Extra #1: RIP Clint Barton
A/N: This isn't an actual chapter, so you don't have to read chapter to understand other chapters. But please read this note. But I decided to write this so you guys know what happened after Tony went back to the tower. So this like a "filler chapter." If you guys like this I'll make a deal with you guys. If you guys read a chapter and want an "extra" (that's what I'm gonna call them) put it in the comments at the end of said chapter. At the end of every chapter the word EXTRA will be in bold, put the comment there. But you have to specify what you want in the extra, once you put it there 15 people have to agree with that idea. Once 15 agree I will write it. How does that sound? Now, hope u guys enjoy EXTRA number 1!
Third Person POV:
A sleepy Tony walks into the Stark- I mean the Avengers Tower. He notices that some employees are giving him some weird looks, but he ignores them. He steps into the elevator and soon he finds himself in the kitchen, wanting a snack before sleeping for the 3rd time today. He's rummaging through the fridge when he hears a voice behind him.
"Tony? Is that you?"
Tony turns around to see a very worried star-spangled-man-with-a-plan standing at the kitchen doorway.
"No, it's your mom. Of course it's me!" Tony replies, closing the fridge.
"Where have you been? Do you know how worried sick I was? I've been looking for you. All. Day. Long- Wait, what's on your face?" Steve asks.
"What do you mean 'what's on your'- oh," Tony says before remembering that he had a bunch of Octonauts, Nemo and Little Mermaid bandaids in his face. "It's...um...nothing." This made Steve cross his arms and give Tony "The mom look."
"This has to do with the reason you were gone all day, right?" he asks. Tony just nods, not wanting to reveal any secrets.
"Are you going to tell me?" Steve asks.
"Well," began Steve, walking over to Tony, "Let's get these off before the team sees them." Steve then begins to take off the bandaids off Tony's face.
"Wha- what are you doing Rogers?" Tony stutters, trying to pull away from the super-soldier.
"I'm helping you take off these bandaids," Steve casually replies, while grabbing the billionaire's arms, destroying any chance of Tony escaping.
"Why? You're not my mom, I can take them off myself," Tony says as he starts to take the bandaids off himself,
"I know you can Tony, but I just want to help you," Steve says as he tries to help the billionaire.
"No! I don't want your help! Leave me alone Steve!" Tony shouts like a child.
"Stay still Tony!" Steve says as he struggles to take the bandaids off.
"No! You're not my mom, Steve!"
"Just let me help!"
"Stay sTILL!"
It goes on like this for a few minutes. Those two acting like a tired mother and her stubborn child. So naturally, Clint chooses this moment to walk into the kitchen.
"Hey Steve what's with all the noise?! It sounds like you've got some animals in here! And have you found Tony yet? I need him to fix my bow- Oh! Hey Tony! Where've you been? Wait-" The archer says before noticing the bandaids on Tony's face and bursting into laughter. "HAHAHAHAHAHA! OH MY GODS! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU TONY? HAHAHAHAHAHA!"
At Clint's reaction Tony starts to hastily rip the bandaids off his face, but unfortunately he's too late. At that moment the rest of the team walk into the kitchen, drawn in by the sound of laughter.
"Hey Clint, why are you laugh- oh" Natasha asks before noticing the billionaire's face.
By now, Steve had managed to take most of the bandaids off Tony's face, but there were still some. And there were discarded bandaids all over the kitchen counter and floor (gross, ikr) and the kitchen was a mess because Tony kept throwing whatever he could get his hands on at Steve. And I can't forget to mention that they were both panting and sweating because Steve had to chase Tony around the kitchen.
Let's just say, the team finds this hilarious.
"HAHAHAHAHAHA! *gasp* What the heck happened to you guys? HAHAHAHAHAHA *gasp* I didn't know you were a fan of "The Little Mermaid" Tony!"
"What are those cartoon characters on your face Man of Iron? They are most intriguing... and funny! HAHAHAHAHA!"
"*snicker* Guys! You shouldn't be laughing! *snicker* It's not funny! *snicker* I- I'm sorry Tony, Steve, I just can't anymo- HAHAHAHAHA!"
"What's the matter, Stark? HAHAHAHA! You and your mommy don't find this funny? HAHAHAHA!"
At the last comment, Tony shouts, "He's nOT MY MOM!"
And Steve shouts, "He's nOT MY SON!"
This causes everyone to stop and give them that 'Uh huh' look. Everyone at SHIELD and the Tower knows that Steve always fusses over Tony like an overprotective sibling or an over worried mother.
Everyone also knows that they shouldn't mess with either of them because there will be Tartarus to pay, but apparently Clint doesn't care about that and decides to tease the two.
"Awwwww, is the baby angwy? Do you want your mommy to give you a bottle?" Clint teases. The team snickers at his comment but Tony and Steve just get furious.
"That's enough, Barton," Tony seethes.
"Do you need a nap? Do you need mommy to read you a bedtime story?" Clint says, unfazed by Tony's demeanor.
"He said enough, Clint," Steve growls.
"And what are you going to do about it?" Clint says with a smirk. "Tell the teacher? Make me sit in the 'time out' corner?"
Steve and Tony look at each other and then look back at Clint. Then they smile evilly and in the blink of an eye they have kitchen utensils in each hand, brandishing them like deadly weapons.
"No one messes with my son," Steve says with a smirk.
"And no one insults my mother," Tony adds.
Clint's eyes go wide as he realizes how angry the duo is. "Gu- guys, I- I'm sorry," he pleads, while backing up, fear clear in his eyes.
But they simply smirk and charge at Clint. He screams like a little girl and dashes out of the kitchen with the duo at his heels.
And for the rest of the night Clint's chased around the entire tower by a very angry captain and billionaire; while the rest of the team just laughed until they cried. And although Tony was super angry at Clint he couldn't help but feel happy at the same time. His family had grown.
As he and Steve chased Clint through the living room he couldn't help but think: I think I'm going to like this team.
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