aren't you a little too old for that Mr. Stark?" Summer states.
"I will always be a child on the inside!" Tony dramatically exclaims. We all roll our eyes at Tony's childish behavior.
"We can head back home now, it's pretty late anyway," Via says, "Do you two want to come?"
"Really? You really mean it?" I eagerly ask.
"Of course! You guys are on the run anyway right? You guys need a place to hide out," Auggie answers.
"Yes, thank you. We would love to come with you," Tony says.
"Yay! C'mon, follow me!" Auggie exclaims before running off.
"Auggie wait!" Via shouts before taking off after him. The two of them run off, leaving the rest of us in front of a haunted house.
"They're going to take a while, you guys wanna go in?" Justin asks, gesturing towards the haunted house.
"Sure!" we all answer. We wait in line for a few minutes before we're finally allowed inside. We walk in with other people. A boy and a girl, they look the same age as Jack Will and Summer. The girl is dressed in a Hufflepuff robe, and the boy is dressed in a Ravenclaw one.
"Hi!" the girl says, "I'm Christine!" She holds out her hand for us to shake, her hazel eyes wide with excitement. Everyone's surprised by her sudden kindness so we just stare at her for a few seconds. Until I snap out of it and shake her hand.
"Hi! Nice to meet you," I say while shaking her hand, "My name is Percy. This is Justin, Jack Will, Summer, and my uncle Tony." Everyone shakes her hand after I did the honors of introducing them.
"It's nice to meet you too. This is my friend, Stephen," Christine says, gesturing to the boy who was accompanying her. He does nothing and just stares at the oblivion until Christine elbows him in the stomach.
"Wh- what? Oh sorry. Yeah, I'm Stephen. Nice to meet you," Stephen says while holding out his hand.
"It's fine. I mean, I personally find staring into oblivion a very fun activity," I say with a smirk. Everyone snickers at my comment and Stephen's ears redden the slightest bit.
"Let's keep going, shall we?" Stephen says in an effort to keep the attention of him. We all nod and go further into the house as we snicker and giggle like crazy.
"You two look a bit young," Tony says, "Where are your parents?"
"My dad couldn't care less where I'm at," Stephen mumbles.
"And my parents are ok with just about anything as long as I'm with Stephen," Christine answers.
"Why? Are you guys BFF's or something?" Tony asks.
"For as long as we can remember," they both answer.
"Cool," Tony says, "Now let's get scared."
As we walk through the house I notice that it's eerily quiet, even though there's probably like 20 other people in here. We can only hear the sound of our footsteps and the rustling of our costumes. It's really dark too, we can only see a few feet ahead of us. The fact that there's a lot of twists and turns makes seeing even more difficult. But no one is scaring us! Just get it over with already! It's making me even more nervous!
Did I say nervous? Pfffff, what no! I said ummm... joyous! Yeah, joyous! I'm so joyous to be in this haunted house! While I'm being so joyous in the haunted house I suddenly feel something grab my ankle.
"AAAHHHHHH!" I yell, tightly grabbing onto Stephen's arm and hiding my face in his chest.
"Relax Percy," he says gently shaking my shoulder, "It's just a person." (Exactly!)
I look down and see the person that grabbed my ankle. She's hiding under the table next to me and she waves at me. I shyly wave back. She looks like she's trying not to laugh, and so does everyone else. I look at Christine and she looks like she's fighting the urge to burst out laughing. Justin is hiding his face in his hands, probably already silently laughing. But Tony, Jack Will, and Summer have already burst out laughing.
"Hey! It's not funny!" I huff.
"*snicker* Yes it was man! *snicker* You scream like a girl!" Jack Will exclaims, which earns him a shoulder punch from Summer.
"He's gotta point, Minicanic," Tony snickers, "And now if you and your boyfriend aren't too busy, can we move on?"
"Boyfriend? What do you me-" Stephen and I say before we realize that I'm still holding onto Stephen's arm. I let go of him like if he were on fire, and he quickly backs away from me. We both have a crimson blush on our faces, but thankfully it's dark so no one notices.
"Yeah let's move on," Stephen awkwardly says.
"Alrighty then," Tony says with a smirk before he starts walking again. We walk in the eerie silence until I start to talk.
"Sorry for holding your arm," I whisper to Stephen. Loud enough for him to hear, but low enough for no one else to listen to our conversation.
