Chapter Ten
Lili's eyes flickered open.
Julian was leaned over, only a few inches from her face.
"What are you doing in my face?" Lili grumbled.
Julian didn't crack a smile,"You passed out."
"How long was I out?"
Lili surveyed their surroundings, not waiting for a response,"What the hell are we doing back in Faerieland, Julian?"
Julian sighed,"Real time, I can't tell you, but in Faerieland time, you've been out for two days. I assume that you passed out because your body isn't used to making so many jumps between realms."
Lili sat up, as her stomach grumbled violently,"You didn't answer the question."
None of their companions were present and she couldn't help but wonder if they were dead.
Her heart ached and she felt her eyes burn in anticipation.
"Eat," Julian chastised her, handing her a container with fruits she wasn't familar with,"I'll catch you up to speed."
"Okay," Lili said, between a large mouthful.
She tried to hide her impatience, but she had a feeling Julian could see right through her.
"From what I've been thinking, surprise, surprise, the king set us up. He was forced to comply with Audric's favor, him being a Seelie prince and all, so he spitefully sent us through a tampered portal. I have no idea where the others are. Our comm-chips are fried. My ring that could beam us to another realm is busted. I think that had to do with the portal, itself, though. I remember reading a bit about portals in history class."
"So we are basically screwed," Lili said, still munching on her fruit.
Julian frowned,"Not exactly. We could head to the Seelie Court and ask the Queen to send us home. Or at least you home."
Lili raised an eyebrow,"As if I would subject you to that royal pain in the ass. Is that our only option?"
"Afraid so, Liliana," Julian sighed.
Lili scowled,"Call me Lili, everyone else does."
Julian smiled faintly.
"We can go to the Seelie Court. But you are mad, if you think I'm leaving without you. Especially with that sicko of a Queen."
Julian looked into her eyes and she felt her cheeks grow warm,"I am not going to allow you to barter with the Queen, Lili. Especially, not on my behalf."
"Why?" Lili challenged, "You don't even like me."
Julian smiled, involuntarily,"You think I don't like you?"
"Yes," Lili replied, stubbornly.
Julian shook his head, a smile on his lips,"I like you, Lili. I do. I like you enough not to let you do stupid things on my behalf. I believe you have enough on your plate with being raised as a Tellurian and thrown into the Guardian world because an evil woman murdered your mother."
"I can handle the Seelie Queen."
Julian shook his head,"No, you can't. And even if you could, you don't want to. She always gets what she wants in the end."
"She's sick. I can't let her do that to you. I saw your face when she left, you know," Lili insisted in a whisper.
Julian smiled, but Lili could tell he was fatigued,"It won't be bad, Lili. I won't feel anything until it's over. I thought I hated being a mindless zombie around her, but sometimes ignorance is bliss."
"I hate her," Lili said, ferociously.
Her eyes were narrow and her fists were clenched. She wanted to kill her, too.
"Me too," Julian mumbled, sleepily.
"When is the last time you slept?" Lili asked, worry shadowing her face.
"A real night's sleep? Before we left," Julian yawned.
"Julian. Go to sleep, right now," Lili demanded.
Julian smiled, warily,"I can't right now. You have no training. You can't keep watch."
"A few hours won't kill you or me. Last time we came through here, there was literally no one else here. I will wake you up at the first sign of danger."
Julian's eyes fluttered, as if he were fighting to keep them open,"You promise?"
"Pinky promise," Lili replied, solemnly.
Julian laid down, using his backpack as a pillow.
He fell asleep almost immediately.
Lili half expected him to unsheath his sword but he laid on his back, with his hand on the grip.
She felt like a creep but he looked so innocent when he slept; she simply could not look away.
Lili never noticed how long his eyelashes were. It was wonder he could blink without his lashes getting tangled.
His dark hair was tussled but his face was smooth. No stress or worry lines. At least, while he slept.
Lili smiled.
This was the first time she had seen a truly happy Julian.
Lili sighed. She didn't understand how she had gotten so close to these people she had only know for a little while.
She missed Oliver. She missed her mom. She just wanted everything to back to how it was.
Lili knew her old life was impossible to regain from the moment she walked out the Outpost's door and stared in horror at the New Orleans that was not her New Orleans.
She didn't belong here. But the people she just met, were slowly becoming her new family.
Zandra was her cousin by blood. Zandra's mother was the surrogate, but it was Chrissilande and her husband's blood that created her.
It was strange how it worked. Zandra wasn't actually blood related to Audric and Chancellor but her mother, Gwynn, was undoubtedly her birth mother and the sister to the boys' father.
When Isadora had explained it, the whole idea sounded absolutely insane. Lili hated to admit it to herself but Zandra's parentage had slowly become one of the most normal things she had learned.
Now, she was stuck in Faerieland with a boy who didn't like her and she liked a lot and the only way for her to get home is letting an evil faerie Queen use him as her sex slave.
And if Lili was being honest with herself, she didn't even know where home was anymore.
It couldn't be New Orleans, where she grew up, in the home where her mother's blood had stained the carpet and a demonic imposter walked in her place.
Maybe the Outpost would become her new home, but only time could tell.
Lili wished Julian had set up camp near a stream so she could go for a swim to cool off. She sighed and stripped into her tank top, stuffing the shirt she was wearing before in her bag.
She was supposed to be keeping watch, anyways. Swimming would have been a distraction.
