•{Goddess of No regrets}•
I awoke with a gasp. I looked around and seen Nik. I was on a couch with a few blood bags on the table in front of me. I grabbed the bags and began to down them.
"Hold on there. Slow down." Nik says as he grabs the bag from my grasp.
"Sorry. Just it was a pain while being daggered."
"So I've heard." I tried to smile but it failed all I could think about was Kol and Aleah. She was my baby and he was my world they both were.
The feeling of loss hit me hard and a dark pit showed up any sign of love or warmth vanished. I took off out the mansion leaving Nik behind.
I saw a guy who was on the phone with a girl and a rush of excitement and anger and sadness came over me.
I sped over to him holding him in an alleyway. "Don't scream." I crushed his phone then bit into his neck drinking up all his blood. He dropped to the ground and I was taken aback. I just killed someone. Why? All because my family is gone.
My bones started breaking and I screamed out in pain. "Ah!" I fell to the ground and it hurt like a bitch.
"Bloody hell!" I looked around me to see Nik.
"What's happening?!" He didn't answer. He sped to me picked me up and took me deep into the woods. "Ah! It hurts! Nik!"
"You are a hybrid." My face had hybrid eyes and my bones began to make its wolf form. That's when we found out...there's a second Original hybrid.
When I woke up I was in the forest naked and covered in dirt. I didn't want to be alive without Kol and Aleah, but I had Jonathan and that wasn't fair to him. Everything hurts. My heart, my head, and my body. "Bloody hell," I muttered looking at myself.
A warm sheet was thrown over me and I opened my eyes to see Nik I lifted my head slightly. "Come on. You need to clean up and get dressed." I shook my head and slumped back.
"Yes...don't make me carry you all the way." I turned over facing away.
"Leave me alone. I have no desire to see anyone even related to Kol right now."
"Hard way then. Ok." I felt him lift me up and I stared at the ground.
"P-please just leave me here. Leave me to wallow in my misery. I don't want to be here." I started crying. "I just want K-Kol back. I want him back and I know I won't ever see him again. Do you know what that's like? No. It's terrible. I have been with him ever since I can remember. He was my everything, he was my baby's father, he was my husband, he was my light. He meant so much to me, Nik. And-and now he is- he's gone." I sobbed. "He's gone," I said in a whisper.
"It will get easier. I promise you Astraea. This is not the end." But I couldn't help but feel like he was wrong.
"Can you do something for me?" I asked before he and I went out to transform.
"I know you might not like it but I think it's the best for me for now. My last kid will be doing fine thinking we just decided to cancel the trip and I need you to do this..." Was I really going to ask him this?
"To do what, love?"
"C-compel me to forget."
"Love, I can't compel another original. And besides that, I don't think it's right for me to do that you might regret it."
"Actually you can. I-if I open my mind up and you focus you can get into my head and compel me to forget. I n-need you to do this I can't live my life knowing I can never get Kol back. Maybe one day, you can remind me." I said as tears built up in my eyes. "But this just isn't working. O-on the inside I'm freaking out balling, wanting to kill anyone in sight because I miss Kol and my little girl. So, please do this for me. I-If you care about me, you'll do this." The tears finally fell down my face as I looked into his eyes.
"What about your son?" Nik ass trying to find any excuse not to let her do this.
"He agreed to let me compel him to forget Kol. He thinks his father was a deadbeat and his sister died by a hunter. I told him to take a break before coming back to me. And before you think I'm a bad parent and I'm thinking to rash. We came up with the idea together. He wanted it and so do I."
"Fine." He reluctantly agrees. "Show me." I put his hands on my temples and closed my eyes. I cleared my mind and allowed him to enter.
"G-go ahead and compel me when my eyes are open it should work." I opened my eyes and looked at him with tearful eyes.
He started and there was no turning back, "The vows you made to Kol and your life together forget it. All the love for your girl and Kol...forget it. The Kol you cherished...the vows you have honored for him...forget it. Let it go. Let him go." Nik took a deep breathe, "Let them go." He finished and I felt better.
I going to my room to get ready. Why was I crying anyway?
"Do you maybe want to go out to eat? I'm starving." I smiled at Nik and grabbed his hand.
