Hello beautiful souls!
How was your week?
Mine was LONG. My mom was in the hospital for two days, I had to donate blood, then Harry's tickets came out while I was at the hospital, I got a ticket thanks to a friend luckily.
Then I tattooed my leg and I broke a nail (?
So, yeah. I've been busy.
Sorry for Taking so long.
Love you, Mag 🦋
[ Louis' POV ]
Don't let me…
Don't let me…
Don't let me go…
Don't let me…
Don't let me…
Don't let me go…
Don't let me…
Don't let me…
Don't let me go…
"Hey Harry."
He looked up at me and stopped playing.
"Hello, Lou."
"Still working on your song?"
"Every day." - He shrugged.
"Any progress?" - I smiled, sitting down next to him.
"That's a pity. Good thing I bought lemon cupcakes for you and tea with extra sugar." - I said excitedly, taking everything out of the bag and handing it to him.
"Louis… you shouldn't have…"
"Of course I should have. Nothing but the best for an angel like you." - I said, making him blush and shake his head.
"Don't say that…"
"Okay, I won't say a thing. But you need to eat. C'mon." - I said, shoving the cup of tea towards him.
He rolled his eyes and lifted the cup to his lips, he hummed in content and let his head rest on my shoulder.
"Thank you. It's delicious."
"You're welcome, angel." - I whispered into his hair and pecked his temple softly. - "You know what I love the most about weekends?"
"That you don't go to work?" - He grinned.
"Exactly. And that our guitar lessons can last all day long."
"You're learning really fast, Lou."
"Yeah? Maybe because I have a great teacher."
"I wonder how…" - He trailed.
"How what?"
"How was my learning process… I think that I learned how to play from my mother. I believe she… she was very present in my life."
"You remember her?"
"Not entirely. Not her face or memories of spending time with her, just the feeling of her. Her warmth and her… care."
"That's amazing, you're remembering things, Harry. I'm sure she is a wonderful woman."
"I believe so."
I smiled to myself and nodded.
"What else do you remember about your family?"
"I remember… being happy."
"You had a nice childhood?"
"I think so." - He said, taking a bite of his cupcake.
"What's your last name, Harry? Do you remember?"
"My… my last name?"
"I've been trying to remember it. And… it might sound stupid."
"I don't believe in stupidity."
He furrowed his eyebrows and looked up at me.
"You don't?" - He laughed.
"Nah. So, what were you saying?"
"Yeah, uhm…" - He went serious again. - "I think it is Styles."
"Yeah… I know… it's weird." - He shrugged.
"No, no it's not. Harry Styles? That's your name?"
"I believe so."
I nodded softly, smiling at him and wrapping my arms around him.
"Thanks for telling me."
He hummed in response, pressing his forehead against my chest.
"I really want to remember some things."
He sighed and looked up at me, still not breaking our hug.
"Like the faces of my old family… my old house? And just… remember how it was not to be alone."
"You're not alone now. I'm here, remember?" - I winked and he smiled.
"Yes. I remember you." - He rolled his eyes but his lips formed an even wider grin.
"You're going to remember all of your past someday. I know it and I believe you can."
He nodded and went back to bury his face in the crock of my neck.
"I hope you're right."
After breakfast and lunch, Harry and I were resting on our backs on the grass, looking up at the sky, our bodies close to one another but barely touching each other's sides.
"Does that cloud look like a moustache or is just me?" - I asked him.
"Definitely just you." - He laughed.
"Oh c'mon, you need a bit of imagination."
"I don't see it." - He shrugged.
I turned my head to the side, looking at him with a pout on my face.
"You're boring." - I said, faking an annoyed tone and he laughed.
"You're blind." - He snuck his tongue out at me.
I rolled my eyes and turned back to look at the clear blue sky.
"I still believe it looks like a moustache." - I shrugged.
He laughed again and I watched him, with the edge of my eye, shaking his head amusedly.
We sink ourselves in another calm and peaceful silence, where the only thing audible was the birds singing and some kids playing on the playground games.
"Can we play the guitar?" - He asked me all of a sudden.
"Yeah, whatever you want."
He tilted his face to my side and smiled at me. Then, he sat up and picked the guitar from where I left it.
