Iron Queen: The Rise of a Hero - Part 1
Rock music starts blaring from the speakers as a scene showing a few vans heading through a deserted land.
Tony's eyes widened as he realised the situation that he was in.
Whatever happened to him, would have happened to a female version of him.
Which means everyone will know what happened to him in Afghanistan.
A hand gripped his hand so he turns to face the person and found Rhodey with a pained expression on his face.
"You don't have to watch this, Tones."
Tony shook his head.
"It's fine. I've already been through this and Penny is from a timeline where her mother has already gone through this."
When Rhodey didn't look convinced, Tony placed his hand on top of the hand that Rhodey had on his arm and reassured his oldest friend, "It's in the past, Honeybear. I'll be fine."
Rhodey still didn't look convinced but nodded his head at hearing the strained tone from Tony.
The caption shows that they are in Afghanistan.
Penny's breath hitched as she realised where they were starting at.
Peter hearing it, turned to her and asked, "What's wrong?"
Harley tilted his head to hear the conversation.
The brunette didn't want to worry her male counterpart but he'd found out anyway so it wouldn't hurt sugar-coating the truth a little.
"Do you know how Tony Stark became Iron Man?"
Peter went to shake his head but his eyes widened at the remembrance of the tears he spilled at the age of 7 after hearing the news talk about how Tony Stark had been kidnapped.
A.N. I'm trying to put the timeline together.
I'll remind you guys when the years change.
When he faced the female version of himself, he was ashamed to find that his eyes were slowly welling with tears.
He shakily nodded his head when he remembered that she had asked a question.
Penny almost pouts at the adorableness of her alternate version but decided against it and only wipes away his tears that had begun to fall and kissed his forehead, encasing him into a one-sided hug.
"Hey, Tony Stark survived Afghanistan. Yes, it changed him. But it doesn't change the fact that he's alive and sitting like three seats away from you. Ok?"
Peter nodded, grateful for the words but didn't trust his voice lest he start crying.
The scene shifts inside of one of the vans to show a stereo playing the music. AC/DC's Back in Black fills the air in the room.
Peter perks up, "I love Led Zepplin."
Tony clutches at his arc reactor and turns to Peter with a exaggerated gasp and screeches at his kid, "YOU THINK THIS BEAUTIFUL ART PIECE IS LED ZEPPLIN?!!"
Peter was confused at his mentor's reaction and only nodded his head.
Tony downright collapses onto Rhodey's awaiting arms with a hand on his forehead before he dramatically declares to Rhodey, "Strike him off of my will, Honeybear. No-one who thinks that Led Zepplin made this should be on my will."
"I'm on the will?" Peter asks confused as to why Tony Stark would choose him.
"Am I on the will?" Harley asks as he squints at Tony.
Tony is now confused as to how his children don't know that they're on the will.
Penny whispers into Peter's ears, "It's AC/DC, mini-me. And it's any version of Tony Stark's favourite music."
Peter nodded his head, happy to have found out new information about his mentor.
The scene shifts to reveal three airmen crammed into the vehicle with a woman in a suit, who looks really out of place.
Tony whistles, "Obviously any version of me is going to be hot but female me is really hot."
Rhodey whacks him on the back of his head but Tony is unfazed, "Come on Honeybear. Are you telling me if I was a woman, you wouldn't have flirted with me?"
Rhodey doesn't answer but still sends a panicked look to Penny, who only shakes her head amused.
Antonia Ella Strange nee Stark or Toni Stark, as the world knows her, is sitting down looking bored as she stares at the vodka glass in her hand.
Penny frowns at the sight, "Mom used to drink?"
Tony is shocked by the question but before he could ask why she doesn't know that any version of Tony Stark is an alcoholic, Clint Barton cuts in and tells her, "It's Stark. Whatever version of him is going to be a raging alcoholic."
Penny decided that she didn't like this version of Clint Barton as she stares him down.
She turns her body on her seat to face him and narrows her eyes at him and asks, tone dangerous, "What are you insinuating here, Clinton Francis Barton? Because if it's the fact that my mother was an alcoholic in the past, then should I remind you of the actions that you had committed in the past?"
Natasha Romanoff spoke up, "That isn't fair. Everybody deserves a second chance and Clint has done that by working with SHIELD."
Penny only raised an eyebrow, still looking at Clint, deadpanning, "The very same SHIELD that had been infiltrated by HYDRA?"
And when she went to look at the woman who spoke up, her brows furrowed in confusion, "And who even are you?"
"Do you not have a Natasha in your world?" Steve said slowly as if he was speaking to a child.
Penny had to dig her nails into the arms of the chair to stop herself from ringing her hands around the blonde's neck.
"No I don't have a Natasha. What's your last name?"
"Romanoff," was the tense reply she got back.
Penny's eyes widened in shock at what the lady was trying to say and tried not to laugh.
"Do you mean that you're the Black Widow in your world?"
Natasha Romanoff narrowed her eyes at the tone the girl from a different universe had when referring to her.
"Is there something wrong with that?" Yelena asks as she speaks up out of offence for her sister.
Penny tilts her head at the unfamiliar blonde teenager, "And who are you?"
"Yelena Belova."
The brunette immediately sobered up at that name and said, "Do not joke around with that name."
"How are you scared of the kid instead of the Black Widow?"
Penny was shocked by Clint even asking that question, but then again it wasn't the Clint from her universe.
"That kid is the most successful and ruthless child assassin from the Red Room." Penny says before she turns her head to look at the blonde who's sitting next to Romanoff, "And I'm talking about Captain Yelena Fyodorovna Belova of my universe. Not you, sweetheart. You look like you couldn't hurt a dog. Captain Yelena, on the other hand, would shoot it in front of you."
When the others from Roger's side of the room went to ask questions, Penny put her hands up and said, "During a break or after we're done here, I'll show you some footage of the other version of yourselves."
And with that they all turned back to the screen.
The silence in the car was broken from the bored Toni who sighed and exclaimed, "I feel like you guys are driving me to some sort of court martial. God, I hate those. Was it something I did? I feel like you're going to drive to an isolated place and snuff me."
At the silence, Toni raised her eyebrows before chuckling at nudging the airman next to her, "Forrest, are you and your buddies not allowed to talk to me?"
The airman only grinned at the woman.
Tony's heart clenched as he saw one of the many faces that haunted his sleep.
God, he looked so young. (the airman.)
"We can talk, ma'am." The airman, Jimmy, replies next to her.
Tony gripped Rhodey's hand as he stared at the man who would run out of the car and only be shot down.
"Oh? I see. So it's personal?" Toni's lip curled in mock offence as she stared at the other occupants of the car.
Penny chuckled at her mother's antics.
"No, you intimidate them." The female airman at the front driving, commented as she glanced back at Toni.
Toni went to face her and a surprised look over came her face, "Good God. You're a woman."
Pepper raised her eyebrow at Tony who immediately put his hands up in defence, "That came out way worse then I meant it. It was a good surprise, honestly."
"I feel very proud right now for some reason. I'm really glad that I have first hand sight of women in other fields. You know, I definitely thought of you as a solider."
Without taking her eyes off the road, the female airman replied, "I'm an airman."
"Airwoman actually. But technicalities." Toni was quiet for a few seconds before she asked, "Is it weird that I can't stop looking at you now? It doesn't help that you have a really good bone structure." Toni grinned when the airmen let out a few chuckles, the tension in the vehicle finally leaving while the airwoman slightly blushed at Toni's flirting.
Tony craned his head back to ask Penny something, "Does your mother also like-"
Penny interrupted knowing what he wanted to ask, "Yeah. Mom's been bi forever.