"Sure, love. Let me grab my keys. Be right back." He vamped away and I didn't have to wait long for Nik to come back down. "Ready?" I nodded and smiled.
We went to a restaurant and had a good dinner. I haven't been with anyone likes this since I can remember. I hate that huge chunks of my memory are gone but Nik always seemed to distract me from that problem.
When I got home to the mansion I sped around the house grabbing and downing more alcoholic drinks then I did at the restaurant along the way. When I came back to the living room I seen Nik looking at me funny.
"Do you know where my best friend is? I miss Kol I haven't seen him in a while."
"Oh, he went off with another one of his conquests. You know how he is." I nodded figuring that seems like something he would do. I remember when we spent time together to feed he would always butter a girl up and leave with them so I figured he just did them then killed them.
Which by the way isn't true, Kol only took them away from prying eyes and he made sure Astraea knew that.
"Ok. Is anyone home?"
I vamp sped to a speaker and turned on my music. I got on the table and danced. "Dance with me Nik!" I Jumped off and into his arms. "Come on it is fun!" I grabbed his hands and put them on my waist as I turned around. I put my hands on the back of his neck and grinded on him.
"Love, I don't think you should be doing this." I stopped and faced him pouting.
"Why? I remember you used to like me before we turned and no one is here. Why not just once or twice or maybe a few times..." I said smiling at him. "Do you not want me?" I tilted my head with a slight pouted lip.
"No- no I most certainly do. I just don't think you want to go that far with someone else yet."
"Someone else what do you mean? I only ever kissed you." I said furrowing my brows.
"Love, I think you should get some sleep." I rolled my eyes and sped upstairs changing my clothes.
"Goodnight you pompous asshole!" I shouted.
"Goodnight sunshine!" He shouted back sarcastically.
Nik had helped me with the wolf part of me and let me tell you it was a bitch. He had me transform over and over again until it was easy for me to do it without that much pain.
He eventually left when he got a call from a wolf girl in need of help and had information about Katherine. I stayed and transformed a few times more going from wolf to human before leaving to get something to eat, all the changing is tiring, hurtful and makes you starved.
I walked out from the cave we were in and I felt all of nature like I once had...no. This isn't possible. This shouldn't be possible. I snapped my fingers, "Motus."
The wind started to pick up and sway the trees until I stopped it. My eyes widen as I realized I wasn't just a hybrid I was an original tribrid. Just when I thought it couldn't get more dangerous it most literally tripled.
I can't let anyone know this is dangerous power and I liked to not be used. God my day gets better and better, doesn't it?
When I got home to Klaus I smelled werewolf. "Nik!" I yelled out.
"Yes, Sweetheart?" I turn behind me to see Nik. I smiled at him and ran into his arms.
"I'm bored and it stinks to much of werewolf in here," I mumbled into his neck. He laughed and kissed my temple.
"That would be the werewolf protection program I have seemed to set up. The girl, Hayley can tell me what Katerina is up to. She should be gone when she is in the clear of Katerina."
"Ok. I want to see her. She might like some girl company, seeing as your the only one here." He nodded and held out his hand for me which I took.
We walked into a room where some of Nik's paintings were.
"Hate that. Too much. I don't get that." She says going through some paintings. She picks up a paper one, "Hmm...I don't care." She stops at the one on the desk. "Hm. This one."
"Judgy little thing aren't you." She turned to look at me.
"Oh. So you're the second hybrid Klaus has been yapping about." She says to me. I smile and shake my head.
"That's me! His most prized possession." She smiled and looked back at the painting.
"This painting doesn't make me want to puke. Why'd you paint it?" She asked fully turning to us.
"Painting is a metaphor for control. Every choice is mine the canvas, the color. As a child, I had neither sense of the world nor my place in it," I squeezed his hand and we walked closer to the werewolf. "But art taught me that one's vision can be achieved with sheer force of will. The same is true of life, Provided one refuses to let anything stand in one's way."
"So this is your thing- show a girl a few mediocre paintings, whine about your childhood and I'll spill all my dirty secrets?" She asked walking past us.
"I do what I enjoy. And I'm enjoying myself." He said looking down at me in his arms.
"And you do whatever you enjoy, up to and including hunting my friend Tyler for the next century."
"Oh, surely not the next century. Only until I kill him." He says as lets me go and we walk to the other side of the room.