"It's fine," he whispers back, "I probably would've done the same."
"Yeah, Christine says I'm a scaredy-cat."
"Then how are you here? Did she drag you here or something?"
"Yeah she-"
"AAAHHHHHH!" Jack Will yells. Someone had scared him. Now it's my turn to laugh.
"Who screams like a girl now man?" I tease.
"Oh shut up," he says while straightening his vest.
"Make me," I say, sticking out my tongue.
"I just might..." he threatens while cracking his buckles. But there is no harm behind it, he's just playing along.
"I'd like to see you tr-"
"Alright that's enough you two," Justin says, "Let's keep going." We start walking, and we are once again submerged in the eerie silence. We get scared a lot more times after that, making fun of eachother after we do; and it goes like this for a while until we come across a door.
"What now?" Jack Will asks.
"We open it, duh!" Summer exclaims.
"But there could be someone waiting to scare us on the other side!" Christine shouts.
"That's the point of haunted houses my friends," Tony says, "besides, it has the exit sign." We all look up at the top of the door and it indeed has a neon exit sign.
"Well I'm glad this is over," Stephen sighs.
"Don't be so dramatic Stephen," Christine exclaims, "You had fun, admit it!"
Stephen gives me a sideways glance before sighing and saying, "Yeah, I had fun." Christine smiles and Tony then opens the door to reveal...
"TONY!" the Avengers yell, looking furious.
"Guys! What are you doing here?" Tony nervously asks.
"Getting revenge," Natasha says with an evil grin. Then all the avengers brandish their weapons and Tony screams and runs away. The avengers run after him, entering the haunted house, and leaving us at the exit.
"How am I supposed to get home now?" I say.
"We can work something out," Justin says, "Now c'mon, Auggie and Via are probably waiting for us at the entrance."
"Wait, who are Auggie and Via?" Christine asks.
"Oh! Via's my girlfriend and Auggie is her little brother," Justin answers.
"Ok cool. Well, we should get going now. Good night everyone! It was nice meeting you!" Stephen says.
"Bye!" we all say as Christine and Stephen walk away. Then we head over to the entrance where we find Via and Auggie.
"Where were you guys?!?!" Via exclaims, "We were looking all over for you!"
"Bet you five bucks that they just got here," Summer mutters.
"We did just get here!" Auggie answers.
"That's beside the point! Where were you guys?" Via asks.
"We were right here the entire time," Justin answers. Well, he's not lying. We were here. Just inside the haunted house.
"Wait, where's Tony?" Auggie asks.
"The Avengers found him so he ran away," I say.
"Now that I'm realizing it, didn't you prank them too? How did they not chase you?" Summer asks.
"Well first off, they don't know I exist. They know someone else's pranked them, but they don't know it's me," I answer.
"Oh ok. Hey Percy, do you have anyone that can take you home?" Via asks.
"No," I answer, "Tony was supposed to take me home."
"Do you live far from here?"
"No, just a few blocks away."
"Then we'll walk you home. I don't think it's a good idea to let you go alone."
We start walking to my apartment, occasionally stopping at a few houses to the more candy. After a few minutes, we finally reach my apartment. I stop at the door, get the extra key under the mat, and open the door.
"Mom! I'm home!" I call out. I hear some shuffling in the kitchen, then my mom walks out of the kitchen.
"Percy? I thought that you would be back later-" my mom pauses, noticing that there are other people with me, "Percy, who are these people? Where's Tony?"
"Oh these are some new friends Tony and I made. And he's on the run," I answer.
"We pranked the Avengers and they found out!" I exclaim before she can properly freak out. She calms down and shakes her head.
She sighs and says, "That man is going to be the death of me." She then turns her attention to the group behind me. "Would you like to come in?"
"Oh, no thank you Mrs...?" Via says.
"Jackson," my mom says.
"No thank you, Mrs. Jackson. We just wanted to make sure he got home safely. We should actually get going now before my parents get worried. Thank you, have a good night," Via answers.
"Bye! Thank you for bringing Percy home," my mom says.
"No problem!" Auggie exclaims, "It was really fun hanging out with him! Bye Percy! Hope we see each other again!"
"Bye guys! Thanks for tonight!" I say back. Everyone says their goodbyes and the. I close the door and head over to my mom.
"Are you going to tell me what happened?" my mom asks. I pause for a while.
Then I smirk and say, "No. No, I don't think I will."
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