Extra 4
"Jimin come on! You have to get out of bed!" Yoongi said tugging at the younger's shoulder. "We have to go house hunting! We can't stay in this apartment forever!"
Yes, they had gotten a separate apartment after Hoseok decided to move in with Yeonghwan. It was a temporary studio apartment because they wanted to buy a house together however, they couldn't do that if Jimin never left the bed.
"Hyunggggg! Five more minutes!" Jimin whined tucking himself further into the blankets
"Okay, how did you turn into the lazy sleepy one in this relationship? That's my job." Yoongi complained. "Come on get up!"
Jimin groaned sliding out of bed and slumping over to the dresser digging around for some clothes. Deciding on a red striped t-shirt and black ripped jeans.
"Alright let's go," Yoongi said ruffling Jimin's hair. Jimin huffed trying to fix his now messed up hair. "Have you talked to Jin recently?"
"Yeah, why?" Jimin shrugged.
"So you heard what happened?"
"No? What happened?"
"They adopted a child."
"WHAT?" Jimin yelled. "How did Jin not tell me! How did you find out? What's their name? Where did they get them from?"
"I heard from Namjoon, you know the dude has had baby-fever for like five years. They adopted a boy, his name is Yeonjun." Yoongi hummed. Jimin pulled out his phone, grumbling. "What are you doing?" Yoongi questioned.
"Texting Jin!" Jimin huffed. "How dare he not tell me!"
"Alright, can you at least do that while we drive to a few open houses?" Yoongi asked checking the time.
Jimin agreed allowing Yoongi to guide him out of the building. "Do you think we'll have kids soon?"
"Yes but not in our studio apartment so- house hunting!" Yoongi told trying to get Jimin to focus.
~(Going through houses like speed dating, based on real houses I've looked at)
"Why? Do we have to walk through the master bedroom to get into the house?" Jimin asked.
Yoongi shrugged. "The bathroom is nice."
"Yes, the one bathroom. That's in the hallway next to the kitchen." Jimin complained.
"Why... Is the whole house pink?" Yoongi asked, stunned, from the driveway of the house.
"Does Jin own this?"
"Not that I know of."
"Well, this one looks nice," Jimin said before they had entered the house.
Yoongi hummed in agreement.
And then they entered the house...
No walls, no paint, no... anything... It looked like a warehouse, with a small mini-fridge in the corner of the house.
"Ah..." Jimin said unsure of what to say. "Is this... it? I can see all the wires from the walls where the power sockets are supposed to be."
"Well... Okay..." Yoongi took Jimin's hand and slowly backed out of the house.
Yoongi was getting tired and as they were about to head back to the car there was a small noise. "Jimin, did you hear that?"
"Hear what?" Jimin asked.
The small noise sounded again.
"Wait..." Jimin said listening carefully.
It repeated allowing both of them to hear it clearly.
"Is that a cat?" Yoongi asked looking around for the source of the small meows.
"YOOOOOONNNGIIIIIIIII! YOONGI LOOOOOOOOOOK!" Jimin squealed pointing to a small hide under a dip in the ground. "THEY'RE SOOOOO CUUTE! CAN WE KEEP THEM?"
Yoongi bent down to get a closer look at the small cluster of fur. There sat a mother cat and two small kittens. "Um... I don't think we can just take them home-"
"Sure we can," Jimin said inching closer to the cats. "Pspspspsppspspsp! Here kitty."
"Jimin I don't think our apartment allows cats," Yoongi argued as Jimin tried to coax the cats closer to him.
"Oh, good thing we are getting a house then." Jimin shrugged.
"You didn't even want to look at houses this morning."
"Well, now I do. Things change." Jimin said nonchalantly.
"We can call the local shelter and have them checked for chips. We aren't just picking them up and taking them home." Yoongi said trying to think logically.
"Well, what if they don't have chips? They can't stay in the shelter forever." Jimin said. The mother cat crept closer to Jimin one of her kittens hanging by its scruff, placing her kit in Jimin's outstretched hands. Jimin combusted. "YOONGI WE'RE KEEPING THEM!"
"Jimin!" Yoongi groaned.
Yoongi bent down next to Jimin taking a look at the kitten, it looked like it's mother, a calico. He felt a nudge on his arm and when he looked down the mother had brought her second kitten, declaring Yoongi the owner. Taking hold of the pure white fluff ball Yoongi gave in.
"Okay we can keep them but we need to at least call a vet or animal control. And we need to find a house by the end of this week." Yoongi told as Jimin's eyes sparkled.
"Deal!" Jimin said, he zipped up his jacket and placed the kitten in his jacket close to his chest. "Here give me the other one," Jimin said taking the second kitten from Yoongi and putting it in his jacket with the other. "They look like the stuff we got at the arcade."
"What?" Yoongi questioned.
"When we first met, we went to an arcade remember? And I got a stuffed calico cat and you got that mat of a white cat flipping you off." Jimin said. "That means, the white one... I'm naming Yunki."
"Why?" Yoongi asked as he searched for the number of the shelter.
"Because... It's similar to your name. And it was your white cat mat. I'm also naming the calico Serendipity. Same as the plushie." Jimin said holding the kittens close keeping them warm.
"Alright, it looks like we have to stop at the store on our way home too. Now that we have two cats..."
I completed all my work for the year and IM FREEEEE until September that is...
Also, do you know what NOT to do to your family during a global pandemic?
Call your granddaughter and say "Hey can you pick me up from the hospital?"
My grandma gave me a heart attack because apparently she decided to go to the hospital (WITHOUT TELLING ANYONE BEFOREHAND) because she had a problem with her eye and she had to be picked up by a close friend or family member because no uber would take her.
So I had to go find out which hospital she was at and the GET INTO the hospital where they had to take my temperature and look at me when I wasn't even getting admitted. So I could finally go and find her waiting for me in the waiting room.
Turns out she had an eyelash stuck somewhere idk- and she tried calling my mom(her daughter) to pick her up first but she was at work and then called me.
But JESUS the TERROR that shot through my body.
She was lucky I was even awake at 11, I usually don't wake up till like 2 or 3
Epilogue coming tomorrow, start saying your goodbyes.
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