2# Kelsey Gets A Makeover
2/25 (Since in the show, the last number on the wheel of doom was 22, and y/n, Jazzy and Sapphire needs their own Episode/Chapter for their first transformation, so that's why it says: 25)
Any way, Enjoy!
CANDY POV (since we had Emily's pov)
Emily held up the Glitter Charm that she rescued just yesterday and earned for defeating Ulric (the wolf in the sky)'s baffoon which turned into a house! I went on top of Emily's head as i spoke. "Collect all the Glitter Charms and my world will be saved! See? I told you, you were made for this kind of work!" I told the human girl as she looked up to talk to me. "I'm not totally sure i get it yet, but sure why not! I can see it now! We're gonna save the world!" Emily said as she raised her hand into the air it show her enthusiasm. "Hooray!" I shouted, happy that we already have one Glitter Force warrior and we only need five more to go!
(Time skip: Emily's house/Emily's Bedroom)
"And that's how we greet our friends in Jubiland." I say, showing Emily our greetings to our friends. "That was actually kinda fun." Emily replied as I started to speak. "You wanna do it again?" I ask the Human girl as we both said the same thing and did the greeting.
We were on our knees and begging to each other while looking down to the floor.
Both: Welcome, my friend, I am happy to see you.
There was growling and I stopped talking.
"What was that sound?" Emily asked as she looked up to face me. "My tummy does that when I get hungry. What's the matter with me? I forgot I don't have to be hungry!" I said, lifting up the Glitter Charm which was a strawberry. "This Glitter Charm has magical powers! Take out your Glitter Pact, Emily, and I'll show you what I mean!" I say still holding the Charm. "My
Glitter Pact? Oh! This thing? But, uh, what do I do with it?" Emily asked, holding the Pact in her hand and observing it.
"You open it up and put the charm in it." I say as she did what I told her to.
Glitter Pact: Activate Glitter Charm! Strawberry!
A big, GIGANTIC Strawberry appeared and I started to eat and feast on the juiciness of the healthy food. "Wha-? I thought these Charms were for important stuff like saving the world, not ordering giant fruit!" Emily was right to guess that but she was wrong. "Oh, they are important, very important! That's why all six of you Glitter Force Warriors have to get moving and start collecting them right away!" I pointed out as I put my hand uo to show 6 even though I have no fingers. "Wait, since when are there six of us?" Emily said as she put up six fingers.
"Oh right! The girls at school, the ones from my dream!" Emily shouted. "I forgot!" Emily psat on her knees and put her hands in the air, whilst laughing she cracked her back. She fell backwards and hit her head on the floor. She immediately sat the other way, still on her knees, holding her head to stop the pain.
"Yes, an the sooner you get the whole team together the better because, no offense, you need all the help you can get." I said, reminding her that we still need five more glitter force members. "Gee, thanks a lot for the vote of confidence, Candy. Really nice." Emily said, in I think a sarcastic tone?
"The big bag wolf is huffing and puffing again!" One of my comrades (brooha) said. "Ugh. Glitter Lucky!" I said, punching a wall that when I punched it, it had cracks all over. "He's mad." Another one of my (brute) comrades said. "You think?" (Brooha) the first comrade spoke. I growled. "To be defeated by a schoolgirl! Well, the next time I meet that little brat, her luck is going to run out!" I said, putting my hands into fists. Me and my comrades all laughed. I knew that because I could hear them from afar. I howled.
I didn't have any more classes except Volley ball, I don't play volley ball in school since I never get picked. I went to the volleyball match which was April's team against Kelsey's. I never got picked to play because I wasn't great at volleyball. One of the bad players (sorry I made you say that!).
"Okay! It's time to get to work!" Kelsey said as she put her two fists together. The ball got flung into the air and was hit by Kelsey, every time. April's team never got a point! "You can do it April!" I shouted, over at the steps. I don't think April heard me because she was looking over at where the volleyball landed which was on her side of the playing field.
"All right, Emily, set it up!" Kelsey said, looking behind her so she could talk to the new kid: Emily. "Me!?" She shouted as the ball went towards her, falling in the air, waiting for her to hit. "Miss it!" I shouted which, now got Aprils attention. April smiled and waited to see what will happen next. The ball came closer and closer but when she put her hands out, she missed and it hit her face. "Ouch, that gotta hurt," I mumbled to myself.
