How Great is Our God
1 Thessalonians 5:8 (NLT)
But let us who live in the light be clearheaded, protected by the armor of faith and love, and wearing as our helmet the confidence of our salvation.
Psalms 44:1-26 (NLT)
O God, we have heard it with our own ears— our ancestors have told usof all you did in their day, in days long ago: You drove out the pagan nations by your power and gave all the land to our ancestors.You crushed their enemies and set our ancestors free. They did not conquer the land with their swords; it was not their own strong arm that gave them victory.It was your right hand and strong arm and the blinding light from your face that helped them, for you loved them. You are my King and my God. You command victories for Israel.* Only by your power can we push back our enemies; only in your name can we trample our foes. I do not trust in my bow; I do not count on my sword to save me. You are the one who gives us victory over our enemies; you disgrace those who hate us. O God, we give glory to you all day long and constantly praise your name. Interlude But now you have tossed us aside in dishonor. You no longer lead our armies to battle. You make us retreat from our enemies and allow those who hate us to plunder our land. You have butchered us like sheep and scattered us among the nations. You sold your precious people for a pittance, making nothing on the sale. You let our neighbors mock us. We are an object of scorn and derision to those around us. You have made us the butt of their jokes; they shake their heads at us in scorn. We can't escape the constant humiliation; shame is written across our faces. All we hear are the taunts of our mockers. All we see are our vengeful enemies. All this has happened though we have not forgotten you. We have not violated your covenant. Our hearts have not deserted you. We have not strayed from your path. Yet you have crushed us in the jackal's desert home. You have covered us with darkness and death. If we had forgotten the name of our God or spread our hands in prayer to foreign gods, God would surely have known it, for he knows the secrets of every heart. But for your sake we are killed every day; we are being slaughtered like sheep. Wake up, O Lord! Why do you sleep? Get up! Do not reject us forever. Why do you look the other way? Why do you ignore our suffering and oppression? We collapse in the dust, lying face down in the dirt. Rise up! Help us! Ransom us because of your unfailing love.
Dear Lord Father God please protect us and keep us safe and secure us and comfort us and Lord I just want to say thank you for everything that you have done for us Lord and I just want to say thank you for everything that you do for us and I love you unconditionally and lots to infinite and beyond and to eternityand I love you so much Lord and I just want to also say thank you for seddie fan fiction and I love you unconditionally and I love you extremely much and I pray this in your holy name Amen Amen.
Romans 15:4 (NLT)
Such things were written in the Scriptures long ago to teach us. And the Scriptures give us hope and encouragement as we wait patiently for God's promises to be fulfilled.
Psalms 45:1-17 (NLT)
Beautiful words stir my heart. I will recite a lovely poem about the king, for my tongue is like the pen of a skillful poet. You are the most handsome of all. Gracious words stream from your lips. God himself has blessed you forever. Put on your sword, O mighty warrior! You are so glorious, so majestic! In your majesty, ride out to victory, defending truth, humility, and justice. Go forth to perform awe-inspiring deeds! Your arrows are sharp, piercing your enemies' hearts. The nations fall beneath your feet. Your throne, O God,* endures forever and ever. You rule with a scepter of justice. You love justice and hate evil. Therefore God, your God, has anointed you, pouring out the oil of joy on you more than on anyone else. Myrrh, aloes, and cassia perfume your robes. In ivory palaces the music of strings entertains you. Kings' daughters are among your noble women. At your right side stands the queen, wearing jewelry of finest gold from Ophir! Listen to me, O royal daughter; take to heart what I say. Forget your people and your family far away. For your royal husband delights in your beauty; honor him, for he is your lord. The princess of Tyre* will shower you with gifts. The wealthy will beg your favor. The bride, a princess, looks glorious in her golden gown. In her beautiful robes, she is led to the king, accompanied by her bridesmaids. What a joyful and enthusiastic procession as they enter the king's palace! Your sons will become kings like their father. You will make them rulers over many lands. I will bring honor to your name in every generation. Therefore, the nations will praise you forever and ever.
Dear Lord Father God please protect us and keep us safe and secure us and comfort us and Lord I just want to say thank you for everything that you have done for us Lord and I just want to say thank you for everything that you do for us Lord and I appreciate everything that you have done and that you do for us Lord and I love you unconditionally and lots to infinite and beyond and I love you to eternity and I love you with all my heart and soul and mind and I pray this in your holy name Amen Amen.
Lord you are so amazing and great and kind and you are loving and caring towards us and we thank you so much Lord.
Romans 8:24-25 (NLT)
We were given this hope when we were saved. (If we already have something, we don't need to hope* for it. But if we look forward to something we don't yet have, we must wait patiently and confidently.)
Psalms 46:1-11 (NLT)
God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. So we will not fear when earthquakes come and the mountains crumble into the sea. Let the oceans roar and foam. Let the mountains tremble as the waters surge! Interlude A river brings joy to the city of our God, the sacred home of the Most High. God dwells in that city; it cannot be destroyed. From the very break of day, God will protect it. The nations are in chaos, and their kingdoms crumble!God's voice thunders, and the earth melts! The LORD of Heaven's Armies is here among us; the God of Israel* is our fortress. Interlude Come, see the glorious works of the LORD: See how he brings destruction upon the world. He causes wars to end throughout the earth. He breaks the bow and snaps the spear; he burns the shields with fire. "Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world." The LORD of Heaven's Armies is here among us; the God of Israel is our fortress.
