•{Goddess of Birth}•
The pain was all Astraea could feel. Kol got his mother and a mid wife to come help her as she gave birth since he obviously didn't know what to do.
They got her into a bed as she yelled out. "Sweetheart just breathe, ok?" Kol said calmly. Oh boy was he about to get it...
"Kol! Don't you give me that crap! When you give birth to a child. Ahh!" the brunette closed her eyes for a second panting and screaming then looked at Kol and gritted out, "You. Can. Tell. Me. How well you can do this. Ahh!" She groans and pants more.
"Kol give her your hand." Esther tells her third youngest son.
She grabs his hand and squeezes hard. "Ahhh!" She screams again.
They get her ready and they finally get to the birthing part, "Push, Honey." Esther says sweetly. She does as told and pushes grunting.
Kol wipes sweat away from her head as she slowly starts to make his hand numb. "Your almost there." The mid wife says. "Push again."
She shakes her head biting her lips hard screaming. "Ow ow ow!"
"Come on one last time." She pushes and finally the cries of the baby fill the room. She pants out heavily and feels a little dizzy.
She felt another contaction and her eyes widened as she screamed again. "There's another." Esther said as she get's ready to get the next one.
"This should be a little easier. 1, 2, 3. Push." Astraea pushed again trying to get this done with and see her beautiful babies.
"Last time...push." This last push got the baby out and the cries mixed together as Astraea panted.
"Water." She croaked out and Esther went to get her some.
Esther knew what she had to do and she had to make sure everyone would believe what she had to say.
Kol looked at the babies and smiled at them. He wiped more sweat off Astraea's head and kissed her forehead. She smiled weakly, very exhausted.
"You did it, love." The mid wife does what needs to be done and takes the babies to get cleaned.
"Hey, hey." Astraea said weakly trying to get the mid wife back.
"It's ok, she is helping our babies get ready for you, darling." Esther walks back in with a cup of water and she quickly swallows it loving the cool water go down her hot throat.
"You did good, honey. Better then I did when I gave birth the first time." Astraea nodded closing her eyes.
"Sleepy?" Kol asked her and she nodded. "I'll get you to wake when our baby's comes back." He kissed her forehead again.
"No..." She tries to protest but her body is to tired to try. He smiles at her and waits patiently for his babies to return.
Astraea groans as she wakes up to Kol calling for her. Her eyes flutter open to see Kol rocking back in fourth with a bundle of blankets. She then realized inside that bundle is her baby.
Kol had a solemn expression but he was still happy to have this little girl in his arms.
"Where is the other?" Astraea asked worried.
He had a sad expression on his face and he wished he didn't have to tell her. "She-she didn't make it."
"She?" Then she realized what he said and tears brimmed her eyes. "She didn't?" Kol shook his head and she sniffled.
Astraea looked at her last living baby and forced a smile, "Kol. May I?" He nods and hands her, her baby. "What is the baby?" She asked him smiling at the sleeping baby.
"It's a girl as well."
"What a beautiful baby girl." She coos trying to not hurt so much over the loss of her other babygirl.
"Takes after her mother. I wonder what she will get from me?"
"Let's hope it's not your ego. We don't need more of that. It's to big." Astraea tries to joke. "I hope she gets your eyes and you ability to learn witch stuff quickly."
"You think I'm big?" He asked with a smirk before adding, "And I hope she gets your smile and your hair color and your innocent little personality." Kol responds lightening the dim mood.
She groaned but smiled nonetheless, "Out of all I said you choose to hear those words?"
"Big ego, big d-"
"What should we name her?" Astraea asks cutting him off with a blush on her cheeks knowing what he was gonna say.
Kol laughed before thinking. He looked at his a few hours old daughter before finding a perfect name, "Lets name her... Aleah Koldottir ." Kol suggested.
(later eras they will change it to Mikaelson to fit the family if that's ok)
"That's a beautiful name." Astraea agreed holding her baby who she already adored so much. "What would we have named the other babygirl?" She didn't want to pretend like she never existed so she wanted to have a name for her.
Kol smiled at his wife's ability to still be happy. "Amelia." A tear slid down her face as she nodded.
"Amelia and Aleah. There perfect names."
A day later Astraea and Aleah were allowed to come back home. Everyone waited for their return and to meet the newest addition to the Mikaelson family. The two new parents decided to not tell them about the fallen mikaelson and they would make a grave for her when they were done here.
Kol carries his babygirl with him as Astraea walked alongside him with a smile looking at her husband and child. They got to the Mikaelson house and walked in.
"Baby!" Rebekah yelled grinning widely.
"Baby!" Everyone else repeated smiling at the gorgeous baby girl who was very calm in her fathers arms.
"Welcome the newest girl Mikaelson." Astraea said with a smile.
"Me first." Bekah said walking up to Kol.
"Be careful. Hold her head and legs." He said placing the tiny baby in her arms all swaddled in a pink knit blanket.
"I got it." She stared down at the baby in awe and her brown eyes met hers for the first time and Bekah was in love. A wonderful little niece whose hair she can do and dress her up with her mother. What fun.
"I want to hold my niece." Elijah said looking at Astraea.
"If Rebekah will hand her over you can." Kol said with a laugh.
"Never." Rebekah said in a whisper.
"What's her name?" Elijah asked tearing his eyes off the youngest girl.
"Aleah Koldottir." Astraea said then Elijah pried the baby out of Rebekah's arm gently so he could hold his niece.
"She is adorable." Elijah said.
"Yes she is. Just like her mother." Kol pulled her side to him and kissed her forehead smiling.
"Smooth." Astraea muttered so only he could hear.
"I want to speak to you dear?" Esther asked Astraea.
She looked to her left to see Esther and Mikael. "Ok." She turned to Kol pecking his lips, "Be right back." He nodded and watched his siblings play with his daughter joyfully.
Esther and Astraea stepped outside walking around. "I wanted to say I'm so sorry about your little girl. I know what it's like to lose your first your just lucky to still have, Aleah."
Astraea was sad and she knew atleast Esther could comfort her knowing what it's like. Little did she know it's exactly the same and Dahlia now had two Mikaelson girl's.
"Long before we moved here I had a daughter, my eldest. She was taken from me by my sister, Dahlia."
Esther truly wanted to make sure that Astraea and Kol's first child would not be taken away and have the same fate for them and the only way to do that was to make sure they thought their other daughter died.
That day Esther was so devastated she moved so she didn't have memories of her lost daughter. Astraea was a good child she couldn't let her lose her both her baby's knowing that it was family who did it. Esther doesn't know what her already powerful sister would do to the poor things if she got her hands on both babies, so, one is good enough.
"Thank you so much, Esther and I'm sorry about your daughter. That's not right." Esther nodded sadly. They hugged and headed back with painful memories swirling in their heads.
The whole family adored the little girl so much with in an instant. She was a cute baby and looked very much like her parents already. She loved to giggle and hold onto fingers and to sleep and sleep and sleep in peoples arms which everyone found adorable.
Even Nik - who was still slightly salty about the girl and Kol's relationship - loved the tiny thing. He tickled her and held her feeling her innocence the whole time.
A powerful witch like her would be a quite the handful and no one but Esther knew of her power.
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