The ball went back up into the air. "Sure, that'll work!" Kelsey jumped into the air to hit it as April started to talk to Chloe. "We gotta block it!" April said to Chloe as they both jumped up so they could block it. "Good luck trying to defend against my patented: Sledgehammer Slammer!" Kelsey said as she hit the ball and it went right past all Aprils team and the ball hit the ground which meant Kelsey's team won. "She did it again!" April said, surprised. "What do you expect from one of the best attackers in the league?" Chloe said as she looked over to Kelsey's teams side.
Kelsey hopped back down and said: "that's the game!". Emily started to wobble all over the place and fell to the ground. I went to the field so I could help Emily up. Lily ran up to her before me and started to worry as usual, "Player down! Call the school nurse!" Lily said as I went beside her looked at her injuries.
"She should be fine. She's just light headed. That's all." I said as I crossed my arms. "Phew. B- But still!" Lily said, shaking me. "Okay, okay. Could you get your hands off me, now?" I ask as she apologized and and looked down to Emily. Kelsey then walked up to me and Lily and tried to wake Emily up. "Earth to Emily! Do you read me?" Kelsey asked. "Your not on a walkie-talkie. No need to say it like that." I said, but Kelsey never spoke to me. "Totally." Emily said, still hazy but put her hands in the air and gave us, thumbs up.
"Way to keep you head in the game! Get it?" Kelsey said, laughing. I took Emily's hand and helped her up. "Not funny." I said to the best player of the volleyball team. "Y-yeah. Very funny." Emily said giving another thumbs up. "I always guessed she was a brainiac!" Kelsey said to me and Lily. "Still ain't funny." I say as Lily was confused. "I don't get it." Lily said.
"All right, I've been waiting for just the right moment to tell you girls something." Emily said, not hazed anymore. "Even me?" I mumbled to myself. "Yes, including you y/n." Emily said to me as I was kind of suprised. No one really talked to me, only to praise me for my talent for music or just April talking to me (April and you are close friends since childhood). "A secret!" Emily said, clapping her hands together. "What kind of—" Kelsey got interrupted by Emily. "A big one!" Emily said, pointing to Kelsey. Me, Lily and Kelsey were all confused.
(Time skip!: outside/school/lunch time)
"You see? You three are meant to be apart of the Glitter Force!" Emily said with stars in her eyes. "The what?" Kelsey asked. "Still don't get it." Lily said. "What kind of group is this?" I ask, unsure about the name. "I saw it all in a dream! You'll love it, it's a lot of fun!" Emily said as she started to hug Kelsey. I pulled Emily out of the hug because I could see Kelsey was sort of uncomfortable with that.
"Sorry but I don't want to be in a group called: "Glitter Force". It sort of sounds like a child making it up. No offense." I say as I sat back down to eat. "But we get to save the worlds, wear really cute outfits, and collect these things called-" Emily got cut of by some weird bunny that said something? Not too sure if I'm losing my mind. Emily rolled away with the bunny. "Candy, stop it!" Emily shouted. "Okay?" Kelsey said, whilst looking at me and Lily. "Is that her bunny?" I ask confused of what that creature was. Me and the two went to see what Emily was doing and she was saying "tickle, tickle, tickle!". She was tickling the bunny I saw earlier. Emily looked behind her and backed away, putting the bunny behind her. "Oh, hi, Kelsey!" Emily said, surprised at our appearance.
"So this is your pet bunny? Looks weird." I say, poking the bunny. Kelsey thought it was something else. "A little old to be bringing a stuffed lamb to school, aren't ya?" Kelsey asked Emily as Emily was, I think sweating? I walked beside Kelsey. "I thought it was her pet bunny." I said, looking down to Kelsey (Kelsey is sitting on the ground and on her knees). "What! I'M NOT A LAMB OR A BUNNY!!!" a voice said. Emily turned back around to stop whoever is talking to shut up. Me, Lily and Kelsey were so confused.
"Hey! what was that? Come on, let me see! Over here!" Kelsey kept trying to see what the thing was but Emily kept blocking. The two stopped and Kelsey began to speak. "fine, be that way." Kelsey said, Emily gave herself a sigh for relief. "anyway, what you were talking about earlier, the Glitter Whats-its, or whatever it may be called, thanks for the invite but I don't think we are intrested. well for me at least, I don't know their opinion." I said, rubbing the back of my head. "yeah, thanks for the invitation, but right now my mind is strictly on Volleyball. And being named the MVP of the league finals!" Kelsey said as she stood up and put her hand in the air. "by the way it's the Glitter Force. And MVP? wow. I can only hit the ball with my face." Emily said, interested of what Kelsey wants to be. "I can't even get near the ball, even the actual playing field." I said, looking down and kicking a stone. "anyway, Why don't you two come and watch?" Kelsey asked, me and Emily.