"Today I want you to play a proper song." - He said.
"Really?" - I asked, sitting up as well, and he nodded. - "Which one?"
"What song do you like? I can't promise I'll remember them, or their chords, but maybe you can search for them on your phone?"
"I want to learn your song." - I said and caused him to smile.
"Of course. You know it by heart. You can teach me."
He smiled wider and a couple of dimples appeared on his face.
He handed me the guitar and I held it in place on my lap.
Then, he proceeded to tell me the chords I had to do and the strumming pattern he usually used for it.
He told me little tips and tricks for it as well, to improve my strumming, to make the transitions better.
Then, we set up a tempo and I played it fully, his voice accompanying mine.
It was funny how our voices melded together that easily, how good we sounded.
At least to my ears.
Don't let me…
Don't let me…
Don't let me go…
"Yeah, that's alright. C'mon do it again." - Harry said, excitedly.
I smiled back at him and played the little fragment of melody all over again.
At least five more times.
Until, I had the urge to add a final chord, a chord that it sounded like it belonged there to finish the phrase.
Harry froze in his place, looking at me and trying to decipher what I had just done.
He made me feel intimidated so I left the guitar aside and shook my head.
"I'm sorry."
"What? Why did you do that?"
"I felt like it sounded right… I'm sorry, it's your song."
"It did sound right."
I raised my eyebrows in surprise.
"You think so?"
"Yes, play it again."
I doubted for a second, but then I took the guitar back in my arms and played the fragment all over again.
Don't let me…
Don't let me…
Don't let me go…
I changed the chord right at the end and Harry hummed something.
"What?" - I asked, stopping the strumming.
"Cause I'm tired of feeling alone." - He repeated louder.
"Is that… is that the lyric that finishes it?"
"I think so." - His expression looked as confused as mine.
"Do we try it again?"
"Yeah." - He nodded with a big smile. - "Please."
And it was just like magic.
Don't let me…
Don't let me…
Don't let me go…
Cause I'm tired of feeling alone.
Don't let me…
Don't let me…
Don't let me go…
Cause I'm tired of sleeping alone.
The words just flooded out of Harry's mouth, he sang the complete lyrics for the first time and he couldn't be happier.
He was taken by surprise. And so was I.
Before we noticed it, we were singing an entire song, all of the lyrics coming back to Harry's mind as I continued playing the chords.
I don't know how we ended up like that, me playing while he sang, but it worked.
And he remembered it all.
I smiled softly as I let the last chord linger in the air.
Harry had his eyes open widely and he was looking at me in awe.
"Did we just…?"
"Was that the song? The entire song?"
"Yes, and you sang it all on your own. You remembered it, love."
"No way! How… how did we… what did you… how did you know the chords?"
"I don't have a clue." - I shrugged, still smiling at him.
"You remembered, Harry. And I just improvised, I guess. I don't have an explanation. But you remembered it, and that's all that matters, isn't it?"
He looked down at that guitar and then up into my eyes again, suddenly jumping from where he was seated and hooking his arms around my neck.
"Thank you." - He murmured into my ear and hugged me closer. - "Thank you, thank you, thank you."
"You did all the work. You don't have to thank me at all."
He shook his head, pressing his forehead on my shoulder, letting out a soft laugh.
"You're amazing, Louis. You're magical. You're helping me so much. I can never thank you enough."
"Hey, look up at me." - I said, softly taking his chin in my fingers and lifting his face to look straight into his eyes. - "Don't thank me. I'm doing all of this because I want to, because I believe in you, and because you deserve so much better. This, remembering, is the first step. And we'll get through every step together."
"I can't…" - He breathed out and closed his eyes. - "I can't believe everything you are doing for me."
"Believe it, angel." - I smiled and he opened his eyes again, biting his lip. - "I'm not stopping anytime soon."
"You're a hero." - He said and I giggled.
"If you say so." - I shrugged and he smiled.
"You definitely are." - He whispered, his eyes shifting from my own to my lips.
He blinked a few times and let out a deep and frustrated sigh.
"What's on your mind, Harry?"
"I'm not sure about something."
"What something?"
He bit his lips and smiled at me.
