Chapter 9
Hey! I am currently working on art for the book! I will update it as I go, let's just say one of them is inspired by a biblical painting heh. Anyways, thank you for reading and on with the chapter!
Lucifer's perspective. . .
Lucifer: "FUCK!!!!!"
I was letting out my rage on every single object near me. Gabriel got to Rose quicker than I did. Heaven already has her on their strings to play with. And I was too laid back and didn't realize the signs. This can't be happening. I won't let them get to her. I need help! Only one person from up there can help me. . .
Rose's perspective. . .
Rose: "Gabriel! Why did you reorganize the kitchen?!! I don't know where everything is now!!"
Gabriel scoffed and crossed his arms.
Gabriel: "That is why our father gifted us with eyes. Are you not able to look for yourself?"
I rolled my eyes and opened the cabinets. Then everything appeared! I guess the new organization isn't so bad. Eh, he doesn't need to know that.
Rose: "It looks terrible"
Gabriel: "I know you don't think that Rose. Let go of that pride"
Ughhh. I walked away from the kitchen and went to my room. Then, a thunderstorm started to form out of nowhere. Huh, weird. I looked out and saw the darkest cloud I've ever seen. Then a giant, 'bird?' started to fly towards my direction. Wait, that is not a bird! That is a scary Angel or demon!!!
Rose: "Ga-"
???: "Shhhhhhh, you are fiiiine. You don't need Gabriel"
Rose: "Who are you? Where are you? Come out!"
???: "Gee, I don't even know where to start. I am a man of many names. I'll give you a clue. The first one rhymes with trim sweeper. Heh."
What the fuck? Think! Think of any supernatural being that rhymes with that!
Rose: "Uhhhh, cucuy?"
I heard him chuckle deeply as I saw a pair of glowing red eyes come out.
???: "Not exactly, but close~"
I started hyperventilating. I saw nothing but grief and death in his eyes. My soul was bending to this man as if he was the rightful owner of it. As if he controls my fate from life to death. Wait. . . trim sweeper. . .Grim Reaper! Fuck. . . What did I do to get all this supernatural attention? God let me die now please.
Grim Reaper: "Yes, it is I. You can call me death, grim reaper, Angel of death or any other name you mortals come up with. I am Death. Azrael being my god given name"
Rose: "If you are here to kill me, just do it already. Please."
Azrael: "Hah! You are so funny. No, I am here because of this guy"
He pointed to Gabriel's direction.
Rose: "What do you want with him?"
Azrael: "I want to speak with him"
Rose: "Then go ahead"
He left the room and went to Gabriel, locking me inside.
Rose: "Let me out!!!!"
Gabriel's Perspective. . .
I was making breakfast for Rose when I heard banging on her door. I dropped the spatula immediately and ran to her room.
Gabriel: "Rose!!!"
Azrael: "Hello, brother"
Gabriel: "Azrael. What are you doing here? What have you done to her!!"
Azrael: "Oh don't worry. Didn't do much. I just made sure she goes to hell"
Gabriel: "how dare you!!!"
I immediately pounced up to him and struck out my sword, but missed him completely.
Azrael: "Aww, so cute. The baby of the family wants to fight the embodiment of death himself. Come on Gabriel! Strike me!"
Gabriel: "Aaaaugh!!"
I charged towards him, letting my wrath consume me. How dare he enter here and put Rose into damnation!
Gabriel: "I'll end you! If it's the last thing I do!!"
Azrael: "Aw, so sweet. You are going to try to kill the one that kills. How does that even work? You know what, I am curious. Strike me. Seriously, I want to see what happens"
I charged towards him and plunged the sword into his chest. But when I did so, he didn't even flinch. Wait what?
Azrael: "Hah! I knew it! I can't die from your sword. I can only die by my own hands. That's too bad for you brother~"
He grabbed me by the throat and slammed my body against the wall.
Gabriel: "Brother. Please. Show me m-mercy!"
He laughed at my face and threw me on the floor like a rag doll. I coughed out some blood and looked at him in terror. Why did God make him indestructible? Why am I the weakest one when I am supposed to be Rose's guardian? Have I failed her? Did I actually fail for once? I got teary eyed as I looked at myself in the mirror in shame. He then started heading to Rose's room and grabbed her out of there. He wrapped his arms around her waist and put his chin on top of his head.
Azrael: "Heh, sorry Gabe, she is mine now to protect"
That's it. I don't care if he is indestructible, I must protect her! I charged towards him and took out his scythe, threatening him with it. I figured it out. Only the scythe can kill him. I can tell by the look of fear in his eyes as he stared at me.
Azrael: "You know what, this favor is not worth my life. I surrender. Goodbye. . ."
He disappeared and took his scythe out of my hands, leaving Rose with me"
She ran up to me sobbing and held onto me. I felt a pain in my heart seeing her like that.
Rose: "Gabriel, I am so scared. Why am I a target?? What is so special about me that everyone is after me??"
Gabriel: "I can't say for sure the reason, but I think I know part of it. You have pure blood, without original sin. You were born without it. Also you have a pure soul. But, I heard that your soul might have a connection with Lucifer's. I don't know if that is true nor do I hope it is. But all I know is that the first two reasons are true."
