Chapter Two
"Get down!" Zandra whispered harshly, "That's the princess!"
Liliana was still feeling somewhat disoriented, but she clumisly clattered to her knees instinctively, as if she was startled into submission.
"Your Majesty. To what do we owe the pleasure?" Chancellor asked.
His honey-colored eyes twinkled and his smile grew warm. He knew the princess and he knew her well.
"Chancellor, please. Drop the formalities, we've talked about this. Just call me Adri, that goes for all of you. And for the love of God, please stand up."
Lili rose to her feet, somewhat relieved, but she could feel the others' resistance through the air thick with unease, complete with the look of a deer caught in headlights on each of their faces.
"Is that an order, Your Majesty?" Audric smiled crookedly.
Liliana felt her lips tug into a smile involuntarily. Audric's smile was contagious and she could hear it in his voice. He was one those people who could light up a room without trying.
Chancellor groaned loudly.
Adri turned to her guards,"Please get this man a roll. He's drunk."
One of the guards quickly left his post, presumably to retrieve the roll Adri requested. Lili wanted to laugh. Bread only worked if you consumed it before started drinking. Lili had lots of experience with all matters alcohol being the unofficial, official designated driver of the tenth grade.
"Well, damn," Audric announced with glee,"My secret has been discovered!"
Adri shook her head and turned towards Chancellor,"What is wrong with your brother? Has he been treated for alcoholism?"
"No, Your- Adri," Zandra's words coming out scrambled and fast,"His gift is Lunacy. And he self-medicates."
Lili could admit her cousin was somewhat of a looker. Zandra was pretty with her dark hair pulled back in a ponytail, her defined, corse coils tamer than her own and her eyes set with a sparkling amber, but she was far too serious for someone close to her age. The seriousness in her resting face made her appear almost a decade older.
"What a shame," Adri said, thoughtfully."We really ought to come up with a cure for this. That doesn't involve alcohol."
Liliana cleared her throat,"Um, Adri, is it? I don't quite understand my importance here. I am a Guardian but I don't belong here."
Liliana's palms were slick with sweat.
Adri smiled,"Your mother. She was a great woman. I never had the pleasure to meet her, unfortunately. But my mother paints her as simply magnificent. I don't know how much you were told, but your presence is of the utmost importance. Your mother was the sister of our greatest enemies. Actually, let me rephrase because I'm sure this sounds like quite the cliche to you."
Adri thought for a moment.
"I'm just going to give it to you head-on. Life is too short for the run around. Your mother was born to the Dark Knights, she was not originally a Guardian. She betrayed her sister. We thought your blood mother, Chrissilande, and her husband were dead. Now we know two of the three survived the Great War. Chrissilande wants you. You are her niece. So, we have to keep you safe."
Liliana nodded, "I want to be trained. I want to kill her. She murdered my mom. I want the blood test. I need," her voice wavered, "I need to be like you. If only for a moment." Lili trembled with suppressed tears and bottled up rage.
Adri smiled,"I was worried, I won't lie. I expected you to be traumatized and afraid. But you are being extremely cooperative. I already ordered a test, actually. Allow Chancellor to lead you to their health clinic and the test will be administered at once."
Chancellor rose to his feet,"After you, Milady."
Liliana stood blankly, knowing she couldn't lead the way towards a clinic she had never been to.
Chancellor grinned,"My mistake, Lady. After me."
Liliana rolled her eyes but followed him out the door.
This so-called outpost was a jumbled mess, but an organized, tidy jumbled mess. The corridors and room layout were out of order, yet the place was quite orderly.
Walking into the clinic, it struck a chord of familiarity. It looked exactly like the clinic her mother worked in the Lower 9th Ward.
She didn't comment on this realization, however.
She sat on one of the hospital-like beds and thrust her arm at the man holding the syringe.
"Make this quick, please."
Julian smiled,"Are you afraid of needles?"
"Shut the hell up."
Julian snorted inappropriately.
She couldn't hide her smile; his company was reassuring, for whatever reason.
A girl with fiery hair burst through the door,"Nice of y'all to tell me you found the girl. I was prowling the streets."
Liliana was awestruck.
The girl's hair was beautiful. It was perfectly scarlet and fell to her shoulders in loose waves.
The effect of her hair, however, made the rest of her face appear rather plain, with her brown eyes and thin lips.
Audric smiled widely,"They told me to send you a DL with the news. Must have slipped my mind."
The girl smirked,"That was payback for the bar thing, huh?"
"Are you surprised, my lady Isadora?"
Isadora laughed,"Go eat a sandwich, Audric. You're drunk."
Audric bowed, sarcastically,"But, milady, I am always drunk!"
Isadora rolled her eyes, a smile still on her lips,"It's crazy, you know. Somehow, I have never noticed."
Sarcasm leaked from Isadora's mouth. She reminded Lili of a friend back home with an even sharper tongue. Her heart ached for normalcy.
Liliana turned from the scene.
She was so distracted, she didn't feel the pinch of the needle.
"Don't tell me you are already done."
Julian clasped her hand, to help her down,"He finished already."
Liliana paused. Julian seemed like an asshole. He was snotty and sarcastic, yet he was sort of attractive. In a dark prince sort of way. Black hair, coal-like eyes, and light beige skin. Something about him, just drew her in.
Julian interrupted her thoughts, and smiled wickedly,"Looking somewhere?"
His abruptness was both refreshing and irritating.
"No," Liliana muttered.
"Don't worry, you aren't going crazy. It's my gift," Julian explained, still wearing a mischievous grin,"Although, I'd like to think my looks help my gift work so well."
"What? What's your gift?"
Liliana glowered. His flippancy was somewhat infuriating.