"no thanks." I said. "well, you just might learn something." Kelsey said raising her eyebrow. "I'll pass. again." I said backing up to Lily. "Could I? That would be awesome!" Emily said, excited to see Kelsey play and she might learn something.
(time Skip: School/Volley ball Fields)
"come on y/n! we might learn how to be better players in the game!" Emily said, dragging me to the seats. I sighed and sat down. "fine, but don't bother me. I'm doing my music project" I say, putting in my head phones. (insert song: Dancin')
Dancin is what you do!
Dancin is what I think of you!
Dancin brings my soul
Dancin is what makes me whole!
(repeat, im too lazy to remember all the words)
I finished, perfecting that song as the other songs I get introduced to. I took my head phones and it was the end of the match. i heard two girls talking and Emily was also listening to them. "I've never seen Kelsey get beaten so bad." 1# girl said. "Yeah. That was embarrassing. looks like Jasmine's gonna be MVP this year." 2# girl said as me and Emily both looked down to see another two girls. one of them was Jasmine. "way to go, Jasmine!" the other girl said as she high fived Jasmine. in all my life i never really said it out loud. "Kelsey doesn't deserve this treatment. She should be MVP when she worked so hard." I say to myself but never noticed i said it out loud. "Yeah! the next time i see her i will tell her I will help!" Emily said. i blushed by embarrassment. "D-Did i say that out loud!? oh gee i did." i mumbled the last part whilst scratching my neck. "yeah, you did, now let's go see to Kelsey. Emily, again ragged me but this time to the playing field and over to Kelsey.
(Time skip: Next day/Volley ball fields)
"go Kelsey! you got it this time!" Emily shouted, "Try and win it! Try and be MVP for the whole entire Year!!" I yelled as Kelsey gave the both of us a thumbs up. Kelsey went into her 'ready for battle' pose and looked at Jasmine as she did the same. Kelsey's team were winning! the whistle blew and Kelsey's team won! "That's my friend Kelsey!" Emily shouted as she waved her arms about. "That's my girl!" I shouted putting one of my fists into the air. I heard something at the top of the seats. I couldn't see what it was because the sun was blinding my eyes. "Hey Em, what's that up there, the suns blocking it, or whoever that person is." I say as Emily looked up and was surprised. "well, what or who is that?" i asked as Emily started to drag me again. for a tiny moment, i swear i saw the sky turn night and there was a full moon. but i went to the ground again and said horrible and sad stuff about me again. I have no Idea why its happening but. Can't stop an ending...
(yes, i am finally going to write a BAFFOON fight!)
I went and sat on my knees and closed my eyes.
Horrible thing i said:
Why bother? I know I'll never be MVP.
I heard a horrible noise so i looked up. I saw a girl in so much pink and a freaky, gigantic volleyball. She was in the volleyballs hand? And was getting squished. A wolf went floating behind her. "Ready to call it quits? Are those tears of despair i see on your face?" The wolf said, looking at her forming tears. "nope, not tears, I'm just sweating. 'Cause I'm not about to quit! Not before the happy ending!" The pink girl said. Not gonna lie, she is familiar. " I've heard that before." I mumbled, getting a flashback for yesterday.
I've Learned that if you just keep trying and never give up, there's always a happy ending!
End of Flashback:
I looked up to the girl. She was familiar because she was Emily! "Huh? Emily?" I ask as i opened my eyes more wide and got out of that some sort of sad spell. I looked around and was surprised. I looked to the girl and the volley ball again but showed scared and frightened emotion. "Woah, That volleyball is defiantly not regulation! Hold on a second. Emily?" I looked at the girl and she looked like Emily but had a cute outfit and looked like a superhero!
"Yeah, It's me! Oh, well, actually I'm Glitter Lucky right now!" Emily said, was the glitter thing actually real!? "This all some kind of weird dream, right? That's not really a giant, evil, clown volleyball, is it?" I said pointing to the sports tool. "Oh, he's real alright!" Emily said. And beside her in the air was a humanoid Wolf!? "And who do we have here?" The Wolf disappeared and i put my hands on the sided of my head. "A talking wolf in a onesie." I said in a surprised tone (again) i turned around and saw the wolf giving me a glare. I jumped back, frightened.