"Ma'am, I have a question." The soldier in front of her asked. This soldier had been repeatedly seen looking at the billionaire nervously. It seems he has finally built up the nerves to speak.
"Yes, please. But please stop with the whole ma'am thing. Gives me hives." Toni said while shuddering after her last sentence.
Rhodey only sighed, "Yep. Dramatics is still a Tony Stark thing. Whether they're female or male."
Tony only grinned, "You still love me anyway, sugarcheeks."
"Is it true you went twelve for twelve with last year's Maxim cover models?"
Penny snorted out loud at the question and tilted her head back to meet Stephen's eyes to give him a sly wink to which he turned his head to hid the blush on his cheeks but he then made eye contact with Tony Stark who grinned at him filthily so he decided to just hide his face in his hands.
Peter, was confused at the question and asked, "Mr Stark, what does went for twelve for twelve mean?"
Tony spluttered for a few seconds while May was glaring at the man as if daring him to ruin her baby's innocence.
Maria glared at her husband to which he also spluttered, "I didn't think that it'd be genetic!" to which she glared harder at her husband.
"That is an excellent question," Toni lied easily as she removed his glasses. "Yes and no. March and I had a scheduling conflict but fortunately, the Christmas cover was twins."
Wanda rolled her eyes at the woman on the screen and muttered, "She's married but she's going around like some kind of whore."
Penny had stopped listening the moment the word 'whore' left the witch's mouth.
Her ears only heard white noise as every mask of politeness washed away from her face.
The shouts of people stuck in protest as they shouted against her mother echoed in his head.
"Haa... Wanda Maximofff, was it? Such uncouth words you just uttered..."
Penny's head dropped as if in shame.
From their point of view, shadows casted over her eyes, adding to her forlorn expression.
But just before they think she was going to cry; Penny lifted her head up and tilted it at Wanda so she could see her eyes.
Wanda froze in place as if a gust of cold wind hit her like a tidal wave.
At that very moment, what stood before her was not the harmless civilian that had came from another universe, but an angry beast out for blood.
It reflected in her eyes that glowed despite the darkness of the room.
Her sclera was as black as the void and her brown irises melted away to reveal an ocean of red victims.
Her round pupils morphed into vertical slits as she stared the Maximoff witch down.
"How very rude of you."
"-en, Pen-. PENELOPE!!"
Penny snapped her eyes open as the voices hit her once again and she could register the arms around her body while the familiar magic of her father encircled her wrists.
Peter tentatively asked from his position behind her as he used his super strength to slowly drag her away from Wanda, "Are you ok?
The brunette in question looked around in confusion at what happened and saw everyone looking at her with either fear or suspicion and Wanda Maximoff on the ground clutching her neck as she tried to breathe with Steve by her side.
Penny groaned and placed a hand against her forehead, looking like the perfect image of exhaustion, "It happened again. Didn't it?"
"What happened again?" May was the one to ask as she was being restrained by Happy from having to run over to Peter and take her over from the woman who had almost snapped the neck of another woman.
Penny turned to Peter instead of answering the aunt and asked him, "It links to our spider problem. Do you mind if I tell them?"
But before Peter could answer, Tony came walking to them, ignoring Happy and Rhodey's protest and asked, "Will Peter experience whatever the hell you just did?"
Penny took in the tense figure of Tony and his worried tone and realised that Peter was his son and he was terrified of losing his son she just sighed and said, "There is a chance that it would happen."
Tony inhaled sharply before nodding in acceptance and turning to Peter, "Underoos, you don't have to do this."
Peter only shook his head at his mentor, "Miss Penny said that it could happen to me and if we know the signs before it could happen, it would be better for everyone."
The, and I don't want to hurt anyone, was left unsaid.
Tony sighed at the kid before nodding his head to Penny, giving her the all-clear.
A.N. I refuse, refuse you hear me, to research about spiders.
I have arachnophobia and I would rather die than go on the internet and research spiders.
The Stark heir cleared her throat before speaking, "I was bitten by a radioactive spider on a trip to Oscorp when I was 13. And as a result of that, for the past 7-8 years I've been the one and only SpiderWoman or Queen of Queens as the city likes to call me."
Hope Van Dyne was the one to put it together as she stared at the brunette kid sitting next to the 'SpiderWoman', "And he must be Spiderman since he's the male version of you. When we came here, you said that you and Peter, is it? shared a spider problem."
Rogers snapped his attention to Tony and demanded, "You brought a kid to Germany? Tony we don't accept child soldiers."
"Then why did you accept Maximoff into the team?" Penny bit back as she stood protectively in front of Tony after seeing him flinch slightly at the sight of Rogers walking to him.
"What do you mean?" Sam Wilson was the one to ask, putting a hand on Steve's shoulder to stop him from walking after also seeing the flinch from Tony Stark.
Penny scoffed, "Is Wanda Maximoff not a kid in your eyes, Rogers?"
The blonde man bristled at the tone and gritted out, "That's different."
"How?" Penny immediately snapped back, "What because she has powers? Peter also has powers. How's that different. Is it because he's a boy and she's a girl?"
Roger spluttered out a string of different words that didn't make sense so Penny just put her hand up to silence him and said in a commanding tone, "Until you can see past the hypocrisy of your own words, shut up and sit down."
Matt Murdock chose that moment to speak up and asked, "How does you being SpiderWoman make you prone to losing yourself to attack Miss Maximoff?"
Penny turned around in shock and had to swallow back her tears as she stared at the man, "Matthew. Why the hell are you here? I mean for one, you can't see."
"I'm well aware of that fact, Miss Stark." Was his reply and Penny huffed a laugh at his words.
"You still haven't answered his question, little spider." the buff man who arrived with Matt Murdock said.
"Frank?! Why are you also here? Last time I checked, you didn't know my mother."
She turned around to Tony and asked, "Do you know Frank Castle, alias the Punisher?"
When Tony shook his head all she said was , "Huh, so people who don't have connections to either of the Tony Starks are here. How odd."
Pepper spoke up to say, "But you know them."
A shadow passed over Penny's eyes as she answered, "Yeah, I do." before she shook her head and plastered her media smile towards everyone.
"It's more on me advancing alongside of the spider. The older I got, the more spider abilities I gained. But I got enhanced everything when I was 13. Enhanced sight, goodbye glasses. Enhanced hearing. Enhanced strength. The ability to stick to walls and shoot webs out of my wrists and nowhere else." She glared at anyone to speak up.
Peter gasped in shock, "You don't have to make your own webs."
"I do make my own webs and I use my natural webs as a last resort because they're kind of poisonous and sharp enough to make cuts."
Peter went starry-eyed and mouthed, 'poisonous webs' before turning to Mr Stark who held his hand up and said, "I'll think about poisonous webs when you're older, kid. I don't want a heart attack after watching the news and seeing you be poisoned by your own webs,"
Peter pouted but nodded before turning back to Penny and asked, "So did you get more powers as the years went by?"
Penny chuckled, nodding before beckoning Peter closer to whisper into his ear, "I got venomous fangs when I was 16."
Peter screeched in delight, " VENOMOUS FANGS!"
Tony clutched his chest, "VENOMOUS FANGS?!"
Penny couldn't stop the burst of laughter that came out at the reactions.
"God, that was mom and dad reacting to finding out that I had the fangs."
Stephen asked in curiosity, "Was I the one in pain or delight?"
"You were the one having a medical dream. Mom was having a heart attack."
Stephen nodded his head in agreement to the scenario.
Harley Keener went to Peter and told him to open his mouth to which Tony had to drag his kids from killing each other for the sake of science, 'No I don't care if you want to check. You could get sprayed in the eyes with venom and then your mom will kill me.'
