Chapter 22: A New Friend
A/N: Ok, so this chapter is pretty short. I don't really like how it turned out, but tell me what you guys think (be completely honest guys, I can take it). Next chapter will be kinda similar, but it'll be with Tony and Papa Steve. I hope it'll turn out better than this one. But enjoy the chapter!
Peter's POV
Mr. Stark was really sad yesterday. He said that his best friend died, along with her husband and their unborn kid. He also said that their kid, Percy, would be staying at the Tower from now on. I've been wanting to meet Percy for a while now, but not like this. But he needs a friend right now, so I'm going to be that friend.
That's why I'm standing in front of Percy's room holding a plate full of Aunt May's pancakes. Mr. Stark told all the Avengers not to bother Percy, which is the reason why we haven't seen either Mr. Stark or Percy at all. But right now I'm not going to bother him, I'm helping him!
I gently knock on his door, just in case he's still asleep. I don't want to wake him up. I wait there for a few seconds and I decide to come back later, it seems he is still asleep. I leave the pancakes on the floor with a little note. But just as I turn away I hear the door creak open.
I turn around and see sea-green eyes peering out of the little crack. I stare at them for a while until Percy asks me, "Who are you?"
I thrust myself back into reality and pick the pancakes up. "Um sorry. Uh, hi! MynameisPeterParkerI'mMr.Stark'sinternandhe'sbeentalkingaboutyoualotlatelybutthenhesaidthatyourmomdiedandyou'restayingwithusfromnowonandIjustwantedtobringyouthesebecausemyAuntMay'spancakeshaveawayofcheeringeveryoneup," I ramble.
I hold the pancakes out to him and he opens the door wider, allowing me to see him better. He looks nothing like the little baby pictures that Mr, Stark showed me. There was a boy in those pictures, I'm looking into the face of a man.
His raven bangs fall over his sea-green eyes that seem to be glowing. And even though he's wearing a hoodie and pajama pants, I can tell that the guy is ripped. He's only a few inches taller than me, but his gaze makes me feel like I'm a tiny five-year-old.
But once I look closely, his gaze isn't filled with anger. His eyes are filled with sadness, regret, he looks tired of fighting. But if you look even closer you can see literal power, like this guy could kill you with one move. He doesn't need no guy in the chair, this guy is a one-man army.
Percy studies me for a while as if he can see exactly what makes me tick. Then he stares at the plate of pancakes and his stomach rumbles, breaking the awkward silence. We both stay quiet for a moment before giggling like crazy.
"So, um I'm guessing you want the pancakes," I say, handing the pancakes over to him.
He takes them and gives me a small smile. "Thanks, want to come in?"
I nod and he opens the door for me. I walk into his room and take a look around. Even though he just moved in yesterday, it already looks like it's been lived in for a while now. A few pictures are hanging on the walls, the bed is unmade and clothes are littering the floor.
"Well, it seems like you've settled in," I say with a slight chuckle.
He closes the door and replies, "I've stayed in this room every time I come over, so there wasn't much left to do. I just needed to unpack a few things here and there." He sounds casual enough, but there's the tiniest bit of sadness in his voice.
He sits at the foot of his bed and pats the floor next to him. I take a seat just as he bites in the pancake. He says they're really good, and he just eats in silence for a few minutes.
After he finishes he looks at me and asks, "So, why the meet-&-greet? Tony told me that he told you guys to stay away. And yet here you are, at my door with pancakes."
I think about my answer for a second before answering, "Well, you just lost your mom and you're stepdad when you were on a quest. You didn't even get to say goodbye. You must feel like it was all your fault like you could've done better like you could've saved them. Or like you must be thinking of all the stuff you could've said to them. One last 'goodbye' or 'I love you'. You must feel like the world has just ended, even though you just saved it. In other words, you're going through a tough time right now, and you need a friend."
Percy looks at me intently for a second, processing my words. But then his casual expression turns into a scowl, and his eyes darken, looking like a stormy sea. "How would you know?" he spat. "I don't need your pity."
His gaze makes me want to scream and run away. It makes me want to be anywhere but where I'm sitting, but I stand my ground. I sit up straighter, square my shoulders, look him in the eye and say, "I'm not giving you pity, because I don't like it either. I know you don't want to be treated like some sort of lost puppy that needs saving. You just want to be left alone, you want a break. But that doesn't work, trust me. So once again I say: You need a friend."
His scowl depends and he growls, "And I also say to you once again: How the hades would you know?"
I take a deep breath and reply, "Because I've lost someone too."
This seems to surprise him because his eyes widen and he doesn't say anything in reply. I take this as an opportunity to continue.
"When I was little, like really little, my parents had to go on a business trip. They left me with my Aunt May and Uncle Ben, but I was angry at them for leaving me. So I didn't even say goodbye bye to them when they left. The next day, May and Ben tell me that they died in a plane crash. I didn't even say goodbye," I pause a bit, my parent's death was years ago. It didn't really hurt that much anymore, I barely even remember them. But I still regret not saying goodbye. "I've been living with my Aunt May and Uncle Ben since. But then I became Spider-Man and-"
Percy looks at me like I just grew two heads. "You became what?"
I give him a bright smile. "Spider-Man! You see I was on this field trip to Oscorp and this spider bit me. But what I didn't know is that it was a radioactive spider! I didn't feel very good after that so I decided to take a nap once I got home. When I woke up the next day, the covers were sticking into me. I couldn't get them off! And then when I finally got them unstuck, everything else I touched started sticking to me too! So after that when I finally managed to take off my shirt I found out I had a freaking six-pack and I was like what?..." I continued to tell him my epic beginning as Spider-Man, but then my smile melted off my face as I got to the part where Uncle Ben died.
"But then one night, I was out as Spider-Man a-and I saw this robber. A cop was chasing him and he asked for my help. I told him no because I was already heading home. B- but then when I got home there were police cars outside the apartment and my Aunt May was crying. I- I took off my suit and went inside the apartment without anyone noticing. A- and I saw t-the robber a- and U- uncle B- Ben. Th- the robber w- was getting arrested but Uncle Ben was... was... dead. He was dead, and it was all my fault," I say. Once I finish I have tears in my eyes, but I quickly wipe them off and I smile at him. "I couldn't save Uncle Ben, so now I save everyone else! Because it's just like he used to tell me: 'With great power comes great responsibility!'"
Percy stays silent for a moment, carefully processing everything. Then, without saying a word, he reaches out and hugs me. I hug him back, without knowing the reason behind the hug.
When we break the hug he whispers, "So what you're trying to tell me is that it wasn't my fault?"
"Yeah," I reply. "You just saved the freaking world! Your family would be so proud of you."
"Y'know, Tony told me that too," he says with the tiniest smile.
I put a hand on his shoulder. "Because it's true."
He meets my eyes, and they don't look like they belong to a one-man army or a tired war veteran. I look into those eyes and see a kid like me (ok he is older and smarter but you get it). He's just a kid who lost his family.
"Thanks, Peter," he says, with a sincere smile. "Now tell me, how did you meet Tony?"
I give him a bright smile. "Ok, so it started when I was getting home from school..."
We talk for the rest of the day. I tell him the epic tale of the battle in Sokovia, the Civil War (he wasn't so happy about that), and the whole 'Homecoming incident'. He tells me about his best friend, Annabeth, and some of his quests. He also tells me a little bit about his late family, they seemed really nice. We keep talking until Aunt May calls me and I have to go home.
I say goodbye and put on my suit. And as I'm swinging through the city I can't help but feel that I made a new friend today.
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