I thought I knew what he meant, so with a soft nod of my head, I intended to reassure him.
He looked at my lips once again and I could see decision into his eyes, I could see his yearning and desire as never before.
He didn't look weak or fragile anymore, he looked alive and strong.
He looked ready to face anything.
Harry's face lowered to my level as his eyes fluttered shut. I could feel the warmth of his breath on my lips, as he hovered over me.
I closed my eyes as well, wanting to fully sink in the moment.
Because that was a once in a lifetime experience, and it was happening now.
When he finally pressed his lips against mine, I could feel his warm lips touching mine in the softest way I had ever felt before.
Yet, he was making me feel everything I ever wanted.
His way of kissing me was firm, decided but also so tender, almost making me shiver under him.
My fingers made its way to his hair, causing him to hum into my mouth and smile a little.
No tongue was involved, but it wasn't necessary, because just with those sweet touches and our connection was enough.
Everything felt enough and forever.
"Louis?" - He whispered without separating his face from mine.
His eyes remained shut and his hands softly rested on my chest.
"Yes angel?"
"Is this okay?"
"Yes. As long as it's okay with you. As long as you're comfortable."
He opened his eyes and stared right into mine.
I gently slid my hands from where they were tangled on his hair to the curve of his back.
"I am." - He nodded slightly, without taking his eyes from me. - "You… Do you… Do you like me?"
"Yes, Harry. I like you very much."
"Why? I'm not… I'm the worst candidate ever. I have no money, no home, no future… and aren't you with that guy that we saw at the coffee place? He seems like your type and he goes… goes to work like you." - He bit his lip again, insecurity returning to his eyes.
"Harry…" - I whispered, my hand moved up to stroke his cheek. - "I'm not with that guy. And I like you. I like you because you are sweet, lovely, intelligent and so so talented. You're just beautiful.
As for the rest of the things you enumerated, I'll help you with that. You'll have a future."
He smiled timidly and leaned over once again, calculating slowly before cutting the short distance between our lips.
His hands moved to rest on my hips as I pulled him closer to me to make the kiss a little deeper than before. Our lips brushing together, mixing and getting to know one another.
The kiss slowed down naturally, until Harry's forehead ended up against my shoulder and we melted into a comforting, warm and tight hug.
"I like you too." - He whispered and I felt his breathing hitting on my throat.
I hummed in response and kissed the top of his head. Harry's arms fisted on the back of my shirt and he let out a deep sigh.
"Would you be mad if I told you that I don't remember kissing anyone before and that this is important to me?" - He asked slowly.
"Why would I be mad about that?"
"Because I don't exactly have experience. And I'm just… what you see. There's nothing else I can offer you."
"What I see is exactly what I'm looking for." - I smiled at him, cupping his cheeks and bringing his face up to mine. I pecked his lips and then rested my forehead against his'. - "Besides, I have nothing else to offer you either. Except maybe a home."
"You're not sleeping in the park tonight. Or ever again."
"Louis, please don't."
"I can't let you out here on your own."
"I won't sleep in your car."
"What about my house?"
"What?! No!"
"Okay, okay. Don't yell at me, love. Why are you so stubborn about this?" - I asked softly, caressing the prominence of his cheekbone.
"I won't let you offer me your house, or your car for that matter."
"Why not?"
"Because you are doing a lot. And… I can't accept it all. Please don't force me."
"I won't ever force you to do anything."
"You promise?" - He whispered, cradling my cheek.
"Yes. Sure."
"Thank you."
"But I'll spend the night here with you then. Hugging you until you fall asleep."
"Really?" - He grinned.
"I really like it when you hold me to sleep." - He mumbled, his face nuzzling on the side of my neck.
"Then that's exactly what I'm doing."
It was late in the night and Harry was sleeping deeply in my arms, both of us covered by the blankets I gave him weeks before, when my phone started ringing incessantly and woke me up.
When I picked it up, I could see it was Emily calling, and that I had already eighteen missed calls and a few texts from her.
Without bothering Harry too much, I picked up.
"Oh, Thank God. Lou, I need you." - I heard the voice of my friend but it was a little more broken than usual. Almost as if she was crying.
"Em, what happened? Are you alright?" - I asked, gripping tightly onto the phone and straightening up, now more alert than before.
