Chapter 7: The third wheel
"I can observe the interactions best from here"
Leo and The PT are currently stood outside the multiplex cinema on the edge of town. "So remember what I said. This is an experiment. You are my cousin visiting and you are to just observe...ok?"
"I understand." The PT nods, currently dressed in Leo's shirt and sweater, sporting a beanie hat as a disguise, along with the original trousers and shoes. "But I am obliged to answer questions if asked. It's in my programming." The PT adds.
Leo sighs in thought. "Just keep your answers factual and don't blow the cover. Remember you are my tutor, not her's." He adds.
"I will endeavour to meet your requirements Leo." The PT smiles pleasantly.
"Good...Shit. Here she comes." Leo turns to see Anna, walking into view. Leo watches as her hair bounces on her shoulders over his jacket which she now seems to have adopted. She almost runway walks up the street towards them. Why? Why couldn't he appreciate her beauty? She was beautiful. He couldn't deny that, but there was no spark. Her smile beams as her face locks onto Leo's forced grin, before her smile falters slightly, when she sees another male stood next to him.
"Hey." She says, not able to shake the confused expression from her face. "I...I thought it would just be you and me?" She half smiles at the The PT, before looking back at Leo for an answer.
"Yeah...sorry." Leo shrugs his shoulders. "My cousin is here visiting us. My mum wanted me to take him out. He's been cooped up around the house."
The PT looks at Anna, remembering that he shouldn't speak, for the sake of the experiment. "Oh ok." Anna forces a smile. "I'm Anna...and you?"
Leo nervously glances over to The PT, hoping that it would come across as human as possible. "I am The PT." It simply says.
Anna pulls a confused face. "The PT?"
"The PT stands for personal.."
"Percy. It stands for Percy"
Both Anna and The PT look at Leo, who was trying to portray a convincing smile. "No. Leo. It does not stand for Percy." The PT says, with an authoritative tone.
Leo now pulls The PT to one side, out of earshot from Anna, who was watching an intense conversation taking place, before both returning.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Percy." The PT says again, as if the previous introduction hadn't even occurred.
"Okaay." Anna says, forcing a smile. "So I guess we go inside now?" She prompts Leo.
Leo reluctantly takes the lead as the three enter the multi screen cinema. Leo gazes up at the list of films on offer. "Soo...what are we watching?"
"Leo. May I make a suggestion?" The PT, currently known as Percy points to a poster with a couple locked in an embrace. "This would be a good choice to analyse."
"Analyse?" Anna says, looking over her shoulder at The PT and its unusual choice of words.
"He means watch." Leo nervously chuckles. Inwardly cringing at the romantic option being put forward.
"Sounds good." Anna says, looking back at the poster, glancing at Leo, purposely rubbing the sleeve of her, slash his jacket against his arm.
Leo instantly pulls away, heading towards the ticket counter. ""
As they make their way to screen 2, the next obstacle was about to be tackled. "Where should we sit?" Anna says, looking mainly at the back row, which to Leo's relief, was already quite full.
He scans the area, deciding an isle seat being the best option, should he wish to make a swift exit. "Here." He says moving to a space which fits the bill. It isn't until he is seated and Anna is sat next to him, that he realises there is no The PT.
It's now that he spots his tutor sat directly behind the pair. "Hey...why are you sat there?" Leo whispers, leaning back over his shoulder. He had hoped The PT to be right by his side. A decoy, a helpful third wheel, but there it was giving him space to be alone with Anna. Space Leo didn't want.
"I can observe the interactions best from here." The PT whispers back, mechanically smiling.
Leo gives The PT a death glare. "Great. Thanks." He says sarcastically. The tutor not picking up on the tone. He turns back around to see Anna smiling up at him...let the 'experiment' commense.
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