Chapter 2|His Ragnarok
the final destruction of the world
Ink's POV
Error was destroying AUs left and right. Blue got me some painkillers, thank Toby Fox for painkillers. We had a meeting at the DoodleSphere.
Slash(StoryShift Chara) asked what was wrong. Slash was neutral, she was a Chara, but she was also a Sans, people respected or disliked her. She helped take care of the other Charas, but also helped the Sanses, just not during plans to stop the MultiVerse's "bad" guys. Though, Slash was trustworthy.
"I'm not exactly sure..." Said Dream, "Ink said something was wrong with Error. Though, we have someone to help with that, by the way, we NEED their help, got it?"
"Got it!" Shouted a Sans
"Um, K?" Said a Sans
A few more "K"s were heard until they came in...
Nightmare entered the room, he was in his passive form. He had bags under his eyes, he had clearly been crying.
Then, Cross came in, he had a straight face, but had tear streaks on his skull.
Next was Dust, he looked shocked, he was probably still mentally processing what happened.
Killer came in more black tears in his skull than usual.
Horror walked into the room, he was mumbling to himself something along the lines of "It was just my imagination. It was just my imagination. It was just my imagination." repeatedly.
This was very concerning, since Nightmare and his gang are... Well, you know... Fell spoke up, " And why should we trust 'em? ".
" Because they know Error and they may know what happened. " I said
"Fine..." Replied Fell.
Geno and Fresh walked up to the front of the meeting room, "What happened to my brother?" Asked Geno, he was very concerned. 'WAIT? BROTHER?' I thought, "Brother?" I asked.
"ERROR IS OUR BROTHER." Fresh and Geno said. The entire room fell silent, but a phone ringing Interrupted our thoughts.
Geno looked embarrassed, "sorry". I just gave him a smile saying 'It's fine'.
Geno: H-hi mom!
CQ: Hello there Geno, how are you and your brothers?
Geno: Haha, we're greeeaAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTT!
CQ: Geno...
Geno: E-Error, he is - I'm not sure. I'm in a meeting, we're trying to find out what happened...
CQ: ...
CQ: *Sigh* I'll see you later, Geno...
"Who was it?" Asked Skull, "M-my mom..." Replied Geno.
"What was it about ?" Asked Sugar
"She's worried about Error" said Geno.
"Oh, I hope he's alright..." Said Sugar, "Wait, did you know that they were brothers?" I asked.
"Yup, me and Geno were childhood friends! " Sugar smiled, "O-oh!" I said, shocked.
Nightmare started to explain what he knew,
"Error is forced to destroy by a being named Fate, she's very cruel. She tortured Error 'til he snapped, I think he finally hit his breaking point..."
" Error is tried to kill us this morning, it didn't make any sense as to why he did that. " Said Cross
Dust continued, "This is bad... Error might destroy the whole MultiVerse..."
Everyone was scared, confused, crying or all there of those.
The door burst open, "WHAT THE ɥǝɔʞ HAPPENED TO MY SON?" Screamed a woman with pink hair and Brown eyes.
"Mom!" Shouted Geno
"Ma, what are you doing here?" Asked Fresh.
" Ms.CQ? " I asked, I just remembered what my childhood was like. I covered my mouth and cried.
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