Chapter 30: Time to shine
"Love yourself Leo, tell the world who you are."
"We need to get to the school, where's your car?" Cameron hurries down the stairs.
" has it for work!" Enzo says, a little out of breath, with him and Jojo trailing behind.
"Ok, so, we need to run. If I remember correctly, the auditions end in two hours, we need to get him there. That's where he needs to be." Cameron now stands by the front door, not even out of breath.
"I...I have my pushbike." Jojo comments, hand slightly raised in the air. "You can run, we can go alongside on that."
Cameron nods as Enzo and Jojo hurriedly put on their shoes and jackets.
Enzo looks at the tutor, momentarily halting his task. "How, how did you come back?"
Cameron looks at Enzo smiling. "You embrace who you are Enzo, you were momentarily lost but you found yourself again." Cameron then holds up his hand. "You and Leo are the only two who could set me free, you touched my hand."
Enzo looks at Cameron, with a big grin. "It was my pleasure." He beams.
Suddenly a voice is heard from the top of the stairs. "'ve ruined everything! My family was going to be perfect."
The three figures look up at the enraged lady standing at the top of the stairs. Cameron takes slow steps up towards her, her body tensing as he approaches. He stops just a few steps away, allowing eye contact to be made with the woman. "You did that all on your own." Came the reply, before turning back around and heading down the stairs.
She is left open-mouthed, in shock at the words. She becomes paralysed as she watches the three individuals leave the house. She had lost this battle.
"...And the crowned king and queen of the winter prom are... Leo and Anna!"
Claps and cheers can be heard, with a few whistles as the names are called out. "That's it...keep smiling." Anna says through a pearly white smile as she links her arm around Leo's. Leo does as he's told as they are led up some steps to a stage area with ornately decorated chairs in white, blue and silver. A sash is placed over Anna's head and is laid to rest on her shoulder, followed by a crystal looking tiara, which she gladly adorned on her long black hair, spilling over her shoulders. She looks down at herself, gushing at how the head piece seems to match her white and diamantè ball gown.
She looks up to Leo, who is now being offered a golden crown to be placed on his head. He slowly tips his head forward, allowing the cheap metal accessory to be placed on his head. He looks out to the sea of fellow students, some smiling, some looking with a raised eyebrow and Leo wonders...he wonders what this is all for, what this is meant to prove.
"Please...a few words." Someone says, ushering Anna and Leo to a microphone.
Anna steps up first, as a silver wandlike baton is handed to her. "Oh, oh my gosh! This is just so unexpected!" She fans her face as fake tears of overjoyment well in her eyes. "Thank you...thank you so much!"
It's now Leo's turn to take to the mic. He looks over the crowd, suddenly seeing a commotion towards the back of the school hall. Leo squints his eyes a little to try and focus...was that Enzo...and Jojo and....his tutor?
"Leo! Leo!"
He hears his name being called and instantly recognises the tone, the soft caring tone which he had grown to love. "Cameron?"
"Leo, get down from there...the auditions! There's still time!" Cameron is now pushing his way through the crowd to the front, with Enzo and Jojo hanging back.
Leo now looks down at Cameron standing before him. He can see those deep brown eyes of his. He then looks around him at the onlookers, all watching, muttering, questioning what was going on. "What the hell do you think you're doing? Don't ruin this for me." Anna squeezes tightly to her baton.
"Leo, you need to go now, before you miss your chance, your dream Leo. This is your dream....your. d....d...."
"Cameron?" Leo begins to panic as he sees his tutor begin to stutter over his words, his limbs jerking uncontrollably. He then collapses to the floor, causing Leo to finally move. He pulls off his crown, jumps from the stage and kneels next to Cameron, trying his best to hold the jerking limbs in place. "Cameron stop, please stop!"
The room again goes quiet, with concerned mutters echoing around the room. Leo then sees his brother's, boot covered feet come into view. "Enzo, what's happening, why is this happening? What should I do?"
Enzo squats down next to Leo and leans in close to Leo's ear. "Love yourself Leo, tell the world who you are. Let them see you."
"I...I can't." Leo replies, a tear now forming in his eyes.
"Yes you can Leo." Enzo repeats, placing a hand on his shoulder. Leo looks down again at Cameron malfunctioning on the ground. And he knew what he had to do. For Cameron and for himself.
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