"No, please come."
"What happened? Where are you?" - I asked, moving Harry softly to the grass and untangling myself from under the blankets.
"They took me, Lou. I don't know how but I could throw myself out of the car they were driving, and now I'm in the middle of nowhere and…" - She sobbed.
"Okay, stay where you are, and I'll find you with the location of your cell phone."
"Okay." - She whispered.
"Stay on the line!"
Without wasting another second, I stood up, grabbed my car keys and started running towards my car until a deep voice stopped me.
"Why are you leaving?" - Harry cried out loud.
I turned around in slow motion, feeling my heart beating loudly in my chest.
"My best friend, she's in danger. I need to go, Harry."
"I'll go with you."
"What?" - I breathed out, noticing my voice was trembling and my head was pounding.
"I'll go with you." - He said, already picking his stuff from the ground, including my guitar and running towards me with everything.
I stared at him in awe and nodded.
The car ride was silent apart from Emily's sobs on my phone and eventual questions about how far I was.
Harry sat on the front seat next to me and did his best to calm me down with soothing words and a light hand pressed on my shoulder.
And even if I tried to follow his instructions and remain calm so I didn't crash the car and kill us both, I must admit I was driving over the speed limit.
My phone was connected to Emily's location and the GPS was quick to form a route for me to find her.
It took me around twenty five minutes to get to where she was.
Standing on the side of the highway to Bentley.
She was hugging herself and protecting herself from the wind and the rapid cars that passed by her side, holding tightly onto her phone against her ear.
I hurried to park on the side of the road, earning a few honks from the cars that were behind me, and I quickly got out of the driver's seat.
"Em!" - I shouted, noticing her shaking body covered in some scratches, dust and blood.
"Lou!" - She cried.
I pulled her into my arms, containing her trembling body into the hug, feeling her sobs against my chest.
"It's okay, you're safe. You're with me." - I mumbled into her hair.
"I was… so scared."
"I'm sorry I didn't pick up sooner. But you're so brave, so fucking brave. I can't believe what you did."
"I… me neither."
"Are you hurt? Do I need to take you to the hospital?"
"Yes, please."
"Fuck. Okay. I'll hurry." - I said, moving backwards to let her get on the backseat.
"Oh, you're not alone." - She whispered, looking at the front window and seeing Harry on his seat.
"No." - I smiled softly at her. - "Sorry. He wanted to come. And actually he's the reason I didn't get into a car accident."
She smiled in between her tears and nodded, climbing in the backseat in between both seats.
I got into my seat and started the car.
"So…" - She sniffled. - "Who is this guy?" - She tried to smile, wiping her tears.
"He's Harry, Em."
"Ha… Harry?" - She asked, looking at Harry on my side.
I took the highway again, returning to Doncaster to find a hospital as soon as possible.
"Hello Emily. I'm so sorry for what happened." - Harry spoke for the first time since she got into the car.
She shrugged and cleaned her new wave of tears off her face.
"It's not your fault." - She sobbed.
"We have to go to the police." - I said.
"What? No! Haven't you heard that girl on the news the other day? They won't help!"
"You have to do something, Ems. Someone kidnapped you. This is fucking serious."
"I know that! I just need… I need to call her, I think."
"Who? The one that had the shelter?"
"Yes! Gemma."
"Gemma?" - Harry asked in a whisper, making me turn to the side to see his contorted face.
"Gemma Styles." - Emily said, quickly googling her number in her phone.
"Styles?" - I asked, looking at Harry quickly before turning my eyes back to the road. - "Harry? Do you know her?"
"Do you know any Gemma?"
"No." - He whispered, a frown persisting on his face.
"She doesn't pick up."
"It's late, Em. Try tomorrow. Tonight let's focus on getting you to the hospital."
She sighed and let her head drop on the backrest.
"We'll make those bastards pay." - I assured her.
She nodded and I could see her through the reviewer mirror wiping another tear from her cheek.
"Thanks for coming to get me, Lou."
"Of course. I love you, Em. You're going to be alright."
She smiled at me through the mirror and closed her eyes, softly hugging her stomach.
"I love you too. You're the best friend I could ever ask for."
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