Once everyone got reseated, Peter sat next to Penny and was practically vibrating on the seat with joy and curiosity to which Penny placed a hand on his shoulder and said, "I'll show you the notes I've made on all my powers, advancements and even my suit."
Peter did not squeal.
"Anything else?" Toni asked around. One soldier raised his hand shyly. "You're kidding me with the hands up, right."
"You couldn't have been more respectful?" Steve inquired.
"Is it okay if I take a picture with you?" Jimmy said, taking out his camera.
Tony shuddered at the tech, "I am so glad to have the StarkPhones."
"Same." Wong agreed, making Stephen shoot him a betrayed look.
"Yes," Toni said. "It's very cool."
Jimmy smiles brightly and hands over the camera to the soldier at the front. Toni leans in to be in frame with the soldier next to him as the soldier raises his two fingers in a peace sign.
"I don't want to see this on your MySpace page," Toni commented.
Peter and Harley chuckled at that while Tony asks to no-one in particular, "God, how even old is MySpace?"
"That is so 2008, Mr Stark. I thought you were the futurist?" Pepper comments with a grin to show she's joking.
"Why Miss Potts, I do recall that you were in 2008 with me." Tony answers back with a more sly grin.
The soldier grins and poses at the picture with a peace sign.
"Please, no gang signs." The soldier puts his hand down his smile faltering but Toni only throws an arm around his shoulders and chuckles, "No, throw it up, I'm kidding."
The soldier held up his peace sign again and had a smile plastered on his face. "Yeah, peace, I love peace," Toni said conversationally. "I'd be out of the job with peace."
The people from the past frowns at the words especially Howard who speaks to his son, "Did you also-"
"Be a huge ass to the soldiers?"
Howard shook his head, smiling at his son reassuringly though traces of worry crept in, so his son would let down his defensive tone, "Take over the company? And even if wasn't Obie there with you?"
Tony, Rhodey and Pepper freeze simultaneously at hearing Stane's name whereas Penny had a look of rage appear on her face, making the people from the past look at them in confusion.
Tony sighs, "Dad, if the female version of me had to deal with what I had to deal with at the beginning of my superhero journey, then you'll find out what happened. And if it doesn't show, I'll tell you what happened."
Howard frowned but nodded and turned to make eye contact with Peggy who was holding Maria's hand to calm her down since she was muttering a lot of curses in Italian.
Jimmy and Toni continued to pose while Jimmy tells his friend about the camera settings, "Come on. Just click it. Don't change any settings." But before the man could click the camera to take the picture, a massive explosion happens and hits the car.
Maria Stark loses her composure and almost shrieks at seeing her child being so close to danger.
Even though it wasn't her Antonio on the screen, it was still a version of him and he had also been through this.
Peggy was being held by her husband as she stared at the scene with unflinching concentration to understand what went wrong and how they were being attacked.
The camera shifts to show the vehicle in front of them had caught fire and when Toni is flung onto her side, to the window, she sees the vehicle behind them also explode.
Peter whimpers at knowing that Mr Stark would be kidnapped for three months after this but it still hurts seeing a version of Mr Stark being hurt.
Penny takes pity on the kid, even if her hands have broken the arm chairs at seeing her mother hurt (and they magically repaired themselves), and wrapped an arm around him to hold him to her chest so he wouldn't see the next bit.
When she heard Harley Keener let out a small whimper, even as he tries to hide his discomfort, she drags him into the other side of her chest so he can also look away.
She made lifts her head to see Rhodey and Pepper who was also gripping Tony as if to reassure themselves that he was there in the room with them and this event was in the past.
Toni lifts her head to ask, "Wha- What's going on?" It is obvious despite her calm voice, her eyes were full of panic and she was holding her side with a wince to show she's bruised from being flung.
But the airmen didn't answer her as they had entered battle mode, "Contact left!" The female airmen had shouted before she jumped out of the car and was immediately shot down.
"Oh, dear heavens." Ana Jarvis breathes out as she squeezes her husbands hand to calm herself down.
Jarvis squeezes back his wife's hand to calm her and to calm himself down as he stares at Master Anthony's head as a way to reassure himself that he's in the room and not in Afghanistan at the current moment.
The soldier who was taking the image, Pratt?, Toni thought, had immediately rushed into action and turned to face the other two occupants in the vehicle, "Jimmy, stay with Dr Stark."
"Wait, why would they call you Dr?" Harley is the one to ask in confusion.
Bruce Banner answers after taking a few calming breaths from the violence, "Because Tony, or Toni in this case, has a doctorate degrees in different sciences, mainly physics, engineering and even artificial intelligence to be called and respected by other scientists and civilians as a doctor. You don't have to have a medical degree to be referred to as a doctor."
Rhodey nods to Bruce in thanks because his idiot of a friend always disregards his high status and tells everyone to just call him Tony.
Jimmy nods at the order, and covers Toni with his body, shoving her down into her seat, "Stay down, Dr Stark!" Toni, now showing her fear and shakiness, nods back.
Toni grabs his arm in a moment of desperation, "Jimmy, if we don't make it out of here-"
Jimmy places his hand on top of Toni's and reassures her, "It's ok, ma'am. I know what I was getting into when I joined."
Toni only shakily grinned at the soldier, "What did I tell you? Enough with the whole ma'am business. I'm only 30 years old, turning 31 in like 5 months."
"How old were you when this was happening?" Happy was the one to ask.
"I celebrated my 14th birthday without mom." was all Penny said.
A.N. Toni got kidnapped on the 16th of July (after Valentine's Day) which should tell you what she was doing(or who).
3 months later. She returns on May 12th.
Toni is turning 31 years old in Iron Maiden 1. (May 29th)
Had Penelope when she was 17.
Penny's birthday is April 30th because that's my birthday.
Tony turned around and pointed a finger accusingly at Stephen, "You knocked me up when I was 16!"
Howard, Peggy, Maria, Ana, Jarvis, and Daniel turned to Stephen with a furious glare making the man splutter, "That isn't me. I didn't meet Tony Stark until I was in my early 30s in the 2000s."
When the glare didn't lessen, he turned to Penny and asked, "What year were you born?"
"1995." was the answer he got and he used that making a pointed look from the people from the past to Penny Stark.
Tony, the bastard, laughed at his misery.
The soldier, Pratt, climbs out the vehicle and readies himself to shoot at the attackers but is instead impaled by the oncoming swarm of bullets.
"Son of a bitch!" Jimmy yells in alarm.
Rhodey sensing what Jimmy is going to do shouts, "NO! Follow your orders and protect Toni!"
Another explosion occurs and that pushes Jimmy to get out of the vehicle and Toni begins to panic, "Wait, wait, wait! Give me a gun before you go!"
Wanda sneers, "What would Stark know about holding a gun?"
Peggy narrows her eyes at the young woman and says, "A lot because I'm his godmother and I made sure to teach him how to protect himself. Are you saying that I taught him wrong?"
The dangerous tone at the last question is not missed by the occupants in the room especially not Daniel who slowly begins to wrap his arms around his wife's body so she doesn't kill the woman.
Rogers shoots a betrayed look to Tony, "Why didn't you tell me that Peggy was your godmother?"
Pepper sends a hateful glare to Rogers, "You know a lot about keeping secrets Rogers and unless you want to continue down that road, you and your pet witch better shut it."
She finished of speaking with her golden eyes creeping out in response to her anger.
Penny beamed in delight, happy that the Pepper of Tony Stark's world had also kept her extremis powers.
Jimmy ignored her pleas and shouted, "Stay here!" before leaping out of the car. But the minute he stepped out, his chest had been attacked by bullets.