"Attraction. Rather pointless, but my gift nevertheless."
Liliana paused,"Oh, you thought that I was attracted to you? Uh, this is awkward."
Liliana gritted her teeth, hoping that she seemed convincing.
"Interesting," Julian said, simply, his lips tugged into a grin.
Obviously, he saw right through her.
"Sorry. Just have a lot on my mind," she smiled weakly,"My mom. It's just really hard."
She didn't have to pretend she was grieving. It was true. Liliana could hardly think without her eyes stinging.
Julian bit his lip, as if he was uncomfortable,"It has to be difficult. I'll show you to your room, to wait for the test results. It takes at least twenty-four hours."
Zandra interrupted,"Actually, Adri requested your audience. Audric can take her."
Zandra's tone struck her as odd. Did she sound defensive?
Julian glared at her for a moment but smiled, nonetheless,"Of course."
Liliana knew she missed something, although she wasn't sure what is was yet.
Audric rested his hand on Liliana's shoulder,"I'll give you the grand tour!"
Liliana smiled, weakly,"Uh, thanks. I guess."
She turned sharply towards the door but Audric's grip was firm,"Whoops. Steady now."
He told her where to turn and she half dragged him along.
Finally, they made it to her room. It was plain. Gray sheets, white walls. At least she had her own space.
She looked at Audric. He looked miserable. His green eyes drooped, his rust-colored hair was unkempt, sticking out in spikes almost.
He and Chancellor looked nothing alike.
Chancellor was unnerving with his wheat colored skin that matched with his unsettlingly solemn eyes.
She flopped on the side of him in the bed. Up close, she could see the glisten of sweat on his forehead.
"Do you wanna hang out awhile? I'm not sure you can make it back to your room."
Audric smiled, faintly,"That's nice of you."
Liliana tugged the blankets over herself and Audric.
She felt nervous, the only boy she had shared a bed with was her best friend, Oliver, who also happened to be gay.
"Thanks for not telling me I look like shit. I've grown quite tired of that comment," Audric added.
Liliana whispered,"I've got a nosy question."
"By all means, ask away."
She bit her lip, somewhat reluctant,"What you showed me, with your gift, is that what you hear all the time?"
Audric's eyes dropped all pretense of humor as if he sobered up, right at that moment,"Every moment of my existence. It's a wonder I've managed to keep what little sanity I have."
His voice was uneven and rough, his slight chuckle was breathy. Liliana closed her eyes. She couldn't imagine.
"But do you really hold on to your sanity if you walk around in a daze, blanketing yourself from the world?" Liliana mused.
"No," Audric replied,"I don't suppose I do."
When Liliana said nothing, he spoke again.
"Sanity is so fragile. Somedays, I feel sane. I feel alive. But it's just an act. It's the alcohol and the drugs I take that make me feel sane."
"How long do you suppose you will live?" Liliana asked, suddenly.
Audric smiled. A true, genuine smile.
"I don't know. I could die at any moment. I just know I don't want to live too long."
"Don't say that! People are going to think you are suicidal!" Liliana exclaimed.
He smirked,"We are all suicidal, Liliana, in a world like this. In this world, it is kill or be killed, from the moment you can walk, you are trained to use a knife. Besides, you had a taste of my brain. You should expect nothing less."
Before she commented, Audric interrupted,"On a serious note, however, I don't really know. I'm just trying to make it through the day."
Liliana was shocked.
"That's it? No big plans?"
He shook his head,"It's one day at a time for me. It's too draining to live in my head and I'd much rather live out here."
Liliana closed her eyes. Here she was, in bed with a handsome stranger who was more than a pretty face. Only he could pulloff looking like an absolute trainwreck. She smiled despite herself.
And then panic seized her. Liliana sat straight up, ripping the blankets from on top of her. How dare she enjoy herself? Her mother was dead. Her mother died so she could live.
This was how she viewed her mother's sacrifice and she felt ill.
Liliana couldn't breathe. Images of the knife protruding from her mother's chest, with blood gushing out filled her mind. There was so much blood.
The blood pounded in her ears. Her heart thudded in her chest. Her hands shook. Her feet tingled. Her vision disfigured, as if she were looking through fish-eye lenses. She had to get up.
She couldn't stay in this bed any longer. She couldn't look at Audric, looking confused and trying to talk her down.
She tried to gulp in the air so her lungs would be satisfied, but it wasn't working.
Her chest grew tight and her throat filled with bile.
Liliana's eyes stung with tears and her face felt sticky.
"Liliana!" Audric sat up, wild eyed.
He held her hand,"It's going to be ok, ok? It's over. Breathe, love, breathe."
After a few moments, she could breathe normally. Her heart was beating slower and reality came crashing back. She was with Audric.
She was safe and it was over.
Audric combed through her hair with his fingers.
Liliana laughed shakily,"Do you have something to drink?"
Audric wordlessly pulled a flask from his pocket.
Leave it to the alcoholic to have the drinks, Liliana thought with a faint smile.
She took the tiniest of sips. It wasn't horrible. It was sweet and made her insides warm.
"What is this? It's kinda good."
Audric grinned,"Whipped cream vodka. If anyone asks, it's whiskey."
She squeezed his hand and tipped back the rest of it.
Her throat felt like it was on fire and her thoughts grew muddy.
"Goodnight, Audric."
He laid back down beside her,"Goodnight, Liliana."
"It's Lili," She whispered hesitantly,"Call me Lili."
"Goodnight, Lili. May your dreams be as sweet as you."
She nestled in closely, lying her head on his chest.
This time, she was determined to sleep dreamless.
She was safe.
Liliana sighed.
She slept, without a worry to thwart her, holding Audric's hand and buried in his chest.
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