Chapter 17: I Hate the Fates
Tony's POV
I slowly open my eyes and squint at the sudden brightness. I take in my surroundings and notice that I'm still in the infirmary, in the same bed I collapsed in who knows how long ago.
I try to sit up but a sharp pain in my abdomen stops me. I look down at my stomach, lift my shirt and see that it's wrapped in bandages. I try to sit up again, but more slowly this time, then I slowly unwrap the bandages and see that there's nothing left of the stab wound but a scar. I slowly trace it with my finger.
It's almost completely healed! How long was I out? Weeks? Months?
But what about Percy? Is he safe? Is he alright? Is the legion ok? Did they defeat the army?
"FRIDAY?" I ask. "How long was I out?"
"You've been unconscious for exactly a month, boss," she answers, "today is July the 24th."
The news hit me like a pound of bricks.
A month.
I've been asleep for an entire freaking month.
"Are you alright, boss?" FRIDAY asks me. "You seem pale."
"No, no I'm fine FRIDAY, just don't tell the team I'm awake just yet," I tell her.
"Sure thing boss."
The wound is healed, a stab wound doesn't heal in just a month. Maybe the team used Wakandan tech? Or maybe magic? Whatever they used, I'm grateful. I could've been unconscious for a whole other month.
Ah, Tony! You're awake! I was getting a bit worried, Poseidon says in my head.
Yeah, that's got to be the longest nap I've ever taken, I reply. Wait- you said we could feel each other's pain right? Oh schist, you felt the stab too! I'm so sorry! I should've been more careful-
Don't worry about it Tony, I simply healed it in a matter of seconds. All that matters is that you're ok now, he says. Besides, a stab wound is the least of my worries-
Then all of a sudden I feel like my head is being sliced open. Ringing fills my ears as I squeeze my eyes shut and I clutch the sides of my head.
What the hades is happening to you?!?! I ask Poseidon.
Split personality disorder!!! he yells. My Greek and Roman forms are fighting for dominance- Aghhhh!
This goes on for only a few seconds but it feels like eons. The pain is like nothing I've ever felt in my life. It feels like I have a herd of elephants stomping around my brain and a dozen chainsaws in there too, along with a hurricane and twenty Irish dancers.
When the pain finally subsides I just sit in my cot and rub my temples.
I'm guessing some aspirin isn't going to help with this, I tell Poseidon.
I'm afraid not Tony. I am terribly sorry, he answers.
Why now? I ask. Why are your Greek and Roman aspects suddenly feeling competitive?
It all started when your brother, the Valdez kid, accidentally blew up New Rome.
How the heck can you 'accidentally' blow up a city?!?!
He was possessed, Tony.
So, what now? Are we going to be feeling these headaches forever? I ask after a moment of silence.
No, until the Greek and Roman demigods make up and solve their conflict, he answers.
We're doomed.
Yep, pretty much.
Ugggghh! Why are the Fates so cruel? I dramatically exclaim.
I have no idea. Maybe they find pleasure seeing us in pain.
Or maybe because the last few centuries were normal they went 'Hey! Let's *beep* up these kids' lives! That'll be a blast! :D'
That's their favorite hobby.
Listen, I should get going now. I have some catching up to do, I tell Poseidon as I start to stand up.
Ok, he says. Stay safe, Tony.
No promises!
Yeah, I know, I know. I'll do my best.
And with that, we end our telepathic conversation and swing my legs over the side of the bed. I hesitantly let my feet touch the ground, and soon I'm on my feet. I put one foot in front of the other and soon I'm walking out the door. I walk into the hallway and I'm not doubling over in pain or screaming in agony so, so far so good.
"Hey FRIDAY, where is everyone?" I ask the AI.
"The Avengers and Sally and currently in the dining room," she answers.
"Ok thanks FRI- Wait, sALLY'S HERE?!??"
"Yes, the team contacted her when you got stabbed and she's been here for the past month."
"Uh oh," I say as I start to run towards the living room; which is probably not a good idea since I just woke up from a coma. But I know how much Sally likes to embarrass me and Loki and Clint can use that for blackmail.
I get to the dining room and I'm about to bust in there like, Tada! I'm not dead! But then the team's conversation peaks my interest. So I just hide behind a corner and start to eavesdrop.
"Steve, calm down," I hear Natasha say. "Tony can survive two minutes without his mommy so just sit down and eat."
"But-" I hear Steve start to protest but Sally cuts him off.
"Steve as much as I worry for Tony, Natasha is right. You can't and won't always be there for him," she says.
"B-but I owe it to him. After... you know...," Steve trails off.
