Kazumi the light godess
Kazumi's pov
I sighed as the cold nipped at my nose shoving my hands in my pockets as the crowd pushed past me im not im a rush today so I don't mind. I look up to see where i am glancing at the man infront of me as i looked down back at my feet a leather wallet falling out of the mans pocket "oh sir" i said bending down to pick it up "your wallet" i said grabbing it and standing up he was gone i started pushing past the crowd looking for him. No sign of him i grunted maybe he went to the shop i started running towards the shopping center. Nope the food court........ no.
My breathing was heaving from all the running the sun was going down as my feet lead me too the town center. I walked towards the fountain to have a seat as i saw him the man he had brown coco hair frailing in the wind with a black hat carefully placed upon his head his sparkling brown eyes locked with mine he flashed his white teeth at me like im an old friend. I walked towards him "hello" i said as i reached him i had to lift my head he was pretty tall! "Hi" he waved closing his eyes as he smiled "i was walking behind you around 10 this morning and you dropped your wallet" i explained as i rummaged through my pocket soon my finger tips touched the cool leather i pulled it out and handed it to him "thank you! I've been looking for this all day" he beamed as he slipped it open and probably checked if i stole any money he smiled again as he closed it and looked at me. "There are too many people in this world that you can't trust" he said i nodded in agreement. "Your parents must be worried you should hurry home" he said i tensed "actually i ran away from home i have no where to go so" i said shrugging. His eyes widened "you can stay at my house i have no need for it anymore" "really?!?" I asked in shock he nodded he stood up and turned around to look at me he smirked kneeling down and grabbing my hand gently kissing it a shiver and warmth ran up my spine i gently pulled my hand away. "You need it more then me anyway" he smiled handing me a peice of paper i looked down at them then looked back up opening my mouth to say something but immediately closed it when i saw he was gone. I stood up frantically whipping my head around looking for him i looked back at the paper terrible handwriting i thought I began my journey to my new house.
I stared at the dinky shrine it had cracks in the roof and mold on the walls but it was ok so i shrugged not everything can be perfect i thought as i stepped inside. It was dark now and i couldn't really see where i was going
"AKIO IS THAT YOU?!" someone yelled i froze did he live with other people a boy stepped out of the darkness he had shabby black hair that i just wanner touch he had the brightest green eyes i have ever seen. A scraf was wrapped around his neck then draped over his shoulders he's gorgous i thought "master akio" a high pitch voice said "its not akio" the boy said as 2 balls of light flew towards me once the light cleared i saw there where 2 fairys ...... wait fairys! They both looked identical they had blond hair and a flower like dress on with flowers in their hair "but she has the light god mark" they said together grabbing my hand the man kissed "wait light god" i said confused "thats right light god your the new one see this mark?" One of them said pointing to my hand as a round ball of light shone from it i nodded. "Thats where Akio kissed you isn't it?" The other one said i nodded again "he transferred the light god mark to you thus making you the god .... well i best be taking my leave" the boys said shoving his hands in his pockets "wait! Where are you going?!?" I said reaching my arm out at him "i serve akio and God's not petty little human girls" he said my eyes widened "i dont care what becomes of this shrine anyway" he said waving his hand in the air. As he walked out "but master nori" one of the fairys said running after him "let him go" i said flatly "but m-" a fairy started "no i dont need him" i said walking to explore the shrine i am going to be living here after all. I walked into a room it was empty and dusty but it would do i walked to the middle and collapsed in the middle on the floor movement caught my eye i looked that way a old woman was outside my room behind a sheet of glass she closed her eyes and put her hands together tilting her head down was she praying? I slowly stood up and walked towards her putting a hand on the glass please help okri get better please my hand shot back towards me "WAIT I HEARD HER THOUGHTS?!" i screamed "yes that is one of the jobs of a light god listen to people prayers then do what ever you can to fulfill them" one of the fairys said as they both flew into the room a wave of sadness came over me i dont care what becomes of this shrine anyway i thought about what that boy said earlier i have no need for it anymore i thought how could they be so heartless? "I need to speak with Nori" i spoke up the fairys lit up at the word then grabbed my hands and dragged me out of the shrine.
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