Dear Lord Father God please protect us and keep us safe and secure us and comfort us and Lord I want to say thank you for everything that you have done for us Lord and I just want to say thank you for everything that you do for us and Lord and I love you unconditionally and lots to infinite and beyond and Lord and I love you with all my heart and soul and mind and to eternity and more than ever I pray this in your holy name Lord Amen Amen.
Proverbs 18:10 (NLT)
The name of the LORD is a strong fortress; the godly run to him and are safe.
Psalms 47:1-9 (NLT)
Come, everyone! Clap your hands! Shout to God with joyful praise! For the LORD Most High is awesome. He is the great King of all the earth. He subdues the nations before us, putting our enemies beneath our feet. He chose the Promised Land as our inheritance, the proud possession of Jacob's descendants, whom he loves. Interlude God has ascended with a mighty shout. The LORD has ascended with trumpets blaring. Sing praises to God, sing praises; sing praises to our King, sing praises! For God is the King over all the earth. Praise him with a psalm.* God reigns above the nations, sitting on his holy throne. The rulers of the world have gathered together with the people of the God of Abraham.For all the kings of the earth belong to God. He is highly honored everywhere.
Dear Lord Father God please protect us and keep us safe and secure us and comfort us and Lord I just want to say thank you for everything that you have done for us Lord and I just want to say thank you for everything that you do for us Lord and I love you unconditionally and lots to infinite and beyond and Lord and I love you unconditionally and lots to eternity and more than ever before and I pray this in your holy name Amen Amen.
Psalms 71:5 (NLT)
O Lord, you alone are my hope. I've trusted you, O LORD, from childhood.
Psalms 48:1-14 (NLT)
How great is the LORD, how deserving of praise,in the city of our God, which sits on his holy mountain! It is high and magnificent; the whole earth rejoices to see it!Mount Zion, the holy mountain,* is the city of the great King! God himself is in Jerusalem's towers, revealing himself as its defender. The kings of the earth joined forces and advanced against the city. But when they saw it, they were stunned; they were terrified and ran away. They were gripped with terror and writhed in pain like a woman in labor. You destroyed them like the mighty ships of Tarshish shattered by a powerful east wind. We had heard of the city's glory, but now we have seen it ourselves— the city of the LORD of Heaven's Armies.It is the city of our God; he will make it safe forever. Interlude O God, we meditate on your unfailing love as we worship in your Temple. As your name deserves, O God, you will be praised to the ends of the earth. Your strong right hand is filled with victory. Let the people on Mount Zion rejoice. Let all the towns of Judah be glad because of your justice. Go, inspect the city of Jerusalem.* Walk around and count the many towers. Take note of the fortified walls, and tour all the citadels,that you may describe them to future generations. For that is what God is like. He is our God forever and ever, and he will guide us until we die.
Dear Lord Father God please protect us and keep us safe and secure us and comfort us and Lord I just want to say thank you for everything that you do for us and Lord I love you unconditionally and lots to infinite and beyond and Lord I love you to eternity and more than all the earth and stars and I love you to the end and I love you with all my heart and soul and mind and I pray this in your holy name my Father God Amen Amen.
Romans 13:8 (NLT)
Owe nothing to anyone—except for your obligation to love one another. If you love your neighbor, you will fulfill the requirements of God's law.
Psalms 49:1-20 (NLT)
Listen to this, all you people! Pay attention, everyone in the world! High and low, rich and poor—listen! For my words are wise, and my thoughts are filled with insight. I listen carefully to many proverbs and solve riddles with inspiration from a harp. Why should I fear when trouble comes, when enemies surround me? They trust in their wealth and boast of great riches. Yet they cannot redeem themselves from death* by paying a ransom to God. Redemption does not come so easily, for no one can ever pay enough to live forever and never see the grave. Those who are wise must finally die, just like the foolish and senseless, leaving all their wealth behind. The grave is their eternal home, where they will stay forever.They may name their estates after themselves, but their fame will not last. They will die, just like animals. This is the fate of fools, though they are remembered as being wise.* Interlude Like sheep, they are led to the grave,* where death will be their shepherd.In the morning the godly will rule over them. Their bodies will rot in the grave, far from their grand estates. But as for me, God will redeem my life. He will snatch me from the power of the grave. Interlude So don't be dismayed when the wicked grow rich and their homes become ever more splendid. For when they die, they take nothing with them. Their wealth will not follow them into the grave. In this life they consider themselves fortunate and are applauded for their success. But they will die like all before them and never again see the light of day. People who boast of their wealth don't understand; they will die, just like animals.
Dear Lord Father God please protect us and keep us safe and secure us and comfort us and Lord I just want to say thank you for everything that you have done for us Lord and I just want to say thank you for everything that you do for us and Lord please help me with and keep me safe and goodnightsweet dreams and keep safe and I love you unconditionally and lots to infinite and beyond and Lord and I love you with all my heart and soul and mind and I love you to eternity and more than all the stars and galaxies and I love you to the end and I pray this in your holy name Amen Amen.
