•{Goddess of Jealousy}•
Astraea was never good with other girls who loved to surround Kol. She didn't like it one bit. As she got older she started to realize she like Kol more than a friend and now at the age of 16 it's much different then when she was 13.
Kol never lost the way he acts for Astraea but now he has gotten older his baby face isn't so baby and now girls are all over him. But of course he has his eyes set on one person and only she will ever get his heart.
Through the years together they learned more and more spells from Esther with a struggle here and there but they always helped each other.
And at one point in time the best friends kissed. First kiss and all that but never talked about it. Not wanting to. Still they stayed toggras, no awkwardness because they promised each other that.
With age her body grew and is still growing making her quite beautiful to men around her age, but paying them no mind for she didn't care. Finn and Elijah lived near but on their own, leaving Niklaus, Astraea, Kol, Rebekah And Henrik in the house.
Niklaus was getting but more frequently but Mikael never did it around his precious little Astraea so Nik made it so she was around him most of the time. Everyone knew she wasn't blood related but Mikael treated her as though she was a princess.
Astraea sat along the river humming a song Esther had sung to her when she was a baby and a few times when she couldn't sleep and Kol couldn't come. She played with the grass feeling nature and smiling at the way the grass swayed.
"Hello, darling." She turned around her smile growing wider seeing Kol standing there watching her.
"Hi." She said.
"There is some flowers in a field I found want to see them?" He asked the brunette. She nodded and Kol held out his hand for her.
"Thank you." She laced there fingers together and she looked up at him smiling. He was getting taller and was starting to go past her which she thought was cute.
He walked with her holding her hand feeling immense joy with her close to him. No one but me gets to do this with her, he thought. And it was true he was the only one who gets to hold her hand, spend alone time with her and call her cute nicknames.
"Here we are." He said moving a branch away from the small field. Her eyes lit up and she smiled more, looking at the purple, red and white colors that surround them.
"It's beautiful." She said.
He picked some and looked at her, "I could think of something more beautiful." He said staring down at the beautiful brunette he was holding hand with.
She blushed and walked forward. "Help pick some for me bekah and your mother." She said. "But the purpled are mine." She added. He chuckled and nodded. He released her hand reluctantly and picked a few white flowers and some pink and red for his sister and mother while Astraea got white and purple for her.
He took a beautiful purple shaded one and went over to his love. She looked up from her flowers to him and she blushed when he tucked the flower in her ear while moving the hair behind her ear as well.
"There." He said when he was finished. She always looked gorgeous and whenever he could he would comment on it. "Very beautiful."
Blushing again she bit her lip and habit she had formed around Kol. She took his hand and started to walk away again. "Thank you. For this." She said.
"No problem I just stumbled across it and thought of you when I saw the purple." She nodded then they walked in silence just enjoying each other's company. When the neared the house Henrik ran up to them.
"Mother wants Kol immediately. No one goes into the house except Kol, mother and father. Everyone else is kicked out for the time being." The little 8 year old boy told them.
"I wonder what she wants." Astraea said.
"I don't know. But I must not keep mother waiting." He kissed her cheek, handed her the flowers and headed off.
"Well that leaves you and me little rik." She held out her hand to the tiny boy which he gladly took and she went to where Rebekah was.
"Bekah I got you some flowers."
She smiled at the older brunette and held out her hand.
"White and pink for you." That left Astraea with a bouquet of white and pink in one hand and white and purple in the other.
"Do you know what you mother wants?" Astraea asked her friend.
"I know that a new girl has come around our age, but that's it." She said admiring her flowers.
"Oh." She had an idea of what's going on and it made her stomach churn.
She watched as Elijah and Niklaus played with swords and how they sswim how the blocked. Niklaus got Elijah's sword away from him and he laughed.
"He got ya, brother. If you want to impress the ladies you have to work harder." Astraea shouted at Elijah making everyone laugh.
"Yeah, yeah." He muttered. They put their swords away to join their younger siblings.
"Got booted out. Now we have nothing to do." Niklaus complains.
"I'm bored." Astraea huffed. Her mind was swirling with Kol and this new girl. That's all she could think about and it was terrible.
"Someone knock me out then when we are allowed back in wake me up." Astraea said. Niklaus got up.
"Ok." But Elijah wouldn't allow Niklaus to do that to his sister.
"No way, Niklaus." He butted in. Niklaus through his hands up in surrender.
"Ok I won't." He sat back down and the siblings stared into space. She leaned her head on Elijah's shoulder and closed her eyes. She wanted this to never happen she didn't want what she thinks to happen.
Today was good one until now. Not her Kol, anyone but him. Ugh! So aggravating. Stupid life.
"Love. Love, wake up." She recognized the voice of her best friend anywhere. Her eyes shot up to meet chocolate brown doe eyes she fell in love with. "There she is." She looked awaybfrom him and to Elijah who was holding her and she got up.
"I'm so ready for bed." She mumbled.
"Kol has something to say to you Astraea. Don't you Kol." Elijah said knowing his sister has a crush on Kol and this might hurt her.
"Oh, yeah." He rubbed the back of his neck and looked into those gorgeous chocolate eyes. "My mother and father have informed me that when I'm 17 the girl that has recently joined our village will be my wife and I should be spending time with her from now on." He told her nervously.
He didn't want the girl and he didn't want to fall in love with her. She was a very pretty girl, sweet and all but he only wanted one girl so he tried to argue that she is not for him. When they asked why he didn't want to say he was in love with Astraea so he worked around it. But in the end it didn't work.
"Ok." She said not showing how jealous and heartbroken she was right now. Elijah saw right through it and knew his sister need to be comforted but she walked away in the woods.
She walked to a tree she visited often and sat down letting the tears slip from her eyes. This was not going well. She moved her finger tips over some dying grass to bring back it's life. The feeling of nature and watching the grass was supposed to make her happy but it wasn't working today. She wept, putting her palms in her eyes wiping away her tears.
She can get over this. He is just a boy. No. No he isn't, he is the love of her life. She has done everything with him and he is perfect to her. This can't be happening. But it is. She eventually fell asleep with tear stained cheeks surrounded by vibrant green grass.
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