"Brie Mode!" Yelled Brie, once we walked into the bar. I gave the girls a look of confusion.
"Means getting shitfaced." Brie yells.
"Brie Mode!" I yell also. All the girls holler and they go to get shots.
"They're pretty wild." I hear someone say beside me. I look to my side and see Dean.
"Dean, Right?"
"Yeah, my real name is Jon, but people call me Dean." He says.
"Nice to meet you Jon."
"People call me Dean."
"I don't like to be like most people, so I'll call you Jon." I say, smiling. He smiles also, flashing his dimples.
"You certainly are different than the others." He says.
"My dad once said being different is nice because being normal is boring as fuck." I say.
"Wise man."
"He was, he was so kind to others and that's what everybody loved about him." I say. Natalya comes with two shots in her hands and passes me one. She greets Dean and encourages me to drink it. I shrug and drink it.
"You picked a strong one." I say, cringing a bit.
"It's a celebration bitch." She says. She drags me away from Dean and to the table where all the girls are. There were at least five trays full of shots. I sit down in the booth and stare at all the shots.
"What the fuck is that?" I say pointing to a jar.
"Worms." Paige says.
"I don't know I want to try them." She grabs a worm and puts it in her shot glass. She puts one in another and hands me it. I shake my head as she drinks hers. "Don't be a baby." I hesitate for a moment before drinking it.
"This tastes like dirt." I say.
"It's a worm what do you expect dumbass." Charlotte says.
"You drink one Ashley." I challenge her. She glares at me before chugging one as well.
"It's not bad." She says. She chugs another one and she cringes. "Never mind it's horrible." She says. I laugh and take another shot.
"Where's the vodka!" A buzzed Brie yells. Nikki points to a tray full of shots and I grab one as well as Brie.
"Wanna go." Brie says, as I finish my shot.
"Lets go." We get two trays and we have a drinking contest. I chugged at least seven shots of vodka and three shots of regular beer. I was shitfaced is all I can say.
"Char, why is the world so colorful." I say, giggling. I grab another shot and down it and grab a whole tray. I down all of them berro the girls cut me off. "I wanna dance." I say.
"Go with a guy." I pout.
"I don't want to."
"Hm try the former shield brothers." I scoot out of the booth and fall on my ass.
"Ow, help me up." Natalya, the only sober one helps me up. "Thanks Nattie, you're the best, you have a great Hart." I say. She rolls her eyes.
"Corny Thea is coming out ladies and gentlemen!" Brie screams. She walks off to find her husband. I look around for any shield guy.
I find all three of them in a corner. "Why hello gentleman." I say, trying not to slur my words.
"Are you drunk?" Roman asks.
"No, I'm just being me."
"You're drunk T." He says. I go closer to him and whisper to him.
"Who told you, was it the FBI?" I say. He laughs and I put my arm on his shoulder. "Because if they did, I have a getaway car ready." I say. The guys laugh.
"You're so drunk." Seth says.
"I'm not, I just had like a dozen shots, or so." I say. "My dad would be so pissed right now." I say.
"What about your mom?"
"She's a savage." I say. The guys give me looks and I give them looks back.
"You're weird when you're drunk." Seth says.
"You're ugly when I'm drunk." I say.
"So real reason why I'm here, anybody want to dance?" I ask them. "Ashley was being a bitch and went off with some guy and Natalya is sober and she's no fun." None of them answer. "Fine I'm closing my eyes and picking one of you." I spin around with my eyes closed and point to one of them.
I open my eyes and see I'm pointing to Dean. "Jon!" I say happily.
"Thought we could only call you Dean?" Seth says.
"Jon sounds better." I say. I grab Dean's hand and drag him to the dance floor.
"We have to go." I hiccup. Dean was still with me and he was still sober. He gets me into the rental and we go to the hotel. "Let's play a game." I tell Dean.
"What kind of game." He says pulling into the hotel. I think for a moment.
"Tag you're it." I tag Dean and run out of the car. He chases after me and I click the button for the elevator. I get in, but Dean still manages to get in. He pins me to the wall and stares at me.
"Caught you." He says, breaking the silence. As a drunk person you don't know what you're doing, so I smashed my lips onto his. He kisses back and begs for an entrance. I gladly let him and our tongues fight for dominance. I wrap my legs around his waist and deepen the kiss. I grab the back of his head and play with his hair.
The elevator stops and Dean walks out going to his hotel room, not breaking the kiss. He looks for his keys and opens the door. He throws me on the bed and I stare at him. "Not today." He says. I pout.
"I'm not going to take advantage of you because you're drunk." He says. He takes off his shirt and pants, leaving himself in boxers.
"Okay, but can I at least stay here?" I ask. He nods and throws me his shirt. I pull off my dress and put on the shirt. He lays down and I snuggle into his chest. He wraps his arms around me and the darkness slowly consumes me.
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