Chapter 1
"Turn to page twenty-three and complete exercise B," my teacher, Ms. Mettler, says as she closes her book and proceeds to walk around the classroom.
She likes to start in the back and work her way up because she believes that those in the front hear her better so in turn they will pay more attention. They see better then those in the back so that may help them pay attention too.
I, however, was seated at the back of class, right against a wall. The window is oddly in the middle of the room than by the corners. Dont know what genius came up with that idea but they did.
There's only one bad thing about being in the back, especially when you're pitted in the middle of all the other kids who could care less about their education. Its quite hard to concentrate. At least, for me it is.
Throughout Ms. Mettler's entire lecture I stared at the wall and thought about several other things instead. The main question in my mind was, since there was a local baking club that just started in the school, should I join them?
Nah, I dont like baking amyway. Its too messy and takes too long. What about swimming club?
I dont even like to get my hair wet so why would I get everything wet?
Ok so i want a club where it doesnt take too long, or I enjoy it so much i don't mind how much time it takes. It also can't be super messy and can't get me wet in some way. Gosh, i have no idea. My friend wants me to join a club because she's afraid I'm spending too much time at home and not enough time communicating outside of school.
Suddenly, I hear several giggles and snickers all around me. I also feel a presence hovering just above my right shoulder, and I can tell that it is judging me with the fact that I have a completely empty assignment. I have a hunch that it is Ms. Mettler, and my hunch is confirmed when I hear a soft "Hm" come from the source.
Ms. Mettler straightened up and looked at Jack with a curious and somewhat annoyed expression. "Jack, what have you been doing this whole time? Just staring at the wall?"
I turned around and looked at her. Should i be brutally honest or should I just apologise? This time, I will just apologise and move on with my life. Sara is brutally honest enough, we don't need two super honest people in our friend group.
"I'm sorry Ms. I just got distracted. I'll start to work on it now."
Ms. Mettler looked at me with a concerned expression and let out a long sigh. "Jack, if you could, can you see me after class? I have some things to talk to you about."
Almost as soon as she said this I heard snickers coming from the boys around me. "Get er boy haha." I decided to ignore them.
We only had about five minutes left of class so I tried my hardest to concentrate and get some of the work done, and I succeeded. I got half the work done by the time the bell rang.
I got my stuff and tried my best to escape the room before Ms. Mettler could stop me.
"I still need to talk to you Jack. It wont be long, I promise."
Damn. Caught again.
"Come sit down by my desk so I dont have to yell for you to hear me."
I gladly took up her offer. Sitting by her desk meant I got to sit in a comfy chair, much unlike those plastic chairs.
"Jack, I am becoming increasingly concerned with how little you are working. All you do is stare at the wall and you refuse to do your work. If you dont start doing your work you wont be able to pass, and that may eventually lead to other things. Please, for your own sake, start doing your work. You'll feel so much better if you would."
I let this all turn in my mind for a moment, and i decided I was plenty happy enough with what I was doing currently. "I'm sorry Ms. Mettler, but I'm happy doing what im currently doing."
Me. Mettler gained a somewhat sad expression. "Look Jack, I can't force you to work, but believe me, it's in your best interest that you do this work. That's all I have to say right now. Please think about this Jack, and maybe try it sometime soon."
I wouldn't think about it much, but to make her feel a bit better i said, "I will think about it."
She clapped her hands together. "Oh goody! Well, I hope to see you work a bit more tomorrow. You can leave now."
I got my things together and left her without a goodbye. As I left the classroom I was hit with how empty and quiet the school is after almost everyone has left. It was kind of eerie, the fact that something could happen and next to no one would know. Well, someone would eventually find out, but for a while, it would be a secret. If they did it right.
Ah, what am I thinking? Nothing would happen here. No one here has any reason to.
I shudder. Still, the thought of it makes me uneasy. Lets just forget that for now.
