back to your regular evan scheduling
I wake up with Connor curled around my back and a massive throbbing headache. "Hey," he whispers into my shoulder.
"Hi, good morning," I sit up groggily.
"How's your brain?" Connor laughs, flipping around to lie on his back with this hands behind his head.
"Pain," I sigh.
"EVAN!" My mom yells from outside my door.
"Mom, shh, that hurts."
"You guys aren't naked are you ?" She calls.
"Nope!" Connor laughs. My mom then opens the door slightly and turns on the light. My hands leap to my eyes which hurts more than the light did originally because of my cast. This makes both my mom and Connor crack up.
"Well, come down whenever you guys are ready because I made pancakes, because I got out of work today and,,," My mom says.
"HANGOVER FOOD!" She and Connor say, too loudly.
"Greattt," I mumble.
After Connor, Mom and I have pancakes Connor declares that he probably should go back home. He's in his t-shirt, but in my sweatpants that I wear for ~lounging~ (those squiggles don't mean kinky in this scenario sorry y'all). He looks funny because the baggy sweatpants are too short for his chopstick legs. Don't judge me, I don't know how else to describe them. Anyway, my mom decides that we have to have a "girl day," I have no idea what she means by that because I'm not a girl, and if it's just the two of us there's only one girl. And, knowing my mom it's just the two of us.
"Okay," Mom stretches. "I'm gonna buy you clothes, all you own are khakis and polos, and you don't even have your sweatpants now. You have a boyfriend to impress now, we're getting you some nicer clothes."
"Great," I sigh, rolling my eyes. She drives me to the mall. Of all places, why the mall? She drags me from store to store having me try on weird t-shirt's with pictures of cats and Kanye on them. "Mom, I'm really not into cats or Kanye," I say finally.
"That was only one shirt," she says. I raise my eyebrows and she reluctantly places the t-shirt on a shelf near by.
"If I have to have t-shirt's can they just be plain, please?"
"Fine," she sighs, but I can tell she's having more fun than shes had in a while. "Oh! Isn't there a prom soon for all seniors? We should get you an outfit for that!"
"Prom's not till the end of May, or is it early June?"
"Evan!" Mom squeals.
"What?" I blush, embarrassed at her sudden interest in my social and love life.
"That's just about two and a half months away!"
"Yeah, but we don't have to go shopping yet," I say.
"Okay, fiiine."
We buy some plain blue and green t-shirt's and a pair of jeans (ew by the way, khakis all the way) But, on our way out Mom decides to stop in the pharmacy. We zoom through isles and I have no idea what she's looking for, but then we stop in front of shelves and shelves of condoms. Who knew you could have so many condoms in one place?
"I don't know how prepared you are because I know I have you some stuff, but I'm not sure how much you and Connor have been having sex so-" Mom says, grabbing condoms off th shelf.
"Could you say it any louder?" I cut her off, embarrassed.
"Well we don't want a pregnant boyfriend do we? And we don't want any STDs," Mom says.
"Neither Connor or me have STIs," I say. "And we have enough stuff, we're being safe."
"Okayy," She says, buying the condoms anyway. I stand awkwardly, and hiding behind Mom as she pays.
Finally, we go home. I hide in my room not wanting my mom.
YOO its a wholesome heidi and evan chapter :)
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