"You talk a good game, but the truth is you let him go." He pours me a drink and hands it to me then continues to pour for himself.
"My revenge would be over in a moment. sentencing him to a lifetime of paranoia and fear- that's Tyler's true punishment. But come now. You never really thought there was a future for you two, did you?"
"I don't know. He might have left Caroline for me if I'd use the cure to kill you." I step slightly in front of him. Whatever this connection is won't trump family.
"If Tyler has half your resolve he may actually make it through the year."
I down my drink and get more. This bickering is annoying but entertaining nonetheless.
"It doesn't take resolve. It takes allies, a network of people willing to do anything for you, including chase down loose ends to their death. That's how Katherine escaped you all this time."
"Yes, Katerina is very smart. That's what I hate about her." I said.
"Perhaps you know the names of Katerina's special little helpers."
"Maybe I know one or two. Maybe I'll even tell you."
I stayed with Hayley when Nik had a phone call. She drank less than me and I drank about 2 bottles of bourbon.
"My sister informs me that your vampire assailant is dead, so your safe and free to go." I groaned and slung my arm around her shoulder. I didn't want her to go. I needed more girls around and she wasn't bad company.
"No." I pouted while Hayley chuckled.
"Or stay," Nik says with a huff.
"I could be persuaded to stay and maybe I could drum up a few more Katherine's secrets and you could do something for me."
"Oh, I'm sorry, love," Nik says stepping closer to us and taking me in his arms. He hauls me over his shoulder and continues to talk. "You'll never convince me to let Tyler go free."
I start to hum a song in my head and move my feet, not caring that he literally tossed me over his shoulder. "Well, then, I guess I'll never get my chance with Tyler just like how you'll never get a chance with your brother's girl...Astraea." I stopped moving and tapped Nik's head.
"What'd she just say Nik?" I asked in a slight whisper.
"Nothing, love don't worry about it." He said, thankful that she didn't hear or at least didn't have much of a mind to comprehend what the wolf said. "You can go now this one has had a little too many drinks. Goodbye now."
"Nik. Put me down I can walk. And I did not have too many I'm just slightly tipsy."
"You sure?"
"Yes." He puts me down and holds my arms we walk to my room. "Nik."
"Yes, love."
"I'm not tired."
The drunk me was a little too excited to be alone with him so I walked to my door and slowly shut it before turning to him. I walked up to him and got on my toes and placed my lips near his ear. "Take me." I instantly pulled back and smashed my lips onto his.
He disconnected the kiss and took my shirt off revealing my black lacy bra and in turn, I help him out of his shirt. He continues to kiss me and he vamps me up onto his waist. I gasp and he goes into kiss my neck. I bring my hair to the side and hold onto his shoulders biting my lip.
He carried me to my bed and kissed down my chest. He went back to my neck and bit me. I moaned at the pleasure as he grined onto me as well.
I laid in bed looking at Klaus. What is wrong with me? I should never have done this. But being with him, it was fresh, new and was the most fun I have had in a while. I got up and took my bra off the floor to put it on. I set my hair to the side of it wouldn't get hooked in my hair.
"Running away, Star?"
"Please don't call me that right now," I said turning to face him. He put his hand on my shoulder where my faded birthmark is. "What? What is it?"
"That mark. I've seen it before."
"It's a birthmark ton of people have them, why do you seem like you have seen a ghost?" I asked jokingly.
"In our lifetime, I've only seen that mark on a handful of others," He says as I put my shirt back on. "All from the same bloodline--a werewolf clan that once thrived throughout much of what we now call Louisiana."
"What are you saying?" I asked.
"I think you have descendants out there that you never knew about."
I had talked to Klaus about where he saw this birthmark. Imagine my surprise when it was New Orleans. I convinced Klaus to let me go alone and I would talk to him and tell him what's going on. I decided to let Hayley know since I saw her birthmark when I was with her.
At first, she didn't believe me but I explained the mark and that I wanted to help her find her family. I have mine and she has no one.
Who would have thought I would be going back to New Orleans after all this time.
But it seems I have done a lot of things I thought I would never do lately. First, I got close to Klaus, Second, I killed someone, Third, I had sex with Klaus and Fourth, I'm going to New Orleans with a girl I just met.
Yayy me...
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