Roses are red
Voilets are blue
You are the best Lord in the universe and sweeter then sugar in a candy.
Psalms 63:3 (NLT)
Your unfailing love is better than life itself; how I praise you!
Psalms 50:1-23 (NLT)
The LORD, the Mighty One, is God, and he has spoken;he has summoned all humanity from where the sun rises to where it sets. From Mount Zion, the perfection of beauty, God shines in glorious radiance. Our God approaches, and he is not silent.Fire devours everything in his way, and a great storm rages around him. He calls on the heavens above and earth below to witness the judgment of his people. "Bring my faithful people to me— those who made a covenant with me by giving sacrifices." Then let the heavens proclaim his justice, for God himself will be the judge. Interlude "O my people, listen as I speak. Here are my charges against you, O Israel: I am God, your God! I have no complaint about your sacrifices or the burnt offerings you constantly offer. But I do not need the bulls from your barns or the goats from your pens. For all the animals of the forest are mine, and I own the cattle on a thousand hills. I know every bird on the mountains, and all the animals of the field are mine. If I were hungry, I would not tell you, for all the world is mine and everything in it. Do I eat the meat of bulls? Do I drink the blood of goats? Make thankfulness your sacrifice to God, and keep the vows you made to the Most High. Then call on me when you are in trouble, and I will rescue you, and you will give me glory." But God says to the wicked:"Why bother reciting my decrees and pretending to obey my covenant? For you refuse my discipline and treat my words like trash. When you see thieves, you approve of them, and you spend your time with adulterers. Your mouth is filled with wickedness, and your tongue is full of lies. You sit around and slander your brother— your own mother's son. While you did all this, I remained silent, and you thought I didn't care.But now I will rebuke you, listing all my charges against you. Repent, all of you who forget me, or I will tear you apart, and no one will help you. But giving thanks is a sacrifice that truly honors me. If you keep to my path, I will reveal to you the salvation of God.
Dear Lord Father God please protect us and keep us safe and secure us and comfort us and Lord please help me with my exams and to help me with this time of the month and Lord please please let me speak to my shining star , I really miss my shining star and I love you unconditionally Lord and I love you lots and and lots to infinite and beyond and I love you with all my heart and soul and mind and Lord I love you to eternity and more than all the stars and earth, galaxies and I will love you beyond the end of time and I pray this in your holy name Amen Amen.
Lord you shine brighter then the stars you are a hero to all even if they don't know it yet. You are great and kind and powerful and you are amazing, encouraging and excellent, you are awsome God and I have faith in you and hope and I love you unconditionally Lord .
The Lord is great
The Lord is our savour and father
The LORD is my light and my salvation! Even if no one knows I will always love you Lord with all my heart and soul and mind and Lord you are so so amazing.
Proverbs 10:12 (NLT)
Hatred stirs up quarrels, but love makes up for all offenses.
Psalms 51:1-19 (NLT)
Have mercy on me, O God, because of your unfailing love.Because of your great compassion, blot out the stain of my sins. Wash me clean from my guilt. Purify me from my sin. For I recognize my rebellion; it haunts me day and night. Against you, and you alone, have I sinned; I have done what is evil in your sight.You will be proved right in what you say, and your judgment against me is just.* For I was born a sinner— yes, from the moment my mother conceived me. But you desire honesty from the womb,* teaching me wisdom even there. Purify me from my sins,* and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. Oh, give me back my joy again; you have broken me— now let me rejoice. Don't keep looking at my sins. Remove the stain of my guilt. Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a loyal spirit within me. Do not banish me from your presence, and don't take your Holy Spirit* from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and make me willing to obey you. Then I will teach your ways to rebels, and they will return to you. Forgive me for shedding blood, O God who saves; then I will joyfully sing of your forgiveness. Unseal my lips, O Lord, that my mouth may praise you. You do not desire a sacrifice, or I would offer one. You do not want a burnt offering. The sacrifice you desire is a broken spirit. You will not reject a broken and repentant heart, O God. Look with favor on Zion and help her; rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. Then you will be pleased with sacrifices offered in the right spirit— with burnt offerings and whole burnt offerings. Then bulls will again be sacrificed on your altar.
Dear Lord Father God please protect us and keep us safe and secure us and comfort us and Lord please help me with my exams and to help me with this time of the month and I just want to say thank you for everything that you have done for us Lord and I just want to say thank you for everything that you do for us and Lord I love you unconditionally and lots to infinite and beyond and Lord I love you so much Lord and I love you extremely alot and to eternity and more than all the stars were in the sky and until the end or beyond the end and I also want to say goodnight sweet dreams and I love you unconditionally and I pray this in your holy name Amen Amen.
The Lord is Good
The LORD is Great
The Lord is Awsome
The LORD is my light and my salvation and he is my savour
The LORD is our rock and he leads us through everything and I love the LORD with all my heart and soul and mind and I love you Lord unconditionally and I have unfailing love for you Lord.
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