"Kelsey, get out of there!" Emily said as the volleyballs grip tightened. "Emily, what is this!?" I ask, ignoring her statement. "Ah, so i take it this is the "friend" you were talking about." The wolf said as i looked over to him. "Pathetic. We have no need for friends where i come from. They're just a lame excuse for not having the guts to act on your own." The wolf said, disliking friends."you're the one who's lame, you big lame-o!" Emil shouted at the wolf. "What do you know? Friends are great! I was scared and all alone at my new school until i met her! Kelsey was the very first friend i ever made here! Friends are the awesomest thing ever!" Emily yelled as i started to remember Emily helping and cheering for me.
"What you're saying is: you're too weak to save yourself, so you're hoping some "friend" will come along and do it for you. Finish her off, buffoon!" The wolf said as the Volley ball tightened his grip even more. "Leave her alone!" I threw a Volley ball at the big volley ball but it did nothing. "That was a big mistake." The wolf said. "No you made the mistake, of messing with my friend!" I said as i went over to the volley balls foot and tried to attack. "No! Stay away, Kelsey!" Emily shouted but i ignored her call. "Kelsey, Don't!" Emily yelled to me and this time i responded.
"You helped me, didn't ya? You cheered me up when you thought i was feeling down! So now I'm just returning the favor!" I said as i was struggling to tip the volley ball over to let go of Em. "The puny rescuing the weak, now that's funny and pathetic." The Wolf said, doing nothing but watch. 'Put a sock in it fuzzy! You know why i think you keep putting down friends so much? 'Cause you don't have any, you mangy fur-ball!" I said. The Foot and knee of the volley ball was lifted and i was off the ground and so i screamed. "Don't do it!" Em, shouted.
"Did you really believe a mere schoolgirl could defeat my buffoon?" The wolf said. "Oh I can, and i will!" I say as a orange beam of light hit me.
(In the beam, btw in this part i will be doing:
Candy: I am Candy! )
Kelsey: huh?
I screamed a i was floating in nothing but orange sparkles. A little circle thing appeared onto my hand.
Kelsey: What is this?
The Stuffed Lamb i saw before with Emil appeared and went into my arms.
Candy: So you've accepted your destiny as one of the Glitter Force!
Kelsey: Ah! You are a little lamb that talks! Wait, what was that? Did you say Glitter Force? That thing Emily was talking about?
Candy: Yes! They're the legendary warriors who defend the world from darkness and evil!
Kelsey: Okay, you're making this up, right?
The lamb went out of my hands and floated in front of me.
Candy: Nope! It's time to transform!
Kelsey: And how do i do that?
Candy: Just put your Glitter Charm into the compact, say: "Glitter Force Makeover!" And let it do the rest!
Kelsey: I can't believe I'm doing this, but here goes nothing!
Kelsey: Insert Glitter Charm!
Compact: Activate Glitter Pact!
Kelsey: Here i go! Glitter Force Makeover!
(Im just doing the words since it's just Kelsey)
Glitter Puff! Apply Shades of Power!
Glitter Bands!
Glitter Boots!
This girl is on fire!
When you mess With me, You're Playing with Fire!
Glitter Sunny: I'm Glitter Sunny!
End of Transformation:
"Just like my dream, It's amazing!" Lucky (Emily) said in shock. "Great, as if dealing with one of them wasn't annoying enough!" The wolf said. I asked my self: "Did i just...? Yeah, i did! But what? Why? How? Did i really just call myself: "Glitter Sunny"? Man, how embarrassing!" I said as I Scrunched my hair. I heard Lucky/Emily run towards me as I looked over. "You look great!" Emily shouted as she ran over and embraced me into a twirling hug.
"Really? It's not too much?" I ask as me and Lucky put our hands on each others shoulders. "That Outfit totally compliments your hair! And just wait until you see all the cool accessories and magical powers that come with it!" Lucky said happily as I was so excited. I put my hands off Lucky's shoulders and turned the hands into fists with excitement. "Powers? Really?" I ask in an excited tone. "Hey, you didn't say anything about magical superpowers. 'Cause as a matter of fact, I've always thought I'd make a pretty good superhero." I say but then Ulric, the wolf, started to speak again with his annoying voice. "Are you two about done?" Ulric asked as he started to growl.
"Ahh! Oh, I forgot all about fuzzy!" I said, frightened as I go behind Lucky for protection. "That's Ulric and this is the second time he's tried to give this world an unhappy ending!" Candy said, annoyed at fuzzy (I just want to call Ulric: Fuzzy, when it's in Kelsey's POV, just so it makes it funny).