The agents and people with connections to the army, including Thor and Loki, bowed their heads down in respect for the fallen soldiers.
Toni looks at the body with wide eyes before bullets start to attack the vehicle and Toni's window is shattered, spraying her with glass.
Maria gripped onto Howard, trying to stop the scream that was begging to be let out of her throat at the sight of her baby being so close to danger.
She immediately pushed her body against the door to slam it open and fell to the floor, groaning at the impact.
At seeing the bullet holes in the car, Toni scrambles off the ground and stumbles into the dust to find more chaos and explosion.
Bucky flinched at the sounds of war once again reaching him before trying to ground himself.
Toni looks around the scene still walking, stumbling, with eyes full of fear, hair starting to be loosened from the professional bun she started with, and body beginning to shake with every explosion that hits the ground.
Rhodey grips onto Tony, trying not to think about how he must have felt in that position.
When another explosion hits closer to her, Toni snaps out of her trance and starts running through the valley that was filled with shouts and so much weapons being fired her ears began to ring.
Hope Van Dyne took deep breaths to calm herself down as she watched the scene of the alternate version of her old friend being in danger.
The sound of the explosion causes everyone in the room to jump at the sound and for the on screen Toni to duck behind a rock to find cover.
Toni digs her phone out of her pocket and scrambles to find the emergency number and clicks it.
Whoever she called, answered instantly and there was a familiar soft British voice on the other side, "Miss, how was the 'funvee' as Colonel Rhodes has deemed your mode of transport?"
"It wasn't fun, Honeybear."
The grip on his hand tightened and Rhodey's tense reply was, "I know, Tones. I know."
"JARVIS!" Toni screamed in panic as she holds the phone to her ear like a lifeline.
The man in question looks at the screen in confusion as to why Miss Stark would call him in her time of need when she had Colonel Rhodes.
Howard only let out a small breath of relief at Jarvis surviving to take care of Toni.
"Mother?!" JARVIS answered back in the same volume to speak over the sounds in the background.
Edwin Jarvis looks shocked at the name he had given to Miss Stark.
He turned to Master Anthony and went to ask but Master Anthony only shook his head and said, "You'll see who the JARVIS is there."
But before Toni could ask JARVIS to get Rhodey or anyone, a missile landed next to her.
The entire room froze as Toni turned her head to stare at the object in horror.
Wanda was confused and also horrified.
Why was Stark's weapons attacking him?
"Because they weren't his weapons." Penny replied making Wanda turn red with embarrassment at saying her thoughts out loud.
"What do you mean? Tony made the weapons. How could they not be his?" Steve asked, staring with horror at the screen but confused by the young woman's answer to Wanda's question.
Hope cut in, tired of the clueless blonde, "Look, we're going to found out if you just shut up and continued watching."
Pure terror entered Toni's eyes as she stared at the red painting on the missile labelling it as STARK INDUSTRIES.
Howard stared with dread as the situation sunk in, "Anthony," he croaked out as he looked at his son.
Tony shook his head and smiled softly at his dad, trying to calm him down, "It's ok, dad. It's in the past. And if it makes you feel better, the bastards who did it are dead."
That did give Howard a sick satisfaction of hearing the people who hurt his son are gone.
Unknown to him, his alternate granddaughter was also grinning at the face the people who kidnapped and hurt her mother were dead.
Toni snapped out of staring at the missile and stumbled over herself trying to run away from it but it was too late.
When the missile exploded, Toni was sent flying back.
Pepper closed her eyes with a wince and pulled Tony even tighter, if possible, to her.
Hitting the ground with a pain filled groan and covered in dust, Toni Stark gasped for air as she tried to blink away the blurred vision of her eyes and the ringing of her ears.
The people with enhanced hearing winced at the ringing.
When she feels a stabbing pain in her chest, she practically rips open her white blouse to stop the pain but when she lifted her hand, it was covered in blood.
Penny held the boys closer to her, making sure they didn't see anything.
The camera is held at sky view to show Toni laying down against the floor and her blouse changing to red with the amount of blood leaking through the bullet proof vest because of the shrapnel.
Toni Stark finally closes her eyes, taking what seems like her final breath and slumping on the ground.
The Stark heir finally looks away from the sight of her mother accepting defeat.
After this action, the screen goes black and the words IRON QUEEN appear in gold.
Maria Hill turns to Fury and asks furiously, "Why was none of this on the report?"
Fury just sighed, "Stark deleted everything and made himself to be the narcissist that Natasha made a report over."
"What report?" Peggy Carter asked once she heard the word 'report'.
Maria and Fury, being spies, kept their cool but were internally unnerved at the old woman sneaking up on them.
As Maria explained the story, Peggy's scowl deepened until she was glaring at the red head across the room.
God, she despised black widows.
The screen lit up to show a tv hung up like a portrait against a wall showing the news.
"Toni Stark!" a new presenter announced as they came into view showing live footage of an awards ceremony and the screen shows a room filled with a crowd applauding when the Stark's name was mentioned.
The stage has a background of silver ribbons and there are two screens showing a photo of Toni Stark posing.
The captions say: Las Vegas, 36 Hours Earlier.
"Visionary, genius, American patriot," the presenter continued.
The screen shows a picture of a young Tony smiling.
"Even from an early age, the daughter of legendary weapons developer, Howard Stark,"
The screen then shows a young looking man that would be Howard Stark.
Maria kissed her husband's cheek lovingly, making the ex-playboy chuckle nervously at the affection.
"Quickly stole the spotlight with her brilliant and unique mind."
There is another picture of young Stark with another man. "At age four, she built her first circuit board."
"At age six, her first engine." There is now a picture of a teen-aged Toni writing on a chalkboard. "And at age seventeen, she graduated summa cum laude from MIT."
There's a newspaper clip of Tony before it shows another newspaper clip of Howard's face with the headlines saying he and his wife had died. "Then, the passing of a titan."
A picture of Toni with Obadiah comes up. "Howard Stark's life long friend and ally, Obadiah Stane, steps in to help fill the gap left by the legendary founder," A picture of Obadiah a little more aged appears.
"Until, at age twenty-one, the prodigal daughter returns." The narrator said. A magazine clip comes up with a young looking Toni at the front with Obadiah at his back. Obadiah is looking at Tony but the billionaire is facing the side.
"You know, Obadiah looks kind of evil there," Rhodey commented.
"That's true," Daniel said. "But he's good, isn't he?"
"You'll see," Pepper muttered and Tony remained silent.
"And is anointed the new CEO of Stark Industries."
The crowd starts to clap and you can see Obadiah amongst them, looking the proudest.
"With the keys to a new kingdom, Toni ushers in a new era for her father's legacy, creating new smarter weapons, advanced robotics, satellite targeting." A whole of clips appear before a photo of Toni appears at the end. "Today, Toni Stark, has changed the face of the weapons industry by ensuring freedom and protecting America and her interests around the globe."
Wanda is no longer looking at the screen.
Her eyes are obviously now looking at Tony, her gaze unreadable.
A man is standing on the podium as the crowd claps. It is Rhodey.
"You look different." Peter giggled.
"It's the haircut." Tony offered avoiding Rhodey swatting him.
"Oh, I see it." Harley says as he squinted his eyes at the on-screen Rhodey.
"As liaison to Stark Industries," Rhodey speaks into the mic. "I've had the unique privilege of serving with a real patriot. She is both my sister and best friend and a great mentor rolled in one. Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honour to present this year's Apogee Award to Ms Toni Stark."
"Wait, this was the award show you got pissed at me at?" Tony asked.