I make my way down the empty hallway to the main doors. The main doors lead to the main courtyard right outside the school. This is where a lot of people gather before school and during lunch. However, after school so many people are so eager to go home that very few people stay in the courtyard.
"Ah. He's here now."
This is Jayden, a tall girl with long blonde hair pulled into a ponytail with a big red bow. She lives right next to me, so I see her the most. A good way to describe her is shy and timid. She always talks softly and calmly and she typically thinks rationally and with a calm head. She also gets flustered very easily and apologises a bit too much.
"Jack! Your finally out here! You've been keeping us waiting yknow?"
This is Sara. She's not short, but she's not tall either. She has all her hair facing to the left, and when it can't go to the left, it just hangs down. She is big, bombastic, and not afraid to speak her mind. Sometimes it can hurt people, but she could care less. You know what they say, the truth can hurt.
"Were you in trouble Jack?"
This is Yuno. Her family is from Japan but she was born in the Americas. Her family likes to keep some ties to Japan, hence her name. She is very short, just on the verge to be called a dwarf. She is rarely seen out of her house outside of school. I visit her sometimes but if it weren't for that, I would only see her at school.
"I was getting a lecture from Ms. Mettler about getting my work done."
Sara immediately got an annoyed expression on her face. "I hate Ms. Mettler! She makes the class so boring and she says we have to be perfectly quiet. I can't stand it!"
Jayden was the next to talk. "I'm sure she has reasoning for the quietness and her way of teaching."
"As if!" Sara crossed her arms, looking even poutier then before. "She just want us to hate school more, and she's succeeding."
The two debated Ms. Mettler for a minute. Jack turned to Yuno as he decided it would be better to talk to her then listen to the other two argue about Ms. Mettler.
"So how was your day today?"
"Good. I can't wait to get home and play some games. There's some special sales that are going out today and I intend to take full advantage of them."
"I would go with you but I don't like video games very much. Sorry."
"Its ok. I'm used to it." She gains a saddened expression. She says she is used to it but I dont think she truly is.
Suddenly, Jayden is right next to us, and by the smirk on her face, I could tell she won the argument. "I believe we need to be getting home. I, for one, have alot of homework. I heard Yuno is going to a sale, and Sara was going to work on her art project, and if I am correct, Jack is probably tired."
Sara walked to the three of us, obviously pouting that she lost the argument. "Yeah, I'm busy so I need to leave. If your busy, you should get going as well."
I wasn't that tired (maybe a bit) but it seems everyone else is busy with something. I decided to put in one of my thoughts into the conversation. "It would probably be best if we all start on what we need to start on."
"That would be best," said Jayden. "I'm going home. Jack, would you like to join me?"
I was used to this by now. When she first asked me, I got extremely nervous and stammered over my words so much you couldnt understand what I was saying. It was different now.
"Yeah. Lets go. Bye Sara, bye Yuno," I said as I waved goodbye to them.
Sara waved goodbye back. "See ya later!" I got nothing from Yuno.
Me and Jayden started to make our way home. From the school, we live about 30 minutes away. On our way home, we talked about several things. We talked about school, what's going on inside of it. I kind of wanted to bring up my thought on how eerie the school is later on, but we were in such a good mood I decided not to bring it up. Finally, we made it to our houses.
"Goodbye Jack. I hope to see you tomorrow."
I hugged her, opened the gate to my house, and went inside
[Later that night]
"Your worthless. Everything about you is worthless. Your mind, your arms, your legs. All worthless. How does it feel to be worthless, huh? I bet it feels amazing doesn't it? Heh heh heh. Dont even try to bother to make yourself better. You won't succeed. You'll never succeed."
"I'm sorry. I dont mean to be worthless."
"But you are."
Thank you for reading this! I would like it if you would leave a comment giving some tips or maybe outlining some mistakes I made. I always strive to improve. I hope you enjoyed chapter one and I will update as much as I can.
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