"And he would do that how?" I ask. "Stay right where you are and I'll demonstrate. Crush them Buffoon!" Fuzzy said as the Volley ball Buffoon starts to wake and stand up. The buffoon went backwards for a run up and jumped into the air to crush me and Lucky. We both screamed. "It's kind of a shame, really. I was enjoying that." Fuzzy said, but me and Lucky weren't down just yet!
"Sunny?" Lucky asked as I was holding the buffoon by its nose so it didn't crush me and Lucky. "I saw the spike coming and my volley ball training kicked in!" I say, struggling. Fuzzy was surprised and then he growled. "Buffoon, bobble!" The buffoon said, wiggling to get free. "Oh zip it, will ya? I'll buffoon you!" I say, twirling around and making the buffoon dizzy. "Buffon dizzy!" It said again. I screamed as I threw the buffoon to the empty stairs. "You gotta be kidding!" Fuzzy said in shock.
"Glitter force MVP!" Lucky said. "Whoa, I see what you mean about those powers." I say, looking at the palms of my hands. "Now finish him off for good with your Sparkle Fire!" Candy said, as she kept jumping up 'n down. "With my what?" I ask, confused of what a Sparkle Fire is. "Channel your Glitter Spirit into the Glitter Pact!" Candy continued. "Like that even makes sense. But okay, I'll try!" I say. I stomped my foot forward in a fighting pose and said! "Let's go, Sprit!" I say as the pact glowed orange particles.
"How come I'm shouting off sparks all of a sudden?" I ask as I got worried that I was going to burn. "No, keep going! It's supposed to do that!" Lucky said as I looked over to her. "Yeah? I just wish I knew what I was doing!" I say, worried of what the buffoon will do next while I'm busy doing, whatever!
"Spirit!!!" I yell as the Glitter Compact put a fire ball in the sky. "Cool, a fireball! Or a small sun. But what do I do with it?" I ask. "Remember what we practiced after school yesterday?" Lucky said. I got an idea. "Oh, good idea!" I say as I started to run.
"Glitter Force!" I say, as I jumped up and going forward to the fireball. "Fire Spike!" I say as I hit the fireball just like a volley ball and it defeats the buffoon.
"Buffoon!" I shouted as it disappeared and only what inside the nose was left and it was a sort of charm?
"Woah, that was wild! But kind of exhausting." I say as I sighed. "You did it!" Lucky said as she jumped onto me. We both sat up. "You are now an official member of the Glitter Force!" Lucky says happily. "I don't have to pay dues, do I?" I say, jokingly. I looked up into the sky. It was a charm. A rose one to be exact. It went on to the palm of my hands.
"What is this?" I ask. "That's a Glitter Charm!" Candy said. I heard fuzzy say something before he left. "Well, you may have one this battle, but not the war. I'll get you next time!" He said as he disappeared. The sky turned to normal. We were in our normal clothes again. "Everyone's returning to normal! And it's thanks to you, Kelsey!" Emily said as we both were sitting down, near the steps/seats. "This is even better than being MVP, and I won a prize!" I say as I held up the Glitter Charm. "Just the first I'd many, I hope, because if you guys can collect all the Glitter Charms, you'll save my world!" Candy said who was in Emily's lap.
"Uh-oh, how many of 'em are there? A lot I hope! Count me in lil' lamb. I'll do whatever it takes." I say, rubbing Candy's head. "What you two talking about?" A voice said behind us. Me and Emily both said: "EEP!" As we both turned around we saw y/n. "Y/n! Don't scare us like that!" I say, sighing that it was just her. "We were talking about what we do in the group: Glitter Force, Emily told me a-lot about it so I decided to join!" I say, lying but also saying the truth. "Alright? But what about trying to be MVP? Wasn't that what you were focusing on?" The girl asked as I nodded, "I'm still going to try and be MVP, but I'll also be in the Glitter Force!" I say putting a hand in the air. "That's reasonable, see you guys tomorrow." Y/n says, waving whilst walking away. "Bye!!!" Me and Emily said.
"Oh, Kelsey! That reminds me!" Emily said, putting a finger up. I put my hand down to my lap and asked. "What's up?" I ask, wondering. "There are more of us! More Glitter Force warriors out there. And that is: you, me, April, Chloe, Lily and y/n. I don't know if there is more but, oh well." Emily said but Candy butted in. "I never got told there was more than just six. But you could be right. There's this other Glitter Duo. Nobody knows if they are real or not, but let's not worry about that." Candy stated. We all stood up and decided to go home.
Words (minus this and, I'm surprised that this is the most worded chapter I ever wrote so far.): 4553
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