"You're lucky I didn't have the War Machine suit back then or I would have beaten the shit out of you for doing what you did." Rhodey grinned.
"What did he do?" Peggy asked curiously.
"Tony, wait, did you skip it?" Bruce asked with wide eyes.
The crowd start to give a round of applause along with Rhodey as some music plays in the background.
Toni is nowhere to be seen.
Tony turns to Bruce as if to say, that's your answer.
"Toni?" Rhodey asked as he looks around the room to seek his best friend's face. Rhodey looks at Obadiah who seems to be shaking his head - it translates to 'she's not here'. Rhodey keeps a smile on his face though he licks his lips nervously.
Tony cooed at Rhodey and pinched his cheeks, "My darling James. You look so handsome up on that stage."
Rhodey slapped his hands away and didn't pout while muttering, "Only mama can do that, Tones."
Obadiah gets up from his seat and heads for the podium. He takes the trophy away from Rhodey's hands. "Thank you, Colonel."
"Thanks for the save," Rhodey said outside of the mic so only Obadiah could hear it, though it is audible to the viewer.
Rhodey glares at his younger self for not seeing the signs sooner.
"This is beautiful," Obadiah said as he stares at the award. "Thank you," He said as he looks at the crowd. "Thank you all very much! This is wonderful." The scene cuts to the crowd and back to Obadiah, who is looking at the trophy before back at the crowd. "I'm not Toni Stark," He begins which earns a laugh from the mass of people. "But, if I were Toni, I would tell you how honoured I feel."
"Would you?" Matt Murdock asked, curious about the man.
"These days? Yes. Back then? Yes without meaning it." Tony replied.
"And what a joy it is to receive this very prestigious award." Obadiah continued, his gaze constantly flickering towards the award. "Toni, you know..." He trailed off before looking away from the trophy. "The best thing about Toni is also the worst thing."
"She's always working." Obadiah grinned.
The screen pauses of Obadiah's grinning face with a remote connected to the hand of an also grinning Toni Stark who turns off the TV and turns to her dining partner to ask, "Honeybear was really in his element on the stage, wasn't he Stephen?"
At hearing his voice, Stephen's head snaps up to be met with a face of his younger self post beard taking a sip of what looked like expensive wine before grinning at Toni Stark.
Rhodey nudged Tony in annoyance at the man causing the brunette to pout, "It's her who said it, not me."
"That is you."
"I dare say he seemed to have been enjoying being in the spotlight in front of a huge crowd that came just to see you." Doctor Stephen Vincent Strange raised his eyebrow at his wife questioningly.
Toni only waves her hand, "I told them to reschedule the award ceremony but they didn't listen and it's Valentine's day. Can you blame me if I just want to spend a day with my amazing husband?"
Maria was positively beaming at the sight of her child being happy in her marriage.
Stephen's demeanour changed from questioning to intrigued as he leaned forward and purred, "Oh, do tell me more about this amazing husband of yours."
A.N. They're sitting like this btw.
Toni grinned playing along and adopted a thinking expression on her face as she tapped her chin, "Well..."
Stephen grinned back at his wife before asking with an also adopted curious expression, "Well?"
Harley scrunched his nose at the married couple and turned to Penny who was still holding him and Peter while stroking their heads, "Your parents are nauseating."
Penny snorted, "I know, sweetie. I've had to live with that for almost 22 years."
"Well, my husband is this incredible man whose accepted my crazy life. He can deal with me which is quite the accomplishment. And he's a really good father which sealed the deal, if I'm being honest."
Stephen chuckled, shaking his head, "Me being a good dad was what sealed the deal?"
Unwanted memories of a man before a car crash resurfaced and Stephen wanted to shove them down to stop them from reminding him on how eager he was to accomplish his dreams and then 'meet the one.'
Christine gently grabbed his arm, looking at him in worry and all he could do was smile gently to reassure her that he was fine.
She didn't looked convinced but her worry softened and she returned his smile.
Toni shook her head, "No. You also have really good fingers."
Howard choked on air at hearing vulgar words leave the mouth of his child while Stephen had the same predicament after Christine murmured in his ear in agreement to the statement.
Stephen deadpanned to his wife making her giggle, "I'm a neurosurgeon."
Tony couldn't stop staring at the scene before him.
This other version of him, was happy.
Well, she looked happy when she was laughing with her husband.
God, a version of him got married to Strange.
And had a kid.
With Stephen Strange of all people.
How the hell did that even happen?
But even still, watching her as Stephen led her away from the table and to the living room before he twirled her and gathered her in her arms, jealousy bubbled in his chest and he knew it was unnational.
That this happiness would soon end.
Because she didn't have the reactor in her chest.
But she will.
And that's when the problems would begin.
But all Tony Stark could do is try his hardest to ignore a young woman smiling softly as her parents danced together in the living room in the evening of Valentine's day and focus on how happy his other self was.
And he smiled.
She deserved this happiness.
Because later.
Later her trials will begin.
From Afghanistan, to the Arc Reactor, to the enemies, to assembling with the Avengers for the first time, to Maya Hansen and Extremis, to Ultron and then the Civil War.
And he hoped that she could survive it.
But like Rhodey said, this was him.
So she could do it.
With blood dripping from her past sins and mistrust, to iron carved into her chest.
After all, she was a Stark.
And Starks have an Iron will that was unbreakable.
So Tony Stark leaned back on his seat and smiled softly as Stephen Strange dipped his wife, making her shriek with joy at the movement.
"Stephen!" Toni patted his chest, with no intent to hurt.
"Yes?" the bastard asked as he just continued to sway with her as if he didn't give her a heart attack.
Toni only shook her head at her husband and rested her head on his chest, smiling at the moment.
"I miss you," she sighed her smile dropping.
The people watching were confused at the question.
Stephen kissed the crown of her head and sighed in exhaustion, "I miss you too."
Penny only smiled at her parents in sadness, "They're saying they miss each other because of their jobs, they don't see each other as much as they used to."
The people's confusion cleared away and then only understanding filled their expressions.
Toni snorted breaking away the sombre mood and looked up at her husband who was staring at her in confusion, "When did we get so old?"
Stephen stared down at his wife in mock offence but still didn't reply as he knew that she wasn't done talking yet.
"I mean, why haven't we fucked yet?"
Once again, Stephen and Howard spluttered but this time Rhodey and Tony burst out laughing at the looks on everyone's faces including Penny who mimed vomiting.
Intrigued, the tall man stopped swaying and nodded his head to tell his wife to 'go on.'
"Not 10 years ago, we'd have food together and then we would literally be taking each other's clothes off." Toni made a show off looking at the time to her right (It's 9pm) before looking at her husband again, "We would be on our 3rd round right now."
Penny's vomiting was going to become real if she had to watch her parents do what they were insinuating.
Darcy went to make an inappropriate comment but Jane smacked her hand onto her mouth making the brunette pout.
A devilish grin appeared on Stephen's face before he bent down and picked his wife up, carrying her bridal style up the stairs, "Why Dr Stark, you make a very compelling case."
He gently kicked the door open and carried his wife over to their bed, "I know, I'm incredible." she said as she sat on the bed looking as if she was at a lecture bored, instead of about to be laid.
Penny blocked her ears and hid her face in Harley's chest while Peter had his head squished into May's who was also blocking his ears.
Stephen bent down on his knees still gazing at his wife, who was biting her lip looking down at him, and slowly took off her heels asking, his voice a deep husky sound, "Would you like me to show you how incredible you are?"
Christine had to swallow her tongue to stop herself from moaning out loud.