"Tony already forgave you, Steve," Natasha reminds him.
"Yeah, but I still feel bad y'know? You should've seen his face when he found out. It's just that..." Steve gives a heavy sigh. "I want to make it up to him somehow."
"You don't need to Steve, he doesn't want you to do anything. He already forgave you and moved on," Sally says. "It's in the past now."
Steve sighs and says, "I know, it's just that-"
"It's just that you're too dang stubborn for your own good," I interject, finally making my presence known.
"Look who's talking," Sally says before promptly tackling me in a hug. "Don't pull a stunt like that again, Nerd."
"No promises, Rapunzel," I say as I hug her back. "Hey everyone," I say to the team once we break the hug.
Everyone stares at me like I just grew two heads. I start to get more nervous with each passing second. Are they broken? Did they short-circuit?
Then FRIDAY clears her artificial throat and the team snaps out of their trance. They all rush over to me and envelope me in a giant group hug. Then they start asking me a thousand questions.
"How did you get stabbed?"
"Who stabbed you?"
"Where the hades were you?"
"Where is your suit?"
"Why did you have to jump out the window?!?!"
"Wait, you jumped out a window?!?!?
"Woah, one question at a time people!" I shout. "You're all asking questions before I can even answer them! Let's sit down, shall we?"
The team nods and we make our way to the living room, where we all sit down and then they ask me questions. I tell them about Percy and the battle at Camp Jupiter. Clint gets concerned but I assure him that the legion is fine.
After a while, I notice that Steve isn't here.
"What's wrong Tony?" Sally asks, gently shaking my shoulder. "You spaced out for a second."
"Wh-what? I mean, yeah I'm fine," I answer. "You know what? I'm a bit tired. I'm going to sleep for a bit."
"You just woke up from a month-long nap," Clint says. "How are you tired?"
"Clint, just let him go," Sally says. "Go get some rest, Tony."
I mumble a quick "thanks" and then I set off to find Steve. I look in the dining room, then the training room, the art room, then I take a quick peek in his room. But I can't find him anywhere. Then I remember that I can just ask FRIDAY where he is.
"FRIDAY, where's Steve?" I ask.
"Captain Rogers is currently on the roof," she answers.
"Thanks, FRI," I say before sprinting towards the elevator.
The ride up to the roof feels like an eternity, like if the elevator is going slow on purpose. I mean, I know FRIDAY wouldn't do that to me but if JARVIS were here he wouldn't hesitate to.
Anyway, once the elevator doors open wide enough for me to slip through I run out and find Steve on the terrace. He's just leaning against the rail, looking at the view.
"Hey, Steve," I say, walking up behind him. "Mind if I join you?"
"Be my guest," he answers without even looking at me.
I lean on the rail beside him and admire the view. The sun just set, so now is about the time Peter goes on patrol. I try to spot him, but I can barely see anything in the giant jungle of skyscrapers and buildings.
"Y'know, what Sally said back there is right. You don't need to do anything else, Steve, I already forgave you. That chapter in our lives came to an end," I say after a moment of silence.
"I know it is, I know you already forgave me. But I let you down, Tony. I let you down, son," Steve says with a sigh.
"Yeah, you did and it hurt a lot. It left a wound, but wounds heal Steve," I say looking at him.
"Maybe, but scars never leave."
"Scars can fade."
"No 'buts' Steve. Can't you understand that I want to be your friend again? That I want you to be my over-worried mom again?" I say as I grip his shoulders and make him look me in the eye.
"How can you still want to be friends with me?" he whispers.
"Because as much as you're still an annoying, blonde, star-spangled, know-it-all, that is way too patriotic sometimes," I say, causing Steve to chuckle a bit, "you're the best friend, and mom, anyone could ever have. The team sees it. Bucky sees it. And I know it.
Steve just stares at me in shock, processing what I just told him. Then his eyes start to water, then he starts sniffling, and then he starts to full-on sob. I gently pull him into a hug and he hugs me back and starts to cry on my shoulder.
And we just stay like this for a few minutes. It doesn't feel like an eternity but it doesn't feel like seconds either. It just feels like now.
And it isn't awkward either. It feels natural. It feels ok.
Because it is ok. We were friends and we got into a fight. But then one of us realized their mistake and said sorry and the other forgave them. And now their friends again.
It happens to everyone, even to Earth's mightiest heroes. Because we're human. And even the Asgardians and the Olympians go through this. Because it's ok.
"It's ok, Steve. Everything is going to be ok," I say as I gently pat his back.
"No, it's not, son. I let you down," Steve sobs.
"Maybe, but it is what it is."
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