Chapter Fourteen
By the time the two had hiked back through the city and forest path, they plopped down in the soft grasses near him. The dragon, still in the world of dreams, snored soundly, unaware of their presence.
"I'll let him sleep a little longer." She whispered.
He nodded and sat there with her waiting for the dragon to wake. After a while he looked to the empress.
"I hate to wake him."
"I know it."
"But we've been back over a half hour now.."
"Yes, and I don't want to be rude, but we should get moving again, soon."
She nodded, taking a deep breath. Shaking her head, hesitating for a few minutes, she loathed waking him from a well needed rest. They'd been traveling days that felt more like weeks. Over the years she'd known hundreds of creatures, but Soranto was her favorite. If it hadn't been for Soranto she wouldn't have helped half the creatures.
"Are you going to wake him?"
"A few minutes, this is much further than he's accustomed to flying."
"We could walk some of the way." He suggested.
"I'll ask Soranto when he's awake and ready to move."
She leaned over the dragon, just about to disturb the peaceful slumber when he opened one eye, and slowly the other. Yawning and scratching his left ear with his back paw, started to focus. After a couple of minutes, he recalled where they were and why.
"How long have you been waiting?"
"Not that long." She replied, pulling out a green apple for each of them.
"Thank you."
Nodding, then handed one to the gremlin, too.
"Are you ready to continue?"
"Yes but if you're still tired, we could walk some of the way."
"A few miles on foot couldn't hurt." The dragon responded.
The trio headed north through the forest, the dragon was glad to keep moving and still let his throbbing wings rest a little more. A few miles on foot turned into thirty-seven. They passed by a small golden creek, , miles of forest terrain and even a small village to the west of them. After another six miles, his wing finally stopped aching.
"Where are we heading now?"
Nodding to the gremlin, she pulled out the map and checked it. Then looking up from the small map, told them.
"We're three miles from Kythe territory."
"That's no good at all." He gave a horrified look.
"Why do you say that?"
"Kythe are a rare hybrid breed.... Of werewolf and zombie."
"Climb on, I'll get us out of here." Soranto offered.
Twenty minutes later, they were safe from hybrid zombie territory, soaring high above the ground, passing through a mass of indigo blue clouds. Danger once again had been avoided thanks to the dragon, again.
"I'm glad you got us out of there so quickly," Vamier said.
"No problem, little guy," He said.
"I don't want to sound like an old nag hag, but are we getting close yet?"
The gremlin peered over one side, looking at the landscape for a long moment, then lifting his head back up, answered him.
"If I'm right, two nights maybe less."
"Oh good to hear, It's been a long but painless journey."
"I'm glad, too." He replied, then looked at the empress and grabbed her hand.
"I can never fully repay you for this."
"I won't let people die, If I can fix this, I will."
"You are too kind for words, your soul must be made of the goddess' inner light."
She hugged him. In response, Soranto made fake gagging sounds. He didn't do warm and fuzzy.
The empress just gave an eye roll, then looked as the horizon began to change as nightfall steadily approached. They'd only flown an hour, but knew it would be dark soon. Trying to wait it out, she peered down to see a cluster of sea foam mountains holding a majestic waterfall.
Soranto flapped his wings harder, going faster in hopes to shed some time off of this quest. His empress was always rushing in to save someone or something. At times, it felt endless.
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