Toni's only answer was dragging her husband slowly by his tie, while he's still on his knees, and dragged him until he was only centimetres away from her lips, "I would like that very much, Dr Strange." before taking control of the situation, and dominating Strange in the kiss he initiated after she used his title.
Loki raised an eyebrow, impressed at the display, before turning to Anthony and asking, "Is the offer for a drink still standing?"
Tony stared at Loki for seconds in shock before he slowly smirked at the god with pure sin.
Rhodey and Thor, both took to dragging the men away from each other.
The screen went black for a few seconds before the screen showed the same kitchen from last night but with a girl groaning with her head onto the table.
Toni came through the door, looking every bit the ruthless businesswoman the world painted her to be, sorting out her cufflinks but stopped at the scene and chuckled at her daughter's antics.
She kissed her daughter's head and asked, "il mio tesoro (my little treasure) what's happened this time?"
Maria's heart warmed at her child using Italian with her own and when she turned to her Antonio, he was already looking at her, "I never stopped speaking Italian, Mama. I only speak with people I trust."
Penelope Strange-Stark lifted her head from the table and glared at the man sitting across while she hissed to her mother, "He opened the curtains."
Stephen Strange looked at his daughter and explained to his wife, "She wouldn't get out of bed."
Tony glared at Stephen, "You do not open the curtains to awaken our child, Stephen Strange."
Stephen looks exasperated as he stared back at the man, waving his hands slightly, "Well how do I wake our kid then?"
Christine and Pepper exchanged looks when Stephen and Tony talked about the best way to wake up a child as if to say, can you believe these are the men we fell in love with'.
"I went to bed at 2!" Penny hissed at her father.
Toni now looks at her daughter who winced once the words left her mouth, "And why did you go to bed at 2am knowing you've got school in the morning?"
Rhodey looked at Tony with a raised eyebrow, "That's exactly the tone you use with Peter whenever he gets hurt from a mission."
Tony only shook his head in denial.
Colonel James Rupert "Rhodey" Rhodes strolled into the kitchen with a smile, "Sorry, that was my fault. We were binge-watching Star Wars and lost track of time."
Tony whistled at the sight of his best friend, "Damn, Colonel Rhodes. Don't you just ooze dominance and sex appeal."
Rhodey played along and draped an arm across of Tony's shoulders, "I knew you had a thing for me in my uniform, Tones."
Fluttering his eyelashes, Tony replied, "Guilty as charged."
Penny smiled at seeing her Uncle Rhodey come to the rescue.
The sight of the brunette smiling at the other version of him made his heart clench because he remembered how she looked hurt when he didn't know who she was.
Toni gasped clutching her heart dramatically as she poured coffee into her mug, "Without me, sweetcheeks? Betrayal. Betrayal, I tell you."
Edwin smiled at Mrs Strange nee Stark finding a true friend such as Colonel Rhodes after all the liars she may have had to face like Master Anthony.
Rhodey played along and placed his hand on his heart, "I beg for your forgiveness. It was a moment of weakness." his voice dropped to a loud whisper, "She used the bambi eyes against me."
Tony felt for the other Rhodey, the kid's bambi eyes were deadly and could cause Armageddon.
Stephen chuckled as he watched his wife pinch her brother's cheek and talk to him in a baby voice, "I'm so sorry you had to go through that sweetie." which made Rhodey swat her hands away, "I'm older than you Toni."
And it was that statement that made Rhodey eye Tony out of the corner of his eye.
Rhodey had met Tony when he was 18 and Tony was 14.
Tony had been chased by some bullies who picked on him and he got even by setting off a small bomb that would cover them in paint.
He had asked Rhodey to hide him or he'd die.
Rhodey had wanted to laugh at the kid's exaggeration but at seeing the brunette's eyes with fear, he hid him.
And from that day, he never stopped taking care of Tony.
Sure, they had arguments over the years.
But that's what friends do.
They argue and disagree and shout at each other when times get tough.
And yet each time, they came out stronger and closer than ever.
However, when Tony became a superhero, that's when the fear kicked in.
Tony was always meant to outlive Rhodey since he was younger but he just attracted danger.
"I'm not interested in being a superhero. I just want to keep Tony safe. From himself, mostly."
He said those words to Nick Fury when he was offered a place at SHIELD and he stuck by them.
The one thing he wanted for Tony was for him to be safe.
And yet somehow the universe laughed at this goal of his and said no.
But that didn't stop him.
Rhodey would continue to protect Tony until the very end.
"Is that your way of telling me that your an old man and you're finally retiring and running away with me?" Toni's face lit up in excitement at the idea.
Vision was confused at the question Mrs Strange nee Stark had asked to Colonel Rhodes and voiced his thoughts out loud to the child of Mrs Strange nee Stark.
Penny chuckled and replied, "Mom and Uncle Rhodey have a plan that when they retire, they go off to one of mom's islands and live the rest of their days out together."
Stephen asked, half offended, "And what about m- the other Stephen?"
Penny shrugged, "Dad's always welcomed to go."
Thor asked in confusion towards the Strange-Stark Daughter, "And what of you Woman of Spiders?"
Tony watched as Penny's face dropped slightly at the question but she shook herself out of it and placed a really good paparazzi smile on and replied, "I had-ve, I have someone to go to my own island with."
Peter was in shock.
Matt Murdock, on the other hand, only smiled grimly at the slip-up Miss Strange Stark had made, reading in between the lines as well as Frank who stared at how tense the girl had gone when Peter had asked who her partner was.
Rhodey chuckled, "Not yet." he replied making Toni's face drop but he added, "Monica and Riri misses their aunt and wants to know when she's coming over for dinner again. You've corrupted my daughters, Tones."
Rhodey stared with wide eyes at what his other self had said.
A version of him had settled down with someone and had daughters (plural) with them.
Tony barked out a wet laugh, dragging his still in shock friend into a hug at starting a family.
Fury, on the other hand, narrowed his good eye at hearing Monica's name.
"What can I say, Rhodey? You have genius children who are amazing at Mechanics. They're like Pokémon, genius children that is. I just got to have them all."
Pepper snorted softly at how true that statement was.
A beeping sound went off making Penny jump slightly at the noise before looking down at her watch, "Oh, no! I got to go. MJ is probably waiting for me at the bus."
Howard's eyebrows furrowed at 'bus'.
Why would any grandchild of his have to resort to taking public transport when they could just be taken by their own personal driver?
"Because mom and dad wanted me to have a normal life."
The older Stark's ears burned in embarrassment at having talked out loud making his wife chuckle at his antics.
Penny practically sped around the kitchen, from pecking her dad's cheek and wishing him a good day at work, same with Uncle Rhodey and when she got to her mom, her face dropped before she could say goodbye.
"Penny? What's wrong?" Toni asked in concern as her daughter just stopped moving and took to staring blankly at her (Toni's)chest.
May turned to the girl and asked, "Is it tingle time?"
Penny burst out into laughter, "Tingle time?" she managed to wheeze out during her laughs.
Peter burned red when he mumbled to Penny, "She means our spider sense." making Penny ohh in realisation and nod her head as a yes to May Parker's question.
Penny looked up from where she was looking at and clung to her mom.
Tony was questioning, "Did you know what was going to happen?"
Penny shook her head, "The spider sense warns me of danger, it doesn't tell me what the danger was."
Toni shared concerned looks with Stephen and Rhodey at the kitchen who were making there way to the pair but Penny let go of her mom and said in the most serious tone Toni has ever heard her daughter use, "Be careful, mom. If you see anything suspicious at all, run. Do not stick around. Just run. I mean it mom, I just have a bad feeling about this trip."
"Does your mother know about your spider persona?" Matt asks as he has a feeling that the woman was unaware.
