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We all fear something in our lives.
We all have fears, but that doesn't mean we let them define us...
I made that mistake!
I entered high school captivated by fear; the fear of being rejected and alone.
I had no friends when we left for the Grade 8 camp (the first time the grade had gotten together before school started). It was meant to be a experience where we made new friends — I wasn't looking forward to it.
I prayed to God, asking him to be with me to get me through this camp in one piece — being the best guardian ever he granted it.
I didn't only leave in one piece but I had made a friend. He was a guy, tall and blonde. After camp, he introduced me to his circle of friends and that's where I find myself today.
Thank you, Father.
I watched Facing the Giants recently and was blown away. There is a specific scene before the final football game. The Shiloh Eagles against the Richland Giants who were, I think, three times their size.
Another coach came to speak to the coach of the Shiloh Eagles, Grant, and asked him, " How do you feel about this game?" Or something like that. Grant said he was nervous but prepared(I think). He said he knew God was with him. The other coach told Grant that in the bible, they mention that we shouldn't fear 365 times; God tells us not to fear everyday of the year! Isn't that cool!
So, I guess we had something to remember everyday this new year — DO NOT FEAR!!!
Don't started this like I did last year. Start your year with courage and be fearless, but if you do fear — remember God is with you always.
"Do not be afraid, Abram, for I will protect you." - Genesis 15:1
"This is my command — be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." - Joshua 1:9
Do not let fear define you.
Live in the Word.
If you read the Word (bible) everyday — you will have the strength to conquer your fears.
God Bless.
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