Chapter 3: Sinful Gathering
Cupid stood off to the side as everyone got everything finished up. He wasn't really warming up to the idea so He stares at the doors, knowing Sin would be late.
Meanwhile all the twins were in the grim twins throne room, sitting on the soft grass with their beautiful purple flowers as they had mini talk over tea and some pie. Which, each of the youngest twin brought their own slice of pie to share among each other.
Cupid crosses his arms... Then. A trumpet plays in The distance; A roll of thunder rising with the chorus of trumpets as lightening bolts were seen striking all in the same spot in. A blue light flashes then disappears just as quickly as it came.
All three set of twins look in the direction of the flashing blue lightening and the sound of the trumpets.
“Oh hell... Here he goes with his dramatic entrance.” Cupid rolls his eyes as he goes to look away. But, he saw Sin standing in front of him. He was very tall, masculine, and slim. He had silked back black hair with dreamy blue eyes as with his smile— it made it hard for others to look away from him.
“Hello, dear, little, brother of mine.” Sin says in a charming tone that made any nearby girls— even guys —blush.
All the twins look at Cupid and his brother as they bonded with each other.
“Doesn't seem so bad. He doesn't look like the type to cause trouble.” Uru said a little confused as she watches, doing that "Hmmm..." face.
“I don't see the problem with thy, he seemeth like a normal angel like Cupid.” Meteor said doing the same face as well.
“Maybe it's just normal sibling jealously...” Star said a bit shyly— sliding close to Meteor like a child in a bit of fear of shyness.
“Hmm...well whatever it is, our Lord hates him and we can't be blind to such tricks he may play.” Moon suggests as the others nod in agreement.
“Well, whatever it is... We have to be watchful. ” Ida said in a serious tone. They all continue to watch the two brothers.
Cupid glares at Sin. Not even offering a hug or anything. “Don't play your stupid bullshit on me. I see through your temptations and sins. I see the slimy bastard you truly are. A fake. You only please others. You ruin some of the arrows I cast out on others for true love when you make them run off and cheat!” Cupid growls in a whisper as Sin just laughs it off smoothly and crosses his arms, shifting his weight to the side a bit.
“That maybe your opinion, but I can't help what others see in me. It's just my powers, something totally our of my control. I was made to make them sin, it's the temptations that makes them fall for me. They pretty much become following, 'free' slaves.” Sin explains, not really caring as he licks his teeth and notices everyone else and waves.
“Hi everyone! Love the welcoming party. Who was the brains behind this operation? Was it you? Pretty queens? Had to of been, you two look so smart and wise and... Just so independent. I love that. Even the rest of you. Rock on ladies. I love the energy I'm getting off of you.” Sin walks over to the pairs of queens.
Ida's eyes narrow as she heard of what the brothers talked about.
So that's how he does it, Ida thought as Ada looks over, hearing her twin's thoughts.
I think we should be careful sis... He could be planning something, Ada responds back at the thought.
Moon and Uru watch as Sin made his way over to the table. Keeping a poker face, studying this being and keeping a watch on him. Star suddenly watched with curiosity like a child as Meteor just responds with a “Hmmm...” until Ada coughed and stood up.
“It was I who made such meeting. Please, sit. Have some tea and pie.” She said welcoming the new guest to sit at the table along with the Queens.
Not even Cupid could sit at that table.
Well....only With Ada and Moon, but with the others?...
Not so much.
Meteor and Star he wasn't sure of though, since they rarely showed up to events.
“Hey! Cupid! Come and sit along us too!” Moon shouts, not wanting to leave Cupid out. And for this time Ida and Uru didn't stop her. For it was his brother visiting after all.
Cupid seemed reluctant as he had his arms crossing and a sigh escaping.
Sin gladly takes a seat. “Please, ladies. It's not a nice thing to do. Talking bad about me?” Sin frowns at them, a wave of guilt washes strongly over some of the twins, even if they didn't want the emotion, it devours some of them. Making their souls ache and the guilt making them feel... Well.
