The three crooked judges hurried across La Scala, heatedly whispering amongst themselves.
"Rika, you had one job! One job!"
"I trusted that idiot Hisoka with the job."
"Shut up!"
As the judges turned around the corner, a figured fumbled and almost dropped the camera they were holding. They quickly caught it and hurried after them.
Hisoka stood guard outside the dressing room, smirking proudly. He'd done his part; all he had to do was wait for first place.
"Hisoka, just what are you doing there?" Toby almost screamed. Soka looked surprised.
"I trapped Meyers, just like you asked me to." He responded, confused.
Madara stomped his foot. "Then explain why she was able to make it to the auditions? All you had to do was keep a teenage girl locked up for ten minutes- we helped you fix the scores and you can't even manage to do this?"
"I'm sorry to confuse you." A quiet voice said. The judges turned around so quickly, their heads practically snapped off. Marcy smiled at them, and behind her, a large crowd consisting of the other judges and dancers.
"She's not the one you have trapped in there." Undyne and Sans said in unison, but Undyne's tone had a little more kick to it. Sans just sounded smug.
"(Y/n), would you do the honors?" Carlos asked. (Y/n) nodded and limped up to the door, Sans supporting her by holding her hips. The skeleton roughly pushed Hisoka aside, and the dancer was too confused to react.
(Y/n) held up a key for the crowd to see, and with a dramatic gesture, she swiftly unlocked the dressing room.
Rei stepped out, smiling and bowing. Her hair was styled exactly like Marcy's(courtesy of Undyne), and she was in a similar outfit. When you looked at them from a distance, it was almost impossible to tell them apart. "So," Rei said sweetly, smiling at Madara. "What score would you give my performance?"
Mettaton stepped out from behind Rei and gave the three judges a dirty glare. "It's over." He said, with a voice like steel. He flicked his hair in a dramatic gesture, and the crowd gasped in shock.
"YEAH! I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, FILMED THAT MEAN HUMAN LOCK REI IN THE CLOSET!" Papyrus announced, stepping out from behind a coat hanger. The hanger was white; Papyrus was almost invisible behind it!
"Y-yeah!" Alphys squeaked. She emerged from the crowd. "I followed the three of you and filmed your dialouge after the auditions! Maybe being invisible isn't so bad after all..."
"Face it." Sans glared right at Hisoka, not over the fact that he broke (y/n)'s foot. "You're exposed. Done. Finished. Kabloom. I'll tell you once, and once only- mess with us, and you're going to have a bad time."
The crowded corridor fell silent.
"Is... is this true?" Katsuki Yuuri asked. He wasn't a judge, but he was holding his boyfriend tightly. The Russian judge couldn't speak; instead, he was reduced to silent sobs. The Russian's love for dance was clearly displayed.
"It is." Carlos nodded. From beside him, Amiti and Mikayla ran over to Rei, asking her if she was alright. "This will ruin The Beatles' reputation; their plans are over forever." Karin and Anya let out a little sqeak.
"Call the authorities immidiately!" Hinata cried. His smile was replaced by a disappointed grimace. "This competition is over."
(Y/n) slipped her hand into Sans', feeling the roughness of the ridges in his bones. She squeezed it comfortingly, and gave him a weak smile. He smiled back; a geniune smile.
It's over.
"I'm sorry, everyone." Nikiforov stared at the crowd of dancers, a small smile on his face as his boyfriend squeezed his hand reassuringly. "We'll have to redo the entire competition; and we'll be very careful about the judge selection from now on. Which is why I'm proud to announce that my dear Yuuri Katsuki is now one of the new judges." The dancers let out a breath of relief and clapped.
"However." Hinata Shouyou called. "We will not be cancelling the Gala, to make up for all the trouble!" The hall burst into loud cheers. "It will be held two weeks from now; so please be prepared. It will be broadcasted around the world- everyone will have a part." He smiled at (y/n). "Everyone."
And so the next two weeks were full of preparation and rehearsals; (y/n) even managed to get a small part with Sans in the pas de deux, although she mostly worked backstage to sort out the cues.