Penny only sighed softly, "She found out when I was 20."
May inhaled a sharp breath as she turned to Peter, "Would you have waited that long until you could tell me?"
Peter shook his head, guiltily, "I would've tried to kept it from you for way longer, Aunt May. I just didn't want you getting hurt."
May dragged him into a hug and muttered slightly, "And who would be there for you when you got hurt?"
A.N. & Chapter Break
Just a reminder of Penny's age and what's going on in that year.
14 - 2008 - Iron Queen: The Rise of A Hero
15 - 2009 - Iron Queen: Sins from the Past
16 - 2010 - Dawn of the Avengers (yes I know, it's originally 2012 but I'm speeding shit up)
17 - 2011 - Iron Queen: The Trials of Asgard (Wakanda will be involved in this film)
18 - 2012 -
19 - 2013 -
20 - 2014 - SpiderWoman: The Vigilante & Dr Strange: The Dark Dimension (I'm meshing these two movies almost together but they're still separate. In the way that one chapter would be SpiderWoman and the next would be Dr Strange)
21 - 2015 - Defenders of New York - (Daredevil, SpiderWoman, Jessica Jones, IronFist, Luke Cage and my Queen, Claire)
22 - 2016 - Iron Queen: Civil War
Back to the Story:
Toni nodded her head at her daughter and said, "I promise, honey. I've got Uncle Rhodey coming with me as well so I'm very protected."
Peggy nodded her head to the statement after meeting James Rhodes who would be her little Tony's first true friend.
Penny smiled at her mother and hugged her tighter before running out of the the kitchen once her watch beeped again but once she left, the kitchen was plunged into silence.
Before.... "You're not going." this came from Stephen.
But her husband was shaking his head and pointing in the direction their daughter just left, "She's got a sixth sense before danger happens, Toni. Last year, she stopped 5 of your kidnappings."
Steve looked confused and stricken at the same time, "Why would people try and kidnap you, Tony?"
Everyone in the room looked at the man as if he was insane but Tony just sighed and said, "Have you forgotten how the Starks made their fortune, Rogers?"
"I also agree with Dr Strange."
Jarvis appeared shocked at hearing the same voice from before that was so similar to his own.
Toni looked up and asked, "Are you really teaming up against me with my husband J?"
Edwin Jarvis's British accent washed over the room with his concern after the warning his little sister had given to their mother, "If it is for your safety mother, then yes."
"Where is Edwin?" Ana is the one to ask as her husband has yet to make an appearance despite his voice being there.
"It's an AI," Tony spoke up for the first time since hearing JARVIS's voice, "I made him." he confessed as if scared of the reaction he would garner.
The, I destroyed him, was left unheard by everyone who couldn't hear the pain in Tony's voice.
"Master Anthony, but why?" Edwin was confused as to why Master Anthony would create such an incredible creation and name him after him (Jarvis.)
Tony looked pained at the question, "Jarvis, you and Ana are part of my family. You do realise that, right?"
Edwin did nothing for a while before he broke out into a smile and walked to Anthony to give him a hug, "It is an honour to be apart of your family" he whispered into the son he never imagined he would have.
Toni sighed, downing her coffee and walking out of the kitchen with Stephen and Rhodey on her heels, "Did none of you hear the part where I have Rhodey with me? And even if, I have self defence training from Aunt Peggy. Are you guys saying she trained me wrong?"
Peggy chuckled in delight at seeing herself in her goddaughter.
Rhodey shook his head, "Mama, would have my head if I disrespected Aunt Peg."
Tony and Rhodey shuddered in unison at how Mama Rhodes could switch from feeding you cookies to telling you that she'll use their heads to mop the floor if they don't pick up their dirty clothes from the floor.
The trio entered Toni's lab (in a way that would be edited).
Jane internally squealed at the technology, "And to think you had this in 2008." she told Tony, who chuckled in embarrassment when Rhodey began to praise him.
Howard practically drooled at the tech, "I want to be in the future now."
Toni then tapped her holographic keyboard and opened her files to show the other two occupants in the lab the plans for the presentation.
"Obie made this meeting. I can't just bail on him."
Tony shook his head in disappointment as he remembered how he clinged for Obie's approval.
Stephen sighed and crossed his arms, "No more meetings for the month that involve you travelling, Dr Stark?" he bargained.
Toni smiled at her husband, "I agree to this deal, Dr Strange."
"I thought that was our thing," Tony whined to Pepper who replied, "They have Dr Strange and Dr Stark while we have Mr Stark and Miss Potts."
The scene the shifted to Toni walking out of a car from the front seat and grinning at Harold "Happy" Hogan who stood behind her, "Damn, Happy. You're a good racer. I thought I lost you off of my tail half an hour ago in."
"You did, Ma'am. I had to cut through Mulholland to catch up, "Happy replied, while he was taking out suitcases from the back of the Rolls Royce.
Rhodey also came out of the car that Toni was in, "Sorry, Hap. I tried to stop her from speeding but you know Toni. She has to see the speed of every car she drives."
Maria's eyes widened, Dear God was there any trace of her in her children?
Toni chuckles as she walks up the stairs of her plane and calls, "Hurry up, Rhodey. You're holding us up."
Rhodey only rolled his eyes, "I was the one left there for three hours."
The scene shifted to Toni and Rhodey sitting opposite each other, sipping champagne and laughing.
"No, no, no. I wasn't the one who made myself look like a fool in front of Stephen. When you were working up the courage to ask Maria Rambeau in the 90s, you literally slipped on the floor from the sweat dripping off of your forehead."
Tony wheezed out in laughter, "Rhodey, you're the same in every universe whenever you try and ask out a pretty girl."
Fury had to restrain himself from throttling Colonel Rhodes for going after Carol's wife.
"Oh yeah, what about that time you got punched in the face by Carol when you were mistaken for the guy who grabbed her ass at the bar?"
Tony only sighed wistfully at the the group they used to be, "God where did the time go?" he asked nobody in particular.
Toni burst out laughing, "She was so scared when she realised it was me."
"You were grinning the entire time with blood dripping from your nose because you were and I quote 'being checked over by a super pretty girl.'"
The next 5 minutes was just Toni and Rhodey exchanging memories. (Put in your favourite Rhodey and Tony Head cannons in the comments. I might make a chapter dedicated to MIT)
By now, the room had released the tension it held from before and almost everyone was smiling at the friendship between Toni and Rhodey.
The scene then shifts to the exterior of the plane as it has now landed at an army facility in Afghanistan.
As soon as the stairs had dropped to the floor, Toni's heels announced her presence as she walked down, with Rhodey behind her, looking both dangerous yet gorgeous.
Jane had to close her mouth from dropping at the sight.
A group of soldiers look dazed as she walks past them but immediately snapped out of it when Rhodey had glared at them.
Peggy nodded in approval to Anthony's choice of friends.
Darcy sighed, "She could rail me and I'd apologise for wasting her time."
Everyone looked at her in various degrees of worry.
"General," Tony greets politely, as she shakes the man's hand.
"Dr Stark," the General greets back politely, "It's an honour to have you here."
Pepper shifted slightly in her seat at the power image Toni was making.
The scene cuts to Toni standing with the valley behind her in iconic black suit and red sunglasses look.
She's silent for a while looking at every soldier in attendance before starting, "Is it better to be feared or respected?" Toni asked, the camera facing him directly with the land behind him as a backdrop.
Thor stared at the woman in respect as she singlehandedly commandeered everyone's attention onto her and stated, "She has the presence of a queen."
"I say, is it too much to ask for both? With that in mind, I humbly present the crown jewel of Stark Industries' Freedom Line." She nods to the soldier next to the launcher that would release the Jericho Missile.
