The Beginning
Enyo's p.o.v
"Hey, mom is that the last of the bags I need to get to dads house it's my week with him remember" I called to my mom. "Yes, I remember honey" she called back, I just need to finish locking up the shop and then we can go ok". "Yeah sure," I said I plugged in my headphones and turned on my music I love listening to music it really calms me down especially around my mom, it's her fault that her and my dad split up all she did was fight with him and accuse him of cheating on her but nothing could compare to my new stepmother she sometimes forces me to go shopping with her when I would rather read and she drains my dad's bank account.
"Enyo" I was snapped from my thoughts by my mom calling me from the front of the hovercar "We have to get to your dads' house before it gets dark hurry up". "Ok, I'm coming stop getting your panties in a twist" I mumbled. I got into the hovercar with my mom and we sped off, I thought of the times before my parents split all the happy times before the fights and nights when one of my parents weren't home. I must have fallen asleep because my mom is shaking me awake and saying we're here. "Ok I'm up I'm up" I said as I hopped out of the car and slammed the door and walked to my dad's house it's a nice house complete with two floors, pool, and a small garden and a stepmom that hates my guts no well now you know, she makes my mom seem nice.
"Hey Enyo" my dad calls "Hello" my witch of a stepmother calls I run to my dad and hug him really tight "Hi dad I say" with excitement in my voice "Hello Marissa" ( A/N sorry if you are named Marissa) I say to her with disgust in my voice "It is so nice to see you again" you could literally hear the sarcasm dripping from my voice as I looked at her with distaste. We were snapped out our staring contest by my mom clearing her throat and saying she needs to go back to the shop and fix somethings up before her vacation. I know that's an excuse to leave the thick tension in the area; "Bye mom" I say and use my house key to get inside and upstairs to my room my room isn't really that decorated because I'm only here for a week, three at most so it's very bland and simple a grayish theme with a small desk for homework a shelf with books (in case you didn't know I love to read) and of course a bed. I set my stuff down and flopped on my bed tired from the day's events and without changing went to sleep.
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