Cupid stubbornly walks over. Having to or else he knew it would be disrespectful to not accept it. “Sin. Shut up.” Cupid growls, hating just knowing his twin brother was alive.
The grim twins and the harmony twins felt such guilt, their eyes widening and being shocked by what he says.
How did he know?
The grim twins thought, but the galaxy twins were unharmed, Meteor just watches him with amusement. Star just kept on watching. Still being curious.
Ada just waves off the energy as her face shows a bit of anger. “Now, Sin. Don't use any powers at your welcoming party or it will look bad to the others.” She said as she went over to help Cupid over. Helping him not to fear or feel uncomfortable around the others.
She let him sit between her and Moon so that he wouldn't end up fighting his brother. She got some tea and pie and serves them to both to Sin and him. Going back to her seat, the harmony twins were surprised of feeling such energy sent from Sin.
Hearing that, Ada knew who sent it off.
Even though they were goddesses, they still were learning of their power. Since they only used a little of it, so feeling such wave was new and got them curious.
Sin tilts his head, and just bows a bit. “Please understand that I can't control my powers. They reflect off of what Temptation wants. She cursed me, so. Please, forgive me if any carelessness seeps out of me, for it is not intended. Such great queens you all are— quiet many too. Tell me, what are all of your names. You seem to know me already. I'm so glad my brother has mentioned me to you all... For a moment...”
Sin frowns, looking down sadly, his looks stronger than powers of any goddess or god— other than God himself, to resist. Cupid on the other hand, knew better.
Yeah, he felt somewhat guilty, but he hates Sin with a passion.
“I thought my brother hated my guts...” Sin looks so lonely saying those words. Cupid didn't even huff or anything. He just sighs.
„Aww you poor thing.” Star said sadly as she felt his loneliness. Meteor just stayed quiet but looks over with curiosity now.
Ida growled feeling such feeling.
The harmony twins got filled with wonder with the feeling.
Since they never felt such power before, and the way he explained how his powers worked. Made them think with curiosity instead of feeling the wave of loneliness, having a bit of sparkle in their eyes as they felt such power.
Like said; they're still getting to know how their godly powers work.
The mean ones at the table stood up and did the talking.
“I'm Ida, goddess of judgement and wisdom and this beside me is my twin sister: the goddess of Life; Ada.” After Ida said that she sat down.
“I'm Moon and this is my twin Uru, we're the twins of harmony.” Moon states and sat down.
“I'm Meteor, the warrior goddess of the night skies and this is my younger twin, Star, the goddess of the solar system.” She said as she sat down. Star just nodded agreeing like a child with a smile on her face.
Sin smiles and stands up to bow to them, ignoring some of their rudeness as he still knew how to respect higher classes. “It's nice to meet you all. Thank you so much for taking the time to meet me.” Sin goes on as Cupid rolls his eyes, but was kind of glad they were being rude.
Hopefully they won't like him. Haha. Dumbass, Cupid thought.
Back in Uzo's room...
Olivia wasn't taking no as an answer. She was talking to Jasp as he tries to leave for the hundredth time.
“No. They will come and get you when they think it's safe.” Jasp rolls his eyes and furrows his brows at Olivia.
“But father dearest! I want to see him!” Olivia whines.
Darkness watches and just laughs. “Come on, darling. I'll take you. If they say anything, they won't blame you but me.” Darkness says as he stands up.
Uzo glances over at Darkness. She wasn't scared of him anymore, but she still fears him a bit.
“No. Granny will kill you again.” Uzo mumbles.
She didn't want her daughter going to see this stranger.
Darkness just cracks up laughing. “You need to loosen up, 'my diamond'.” He mocks.
Uzo frowns at his words as Jasp glares at him. “Shut it. You're nothing but annoying— just like Error!” Jasp points at Error in the corner.
“Ey!” Error shouts as he heard what they said.
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