A week passed, and the three scientists, kens and barbies, were planning on a date for Jonathan and Margot, They talked a lot about their plan and were ready for the date to happen.
For the whole week, They planned the restaurant, the food, clothes and many more. There was a montage of their preparation for the date.
Benjamin was seen in the mall as he bought an outfit for Jonathan, Anne and Alexa were with him, but for some reason, he couldn't find them in the mall anywhere.
Benjamin was confused as He accidentally entered the woman's section until his eyes widened as he saw Anne and Alexa with a cart full of clothes.
Benjamin: Hey, I thought we were already done with Barbie's outfit.
Alexa: Benjamin, These clothes are so pretty!!!
Anne: I already have five sets!
Benjamin: FIVE SETS!? No, no, no, It's getting late, We need to leave.
Alexa: Come on, Benjamin! You're a movie star, plus each dress is only two hundred.
Benjamin: TWO HUNDRED!?
Anne: There is more over there! Let's go, Lexi!
Benjamin: Ahh, come on. . . .
Anne: Oh, and by the way, Benjamin. I have your wallet.
Winters pulled out the wallet and smiled at him as Benjamin was shocked before Anne and Alexa ran away with the cart as Benjamin started screaming in anger.
And the bill was 1600
Next, Jack, Sebastian, and Scarlett were visiting the Barbieland Hotel as they were talking to Keanu.
Scarlett: So Mister reeves, Could you please recommend us the best restaurant for a date in barbieland?
Keanu: Of course, there are a lot of good ones out there.
Jack: But make sure it's cheap.
Sebastian: Jack!!!
Jack: What?
Scarlett: We can't go for a cheaper restaurant, Jack!
Jack: Alright, Sebastian is paying, though.
Sebastian: No, I'm not! Look, We have to pay equally.
Scarlett slowly began walking away as Jack and Sebastian gave a look to her as She looked at them before saying something.
Scarlett; I'm not paying.
Jack and Sebastian sighed as Keanu chuckled before he started giving suggestions for a good restaurant.
Meanwhile, Alex, Chris, Ana, and Elizabeth visited Jesse and Walter to bake a delicious marshmallow cake.
Ana: Can you guys bake a marshmallow cake?
Chris: We are asking for a friend.
Jesse: We are not bakers, though
Walter: And if you want us to do that, you need to pay extra.
Chris: How much is extra?
Jesse: 2000 barbers with charges of selling it to the restaurant.
Alex: Barbers!? Do you want us to open 2000 barber shops!?
Chris: Alex, That's the barbieland currency!
Alex: Oh yeah, I forgot.
They all looked at each other as Jesse and Walter were waiting for a response before Alex pulled out a credit card.
Alex: Alright, We can pay for it.
Ana: Who's credit card is that?
Alex: I stole Jonathan's credit card.
Ana: What!?
Chris: Oh god, Alex. He's gonna kill you if he finds out!
Jesse and Walter looked at each other in confusion as Alex was telling Chris to calm down and even stole Jonathan's phone as Chris facepalmed while Ana was watching them.
Michael, Peyton, and Elizabeth were checking out the new restaurant that was recommended by Keanu as the trio really liked how it looked.
Michael booked a seat for Jonathan and Margot along with the food and desserts until Peyton and Elizabeth began jumping on Michael's back.
Peyton: Mike, buy us a cake!
Elizabeth; I want the chocolate cake!
Michael: Wait, But-
Elizabeth: Fine! We are taking your credit card.
Michael: No, no, no, no, no, wait, wait, wait, wait!!!
They took Michael's credit card and bought some food and cake for themselves as Michael was shocked when he saw the bill.
800 Barbers.
Present Day.
It was nine p.m as Chris, Alex, Jack, Sebastian, Michael, and Benjamin were in the scientists' house as they were talking to each other about the date, Jonathan was upstairs, getting ready for the date but he didn't know who was his date.
Sebastian: I'm surprised we manage to convince him.
Jack: He's actually starting to agree easily.
Michael: Ooooh! I think he's coming downstairs!
Jonathan: Hey guys, I'm ready now.
They all looked at Jonathan as they had a huge smile on their faces.
Benjamin: Dang!! You look awesome!
Jonathan: Thanks-
Chris: Hold on, you aren't exactly ready yet! Comb your hair!
Jonathan: Wait-
The boys got up and started pushing him upstairs as Crane was confused and shocked.
Ten minutes later, Margot was seen in the restaurant as She fixed her hat and had a huge smile on her face.
She was already excited for the date, Unknown to her, Her friends were outside the restaurant, watching from the window as they were really excited as well.
Soon, They saw the boys walking towards them as they all smiled at each other.
Margot was looking around the restaurant until she saw Jonathan entering the restaurant as She was shocked.
Her eyes were full of hearts and admired the scientist while the others were watching.
Peyton: Woah, She's daydreaming already.
Sebastian: She's definitely in love.
Jonathan looked at Margot as he was shocked by her look, Margot waved at him as Crane smiled and sat on the chair.
Jonathan: Uhh Hey.
