Goddess of Mystic Falls
My phone started ringing and I didn't check the screen before I answered it.
"How's my darling wife?" I heard the voice I never thought I would be able to hear again. I stared at the wall and a tear fell down my eye.
"K-kol?" I questioned.
"Back from the dead for a short while. Why don't you come and see me and our daughter, love?" My heart started racing and I wiped my tears away.
"H-how are you a-alive?"
"Bonnie dropped the veil and it's not gonna be up for long." I smiled and I immediately knew how my day was going.
"I'll be there as fast as I can."
"Can't wait, love." I hung up and sent a text to Nik so that he couldn't stop me from going.
Mystic Falls here I come.
The moment I stepped foot in town I called the phone Kol used.
"I'm here. I'm near Mystic Grill." I said.
"Found you." I spun around and dropped my phone running into Kol's arms. "How much I missed this." I heard him inhale deeply and he buried his face in my neck.
"I missed you so much Kol. I can't believe you are here." I kissed all over his face with a happy smile.
"Ew. Mom do I not get a 'Welcome back from the dead' hug?" I heard that sweet little british voice. I looked over his shoulder to see Aleah. I released Kol and went to my baby girl. I wiped the tear from her face and brought her into a gentle hug. "I didn't want to die mom. I had dad but it was lonely and it was scary." She said her voice shaking.
"I'm so sorry baby. I really am. You didn't deserve this neither of you did." I motioned Kol to walk over and he came and joined the hug. I clung onto them and snifled. I only have a little time with them before they are gone.
"So," Aleah started once we broke the hug and she diverted her eyes to my stomach. "I'm gonna be a half sister and i'm gonna have a cousin?" I felt guilt and regret flood through me and I looked to Kol who I thought would be mad but he just smiled.
"Hey. It may be Nik's but don't feel to terrible you had your memory wiped and Nik took advantage of that. This child is still my step child and niece." He brushed my hair behind my ear. "I may have held a little hatred for you at first..." He sighed and dropped his hand. "You mean everything to me and the look on your face when you found out even if you didn't remember me. You were broken and you don't need me angry with you right now. It was a mistake that can't be undone but as long as I know i'm still your Always and Forever, we're good."
I smiled at him and nodded. "No one will ever replace you Kol. I could never and would never."
"I'm just gunna...call John." Aleah said walking away.
I pulled him into a hug and couldn't help but cry thinking about him going again. "I don't want you to leave me again, Kol. I c-can't. Please. Please don't leave me." I begged. He pat my hair and shushed me.
"I have to, darling." I crid harder and he squeezed me tight. "You'll find a way to get us back. If I know anything about you at all, it's that you are stubborn. Just don't dwell on it. Remember that saying 'Everything happens for a reason'? Well if we are meant to be together and be a family. We will come back. And remember I'm watching over you. I'll always be there you can talk to me and i'll listen even if you don't see me."
"Thank you, dimples."
"For what?"
"For not being upset. For still being here for me. For comforting me." I pull out of the hug and hold his hands. "I just wish it was you. I wish I could have your baby again, not Nik's." I sighed and looked down at our hands.
"Nik wants this. I watched over him too and as much as I despise him for this, he wants this."
"I know. and I hope he is a good father. He is so good to me but I want you." I know I sounded whiny but he was my husband and I was having his brother's baby.
"I wish it was too, darling. I wish it was too."
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