Once the Gala came, the dancers showed the world their passion and motivation through dance. They worked hard- even the short skeleton, for once.
Once the performance ended, Sans and (y/n) stuffed their faces at the buffet table. The chocolate fountain was sooo good.
As (y/n) ate an apple slice covered in chocolate, Rei and her friends walked up to them. Amiti and Mikayla greeted them politely, but Rei was more straightforward.
"Alright, (l/n)." Rei said, staring right as said girl. (Y/n) awkwardly swallowed her apple. "We had an agreement. I help you with busting those weirdos, and you pay me back."
(Y/n) glanced at Sans for help, but he just shrugged and grinned. Sighing, the girl folded her arms. "All right."
Amiti and Mikayla burst into giggles. Rei shushed them and leaned forward, closing her eyes. Her cheeks were stained with red.
(Y/n) gave her a kiss on the cheek.
As she pulled away, Rei almost fainted. Luckily, her friends were there to support her. Mikayla looked up at (y/n) with a glint in her eye. "She's had a crush on you for the longest time." Amiti nodded, stifling a laugh.
As they left, (y/n) glared at Sans. "What?" He asked innocently. The pinpricks in his eyes shifted around.
"Why aren't you beating her up?" She scowled. Sans laughed and swung an arm around her, leaning in close to her ear to whisper.
"Because I know you don't like her that way." He mumured. (Y/n) blushed and looked away, her arms folded over her chest.
"H-how are you so sure?" She stuttered. "For all you know, I touch myself to her name every night." She said sassily. Sans laughed and hugged her with both arms.
"I just know it. I have a gut feeling." He snickered, which caused (y/n) to scream. Across the crowded room, Papyrus felt the sudden urge to scream at his brother.
Once they calmed down, Sans lead her to the rest of the group. As Undyne picked up the short skeleton to give him a noogie, Papyrus yelled. "PLEASE DO NOT NOOGIE THE SKELETON!"
(Y/n) laughed. When she was with her group, her squad, her friends- nothing could bring her down.
"So, you're leaving?" Mettaton asked sadly. (Y/n) nodded, smiling shyly.
"I-uh, booked tickets for three weeks." (Y/n) responded softly. "I was only here for my game and to support Marcy and Carlos for the first few weeks of the competition. It would be too expensive to add more days."
"Be safe, (y/n)." Marcy said, wrapping her arms around her friend. (Y/n) smiled and nodded in confirmation. "If you die, I'll die too and slap you as ghosts!"
"Of course; you won't be able to survive without your dear roomie." She responded, laughing slightly.
(Y/n) gave Carlos a fist bump, and he looked as if he was about to cry. "Wh-whatever. I'll see you in a few months, I won't miss you." He scoffed. "I'll be glad to be rid of you." (Y/n) giggled.
(Y/n) hugged Alphys and Undyne at the same time, and promised them that she'd still come to them for Mew Mew Kissy Cutie 3 updates. She kissed Mettaton's cheek, saying she would treasure the Mettaton shrine he gave her forever. She hugged Papyrus tightly, promising the tall skeleton she wouldn't make any puns behind his back.
And then there was Sans.
For some reason, he was the hardest to say goodbye to. (Y/n) sniffed and threw her arms around his neck, just like he always did to her. "I'll miss you, bonehead." Her voice cracked slightly.
"I'll come visit you." Sans mumbled. "We can Skype. I'll text you everyday."
Her grip on him tightened, wrapping him in a bone-crushing grip. Heh. "Sans, I have to tell you something-"
"Flight 189 leaving for Singapore. Passengers for this flight, please wait in the-"
"What is it, (y/n)?" Sans asked, almost urgently. She smiled and let go of him.
"Nothing. It's not important." She mumbled. Grabbing the handle of her suitcase, she waved to Carly.
"See you two in a few months." She called. They only nodded in response. "I'm going to miss you all." (Y/n) said softly, smiling at her new monster friends.
She shifted the strap of her back and wheeled her luggage away, only stopping to look straight at Sans.
Later, she mouthed, and then she was gone.
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