Margot: Hi! I was so excited to go out with you today!
Jonathan was shocked that he was going on a date with Margot this whole time as he looked at the window and saw his friends smiling at him as Crane looked at Margot.
Jonathan: Same here, The restaurant is very nice as well.
Margot: *Giggles* You picked it along with the food.
Jonathan was confused as the scientists and kens bit their tongues as Jonathan opened his phone and saw messages of different receipts.
Crane clutched his phone tightly and glared at his friends as everyone gulped and moved away.
Margot: Jonathan?
Jonathan: Oh yes. . . I'm glad you liked it.
He gave a smile as Margot smiled at him as the friends looked at each other and continued watching them.
Margot: So, How do you feel about Barbieland?
Jonathan: I like it, I'm surprised I never visited this town for a long time.
Margot: Believe me, Westview's life is also really good, but Barbieland will definitely change your life in the best way.
Jonathan: Oh really?
Margot: Yes! A lot of people from different towns like Elm Street, Haddonfield, Red grave, and many more visited this town and said they enjoyed staying in this town.
Jonathan: Wow, That's actually very nice. I heard a lot of good things about this town.
Margot: I'm so happy that you visited.
Jonathan; I'm happy too, I would not have visited any of you if I didn't come here.
Margot: Aww, how sweet.
Jonathan couldn't help but smile at Margot as Robbie continued staring at him until she looked in the window and saw the barbie's showing her signs to make a move.
Margot: *Clears her throat* Umm, Have I mentioned how great you look in that outfit?
Jonathan: *Shocked* Really?
Margot: Yes, really!
Jonathan: *Chuckles* Thanks, You look beautiful as well, Margot.
Margot had a huge smile on her face as the group awed and continued watching them. Soon, the food arrived as there were a lot of different foods on the table, which shocked Jonathan as Margot was excited.
The two were eating while the group also felt hungry and were eating chips.
Jonathan heard the sounds and glared at the group to stay quiet as everyone looked at him and began eating slowly.
Margot continued eating as Jonathan was looking at her and found her really adorable as she continued eating until she noticed him.
Margot: What?
Jonathan: Nothing. . . . .
He quickly looked away as Margot smiled before she grabbed his chin and moved it as Jonathan was shocked until she fed a spoon of steak to Jonathan as He was looking at her in shock.
Margot: Eat up, There is still more to eat.
He just looked at her as they both continued eating, A few minutes later they were finally done with their meal as Margot said something to him.
Margot: That was really delicious, What was your favourite?
Jonathan: I liked the spaghetti, mozzarella sticks and steak.
Margot: Nice! I like the steak, fried rice, and nachos.
Jonathan: That's very nice as well.
Margot: So, I told a lot about myself. Why don't you tell me anything about your life?
Jonathan: Honestly, I don't really have much to tell you. I was more driven to work and different studies.
Margot: Anything fun or activities you like?
Jonathan: I never had too much fun, honestly. When I met those three Jerry's, that's only when I had a little bit of fun.
Margot: Aww, you should have more fun, Jonathan.
Jonathan: I could try.
Margot: Your smile makes my day even better.
Jonathan had a huge smile on his face as He was looking at Margot who was smiling at him.
The group continued watching them with a smile on their face, realising that their plan was working nicely.
Jonathan: I think you're the first person that ever said that.
Margot: I hope more people will say that to you, Sometimes you also have to get off the dark side and enter where the sun shines.
Jonathan was looking at her as Margot touched his hand, which shocked him.
Margot: If you smile and surround yourself with love and happiness, That's when life truly begins.
Jonathan felt his heart beating as Margot was looking at him and continued smiling at him.
When Margot said that, Alex, Chris and Jack took those words to their heart and looked at the barbies and kens and continued staring at them.
Alex, Jack, and Chris were staring at Scarlett, Peyton, and Ana and for some reason they felt something when they looked at them
Margot: Another thing is: Love is when the other person's happiness is important just like your happiness.
When she said that, Michael, Sebastian and Benjamin looked at Elizabeth, Anne and Alexa as they also had a feeling in them and had a smile on their face.
Jonathan was looking at her and began thinking about her words.
Soon, The group members were sitting in the ground and watched the two talk to each other, The waiter arrived with the marshmallow cake as Margot and Jonathan saw the cake.
Margot was excited as Jonathan was looking at her and had a smile on his face as the group were also drooling over the cake.
After a while, They were done eating the cake and it was starting to get late, Margot and Jonathan left the restaurant as the boys were looking at them until they noticed something.
All the barbies were asleep on each of the boy's lap as they chuckled and couldn't help but smile since the date was over. They carried each of their love interest, bridal style and began walking away.
Margot: Today was really fun!
Jonathan: True, Thank you for coming.
Margot: *Smiles* No problem and I have something for you.
Jonathan was confused until. . .
Crane was shocked as Margot smiled and said "Bye" and walked away as Jonathan was stunned by the kiss and began thinking about Margot until a smile grew on his face.
It was a smile when you feel someone's true affection.
A/N: Thank you so much for reading and stay strong!!! :)
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