She looked tense, her lips parted as she breathed out through her mouth. She was mortified. I could tell. Then tears fell down her face, I lifted my finger up to her cheek and wiped it off.
Gabriel: "You are safe with me. I can assure you that"
She buried her face in my chest once again and we stayed like that for what seemed like forever.
Gabriel: "Come on, let's go out today. It is the weekend. That thunderstorm left with Azrael. So let's enjoy the day"
She nodded and watched as I transformed in my human disguise. We walked out with smiles plastered on our faces, trying to hide the events that just happened to us. I learned how to drive because I don't want Rose driving me anywhere ever again. So I got in the drivers seat and turned on the vehicle. Rose sat down and looked out the window, with nothing but despair on her face. Did he say something? Or is she like this because her soul is now damned? Does she know?
Rose: "Hey, what did Azrael want with me?"
I jumped at her question, wondering if she read my mind.
Gabriel: "Uh, I will tell you later. Right now let's just forget that and have a good time together in the city."
She nodded hesitantly and looked back out the window. Phew, I can't have her freak out when I am driving. I put the car in reverse and backed out, turning on the radio.
Song - "Untitled" by Interpol
The guitar started with a beautiful melody followed by the drums. It is a song that numbs you in a way. We drove through the forest preserves in the suburbs, taking in the nice views, but Rose never seemed to smile throughout the whole ride. She was just staring blankly out the window. The song started to end with a heartbreaking synth and guitar, leaving us both silent and staring blankly at the road. We then arrived at our destination, the fountain in downtown Chicago. It truly was a beautiful city. It feels like home when you walk through it. People say it is full of violence, but nothing was really a threat in our surroundings. Even throughout the day when it started to get dark, nothing happened. Then it was the night, Rose and I were sitting on a bench, staring at the fountain. Our starting point of the day-long walk. She leaned her head on my shoulder and closed her beautiful eyes. I stared at her in awe. How can a human look so divine? I've never seen a mortal this beautiful inside and out in my whole lifetime. I looked into her soul and saw that she lived two lives. Another very odd thing. Why didn't she go straight to the afterlife? Was this a mistake? Intentional? A gift? Or a curse?. . .
Lucifer's perspective. . .
I was furious. They are closer than ever. I've been wide open to Rose. Almost giving her my heart. But she has just been getting away from me. I knelt down, feeling nothing but pain in my heart
Song - "Wide Open" The Chemical Brothers
Lucifer: "I'm Wide Open
But don't I please you anymore?
You're slippin' away from me
You're driftin' away from me
I'm wide open
But don't I please you anymore
You're slippin' away from me
You're slippin' away from me
Slow me down
It's getting away from me
It's getting away from me
It's getting away from me
Slow me down
It's getting away from me
It's getting away from me
It's getting away from me
I'm wide open
I couldn't see it anymore
You're driftin' away from me
You're driftin' away from me
I'm wide open
I'm wide open
I'm wide open
One day, just gonna see me
Look back and forth from the ceiling
(I'm wide open) Someday love's gonna hurt me
Turn back and soon I'll believe it
Slow me down
It's getting away from me
It's getting away from me
It's getting away from me
Slow me down
It's getting away from me
It's getting away from me
It's getting away from me
I'm wide open
I'm wide open
Slow me down
It's getting away from me
It's getting away from me
It's getting away from me"
As the music was ending, Lucifer danced gracefully to the beat, expressing his broken heart. He ended the song by kneeling once again, holding his broken heart sobbing
Lucifer: "Please Rose, don't hurt me"
I kept on crying, looking at the image of Rose in my mind. Trying to imagine an outcome where we could end up together, happy. She is not even giving me a chance. She just thinks she knows who I am and judges me for my past. But then I remembered, I sent Azrael to damn her soul and take her to me. I guess he only did the first part but it's a start. When she dies, she will join me in hell. I wish I didn't have to get to that point, but I was left with no choice. You did this to yourself Rose. It was all you. . .
Rose's perspective. . .
I was laying in my bed, trying to fall asleep, but I just couldn't. The thought of Azrael sneaking into my room again was haunting me. Plus, it didn't help with the fact that it was cloudy and raining a little. Sorry Gabriel, but I need to bother you to do your job. I got up and ran to Gabriel's room. I banged on the door frantically. I heard a huge thud in there and stomping footsteps speeding to the door. He opened the door quickly and grabbed me, dragging me inside.
Gabriel: " What happened? Are you ok? Is he back?? Are you hurt?!!"
I just chuckled anxiously.
Rose: "Heh, nope! Everything is fine! I just uh, I can't sleep"
I saw his shoulders lose the tension as he took a sigh of relief.
Gabriel: "Phew, well I think I know why. It's the storm right?"
I nodded and looked at him with pleading eyes.
Gabriel: "Alright, I get the message. You can sleep in here. Here, take the bed. I will sleep on the beanbag."
I looked at him with confusion, tapping the bed to signal where I wanted him. He looked at me in understanding.
Gabriel: "Alright, I will be your teddy bear for the night"
I smiled as he laid down next to me. I held onto him tightly, afraid that if I let go, the monsters of the night would get me. Monsters including certain ones named Lucifer and Azrael. I then drifted off to sleep. Feeling safe and warm in his arms. . .
End of chapter! Thank you once again for taking the time to read this and see you in the next chapter!
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