The next day, the small group of monsters were up and early at La Scala for the official drawing to determine the order of the auditions.
They piled into the large hall, looking around in awe. "Hey! There's Carlos, Marcy, and (y/n)!" Mettaton pointed out. He was obviously eager to get to Marcy, as the redhead was a huge fan of his. The group walked over to them.
Marcy and Carlos looked uncomfortable. Mettaton frowned, annoyed that Marcy wasn't fangirling over him like she was yesterday.
Sans raised a bonebrow in confusion and turned to (y/n) for help. "Hey, kid-" He stopped. (Y/n)'s eyes were red-rimmed, her hair was in a mess, and her eyebags were prominent. The short skeleton reached out to touch her cheek. She flinched, but Sans ignored it. "Have you been crying?" He sounded ready to kill someone.
(Y/n) shrugged and rubbed her cheeks with her fists. "It's nothing. I-I'm fine." She winced as her voice cracked.
No, I'm not.
"I won't force you to tell me anything, sunshine." She looked surprised at the nickname. "Y'can tell us when you're ready." (Y/n) nods, looking relieved.
"Hey, Kua." Sans nodded in the brunet's direction. Carlos looked surprised that Sans was talking to him. "Wanna go for a walk? This place is huge."
Carlos looked at him hesitantly. "Well..."
Ten minutes later, the two were goofing off. Raiding dressing rooms, finishing snacks and mimicking celebrities in the mirror.
"We best be heading back." Sans acknowledged, wiping a lipstick drawing of bones off of his skull. Carlos nodded in agreement and gently removed the blonde wig from his head, careful not to tangle it.
As they began the walk back while talking aimlessly and making bad jokes, they started to hear voices from backstage.
"...the card... to pick, substitute it with our contestants..." a female voice said. Carlos frowned.
"...first three to audition." A deeper voice mumured.
"They'll be late... photographers... magazine..." a hushed voice mumured.
"We gotta go." Carlos whispered anxiously. "The drawing starts soon. C'mon."
Sans grabbed him by the arm and in a blink of an eyesocket, they were back at the great hall. Carlos raised an eyebrow and smiled. "Pretty cool, eh?"
(Y/n) somehow spotted them across the hall and waved. Sans smiled and lazily walked over, Carlos trailing behind him.
"Hey. It's almost time for the drawing." She said breathlessly as the two arrived. "What's a drawing?"
"To determine the order of the auditions." Carlos responded, the smartass tone they we all used to hearing. He ran a hand through his wavy brown hair, and for a second Sans wished he had hair that cool.
"Alright, settle down!" A booming voice from onstage yelled, making them jump out of their skin.
Sans glanced at his bony fingers. Uh, jump out of his bones? He shrugged and took the seat next to Marcy, and (y/n) plopped down beside him. Carlos headed to Marcy's other side to sit with Alphys.
"So, let us begin." A familiar voice called. Marcy let out a small squeal. Sans looked at her, confused.
"That's Rika Kim." She whispered excitedly. "My idol! I sooo need her autograph."
Sans raised a browbone and inspected the judges.
"That's Madara Uchiha, the one beside Ms. Kim." (Y/n) explains, seeing him look. "The one in plaid is Toby Hirsch. The other girl is Kou Matsuoka, the light-haired man is Viktor Nikiforov, and the one smiling like a clown on drugs is Hinata Shouyou."
"How do you know this?" Sans asked, impressed. She smiled shyly and ducked down.
"Marcy and I are roommates back in Singapore. We live there." Marcy leaned over and opened her mouth to say something(probably about how (y/n) was a horrible roommate) when Kou Matsuoka began to speak.
"The auditions will go in this order: Hisoka Morow, Karin Uzumaki, Anya-"
"Weird," Mettaton muttered from somewhere behind the short skeleton. "The first three are from the same dance company. The Beatles."
"What a name." Papyrus commented. Undyne laughed.
As (y/n) get up, a familiar redhead walked up to her. "Oh... hello, Rei..."
"(Y/n)~" Rei cooed, twirling a lock of her hair. (Y/n) smiled politely. "Won't you wish me luck for the competition?"
"Of course I will." (Y/n) sounded slightly annoyed.
"Heya, (y/n), who's this?" Sans asked, lazily walking up. Rei glanced at him and then back at her.
"I'm Rui En. Call me Rei." She responded, smilling at him. "So, are you close to (y/n)?" She looked straight at the (h/c)-haired girl, annoyance clear in her tone.
"Uh, sorta?" Sans raised a non-exsistent eyebrow. Rei's eyes gleamed with a scary amount of determination.
"Really? (Y/n) and I are at the same Uni, you know. We're super tight. Like this." She smiled and crossed her fingers in front of Sans' face. (Y/n) forced herself not to roll her eyes. "Maybe we should get to know each other better?"
"Actually, Rei," Marcy started, walking up to the three. Marcy and Rei looked quite similar; from the red hair to the fair skin. It often made (y/n) and Carlos laugh. "Sans is coming to practise with us."
"I'm practising too!" Rei protested, clearly irritated at Marcy's presence. They've never gotten along. Ever.
"We're practising outdoors." Marcy clarified. "At a nearby park. That way, we can sweat more. Gotta dance off that KFC we had earlier."
Rei wrinkled her nose in disgust. "You're going to practise outside? In front of one of the biggest theatres in the world? What a joke," she hissed, "fine. You're not a very good guide, anyway." Rei turned to face (y/n), her facial expression back to her usual smug smile. "Bye, (y/n). Sans."
(Y/n) watched her leave. "So, I'm guessing you have a bone to pick with her?" Sans asked, noticing the not-so-subtle frown on her features.
"She just... I don't know. Gets on my nerves." (Y/n) shrugged.
Sans sighed and grabbed her hand, lacing his fingers with hers. Marcy gasped, giggled, and left.
"C'mon." Sans said gently, tugging her hand in the direction of the exit. His face was blue; probably his way of blushing? "Let's go."
(Y/n) nodded, staring at the ground.
Mostly to hide her blush. Of course, no one needed to know that.
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