Lili sighed and longed for Audric's company. He was nice to her, but never sugarcoated anything he told her. He was misunderstood and Lili wanted to be someone in his life to break down the barriers and get close to. He needed someone to do that, otherwise he would lose his grip on reality.
Suddenly, Lili heard Julian groan and push himself to sit up.
"Is everything okay?"
Lili laughed,"It has been relatively boring for the hour or so you have slept. Go back to sleep, Julian. You may not have this luxury later on."
"I'm good, Lili. I'm all nice and rested," Julian groaned.
Lili rolled her eyes,"Whatever you say, Julian."
He was drenched in sweat and pulled off his shirt.
Lili's face flushed pink and she quickly looked away.
She cursed the sun for making it so hot.
"So, what did you do while I slept?" Julian asked, trying to make conversation.
Lili couldn't speak. He sat next to her and apparently was not going to put on another shirt.
Julian peered at her curiously, "Everything okay, Lili?"
Lili stared at the ground, intently,"Everything is fine, Julian. I just sat here and kept watch."
Lili couldn't see his face, but she could feel the intensity of him looking at her,"Okay, then. First thing tomorrow morning I want to start moving. I'm sure the Seelie Queen already knows we are here."
At that, Lili looked up. Her face burned, but she ignored it, for that moment,"Then why hasn't she made an appearance?"
"She either has court duties and will be with us momentarily, or she wants us to come to her," Julian said with a sigh, "The Queen loves her mind games."
Lili fell silent and stared at the ground. She hoped the Queen burned in Hell.
Julian voice was rough,"Seriously, though, is there something wrong?"
"Nope. Everything is fine," Lili said, shortly.
"Okay," Julian responded, simply.
Lili closed her eyes. Julian was an asshole. He didn't care about anyone. That's what Isadora and Zandra told her.
Lili saw him with her own two eyes, covered in hickeys, without a care in the world.
Every girl in the world wanted him.
There was no way he wanted a newbie Guardian with family issues.
He infuriated her.
Especially when he acted like he cared about her, asking what was wrong and telling her he did like her.
Julian was toying with her feelings and reveling in the entire endeavor.
"Did you miss me?"
The Queen's sudden arrival brought a scowl to her face but Julian smiled politely.
He dropped to one knee and kissed her hand,"It is wonderful seeing you again, Your Highness."
Lili felt like vomiting.
The Queen was sick, bending men to her will.
"Liliana, I am surprised to see you here. Are you also interested-"
Julian interrupted her, quickly,"I apologize for the intrusion, Your Highness, but Liliana happens to be an intrusion. Would you send her back to the Guardians?"
Lili glowered, but swallowed her fury,"If you would, Your Highness, I would be very grateful. If you could send Julian with me, I would owe you a favor of my own."
Julian frowned,"She doesn't mean that, Your Highness. She intends to divert your attention. Send her home, please, Lady Queen."
The Seelie Queen eyed Lili carefully,"Why are you interested in what I do with my pets, Liliana?"
Lili could of sworn she saw Julian wince, but if he did, it evaded the Queen.
"Julian is my friend, Your Majesty. I simply care for his wellness," Lili replied cooly.
A smile spread across the face of the Seelie Queen,"How considerate. But I assure you, there is nothing to worry your pretty face about, darling. Julian spends his time joyful as a kitten in a patch of sunlight, don't you Julian?"
Julian met Lili's eyes confidently and spoke without hesitation,"Why, of course, Lady Queen."
His smile was bright and if Lili didn't know about the magic that clouded his judgment, she would have believed him.
The Queen looked back at Lili triumphantly.
Julian shook his head, silently. His expression was pleading.
He wanted her to let it go.
Lili forced a smile,"Of course, Your Majesty. I am sure you understand my concern, however. I would like to join you for quick meal, if possible, to discuss this further. If you would have me, of course."
Before the Queen could respond, someone answered for her.
"I'm afraid she does not have the time, Liliana."
The hair on her neck stood straight up.
It was the voice that haunted her nightmares.
Chrissilande stood behind her, her brunette hair waving in the wind, as if she was some sort of hero.
Julian's eyes were alarmed and he charged Chrissilande with all his will power, before the Queen pulled him back.
"This seems like a family affair, Julian. Let us be off and let them settle this," the Queen said curtly, not meeting Chrissilande's eyes.
Even the Queen of the Seelie Court wanted nothing to do with her lunatic aunt.
Julian cried out ferociously but the Queen's magic pulled him with her as she blitzed him back to wherever she came from.
Lili met Chrissilande's eyes and wanted to beg for mercy, but Zandra had taught her better than that.
Lili clumsily pulled out her weapon, a knife she had no idea how to use "I won't go quietly, you know."
She stared in her eyes with as much courage as she could muster.
Lili hurled the knife at Chrissilande with as much force as she could muster.
It looked as if it would hit her, but Chrissilande caught it neatly by the handle.
What was it that Dylan Thomas wrote?
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Her English teacher would be proud.
Lili would not go gentle.
She pulled the other knife from her belt loop.
Chrissilande laughed "I did not plan on killing you, Liliana."
The knife was ripped from her hands by a force she could not see.
Chrissilande grabbed Lili and pulled her into a bear hug.
Chrissilande was so strong, Lili's wiggling was senseless.
Lili watched Chrissilande twist the stone of a ring, right in front of her.
She felt a sense of dread as the familar feeling of being thrust into oblivion washed over her.
At least she wouldn't be in Faerieland anymore.
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