Bliss- Bliss (noun or verb)- perfect happiness, joy, to reach a state of perfect happiness, typically so as to be oblivious of everything else.
Synonyms- Enjoyment, ecstasy, elation, euphoria.
Dinah rolled over in bed, turning to look at her sleeping husband. It had been a month since their wedding, and they still seemed to be in what everyone called the "honeymoon phase". She rolled back over, grabbing her phone, seeing the three new texts from her brother.
"It doesn't matter, Di. They'll get what's coming."
"He's got it all figured out. Don't worry."
"We'll figure it out. We always do."
She quickly deleted the texts, and put her phone back on the nightstand as she felt Joel stir. She lay still, closing her eyes again. He slipped his arm around her waist, leaning over and kissing her cheek.
"Good morning, love." He said softly, his voice gravelly, seeming deeper than normal after sleeping. She rolled over, smiling at her husband.
"Hey. Sleep well?" She asked softly, smiling. He chuckled.
"Once I finally got to sleep. Remind me to never let you turn on a movie at ten thirty again." She laughed, and he couldn't help but smile. He loved it when she laughed, as there was something contagious about it. He sighed, throwing the covers off and getting up.
"Don't forget, you and Luke have a meeting to go to in about an hour." She called as she burrowed back down into the covers. He pulled his tshirt on, smiling at the sight of his wife, the blanket burrito.
"After last time, yes, I do remember. I don't want a repeat of that." She smiled sleepily at him, and blew him a kiss.
"The coffeemaker should have already turned on by now. Just don't take all of it." Dinah said, rolling over and grabbing her phone again. Joel came over, kissing the top of her head as he pulled his jacket on.
"I won't, love. I promise. I'll see you this afternoon." She smiled and waved as he left, and when she heard the front door lock, she clambered out of bed, tripping over the blankets.
"Dangit." She mumbled, chucking the offending cover across the room. She pulled on jeggings and an oversized black Star Trek shirt, tugging a pair of fuzzy socks over her feet, and headed out to the kitchen for her coffee. She smiled when she saw their grey cat, Spock, hop up on the counter.
"Hey, kitty." She scratched his ears, and he purred, arching his back and flicking his tail. Dinah looked over at his bowl and snorted.
"Greedy cat. Joel already gave you food." He meowed, and hopped down, strutting away, and she chuckled. As she sat on the sofa with her coffee, she sighed, looking around the decently sized apartment. The last month had been amazing, and she didn't think anything could be better. Her phone buzzed again, and she smiled, seeing a text from her sister in law, Leah.
"Headed back into town for mum and dad's anniversary. If you see Courtney before me, let her know that I got the glider for them."
She texted back a quick okay, and set her phone down. Almost everything was perfect. Joel still refused to speak to his sister, despite the incredible relationship that Dinah had with her. She had been part of the Behavioral Analysis Unit for almost a year now, and even though she was almost never in Tennessee, she always made sure to keep everyone updated on how she was.
"Life couldn't be any more perfect." She mused, taking another sip of her coffee as Spock jumped up beside her and she looked at Joel's pile of song lyric papers. Yes, her life was blissful... And she couldn't imagine anything better.
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