"Freedom," Wanda mutters, eyes glowing slightly in hatred of Stark who stole everything from her, "As if."
The camera shifts to Rhodey smiling proudly at her next to the soldiers who are enraptured by her powerful voice and beauty, "It's the first missile system to incorporate our proprietary repulsor technology. They say the best weapon is one you never have to fire. I respectfully disagree. I prefer the weapon you only have to fire once. That's how Dad did it."
At hearing how his daughter remembers this side of him, Howard closes his eyes in pain and buries his face in his hands.
"That's how America does it. And it's worked out pretty well so far. Find an excuse to let one of these off the chain, and I personally guarantee you the bad guys won't even want to come out of their caves."
Tony winces at 'caves' knowing that that's the next place his female version would be staying in for the next few months.
Everyone watches as Toni gives the signal to the soldier who launches the missile.
They watch as the Jericho splits into thousands of tiny bombs before hitting the floor.
Without turning around, Toni continues, "For your consideration, we have the Jericho." And her arms lift into a sort of god-pose once the missiles behind her go off.
Everyone struggles to stand their ground from the impact of the blast, including Toni Stark who stumbles forward but is quick to regain her balance.
The dust makes it hard to see anyone but once it settles, the soldiers are once again looking at an unaffected Toni Stark in awe, even the Generals are impressed from the display.
Maria beams in pride at the sight, that's her child that everyone is looking in awe at.
The scene shifts to the billionaire in a waiting room, holding her phone to her ear and smiling when the person on the other end answered, "Hello, mio cara (my dear)."
The screen splits in half to show on the left is Toni and on the right is Stephen sitting in his office.
"Darling, are you ok?" he asked instantly, worried about what their daughter had said in the morning.
Tony's heart warmed at the sight.
Toni smiled shyly at her husband's protectiveness, "No, I'm fine. I wanted to check up on you. How was the 3 hr surgery?"
Stephen groaned, "It went from 3 hours to 12 hours but we managed to get transplant out."
Peter and Harley made identical shocked faces as they faced each other and mouthed, "TRANSPLANTS?" in disgust.
Toni's face went from happy to worried, "Shit, did I wake you up? I'm s-"
Stephen cut her off and said strictly, "Don't apologise." before his voice softened, " I wasn't asleep and I was going to call you anyway so don't apologise."
Toni bit her lip but her worried face didn't change.
"And now you're blaming yourself," Stephen sighed as he put the files out of his hands to focus his entire attention on his wife.
Rhodey had to cover his mouth in shock at seeing someone understand a version of Tony as well as him and Pepper.
Toni spluttered, "No I'm not,"
Stephen raised his eyebrow even if she couldn't see it, "You're digging your nails into your palm."
Toni placed her hands onto her legs once she looked down and saw she was digging her nails into them.
Pepper was raised her eyebrow, impressed with Stephen.
"Darling, why don't you tell me what you're planning to do for Penny's 14th? I was thinking about--"
And while Stephen rambled on to distract his wife from her self depreciating thoughts, Rhodey was watching from the glass on Toni's side of the screen, grateful for Stephen as Toni's shoulders released their tension and she started to answer his questions.
"I love you Stephen." Toni cut in softly, making the man pause in his talk.
Tony's eyes widened at the confession his other self had given up so easily to Strange.
Strange was also in the same predicament when his other self smiled softly and replied, "I love you too, Toni."
But before he could say more Christine Palmer had entered the room and beckoned for him to leave making Stephen say his goodbyes to Toni and hang up the phone.
Once Toni had dropped the phone onto her lap, Rhodey entered the room and smiled at her, "Hey, wanna get out of here."
Toni smiled at Rhodey and took his offered hand.
The scene cuts to the pair walking arm in arm towards the vehicle that was seen at the beginning of the movie.
"And it's a full circle," Daniel mutters in realisation.
She enters the car but a soldier closes the door before Rhodey could enter.
"That's rude." Steve comments.
"Hey, Toni?" Rhodey askes as he walked to her window.
"I'm sorry, this is the 'fun-vee'. The 'hum-drum-vee' is back there." Toni said smirking as she looked at Rhodey.
Rhodey sighed, "It wasn't really that fun, Tony."
Tony shook his head in agreement, "It wasn't fun at all Rhodes."
"Nice job," Rhodey compliments as a look of pride overtakes his face when he stares at Toni.
Toni's smirk melts into a smile as she looks at Rhodey and replies, "Thank, Honeybear. I'll see you back at base."
"You never reached the base," Hope comments as she realised that this was just a flashback.
"No, I didn't." Tony replies as he stares at the screen.
The next scene shows a fast forward version of the beginning of the movie with no sound.
And then back to Toni who's looking at her blood-covered hand in fear before her eyes rolled back and she slumped onto the ground.
Edit: That was a 3am rambling sorry.
BTW Rhodey's ship in the story is with Maria and Carol, it's a poly relationship.
On to another note, if you liked this story then go check out my other Marvel story - SpiderWoman: Found A Way Home.
I do like Ironman
Her explanation would be using the word FEMALE
FE= Iron
Therefore she would be Ironman
But I prefer Queen because I will be having her closer to Asgard especially with Thor learning her name is the Merchant of Death.
Guess who's avatar she could be?
And SpiderWoman is the Queen of Queens for New York whereas for the underground, she'll be Arachnid working with the Punisher, Daredevil and I might add Deadpool.
Also I just realised I didn't have Shuri or T'Challa so I'm going to add them later on.
What other characters would you like to see?
And before anyone comments on how Penny's eyes are like Wanda, they're not.
Wanda = Glowing red eyes.
Penny = Spider Eyes
Also this is my cast Penny's World:
Headmistress Anya - Recluse
Howard Stark - Father of Toni/y Stark
Maria Stark - Mother of Toni/y Stark
Natalia Romanova: The Black Widow
Peter Parker - Spiderman
Harley Keener - Ironlad
Antonia Dreykov - The TaskMaster
Anthony Edward Stark - Iron Man
Captain Yelena Fyodorovna Belova - The Adaptoid
Pietro Django Maximoff - QuickSilver
Wanda Django Maximoff - The Scarlet Witch
If you don't like my fancast, then that's fine.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinions.
But I really don't want to have comments saying how Elizabeth Olsen this, Elizabeth Olsen that.
I'll just delete them.
Also I am making Penny Parker's universe more linked to Comics.
Yes Winterwidow does exist.
So do the X-men and Deadpool.
Also please check out feliciaclaws, femloki & xialingsaeps on tiktok
I love their fancasts for MCU characters.
Did you know:
Marvel released a special edition of comics called Spider-Man and the Power Pack, where the heroes battled real-life problems in order to gain awareness with their young audience.
In the very first issue, Spider-Man saves a young boy named Tony Lewis from his babysitter, Judy, who he overhears attempting to sexually assault her charge.
He swings into action, scares away Judy, and convinces Tony to talk to his parents after sharing how he was assaulted by his older friend, Skip.
When I read this, I immediately was shocked.
I had never heard about that aspect of Spider-Man's backstory before; it had always been just about Uncle Ben.
Seriously, this adds all new dimensions to his character; I had to explore it.
So what happened to this Spider-Man will probably have happened to Penny which is why she's a vigilante.
And I stress that word as much as I can.
Anyway, onto a more sad note.
If you saw my post from two weeks ago I have just started yr 11.
And that means I need to focus more than ever.
That will mean this is my last update in a while.
But because I'm nice, there's a picture album, like I did for the Legacies of Klaus & Hayley Mikaelson book, on the next page.
Have a nice day.
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